满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Two weeks of volunteer work lay ahead an...

    Two weeks of volunteer work lay ahead and my mood _________ . I realized that good _________ and a trip to Spain would not be enough to make the _________ that I had hoped for. My volunteer service was in a shelter in Peru. I was where I wanted to be, but, without the communication _________ I needed.

One morning the founder of the shelter, Miguel Rodriguez, _________ the story of how, after the death of his baby, he started feeding and taking in _________ children. He eventually _________ his family, wealth, and life to setting up what is now a shelter for over 1,300 children. As he finished, I asked: “I can _________ how the walls, the food, and the facility (设施) came to be, but, how did you _________ the atmosphere of love, respect, and care among these children?”

His response was simple: “Use the language of love.” He ____________, “The language of love is done with your eyes, your hands, and your smile.” “____________ are not only for work. They are for hugging, holding, and ____________.Do this, and they may well ____________ the example.”

This simple statement carried ____________. These children had communicated love, respect, and ____________ to me and each other without a word being ____________.These emotions, so ____________ to convey, did not need translation at all.

For the remainder of my service, I was determined to worry less about my ____________ of Spanish, and instead, focus on using the language of love. When I returned home, I ____________myself to use it more in my everyday life and to be mindful that being a(n) ____________ is sometimes all the power that is needed.

