满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Two mayors made a bet on the outcome of ...

    Two mayors made a bet on the outcome of the Vegetable Bowl, the annual football game between their high school teams. If Arvada's team _________, the mayor of Arvada would send the mayor of Boulder ten pounds of sliced potatoes, _________ for frying. If Boulder's team didn’t win, the mayor would _________ ten pounds of sliced _________, prepared for sandwiches or salads.

_________, before the game started, the mayor of Boulder _________ the Arvada mayor tell someone else something rude about their tomatoes. Arvada mayor said, ''They _________ the worst tomatoes. If they lose and send us their tomatoes, I'm going to give them all to my _________.'' The mayor of Boulder was _________ to hear this, because he thought Boulder's tomatoes were the __________ in the state. So he gave the __________ some thought. The following week, the big game was __________. Boulder lost its star player in the first half when he tripped over a cheerleader (拉拉队长) and __________ his big toe. The __________ star player watched the rest of the game from the bench. His team ended up __________, 38 to 12. The two mayors shook hands after the game, and the Arvada mayor said, ''I'm really looking forward to those tomatoes. '' As the Boulder team left the stadium, some __________ fans threw ripe tomatoes at them.

A week later, the mayor of Arvada received a package of __________ sliced tomatoes. He took them__________ to his pig, which gobbled (狼吞虎咽) them right up. That night the mayor of Boulder __________ his wife if Arvada's mayor had called. ''No, '' she said. ''Why? '' ''Because I __________ a pint of hot sauce (辣椒酱) into the tomatoes and I want to know how his pig's doing. ''

