满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The setting of the film Zootopia may be ...

The setting of the film Zootopia may be limited in the city full of kinds of animals, but __________ it exposes about human nature is quite broad.

A.which B.that C.what D.whether


C 【解析】 考查名词性从句。句意:电影《疯狂动物城》的背景可能局限于动物种类繁多的城市,但它所揭示的人性却相当宽泛。分析句子结构可知,__________it exposes about human nature是主语从句,引导词在从句中作expose的宾语。故用what。故选C项。  

I __________ to give you just a surprise quiz but on second thought I chose to let you reflect on your exercises.

A.had intended B.has intended C.intended D.has been intended



Meeting all the ______applied to Earth’s seven other continents, Zealandia is on its way to becoming a new continent.

A.criteria B.curricula C.data D.phenomena



What a pity! The parents could have survived the earthquake __________ to save their child.

A.hadn’t they come back B.have they come back

C.didn’t they come back D.did they come back



–– Can you tell me the subtle difference between the words “fragile” and “delicate”?

––______. Let’s refer to the dictionary.

A.You’ve really got me there. B.You bet.

C.You can say that again. D.You don’t say.



The youth like me mostly take a liking to pop music more than classical music, which really   ______us   .

A.turns...down B.turns...in C.turns...over D.turns...off



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