1.A.sunk B.mattered C.disappeared D.rose

2.A.appreciation B.intention C.introduction D.application

3.A.decision B.arrangement C.impression D.difference

4.A.tools B.desire C.skills D.course

5.A.changed B.heard C.shared D.reformed

6.A.homeless B.careless C.dangerous D.unconscious

7.A.compared B.dragged C.convinced D.committed

8.A.stress B.understand C.explore D.predict

9.A.support B.decorate C.recognize D.create

10.A.wondered B.explained C.imagined D.claimed

11.A.Lips B.Eyes C.Cheeks D.Hands

12.A.fighting B.performing C.comforting D.kissing

13.A.include B.follow C.analyze D.describe

14.A.weight B.signals C.reference D.limitations

15.A.wisdom B.advance C.warmth D.freedom

16.A.overlooked B.prepared C.mistaken D.spoken

17.A.simple B.hard C.specific D.important

18.A.lack B.practice C.demand D.record

19.A.challenged B.expected C.condemned D.questioned

20.A.angel B.talent C.example D.hero


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者在秘鲁做志愿经历时,其见闻和感悟。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:即将展开为期两周的志愿活动,我的心情却提不起来。A. sunk下沉;B. mattered重要;C. disappeared消失;D. rose上升。后文提及“I realized that good 2 and a trip to Spain would not be enough to make the 3 that I had hoped for”意识到只有好的意图和去过西班牙的经历远远不足以给当地带来我所期盼那样的变化,所以心情低落。故选A项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我意识到只有好的意图和去过西班牙的经历远远不足以给当地带来我所期盼那样的变化。A. appreciation欣赏;B. intention意图;C. introduction介绍;D. application应用。good intention好心好意,满怀好意。作者是志愿身份,所以内心是满怀好意的。故选B项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:做出我所期盼那样有意义的事情。A. decision决定;B. arrangement安排;C. impression印象;D. difference差异。make a difference产生影响,有意义。作者在出发之前,是带着“使命”做志愿服务的,想为当地人做一些有意义的事情。故选D项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不具备所需要的沟通技巧。A. tools工具;B. desire欲望;C. skills技巧;D. course课程、路程。根据“ without the communication ”可知,作者不具备所需要的沟通技巧因为作者不是本地人。故选C项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Miguel Rodriguez和我们分享了一个故事。A. changed改变;B. heard听到、听说;C. shared分享;D. reformed改革。Miguel Rodriguez是避难所创建人,他在和作者主动和作者分享自己的慈善经历,C项符合文意。故选C项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他开始抚养收留这些无家可归的孩子。A. homeless无家可归的;B. careless粗心的;C. dangerous危险的;D. unconscious无意识的。因为前文提及shelter(避难所),所以这里的孩子是无家可归的。故选A项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终,他把家人、财富及生活奉献到建设避难所事业当中,如今它已经能容纳1300名孩子。A. compared比较;B. dragged拖拉;C. convinced使…..相信;D. committed做。Miguel Rodriguez在此回顾他全身投入到为无家可归孩子建立避难所的经历,commit oneself to…意为“奉献、贡献于……” D项符合文意。故选D项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我可以理解这些房屋、食物和设施是怎么来的。A. stress强调;B. understand理解;C. explore探索;D. predict预测。据下文转折词but可知,该处在语义上是与下文相反的,所以该处表达的是作者理解这些物质是怎么来。故选B项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是你是怎么在孩子之间创造爱、尊敬和关怀的氛围呢?A. support支持;B. decorate装扮;C. recognize辨认出;D. create创造。此处因为有but有转折,所以与上文形成对比,这里作者不知道创建人Miguel Rodriguez为孩子创造一个爱、尊敬和关怀的氛围。故选D项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他解释:“眼神、双手及微笑可以作为爱的沟通语言。” A. wondered好奇;B. explained解释;C. imagined相像;D. claimed声明。前文提及His response was simple(他的回答非常简单)可以判断出,此空是对前一句的进一步解释。故选B项。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:双手不仅仅是用来劳作的。A. lips嘴唇;B. eyes眼睛;C. cheeks脸颊;D. hands手。通过后文的hugging及holding可以判断出,只有双手才具备这样功能。故选D项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:双手是用来拥抱、握住及安慰的。A. fighting战斗;B. performing执行;C. comforting安慰;D. kissing亲吻。根据 hugging, holding可知,作者在这里是强调双手的功能作用,又因为强调的是要为孩子建立一个爱的环境,所以备选项当中comforting同时满足上述条件,符合语境。故选C项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你这样做,孩子们也会跟着模仿的。A. include包括;B. follow跟随,遵循;C. analyze分析;D. describe描述。前文作者再向创始人询问是怎么为孩子建设一个精神世界的,他的回答是通过具有爱的动作进行传达,这样孩子也会开始模仿、跟着做的,B项符合文意。故选B项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:简单的话语却意味深远。A. weight重量;B. signals信号;C. reference参考;D. limitations限制。至此,Miguel Rodriguez的回答让作者“醍醐灌顶”,突然明白有时候不一定要通过语言来传达,创始人的话意味深长(carry weight)。故选A项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然没有说出来,但这些孩子向我传达了爱、尊重和温暖。A. wisdom智慧;B. advance进步;C. warmth温暖;D. freedom自由。根据“ love, respect”以及前文在叙述如何给无家可归的孩子建立一个精神世界,所以这里C项符合文意。故选C项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然没有说出来,但这些孩子向我传达了爱、尊重和温暖。。A. overlooked忽视,俯视;B. prepared准备;C. mistaken误认;D. spoken说。前文在叙述避难所的创始人是通过一个又一个有爱的动作在教化孩子,强调“无声的沟通”。故选D项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些情感传达起来是如此困难。A. simple简单的;B. hard困难的;C. specific详细的;D. important重要的。前文在说每个人之间不必说话,所以相对于与用语言表达,传达起来是如此困难。故选B项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我余下的服务生涯中,我决定不再过多担心自己西班牙不佳的事实,而是专注于使用爱的语言。A. lack不足;B. practice练习;C. demand需要;D. record记录。作者经过此番谈话,他开始相信“无声的沟通”也同样具有意义,不再惧怕自己的西班牙不好。故选A项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:回到家之后,我挑战自己在日常生活中多使用爱的语言,让自己记住有时成为一个榜样就是所需要的一切的力量。A. challenged挑战;B. expected期盼;C. condemned谴责;D. questioned质疑。作者为了向Miguel Rodriguez学习,开始鼓起勇气挑战自己,在生活方方面面督促自己使用这种“爱的语言”。故选A项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:回到家之后,我挑战自己在日常生活中多使用爱的语言,让自己记住有时成为一个榜样就是所需要的一切的力量。A. angel愤怒;B. talent智慧;C. example榜样;D. hero英雄。根据上文的Do this, and they may well ___13___ the example.可知此处用“榜样”符合语境,example是原词复现。故选C项。

    Now it is the time to set your resolutions. As you head into almost a whole year, your first step is to believe you can do it. Here’s how to prepare yourself effectively.


Eating better and exercising more are all nice ideas, but they’re too general and don’t give you a plan of action. People often lack motivation when the problem is really a lack of clarity. If you want to eat better, be specific: Resolve to add a fruit or vegetable to your lunch every day, limit fast food to once per week, or have dessert once a week.