1.A.lost B.challenged C.cooperate D.delayed

2.A.eager B.read C.anxious D.essential

3.A.threw B.lend C.send D.sell

4.A.potatoes B.tomatoes C.onions D.carrots

5.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Finally D.Unfortunately

6.A.overheard B.overlooked C.observed D.overcame

7.A.preserve B.pick C.grow D.fry

8.A.players B.pigs C.coach D.wife

9.A.hopeless B.bad C.upset D.excited

10.A.best B.only C.same D.whole

11.A.match B.mayor C.team D.matter

12.A.benefited B.won C.played D.delayed

13.A.bled B.sprained C.squeeze D.healed

14.A.depressed B.astonished C.anxious D.faithful

15.A.hoping B.losing C.working D.competing

16.A.curious B.typical C.ambitious D.unhappy

17.A.positively B.cautiously C.beautifully D.ridiculous

18.A.straight B.down C.sincerely D.independently

19.A.asked B.blamed C.informed D.texted

20.A.sent B.transported C.dissolved D.mixed


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了两个市的市长用足球队的输赢作为赌注,输了的一方要按要求给另一方10磅切片土豆(10磅切片番茄)。比赛如期进行,但博尔特市的主力球星因为扭伤了大脚趾,他所在的队以12比38输给了瓦尔达队。博尔特的市长按约定送给瓦尔达市长10磅切片西红柿,但为了发泄自己的愤怒在里面混入了辣椒酱。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果阿瓦达的球队输了,阿瓦达的市长就要给博尔德的市10磅切好的、可以炸的土豆片。A. lost输;B. challenged挑战;C. cooperate合作;D. delayed推迟。根据下文的the mayor of Arvada would send the mayor of Boulder ten pounds of sliced potatoes可知此处用“输”符合语境,且下文的If Boulder’s team didn’t win也有暗示,lose和not win是同义词复现,故选A项。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果阿瓦达的球队输了,阿瓦达的市长就要给博尔德的市长10磅切好的、可以炸的土豆片。A. eager渴望的;B. ready准备好的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. essential基本的。根据上文的sliced可推测,博尔德市要求土豆已经完成切片并且马上可以炸,且下文的prepared for sandwiches or salads.也有暗示,ready和prepared是同义词复现,故选B项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果博尔德的球队输了,博尔德市长要送十磅可以做三明治或者沙拉的西红柿切片。A. threw扔;B. lend借;C. send送;D. sell卖。根据上文的the mayor of Arvada would send the mayor of Boulder ten pounds of sliced potatoes可知此处用“送”符合语境,send是原词复现,故选C项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果博尔德的球队输了,博尔德市长要送十磅可以做三明治或者沙拉的西红柿切片。A. potatoes土豆;B. tomatoes西红柿;C. onions洋葱;D. carrots胡萝卜。根据下文的Because I ____20____ a pint of hot sauce (辣椒酱) into the tomatoes and I want to know how his pig's doing.可知此处用“西红柿”符合语境,tomato是原词复现,故选B项。 5. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,比赛开始之前,博尔德市长偷听到阿瓦达市长对别人讲了他们西红柿的坏话。A. Besides此外;B. Therefore因此;C. Finally最终;D. Unfortunately不幸地。根据下文的the mayor of Boulder ____6____ the Arvada mayor tell someone else something rude about their tomatoes.可知糟糕的事情意外地发生了,用“不幸地”符合语境,故选D项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,比赛开始之前,博尔德市长无意听到阿瓦达市长对别人讲了他们西红柿的坏话。A. overheard无意听到;B. overlooked忽略;C. observed观察;D. overcame克服。根据句意以及下文的The mayor of Boulder was ____9____ to hear this可知此处用“无意听到”符合语境,故选A项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿瓦达的市长说:“他们种的西红柿最糟糕。如果他们输了,我会把他们送的西红柿都倒给我的猪。”A. preserve保存;B. pick摘;C. grow种植;D. fry炸。根据句意可知,此处用“种植”符合语境,故选C项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:阿瓦达的市长说:“他们那儿长的西红柿最糟糕。如果他们输了,我会把他们送的西红柿都倒给我的猪。” A. players选手;B. pigs猪;C. coach教练;D. wife妻子。根据下文的He took them____18____ to his pig,可知此处用“猪”符合语境,pig是原词复现,故选B项。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:博尔德的市长听了这些很不高兴,因为他认为博尔德市的西红柿是全国最好的。A. hopeless没有希望的;B. bad不好的;C. upset不高兴的;D. excited兴奋的。根据上文的worst tomatoes可知此处用“不高兴的”符合语境,故选C项。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:博尔德的市长听了这些很不高兴,因为他认为博尔德市的西红柿是全国最好的。A. best最好的;B. only唯一的;C. same相同的;D. whole全部的。根据句意再结合上文的They ____7____ the worst tomatoes可知此处用“最好的”符合语境,best和worst是反义词复现,故选A项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,他把这件事情想了又想。A. match比赛;B. mayor市长;C. team队;D. matter事情。结合上下文可知,此处是指博尔德的市长把阿瓦达市长说他们的西红柿是最糟糕的这件事想了又想,故选D项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一周后,比赛如期举行。A. benefited对……有益;B. won赢得;C. played进行(比赛);D. delayed推迟。根据the big game可知此处用“进行(比赛)”符合语境,故选C项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:博尔德在前半场比赛时失去了他的主力球星,那时他在啦啦队长身上绊倒并扭伤大脚趾。A. bled流血;B. sprained扭伤;C. squeeze挤压;D. healed治愈。根据下文的star player watched the rest of the game from the bench可推测主力球星的大脚趾扭伤了,故选B项。 14. 考查形容词义辨析。句意:沮丧的主力球星坐在板凳上观看剩下的比赛。A. depressed沮丧的;B. astonished震惊的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. faithful忠诚的。根据上文的its star player in the first half when he tripped over a cheerleader (拉拉队长) and ____13____ his big toe.可推测主力球星因为不能参加比赛而沮丧,故选A项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们的队最终输了,12比38。A. hoping希望;B. losing输;C. working工作;D. competing竞赛。根据下文的A week later, the mayor of Arvada received a package of ____17____ sliced tomatoes.可知博尔德球队输了,故选B项。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:博尔德球队离场,一些不满的球迷向他们抛掷熟的西红柿。A. curious好奇的;B. typical典型的;C. ambitious有抱负的;D. unhappy不高兴的,不满的。根据下文的threw ripe tomatoes at them.可推测这是一些不满的球迷的行为,故选D项。 17. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:一个星期后,阿瓦达的市长收到一个装满精美切片西红柿的包裹。A. positively积极地;B. cautiously警惕地;C. beautifully美丽地;D. ridiculous荒谬地。根据下文的Because I ____20____ a pint of hot sauce (辣椒酱) into the tomatoes and I want to know how his pig's doing.可推测,博尔德市长把西红柿片切地很漂亮是为了在里面混入辣椒酱,而不被察觉,故选C项。 18. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他把它们径直倒给了他的猪,猪很快就狼吞虎咽地把它们吃完了。A. straight径直地;B. down向下;C. sincerely衷心地;D. independently独立地。根据上文的I'm going to give them all to my ____8____可知此处用“径直地”符合语境,故选A项。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上博尔特的市长问他的妻子,阿瓦达的市长是否打来电话。A. asked问;B. blamed责备;C. informed通知,告知;D. texted发短信。根据下文的if Arvada’s mayor had called.可知此处用“问”符合语境,故选A项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为我在西红柿切片里面混合了一品脱的辣椒酱,我想看看猪吃后反应如何?A. sent送;B. transported运输;C. dissolved溶解;D. mixed混合。根据下文的a pint of hot sauce (辣椒酱) into the tomatoes可知博尔德的市长在西红柿切片里混合了辣椒酱,故选D项。

