满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Here are four women who made it their li...

    Here are four women who made it their life’s mission to make the world a better place through environmental activism.

Greta Thunberg

“I have not accomplished anything. ”This statement was made by Greta Thunberg(17 years old)and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Her dedication to protecting the environmenl for our future generations is all accomplishment on its own. Her ability to resist to adults in power is admirable and continues to push the importance of conservation to the front of our minds.

Peggy Shelmrd

WE ACT for Environmental Justice is an organization that“through advocacyplanningand research…mobilizes low-income communities to make environmental changes. ”At the helm(掌权)of WE ACT is Peggy Shepard. Her goal is to make sure that sustainable environmental practices are accessible to allregardless of circumstance.

Rachel Carson

American marine biologistwriterscientistand ecologistRachel Carson(1907—1964)was way ahead of her time. She wrote about conservation in the late 1930s and focused on her mission of protecting our oceans.


In the late 90sJulia“Butterfly”Hill spent 738 days living in an ancient redwoodcalled Luna. This act brought awareness to the immense human threats to Redwood trees. Julia continues to advocate for the environment. “By standing together in unitysolidarity and lovewe will heal the wounds in the earth and in each other. We can make a positive difference through our actions. ”

1.What do we know about Greta Thunberg?

A.She has not accomplished anything.

B.She seldom tells the truth.

C.She faces powerful people bravely to protect environment.

D.She shows great respect and admiration to people in power.

2.Why did Peggy Shepard set up the organization WE ACT?

A.To help poor people to lead a better life.

B.To appeal to low-income group to protect our environment.

C.To make people aware of the environmental status.

D.To control the changes of environment.

3.Who preferred taking on-the-spot actions to protect environment?

A.Greta Thunberg. B.Peggy Shepard.

C.Rachel Carson. D.Julia“Butterfly”Hill.


1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了四位女性将通过环保行动让世界变得更美好作为她们的人生使命。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段Her dedication to protecting the environment for our future generations is all accomplishment on its own. Her ability to resist to adults in power is admirable and continues to push the importance of conservation to the front of our minds(她为子孙后代保护环境的奉献精神,本身就是一种成就。她抵抗成年人掌权的能力令人钦佩,并继续将保护的重要性推广我们的脑海中)可知,在面对强权人物是,她勇敢保护环境的行为令人钦佩。故选C项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第三段WE ACT for Environmental Justice is an organization that“through advocacy,planning,and research…mobilizes low-income communities to make environmental changes(“我们为环境正义而行动”是一个“通过倡导、规划和研究……动员低收入社区改变环境”的组织)可知 ,这个组织是为了让低收入者参与到保护环境的行动中来。故选B项。 3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段In the late 90s,Julia “Butterfly” Hill spent 738 days living in an ancient redwood,called Luna. This act brought awareness to the immense human threats to Redwood trees(90年代末, Julia“Butterfly”Hill在一棵名为卢娜(Luna)的古老红杉里生活了738天。该行为使人们意识到人类对红杉的巨大威胁)可知,Julia“Butterfly”Hill以自己的行动---居住在一颗古老红杉树738天的行为来告诉人们要保护环境。他采用现场行动的方式来保护环境。故选D项。


In my culture, it 's not accepted or normal to go against my parents' wishes. I belong to a small and native community in the Oaxaca region of southern Mexico. We' ve lived here for centuries, and my family has been growing cotton for as long as anyone can remember.

When I was small, I had a lot of work to do. My father was sick and we were poor, so my sister and I would get up very earlier every morning to prepare food for the whole family. After school we would run home quickly to help do housework. On weekends, I would go to the village market to sell our cotton. Every time I sold something, it was good news for the whole family.

When I became a teenager, I wanted to study to become a secretary. By Working in an office I would be able to earn more money, which would be good for my family. I knew I was smart and that I would do a good job, but my parents refused to let me study. I listened to them and followed their advice in order not to make them unhappy.

Years later, some students from California came to our village. They were organizing an educational workshop for local people. We would learn new things and technology about growing cotton, and have the chance to network. This was a good chance for me to learn something new and useful. Of course I was willing to take part in it, but my parents said no again this time.

I have wonderful and generous parents, who are kind to everybody around them. Even when our family could hardly afford food, they would welcome guests with coffee and cookies. I knew they refused me because they wanted the best for me. I knew they were worried about me being away from them, but I knew they were wrong. Attending this workshop would be good for our family. I would be able to learn something new and useful, and our business would grow much faster than it could.