Make it possible

2.. To eat better, put that bowl of fruit right next to your lunch bag, so you grab an apple or orange every day. To exercise more, you might want to run more. But if you’re a night person, don’t make it harder on yourself by trying to run every morning before work.3.

Allow yourself to fail

Everyone has occasional slips.4.. 71% of successful resolvers say their first failure strengthened their efforts. Learn to refuse something annoying under high pressure. Even people who don’t like apple pie still eat it when offered politely. Instead, say “No, thanks.” If you do slip, focus on getting back on track, not the slip.

Set yourself up for success

Do you try to stay off your phone? Get it out of your bedroom by using a standard alarm clock. One alarm clock only costs $6 now. If you want to limit sweets, get them out of your house. Do you want to reduce breaks?5..

A.Speak it to your friends

B.Make it as specific as possible

C.Stay away from your work’s rest room

D.Instead, do it after you finish your work

E.But don’t let the occasions occupy your track

F.Prove it to yourself with small wins over time

G.Avoid resolutions that sound great but are unattainable



    A team of scientists says that playing sounds underwater can get fish to return to areas with severely damaged coral reefs(珊瑚礁).In an experiment, they found fish returned after hearing recordings of the sounds like a healthy ocean reef. The research results were reported in Nature Communications.

The scientists placed underwater speakers in areas where coral had been dying in Australia’s northern Great Barrier Reef. They played the sounds over a period of about six weeks in 2017 and studied the results. The team reported that twice as many fish arrived in the areas where the sounds of healthy coral were played. The sounds also led to a 50 percent increase in the number of species present in the area, the researchers found. The researchers noted the importance of having many different kinds of fish return to the area. Different species of fish perform many activities that support the ocean environment and sea life.

Steve Simpson is a professor at the University of Exeter who helped lead the research. He explained, “Healthy coral reefs are remarkably noisy places. They contain the sounds of many kinds of shrimp, fish and other sea creatures. Young fish listen to these sounds when they are looking for a place to settle. Reefs become extremely quiet when they suffer destruction that is usually related to human-caused pollution. Coral damage can drive shrimp and fish away. But the experiment suggested that the use of underwater loudspeakers was an effective way to get young fish to come back.”

Mark Meekan is a fish biologist. He said that the return of the fish is the first step towards seeing major improvements in reef health. “Recovery is underpinned (巩固) by fish that clean the reef and create space for corals to regrow,” he said. University of Bristol professor, Andy Radford, said the underwater sounds are a promising way to fight coral reef damage at the local community level. But he noted that other threats need to be reduced as well. These include climate change, pollution and over fishing.

1.Why can underwater speakers make fish return?

A.Because the fish prefer music around their habitats.

B.Because they play sounds as a healthy reef does.

C.Because the fish know the places with them become better.

D.Because they can drive the natural enemies of fishes away.

2.What effect do different kinds of fish have on the ocean according to the text?

A.Keeping the ocean’s ecological balance. B.Removing the remarkable noises.

C.Preventing the pollution caused by human. D.Driving dangerous creatures away.

3.How does the author prove the significance of this new finding?

A.By quoting different authorities’ words.

B.By comparing the result with another study’s.

C.By offering many statistics.

D.By showing the detailed process of experiments.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Education. B.Entertainment.

C.Environment. D.Economy.



    The second little pig was unlucky. He built his house from sticks. It was blown away by a wolf. His brother, by contrast, built a strong house from bricks to prevent the wolf’s attack. However, in the real world it would help reduce pollution and slow global warming if more builders copied the wood-loving second pig.

Governments in the rich world are now trying to promote greener behavior by forcing developers to build new projects to “zero carbon” standards. These standards are less green than they seem. Wind turbines (涡轮) and solar panels on top of buildings look good but are much less productive than wind and solar farms. And the standards only count the emissions from running a building, not those given out when it was made. Those are thought to account for between 30% and 60% of the total over a structure’s lifetime.

Buildings can become greener. They can be made of more recycled wood and parts of them can be prefabricated in off-site factories, greatly reducing truck journeys. But no other building material has environmental certificates as exciting and overlooked as wood. The energy required to produce a wooden beam is one-sixth of that required for a steel one of comparable strength. When a mature tree is cut down, a new one can be planted to replace it, capturing more carbon. After buildings are pulled down, old wooden beams and boards are easy to recycle into new structures. Wood is also a good insulator (隔热材料). A softwood window frame provides nearly 400 times as much insulation as a plain steel and over a thousand times as much as an aluminium () frame.

