满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

China's giant pandas show the achievemen...

    China's giant pandas show the achievement of the international effort to save animals that are now in danger. In television programs we often see pandas _______ funny games. Children have panda toys and beautiful cards with pictures of lovely_______ in them. They often visit the giant pandas in the zoo in _______ holidays and have a good time there. Howeverscientists are worried about the _______ of giant pandas. They know only about 1000 giant pandas remain _______today.They think the giant panda will die out in 30 years if the present conditions are not _______.

It is reported that the giant pandas have a very _______ birthrate. About 115 pandas live in the zoo and research centres mainly in Chinabut during the past 10 years they _______ only 34 _______ pandas that are still alive. The survival rate for giant pandas in the wild is probably the same or lower.

There are several reasons for the low ________.The main reason is________ male pandas can make babies with females in a very ________ season—only a few days a year. When they do have babiesfemales often produce two pandasbut the mother is usually not able to care for ________ of them. The newborn pandas ________ only a few kilograms each. They are too weak to live without special care. In the zooscientists can help the mothers ________ the young pandas but those living in the wild do not get enough ________.It is very difficult for mother pandas to bring up their young pandas.

Conditions for the giant pandas have been worse in recent years. Pandas in China continue to ________in number. We know pandas live on bamboos. But sometimes all the bamboos in one area die. The pandas there have ________ to eat and die of hunger.

Giant pandas now live in 13 separate ________areas in China. Several years ago the Chinese government and the International Wild Life Organization agreed ________ a project of protecting giant pandas in the wild. We hope it could be helpful.