Paragraph 1:

Therefore, I put my foot down and decided to go.


Paragraph 2:

Now I no longer live together with my parents,but I work with them every day.




假定你是李华,一个英国学生社团下周将到你就读的红星中学进行为期一天的参观访问,你负责接待工作。请根据以下的对方的负责人Mr. Peter写一封信,商讨参观事宜。信的内容包括:




注意:1. 词数100左右;    

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。

Dear Mr. Peter,



Li Hua




It's a touching Christmas story, but not in the 1. (tradition) way. It’s about a seriously ill 5-year-old boy 2.  died in Santa’s arms in Knoxville, Tennessee, in the United States.

Eric Schmitt-Matzen, 60, a part-time Santa, received a call 3. a nurse at a hospital several weeks ago, saying a dying 5-year-old boy wanted to see Santa Claus. Schmitt-Matzen dressed and rushed to the hospital. Walking into the boy’s room, he asked people  4.  (leave)  if they couldn’t hold back their  5. (tear). He picked up the boy and held him in his arms.

“They say I’m going to die,” the boy told him  6. (sad). “What can I tell them when I get to where I’m going?”

Schmitt-Matzen said. “When you get there, you tell them you’re Santa’s Number One elf (小精灵), and they will let you in.”

The boy asked, “They will?” Then he 7.(sit) up and gave Schmitt-Matzen a big hug and asked one more question: “Santa, can you help me?” Schmitt-Matzen wrapped his arms around the boy. Before Schmitl-Matzen could say anything, the boy died right there. Santa let the boy stay, hugging and  8. (hold) onto him.

Schmitt-Matzen was  9.  sad that he wanted to cry.

The story was printed, and people were  10. (move) when they read it.



    When I was shopping a few months ago , I saw a man trying to get people to donate(捐赠)to a very well-known charity(慈善团体)for children. I ________ to him that I can’t donate money any more ________ my bank account(账户)having some problems last year. It was a ________ time and took months to get back our money. ________, I noticed the man was hungry and cold, so I offered him a(n) ________ in the nearby restaurant.

Last week I ________ home on a really hot day. My husband Stewart was at the table with a person from a Charity having a ________. We talked for a while and then I said, “I ________ you!” and he looked at me in surprise and said, “Oh, you’re the lovely lady that ________ me a big lunch and drinks when I was at ________ trying to get people to donate.” We both laughed and we had a little ________.

He told me that he had let the organizers know about this lovely woman ________ him out on a cold day. He said ________was so unexpected. I was so ________ to see him again, sitting in my home. My act had really ________ him for the kindness of it and I loved the fact that Steward had ________ him in out of the heat for a cold drink.

In our daily life, maybe we ________ know how we ________ people when we do good things. But in fact, ________ we do does affect others, for it is a lovely ________. Kindness is so catching (感染力的).

1.A.suggested B.explained C.admitted D.reported

2.A.because of B.thanks to C.refers to D.in terms of

3.A.fantastic B.relaxing C.terrible D.fortunate

4.A.Frequently B.Therefore C.Actually D.However

5.A.meal B.occupation C.rest D.coat

6.A.left B.came C.stayed D.phoned

7.A.dinner B.game C.drink D.sleep

8.A.appreciate B.know C.thank D.respect

9.A.made B.prepared C.brought D.bought

10.A.streets B.shops C.banks D.restaurants

11.A.hug B.fight C.joke D.discussion

12.A.taking B.surviving C.helping D.training

13.A.it B.he C.she D.I

14.A.disappointed B.nervous C.embarrassed D.surprised

15.A.changed B.worried C.moved D.saved

16.A.pulled B.advised C.persuaded D.invited

17.A.ever B.never C.often D.always

18.A.care B.attract C.affect D.hurt

19.A.what B.why C.how D.when

20.A.reaction B.impression C.balance D.connection



    Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents. However,it is not true.1.If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents,don’t worry about it.Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap(消除代沟).

2.Don’t get to your parents when you are angry.Your parents possibly won’t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can’t express yourself well if you are angry. Go to some place to cool off.

Try to reach a compromise(和解). 3.You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael’s mother didn’t agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days.

Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect to them. 4.

Talk about your values(价值观). The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. 5. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try.

A.Don’t argue with your parents.

B.Tell your parents what you care about, and why.

C.Make sure you understand why you are unhappy.

D.Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.

E.Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something.

F.Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages.

G.If you don’t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.



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