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Researchers from Pennsylvania University...

    Researchers from Pennsylvania University suggest that loud snoring can be caused by having a fat tongue. Scientists have long known that losing weight can help the condition, but now they know why. It explains why losing weight reduces the risk of obstructive sleep apnoea (阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停).

Improved symptoms are linked to slimming down the unexpected part of the body - opening the door to better treatments. Professor Richard Schwab, chief of sleep medicine at Pennsylvania University, said: "Most clinicians, and even experts in the sleep apnoea world, have not typically focused on fat in the tongue for treating sleep apnoea."Having a large neck was previously believed to be the culprit(引起问题的事物). Prof Schwab said: "Now we know tongue fat is a risk factor and sleep apnoea improves when tongue fat is reduced, we have established a unique therapeutic target that we've never had before.

In sleep apnoea the airways become blocked - leading to snoring . It blights the lives of four and two percent of middle aged men and women, respectively, in the UK. Long term, sleep apnoea is linked with a number of chronic diseases, including high blood pressure , heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and depression.

Analyzing MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans of the throat and nose of obese patients, the researchers found reducing tongue fat is the key. They found that a reduction in tongue fat volume was the key factor. Weight loss also resulted in a smaller pterygoid - the jaw muscle that controls chewing. This is irrespective of whether they appear to fall into the typical "high-risk" obese categories, said Prof Schwab.

He added: "Primary care doctors, and perhaps even dentists, should be asking about snoring and sleepiness in all patients, even those who have a normal body mass index, as, based on our data, they may also be at risk for sleep apnoea."

Twenty-two million Americans suffer from sleep apnoea, in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts, causing patients to wake up randomly throughout their sleep cycles. One of the recommended treatments is CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), which has been free on the NHS since March 2008.

1.What can we learn from Prof Schwab?

A.People with high tongue fat must be at high risk of obesity.

B.Sleep apnea improves when tongue fat is reduced.

C.Patients with a normal body mass index won’t develop sleep apnea.

D.Most clinicians focus on the fat on the tongue to treat sleep apnea.

2.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The shape of tongue fat.

B.The harm of tongue fat.

C.The feature of tongue fat.

D.The cause of tongue fat.

3.What does the underlined word “blight” in the third paragraph most probably mean?

A.harm B.affect

C.benefit D.cost


1.B 2.B 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章阐述了最新研究的发现:舌头脂肪和睡觉打鼾之间的关系。文章认为舌头脂肪太厚容易引起打鼾和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段Now we know tongue fat is a risk factor and sleep apnea improves when tongue fat is reduced, we have established a unique therapeutic target that we've never had before(现在我们知道舌脂是一个危险因素,当舌脂减少时,睡眠呼吸暂停综合征会改善,我们已经建立了一个独特的治疗目标,这是我们以前从未有过的)可知,Prof Schwab认为舌头的脂肪和呼吸暂停综合征有很大关系。如果舌头的脂肪少了,就会改善睡眠呼吸暂停综合征。故选B项。 2. 主旨大意题。根据第2段"Most clinicians, and even experts in the sleep apnoea world, have not typically focused on fat in the tongue for treating sleep apnoea(大多数临床医生,甚至睡眠呼吸暂停症领域的专家,都没有把注意力集中在治疗睡眠呼吸暂停症的舌头脂肪上)可知,舌头上的脂肪和睡觉呼吸暂停综合征有关却被很多医生忽略了。同时根据后句Now we know tongue fat is a risk factor and sleep apnea improves when tongue fat is reduced, we have established a unique therapeutic target that we've never had before(现在我们知道舌脂是一个危险因素,当舌脂减少时,睡眠呼吸暂停综合征会改善)可知,舌头脂肪减少,睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的情况就会改善。综合分析,该段主要在讲舌头脂肪的危害。故选B项。 3. 词义辨析题。根据第三段中的Long term, sleep apnoea is linked with a number of chronic diseases, including high blood pressure , heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and depression(长期来看,睡眠呼吸暂停综合征与许多慢性疾病有关,包括高血压、心脏病、2型糖尿病、中风和抑郁症)可知前句强调的是睡眠呼吸暂停综合征给许多英国人民带来了危害。所以换线词的意思是“ 危害”的意思。故选A项。

    Back in November, we did a study that found (surprise) that Babbel ranks as one of the most efficient ways to learn a language. The independent study was conducted by researchers at the City University of New York (CUNY) and the University of South Carolina, and evaluated the overall efficacy(功效) of Babbel Spanish courses, examining the progress of 391 randomly selected learners and assessing participants’ knowledge of Spanish at the beginning

STUDY FINDING #1: “Truly novice users(初学者) with no knowledge of Spanish need on average 15 hours of study in a two-month period to cover the requirements for one college semester of Spanish.”