How to Improve Your Mental and Emotional Health

Your mental health and emotional well-being are important aspects of your overall health. In fact, they are just as important as your physical health. Your mental health can be affected by medical conditions such as depression. 1. No matter what your situation is, you can take steps to improve your mental and emotional health.

Have fun. Experts say that playing might actually be good for you. A great way to boost your mood is to make time to do something fun. Think of some new ways to enjoy yourself. Organize a game night. Invite your friends over for board games or cards. Head to the park. Swinging is just as much fun for adults as it is for kids. Make more jokes. Try something as simple as saying ''Lovely weather, isn't it?'' while you're waiting for the bus in a heavy rain. 2.

3. Try to get in touch with your artistic side. Creative activities can be very therapeutic (治疗的), and can also serve as mood boosters. Consider sketching as a relaxing activity. Take an art class. Contact your local community center for details. This would also be a great way to make new friends. Get a coloring book. Kids aren't the only ones who enjoy coloring. Adult coloring books can help you relax. Listen to music. Or, learn to play an instrument. You could find a group class or hire an individual teacher.

Volunteer. Giving back to others is a great way to make yourself feel good. Volunteering can boost your mood and improve your emotional health. Plus, it's important to help others. 4. Choose something that interests you. For example, if you love animals, consider volunteering at your local animal shelter. 5.. You might even make some new friends!

A.Be creative.

B.It's a win-win situation.

C.Try to get in touch with your music side.

D.It is a great way to improve your confidence.

E.Volunteering can also serve as a way to meet new people.

F.It may not be original, but the act can improve your mood.

G.Environmental factors, such as your job, also make an impact.



    A new Japanese research has suggested that regularly eating mushrooms could help lower the risk of cancer. The researchers found that the men who consumed mushrooms once or twice a week had an 8 percent lower risk of developing cancer, regardless of how much fruit and vegetables, or meat and dairy products they ate—compared to those who ate mushrooms less than once per week. Eating mushrooms more often appeared to bring even bigger benefits, with those who consumed mushrooms three or more times per week showing a 17 percent lower risk than those who ate mushrooms less than once a week.