Carpenters’ efforts alone will not bring the environmental cost of the world’s buildings into line. But using wood can do much more than what is appreciated. Thus, the second little pig was not wrong, just before his time.

1.Why is the story about the pigs mentioned?

A.To bring up the topic of the text.

B.To prove the author’s argument.

C.To offer background information.

D.To inspire the readers’ imagination.

2.What can we know about the “zero carbon” standards?

A.It’s impossible to make them come true.

B.They don’t mean no carbon is given out.

C.They are only fit for developed countries.

D.It’s easy for them to meet today’s needs.

3.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The ways of making buildings greener.

B.The usage of recycled steel in buildings.

C.The findings of new research about wood.

D.The advantages of wood as building materials.

4.Which can replace the underlined word “prefabricated” in paragraph 3?

A.Registered. B.Recycled.

C.Constructed. D.Compared.



    After having her second child in 2012, Victoria was jobless and lost her clear direction. She found herself suffering depression. “My sister, Karen, suggested I try selling something to do with weddings on eBay,” she said, “when the children were asleep, I learned to design invitations on my laptop. Because I already had a laptop and a printer, the only startup costs were buying some cards and envelopes.”

Victoria listed what she made for sale on eBay, but weeks and months passed and she hardly had any sales. Concerned, Karen suggested she should change the designs but Victoria firmly believed that her design was good.

But in January 2013, everything changed dramatically. “I remember getting out of the bath one night and I’d made nearly 200 in orders in the time it had taken to have a bath. Now the demand was so huge that I had to buy a bulk-load of cards and envelopes and purchase another printer. I started to work at 7 pm each night and worked into the early hours.” Victoria believes that her affordable wedding invitations are the key.

Having something else to focus on, the fog of depression soon lifted. By the end of January she had made an impressive 8,000 in just one month. The business now turns over an incredible 80,000 a year, half of which is profit. She continued: “The money has allowed us to upgrade to a three-bedroom house and we have had some great family holidays.” In October, Victoria was one of eleven eBay sellers recognized at the eBay for Business Awards.

“I want to show to other women with little or no experience that even if you’re struggling as I did, you can be a mother and a businesswoman and do both successfully,” smiles Victoria. “I’m a one-woman band but it’s more than enough for me!”

1.What made the most contribution to Victoria’s success?

A.The advice from her sister.

B.The design of the invitations.

C.The help from buyers on eBay.

D.The low price of the invitations.

2.How much can Victoria earn by selling the invitations a year?

A.200. B.8,000.

C.40,000. D.80,000.

3.What personality does Victoria probably have?

A.Cautious. B.Sensitive.

C.Easygoing. D.Determined.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Cure for Depression

B.Defeating Depression with Business

C.Selling Wedding Invitations Online

D.An Unforgettable Experience



    Open Hearts Language Academy (OHLA) is proud to offer a comprehensive University Pathway Program, in which foreign students will automatically gain acceptance into several university programs throughout the United States. Each year countless OHLA students move on to Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees programs upon completion of our Advanced 2 level.

Our dedicated team of experts prepares students to study at an American university or college. They guide students from their entry into the program to their final goal: successful progression to a university or college. Most universities and colleges have made agreements with OHLA. Completion of the Advanced 2 level in OHLA satisfies the English standard of the universities. No TOEFL or IELTS required!

OHLA Admission Requirements:

OHLA application form.

English test certificate.

Skype interview.

Passport copy.

Security deposit (押金) of $8,500 for Undergraduate or $6,000 for Graduate. High school students: High School Transcripts (成绩单)Diploma.

College students: University Transcripts.

Security deposit must be handed in and will be fully refunded at the beginning of the first term of University.

OHLA University Placement Advisors help you:

Choose the best program for you based on your goals and academic background.

Apply to a university or college program.

Receive a Conditional Acceptance Letter from the University (If applicable).

If you want more, contact us: 305-379-4027.

1.What is the main aim of OHLA?

A.To organize some social programs.

B.To push students to complete English study.

C.To help students enter an American university.

D.To guide foreigners to become American citizens.

2.Who can apply for the program of OHLA?

A.High school students in any grade.

B.American freshmen in foreign countries.

C.A Skype interviewer without a passport.

D.College students with university transcripts.

3.What is required for the applicants for OHLA?

A.Passing TOEFL exam.

B.English test certificate.

C.Security deposit of $6,000.

D.Completing Advanced 2 level.



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