1.A.play B.playing C.do D.done

2.A.pandas B.children C.bamboos D.zoos

3.A.our B.their C.your D.the

4.A.past B.now C.future D.present

5.A.live B.living C.lively D.alive

6.A.changed B.increased C.improved D.considered

7.A.low B.proper C.high D.right

8.A.cloned B.produced C.kept D.made

9.A.small B.young C.old D.adult

10.A.price B.speed C.birthrate D.limit

11.A.why B.how C.when D.that

12.A.short B.long C.suitable D.certain

13.A.all B.both C.none D.neither

14.A.weight B.heavy C.weigh D.heaviness

15.A.have B.raise C.bring up D.care for

16.A.help B.food C.water D.milk

17.A.reduce B.grow C.rise D.change

18.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything

19.A.protected B.protecting C.defending D.guarding

20.A.with B.to C.on D.that


1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文为一篇说明文。本文介绍了大熊猫所面临的现状,和出生率低、数量减少的原因,以及保护大熊猫的措施。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在电视上我们经常看到大熊猫玩搞笑的游戏。A. play玩;B. playing玩;C. do做;D. done做了。see sb. do sth.为固定搭配,意为“看见……做了某事”。play game为固定搭配,意为“玩游戏”。根据语境可知,此处指看电视时看到过大熊猫玩搞笑的游戏。故选A项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:孩子们有大熊猫玩具和印着可爱大熊猫的漂亮卡片。A. pandas大熊猫;B. children孩子;C. bamboos竹子; D. zoos动物园。根据前文的Children have panda toys孩子们有大熊猫玩具,可知此处用大熊猫符合语境。故选A项。 3. 考查代词及冠词词义辨析。句意:他们经常在他们的假日到动物园参观大熊猫,而且玩得很开心。A. ours我们的;B. their他们的;C. your你的;D. the这。结合上下文可知此处是指孩子们在他们的假日去看大熊猫,故应用第三人称复数形式的形容词性物主代词their。故选B项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,科学家很担心大熊猫的未来。A. past过去;B. now现在;C. future未来;D. present现在。根据下文的They think the giant pandas will die out in 30 years科学家担心30年后大熊猫会灭绝,推测科学家很担心大熊猫的未来。故选C项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们知道目前只有1000只大熊活着。A. live活的;B. living活着的;C. lively生动的;D. alive活着的。根据下文的They think the giant pandas will die out in 30 years可知科学家担心30年后大熊猫会灭绝,且此处作为remain的表语,结合选项只有alive可做表语。故选D项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果当前的条件不改善,他们担心在30年后大熊猫会灭绝。A. changed改变;B. increased增加;C. improved改善;D. considered考虑。结合语境,如果条件不改善,大熊猫有可能会灭绝。故选C项。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:据报道,大熊猫的出生率很低。A. low低的;B. proper适当的;C. high高的;D. right正确的。根据下文的The main reason is____11____male pandas can make love with females in a very____12____season—only a few days a year. 主要原因是雄性大熊猫和雌性大熊猫的交配时间很短——一年只有几天。可知大熊猫一年的交配期只有几天,推测其出生率很低。故选A项。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在动物园和研究所的大约115只大熊猫在过去的10年繁殖的熊猫中,目前只有34只还存活的幼崽。A. cloned克隆;B. produced繁殖;C. kept保持;D. made制作。根据前文的It is reported that the giant pandas have a very____7____birthrate. 据报道,大熊猫的出生率很低。可知本段谈论大熊猫的繁殖情况,故用produced繁殖符合语境。故选B项。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在动物园和研究所的大约115只大熊猫在过去的10年繁殖的熊猫中,目前只有34只还存活的幼崽。A. small小的;B. young年幼的;C. little小的;D. adult成年的。结合前文可知,此处是大熊猫繁殖的幼崽,young pandas指大熊猫的幼崽。故选B项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:大熊猫出生率低的原因有几个。A. price价格;B. speed速度;C. birthrate出生率;D. limit限制。结合前文的It is reported that the giant pandas have a very____7____birthrate据报道,大熊猫的出生率很低。可知,此处描述大熊猫出生率低的原因。故选C项。 11. 考查表语从句。句意:主要原因是雄性大熊猫和雌性大熊猫的交配时间很短——一年只有几天。A. why为什么;B. how怎么样;C. when何时;D. that无意义。分析句子可知,此处为表语从句,The main reason在句中作主语,表语male pandas can make babies with females in a very ___12___ season—only a few days a year.的成分和意义都完整,用连接词that引导。故选D项。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:主要原因是雄性大熊猫和雌性大熊猫的交配时间很短,一年只有几天。A. short短的;B. long长的;C. suitable合适的;D. certain特定的。根据下文的only a few days a year. 一年只有几天。可知熊猫交配的时间很短。故选A项。 13. 考查代词词义辨析。句意:当他们有孩子的时候,雌性大熊猫一般一次生两个幼崽,但是熊猫妈妈通常不能同时照顾两个。A. all三者以上都;B. both两者都;C. none三者以上都不;D. neither两者都不。结合前文females often produce two pandas雌性大熊猫一般一次生两个幼崽和本句的not,可知此处用both两者都符合逻辑。故选B项。 14. 考查词性辨析。句意:刚出生的熊猫幼崽通常只有几千克重。A. weight重量;B. heavy重的;C. weigh重达;D. heaviness重。分析句子结构可知,主语为The newborn pandas,宾语为only a few kilograms each,缺少谓语动词。故选C项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在动物园里,科学家帮助熊猫妈妈养育幼崽,但是那些生活在野外的大熊猫却得不到足够的帮助。A. have有;B. raise喂养;C. bring up抚养;D. care for关心。结合语境,科学家可以帮助熊猫喂养熊猫幼崽。故选B项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在动物园里,科学家帮助熊猫妈妈养育幼崽,但是那些生活在野外的大熊猫却得不到足够的帮助。A. help帮助;B. food食物;C. water水;D. milk牛奶。根据上文的scientists can help the mothers____15____the young pandas在动物园里,科学家帮助熊猫妈妈养育幼崽,而野外的却得不到帮助。故选A项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在中国的大熊猫的数量在持续减少。A. reduce减少;B. grow增加;C. rise 上升;D. change改变。根据前文的Conditions for the giant pandas have been worse in recent years.大熊猫的生活处境最近几年在变差,推测大熊猫的数量在减少。故选A项。 18. 考查不定代词词义辨析。句意:那儿的大熊猫没东西吃,然后饿死了。A. something有些;B. nothing没有;C. everything每一;D. anything任何。根据下文的die of hunger熊猫死于饥饿,推测此处没有吃的。故选B项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在中国,大熊猫目前生活在13个独立的保护区。A. protected受保护的;B. protecting保护的;C. defending 防御的;D. guarding监护的。分析句子可知,此处描述有13个大熊猫保护区,地区与保护为逻辑上的被动关系,过去分词protected作定语,修饰area,protected area意为“保护区”。故选A项。 20. 考查固定搭配。句意:几年前,中国政府和国际野生动物组织就保护野生大熊猫的项目达成了共识。A. with和;B. to为了;C. on在……上;D. that那个。agree on为固定搭配,意为“达成共识”。此处是指中国政府和国际野生动物组织达成了共识共同保护大熊猫。故选C项。