STUDY FINDING #2: “The average study time for the final study sample was about 19 hours, or a little over two hours a week.”

STUDY FINDING #3: “The Babbel app works similarly well for people with different gender, age, native language, education, employment status, etc.”

Learning a language is about speaking a language, and with the help of Babbel, our novice challenge participants were able to start having conversations in just three weeks’ time, proving that Babbel is, indeed, the shortest path to a real-life conversation.

1.How does the writer recommend Babbel to readers?

A.By listing research findings.

B.By introducing some of its contents.

C.By telling stories at the beginning.

D.By comparing it with other apps.

2.What is the purpose of the last paragraph of the text?

A.To introduce Babbel .

B.To appreciate Babbel.

C.To advertise Babbel.

D.To analyze Babbel.



    I’m from California, where I have the honor of serving as an ocean lifeguard. The ocean is _______ for its massive currents. If you want to _______ lives, that’s where you work.

One day, I was working in _______ Fifteen. Mike, working in Seventeen, _______ me over the phone and said, “Hey, I got a couple kids and got to give them a(n) _______. Keep an eye on us.” _______ you get out of your tower, you should let somebody else know, _______ a situation develops. As soon as he grasped his buoy (救生圈), a current was snapped under these two kids, and they were getting _______ into the currents. Mike saw it before it happened, and he ran toward the ocean. I _______ the water with my binoculars (双筒望远镜). ________, the mother of the kids had realized what was happening. She was on her ________ and screamed. Mike told me later that he got the boy first, and when he turned to the girl, he had to ________ down into the water and catch her by the hair to ________ her back. When I reached their mother, Mike was in waist-deep water. These kids were so exhausted, so Mike got one under each arm.

I saw the ________ start to drain out of the kids’ mother. Then she got her first look at Mike, I saw a new kind of panic ________ over her as though there was some new, equally dangerous ________ to her kids’ lives. She rushed up to Mike, ________ her kids and left the beach without a thank you.

Mike had a rough upbringing, and his shaved head showed the ________ he got from a broken bear bottle. Although he lacks something, he ________ it with lifesaving ability. As I jogged back, I promised I’d never let my own fear or ________ prevent me recognizing a hero when I see one.

1.A.mysterious B.known C.endless D.sacred

2.A.save B.enrich C.find D.cultivate

3.A.tower B.house C.office D.place

4.A.addressed B.emailed C.faxed D.called

5.A.explanation B.caption C.warning D.notice

6.A.Anytime B.Unless C.Anywhere D.While

7.A.as if B.in case C.even though D.or else

8.A.drowned B.pressed C.sucked D.wrapped

9.A.identified B.noticed C.detected D.scanned

10.A.On occasion B.At present C.Until then D.By now

11.A.legs B.feet C.shoes D.back

12.A.bend B.lay C.fall D.reach

13.A.pull B.push C.hug D.scratch

14.A.excitement B.terror C.calmness D.pain

15.A.get B.knock C.wash D.turn

16.A.threat B.challenge C.suffering D.struggle

17.A.protected B.scolded C.comforted D.grasped

18.A.stain B.scar C.wound D.injury

19.A.makes up for B.stands up for C.catches up with D.puts up with

20.A.conservation B.injustice C.prejudice D.definition



When the new employee started to speak with customers, his natural abilities as a sales man were __________.

A.as sharp as a spear B.as plain as day

C.as stupid as a goose D.as sly as a fox



— Learn from past mistakes or history is bound to repeat ________.

— Thank you for your reminding.

A.it B.that C.something D.itself



The setting of the film Zootopia may be limited in the city full of kinds of animals, but __________ it exposes about human nature is quite broad.

A.which B.that C.what D.whether



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