Eating mushrooms also appeared to be particularly beneficial among those who ate a large amount of meat and dairy products, little fruit and few vegetables. The findings, published in the International Journal of Cancer, are the first to suggest that there may be an association between eating mushrooms and a lower risk of cancer.

“Test-tube studies and studies conducted on living organisms have shown that mushrooms have the potential to prevent cancer” said lead researcher Shu Zhang. “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study indicating the cancer-preventive potential of mushrooms at a population level.” Zhang added that, “mushrooms are a good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, especially L-ergothioneine,” which is believed to help fight against stress, and that is cell imbalance caused by lifestyle choices such as poor diets and exposure to environmental poisons. This imbalance can lead to chronic inflammation, resulting in chronic diseases such as cancer.

“Considering the average American consumes less than 5 grams of mushrooms per day, which is lower than that consumed by the participants in this study (7.6 g/day), one would expect that even a small increase in mushroom consumption can offer potential health benefits,” said Zhang. However, Zhang added that, “Although our study suggests regular consumption of mushrooms may reduce the risk of cancer, we also want to emphasize that eating a healthy and balanced diet is much more important than filling your shopping basket with mushrooms.”

1.What is the new Japanese research about?

A.Healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of cancer.

B.Often eating mushrooms reduces the risk of cancer.

C.Drinking dairy products is good for our health.

D.Eating fruit and vegetables makes us healthier.

2.Who seem to especially benefit from eating mushrooms?

A.People who are over fat and having a poor diet.

B.People who are feeling over stressed.

C.People who consume much meat but few vegetables and little fruit.

D.People who consume many dairy products and suffer cancer.

3.Why can the mushroom help reduce the risk of cancer?

A.It avoids the stress from a disease.

B.It reduces environmental poisons.

C.It hell helps reduce weight.

D.It has a source of cancer-preventive.

4.What does the underlined word “inflammation” probably means?

A.A state of being physically healthy.

B.A state of keeping body balance.

C.A physical condition that someone needs to be on a diet.

D.A condition that a part of the body becomes red, sore and swollen.



    Workers are returning to their careers, or starting new ones after age 65.

More than ever, work is where many of us get our sense of purpose. That doesn’t end at age 65. After being retired for only three months, Sue Ellen King returned to work at the University of Florida Health in Jacksonville, Florida, where she had been a care nurse and nursing educator for 38 years. She is now working part-time in a position created just for her. “It’s perfect,” she told The New York Times. “I get the satisfaction of having people appreciate what I do.” With the average life span for those who reach age 64 now getting all the way to 84 years old, those who reach retirement age still have many potential years of work to go.

Job sites connected toward part-timers, temporary positions, and some can also turn up opportunities that may lead to longer-term work. Fred Dodd tried a part-time job after his unemployment as a clerk for large banks at age 63. He’d thought about retiring then. “But part of me just wanted to keep working partly for the money, but more just because I felt I wanted to do more in my career,” he said.

The retired have the advantage of not needing to focus on the earnings potential of whatever jobs they take on, so these older workers are attracted to more meaningful work. And since they are voluntarily putting their skills and experience to good use, they may well have more flexibility than mid-career people. Two-thirds of retirees who’d come back to the work world were doing meaningful work they enjoyed. Legal work and community service were popular choices, as was teaching—all areas in which older workers might have an opportunity to make their own schedules.

Earning more money rarely seems like a bad idea, but it can cause issues for retirees, including effects when they claim Social Security (申请社会保障) benefits early.

1.How does Sue Ellen King like her work?

A.Interesting. B.Satisfying.

C.Boring. D.Encouraging.

2.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A.Giving an example of successful returning to work after retirement.

B.Why Sue Ellen King found a nursing job.

C.What is Sue Ellen King’s work.

D.Giving an example of working full-time in a university.

3.What was the main reason for Fred to have a part-time job?

A.He was out of work. B.He could help large banks.

C.He had personal crisis. D.He liked continuing working.

4.Why do the retired like meaningful jobs?