    It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve much more than others? 1.

Keep 0a to-do list.

You should have a reminder system to tell you when you need to do what. 2. Carry a pen and paper wherever you go and write down the things you need to do, including dates and deadlines (最后期限).

Set goals.

Set yourself exact goals, and make sure that they are realistic. To do this, you first need to examine your present situation and assess (判断) which goals are important to you. Have a secondary route to your goals in case you have to change your plans.

Break down tasks.

Break goals down into different parts so that you can complete them one step at a time. 3. Try to complete one task before you go on to the next.

Organize your time.

4. A good way to do this is to record everything you do for a week in detail and then examine your record to see how you use or waste your time.


Keep your work space tidy so that you can work efficiently — it’s hard to work if things you need to find are buried under a pile of paper! Work to plan things so that you can meet deadlines in good time — don’t leave everything until the last minute.

A.Make a detailed plan.

B.Develop a regular work order.

C.The answer lies in good time management.

D.The best time to do something is usually NOW.

E.Don’t try to remember everything in your head.

F.Find areas of your life where you are wasting time and try to reduce them.

G.Write these steps clown, and try to be as detailed as you can when you do this.



    Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone.

Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that comes along with the delicious foods.

With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don’t have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you.

Do not miss meals. Before you leave home for a feast, have a small, low-fat snack. This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods.

Begin with clear soup, fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.

Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.

Choose lean meat. Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.

If you have a sweet tooth, try mints and fruit. They don’t have fat content as cream and chocolate.

Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess calories.

1.Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may ________.

A.bring weight problems

B.bring you much trouble in your life

C.make you worry about your foods

D.make you hate delicious foods

2.In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight, you’d better ________.

A.drink much water and have vegetables only

B.not eat much food in high fat

C.not accept invitations to feasts

D.turn away from delicious foods

3.According to the passage, ________ is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight.

A.clear soup B.water

C.calories of energy D.physical exercise

4.Many people can’t help putting on weight after the holidays because they ________.

A.can’t control themselves

B.go to too many feasts

C.enjoy delicious foods

D.can’t help turning away from the foods




The earthquake affected the students of the destroyed areas in many ways:losing parents,being scared and feeling lonely.How can we help them?Teens reporter talked with Lin Dan,the program director of the Sunshine in Your Heart Project at the Red Cross Society of China.

How will the earthquake affect the teenagers mentally?

They’ll have feelings of fear,anger and feel they are not safe.They will find it hard to focus.They will tend to cry,shout and tremble.And they might be afraid to be alone.

What will happen if they are not helped?

The teenagers will find it hard to live in a balanced way.If things get worse,they might not be able to focus on their studies.They might give up on life.

How can we help them overcome these problems?

The first thing is to build up trust with them.Show your sympathy and sadness,and be their friends.Then you have to give them a sense of safety.Tell them that there’s a solution to every problem.Thirdly,try to satisfy their psychological needs.Be a good listener if he or she needs to talk.

Some of us were not directly affected by the quake but have seen images on TV and feel scared.What should we do?

Talk with an adult or share your feelings with someone who might feel similar.If this doesn’t help,then you should see a doctor for professional help.

1.What’s the BEST title of the passage?

A.The scare caused by the earthquake

B.Dealing with the pain left behind after the earthquake

C.How to get a sense of safety

D.The psychological needs

2.The earthquake will affect the teenagers mentally.Which of the following statements is NOT included?

A.They’ll tend to cry,shout and tremble.

B.They may be afraid to be alone.

C.They’ll feel unsafe.

D.They’ll feel sympathetic.

3.The underlined word“psychological”in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to “   ”.

A.mental                   B.physical

C.material                 D.professional

4.From the passage,we can infer that    .

A.the scare caused by the earthquake can be relieved quickly

B.seeing a doctor is the most important measure to deal with the problems

C.the images on TV can also affect people and even cause problems

D.to help them overcome these problems,we should always talk with them



    On a Saturday evening , I was waiting for my train and on the subway station's floor was a man just sitting there. I looked around and nobody stopped so I just went my way. After a few steps, I turned and asked him whether he needed help. He told me his house was one station further and he would only need to take the train there. So I reached for his hand to help him stand up.

He wanted to take the stairs but I feared that he would hurt himself since he seemed too weak to walk, so I asked him to take the elevator. Even though my mind was trying to turn the danger lights on, I put the thought that I should not go alone with a drunken man out of my mind and accompanied him on the elevator.

We arrived on the platform with no incidents. The man's knees seemed to soften, so I asked him to rest on a bench. While sitting there, he thanked me, telling me that I saved him. No, I said, I really did nothing; he saved himself as he walked on his own feet.

At the next station, we said our goodbyes. Before I knew it, he left 100 dollars and dashed out of the train. There was no way to give him back his money. I wanted to leave it on the seat, but a young woman who thought it belonged to me ran after me and gave me the note.

My initial reaction to getting that money was of shame and I even felt offended. Then I thought he just wanted to thank me, the best way he knew how. Now, my question is — what act of kindness shall I do with these 100 dollars?

1.Why was the man sitting on the subway station's floor?

A.Because he wanted to go home. B.Because he was seriously ill.

C.Because he was waiting for the train. D.Because he was drunk.

2.Seeing the money left by the man, the author first felt ________.

A.ashamed B.grateful

C.delighted D.frustrated

3.How will the author possibly deal with the money?

A.Give it back. B.Buy something favorable.

C.Give it to people in need. D.Leave it on the seat.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.I helped the man the moment I saw him.

B.I thought it unsafe to go alone with the drunken man at first.

C.I accompanied the man to take the stairs.

D.A young woman ran after me and gave me the note.



Read the following advertisements and answer the questions.

Japanese Restaurant

(free parking)

Open time

Lunch 12:00-2:00 p.m.

Dinner 6:00-10:00 p.m.

Monday to Saturday

a beautiful gift for the

first comer

Let's go!

Special Place

$5 for each person

Tuesday-Friday 7 nights

12:00-2:00 p.m. 5:30-11:30 p.m.



Monday to Sunday

10:00 a.m.-9:30 p.m.

70% off for students

NO.18 Centre Street



Breakfast by the sea

Saturday & Sunday

6:00-9:00 a.m.

Milk ·Egg ·Bread



1.According to the four advertisements, you can go to ________ for breakfast on Saturday.

A.Japanese Restaurant

B.Special Place



2.Students can pay ________ for a hamburger at McDonald's.

A.$4.2 B.$6

C.$3.6 D.$1.8

3.If you want to eat at 10:00 at night on Sunday, where can you go?

A.Japanese Restaurant. B.Special Place.




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