A.These jobs have more flexibility.

B.These jobs have lots of potential.

C.They don’t care much for salary.

D.They can’t do very hard jobs.



    I got this strange idea that I would run for student body president (学生会主席) when I was in the eighth grade. To run for student body president is not a surprising decision for most outgoing and popular people. But in fact, I tended to daydream, read books that were not on the required list, and sat at the table at the cafeteria with the only two friends I had, Denise and Janice. What happened within two months led me to the single best method to succeed in achieving something.

Claire was perfect-in-front-of-adults and had decent grades, though she was rude to me, which motivated me to sign up to run against her for student body president. Denise decided we should form a mastermind group to get me elected. We met everyday, right after school, reviewing a list of students. We brainstormed reasons why each one might want to vote, in their own interests for me or more likely against Claire.

We used a method we learned from Denise’s sister. It meant that we looked for students who were most likely to influence a group of other students. Those are the people we approached first. My narrow victory was a surprise to many, frankly, including the three of us.

That’s how I got my first taste of the power of what’s now called Collective Intelligence. With the right model for how we meet, we become more valuable together than apart.

When a group commits to supporting each other by meeting regularly and acting by mutually agreed upon rules of engagement, remarkable things will happen. We tend to bring the best out in each other, as thousands have learned around the world through their mastermind groups. Individuals become tight-knit teams. We become happier and higher-performing with and for each other. It is never too late for you to start your own mastermind group of no more than seven members around a strong sweet spot of mutual interest, which will definitely evolve into something different and more meaningful over the years.

1.Why was it a surprising decision for the author to run for president?

A.She was lonely then. B.She was popular.

C.She was not very outgoing. D.She often daydreams.

2.What’s the way of Denise’s sister?

A.Helping hand out posters.

B.Looking for influential people.

C.Helping learn from others.

D.Helping have public campaigns.

3.How did the author beat Claire?

A.Mainly by doing something for others’ interests.

B.Mainly by getting help from Denise’s sister.

C.Mainly by using her great communicative ability.

D.Mainly by making use of group intelligence.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Path to Greater Success and Friendship

B.Methods to Be Student Body President

C.Effective Ways to Find Good Friends

D.Clever Ways to Get Support from Others



Four Best Countries to Visit in Europe


As the world’s largest beer festival, Oktoberfest attracts a large number of beer lovers from all over the world every September. In addition to the beer, during the Oktoberfest every year, a dress parade is held in the streets of Munich. There are nearly 10,000 people to take part in the parade.


The city Santonia in this country is the most popular tourist city in Europe, because there is a very romantic Aegean Sea. Every year there are a lot of couples or newlyweds, who will come here for their honeymoon. Greece is famous for its fresh air and pleasant climate. Mountains and sea, bright sunshine, ever green plants, olives, bananas, grapes and other fruit trees are everywhere. It is a popular tourist destination in the world. September to October is the best time to visit Greece.


November is getting colder in Europe, but Italy on the Mediterranean is having its best season. Not many tourists, the scenery is still. Hotels are cutting prices to welcome quiet tourists. Without the noisy crowds, Rome, Venice and Florence would truly lift their veil (面纱).


In December, the Earth entered the cold winter, but there are always some people liking different travel. Norway is the best place to visit. Norway is seen by many as a ski paradise (天堂), and not just because of the long ski season and excellent skiing conditions. The main reason is that there are children’s slopes to play on, red slopes to slide on, vast snow fields in the mountains to chase and, importantly, real fun to ski on.

1.When should you go to Germany if you are a beer lover?

A.In September. B.In May.

C.In July. D.In October.

2.Which place is the most suitable for a couple’s honeymoon?

A.Munich. B.Venice.

C.Santonia. D.Rome.

3.What can tourists do in December in Norway?

A.They can take part in a beer festival.

B.They can take part in a dress parade.

C.They can enjoy ever green plants.

D.They can have excellent snow fields to ski.



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