满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



I have a friend who is afraid of spiders. This isn’t very unusuala lot of people are afraid of spiders. I don’t really like spiders much myself. But my friend isn’t afraid of spiders in any normal way. She isn’t just afraid of spidersshe is totallycompletely and utterly terrified of them. When she sees a spidershe shivers all over and sometimes she freezes completely—she can’t move at all because she is so scared. Sometimes she even faints.

She decided to do something about her terrorso she went to visit a doctor. After knowing my friend’s situationthe doctor got out a small spider from his desk. It wasn’t a real spider. It was made of plastic. Even somy friend screamed when she saw it. “Don’t worry”said the doctor. “It’s not a real spider. ”“I know”said my friend. “But I’m afraid of it just the same. ”

“Hmm”said the doctor. “A serioos case. . . ”He put the plastic spider on the desk. When my friend stopped screamingthe doctor told her to touch it. When she stopped screaming again—the idea of touching the plastic spider was enough to make her scream—she touched it. At first she touched it for just one second. She shivered all overbut at least she managed to touch it. “OK”said the psychiatrist. “that’s all for today and you can go home now. ”

My friend went back the next dayand found the plastic spider was already on the doctor’s desk. This time she touched it and held it for five minutes. Then the doctor told her to go home and come back the next day. The next day she went back and the plastic spider was on her chair. She had to move the spider so she could sit down. The next day she held the spider in her hand while she sat in her chair. The next daythe doctor gave her the plastic spider and told her to take it home with her. After a deep breathshe agreed.


The next dayshe went back with the plastic spider and then she had a shock. . . a big shock.


Paragraph 2

“Guess what?”my friend said to me one day. “I’ve got a new pet!”



The next day,she went back with the plastic spider and then she had a shock. . . a big shock. The psychiatrist held the spider in his hand. He asked my friend to come and touch it. At first she refused, but the doctor insisted. Eventually she touched the spider, just for a second. “Guess what?”my friend said to me one day. “I’ ve got a new pet!” “what?”I said.“I’ve got a pet spider!” she told me again.“Well done!” I said.“There’s only one problem,” she said, and as she spoke I noticed that she was shivering all over. Then she screamed and climbed up on the chair. She was pointing to something on the floor. “Over there!” she screamed. “Look! It’s a beetle...!!” 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,文章记叙了我的一位害怕蜘蛛的朋友治疗蜘蛛恐惧的故事。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:The next day,she went back with the plastic spider and then she had a shock. . . a big shock. 第二天,她带着塑料蜘蛛回来,然后她受到了刺激…很大的刺激。所以应该写:医生手里拿着蜘蛛。他让我的朋友去摸蜘蛛。起初她拒绝了,但医生坚持要她这么做。最后,她碰了碰那只蜘蛛。 第二段开头是:“Guess what?”my friend said to me one day. “I’ ve got a new pet!”一天我的朋友对我说。“你猜怎么着? 我有一只新宠物了!”所以应该写:我问朋友是什么宠物,朋友告诉我是一只蜘蛛。我说做的好。可是朋友又遇到了新的问题,一只甲虫让他再次感到害怕。 要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右,按要求完成写作任务。

假如你是李华,是你校“英语报”的主编,请你根据提示,用英语写一封邮件向你的笔友Tom为“To be the master of your cellphone”栏目约稿。


1. 该栏目的意义;

2. 稿件要求:词数400左右;

3. 截稿日期:620日。


1. 邮件词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 电子邮件的开头已为你写好。

Dear Tom,

How is everything going?



Li Hua




The Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. It was created thousands of years ago 1. (guide)agricultural production.

Grain in Ear(芒种)the 2. (nine)solar termbegins on June 5 this year and signifies the ripening of wheat. Regions neat the Yangtze River 3. (be)about to enter the Plum Rains season. Plum Rainsoften 4. (occur)during June and Julyrefer to the long period of continuous rainy or cloudy weather. It happens to be the time for plums(李子)to ripen5.explains the origin of its name. Green plums contain a variety of natural and high-quality organic acids and are rich in minerals. 6. fresh plums are acerbic(酸的)and need to be boiled before serving. There was an allusion(典故)that Cao Cao and Liu Beitwo central figures in the Three Kingdoms period(AD 220—280)talked about 7.(hero)while boiling green plums.

“An Miao”(meaning seedling protection)is a traditional farming activity of southern Anhui province that 8.(practice)since the early Ming Dynasty(1368—1644). People make different types of bread with wheat flour and color them with vegetable Juice. The bread is used 9. a sacrificial offering(祭品)to pray for a good harvest and people’s 10. (safe).



    At firsta Belgian man thought the noise coming from his outdoor planter was annoying pigeons. It ____ to be Europe’s largest owl—four of them.

One of the world’s largest owlsthe Eurasian eagle owlset up ____ in Jos Baart’s third-storey apartment planter. ____ the mother owl’s three chicks hatchedthey’ve taken to watching ____ through the window with their new landlord(房东).

In video footagethe hugefluffy chicks can be seen standing at attention in ____eyeing the television screen ____ Baart’s shoulder.

Their ____ mom typically watches over her hatchlings from behind a bush for six to eight hours at a stretch each dayseemingly a little more ____ of Baart and her babies’TV-watching habits.

They seem to have grown ____ to each other nowbut not so long agoBaartthought they were ____. “I thoughtdamnthose pigeons again”he says. He was proven ____ one day when he arrived home and the large mother owl took ____ right in front of him. “You can see how ____ they are”Baart says in the footage. “They’re not scared at a11. ”

Eagle owls typically nest on cliffs and ledgesbut are sometimes known to ____abandoned golden eagle nests. They have no natural predators and a long lifespan of 20 years in the ____but can live up to 60 years in captivity(圈养).

1.A.holds on B.turns out C.1ives up D.gives away

2.A.camp B.time C.business D.shop

3.A.Before B.Until C.Once D.Since

4.A.video B.footage C.games D.TV

5.A.sense B.way C.row D.hurry

6.A.over B.on C.off D.by

7.A.less-diligent B.less-friendly C.gentle D.ambitious

8.A.careless B.patient C.cautious D.sensitive

9.A.addicted B.accustomed C.attached D.opposed

10.A.annoyances B.guests C.friends D.enemies

11.A.fake B.true C.right D.wrong

12.A.fright B.flight C.care D.place

13.A.cute B.tense C.relaxed D.alert

14.A.leave behind B.stand up C.put up D.take over

15.A.region B.nest C.wild D.field



    Do you have difficulty falling asleep at night? If so, here is a piece of advice for youlisten to some soft music.

1. . This works for sleepers of all agesand even for those with sleeping problems. Soft music can help us fall asleep fasterwake up less during the night and feel more rested in the morning. You may not notice the effects overnightthough. 2. .

Why can soft music help us sleep better?The reasons aren’t clear yet. It may have something to do with the relaxing effect of a good song. Music can have real physical effectstoo. Soft music can lower our heart rate and slow down our breathing. 3. .

Scientists say that for most peoplemusic that has 70 beats per minute works best. 4. . Familiar songs work welltoo. You may need to experiment to make your own playlists. If you are not sure how many heats a song has in a minuteyou can find out by entering its title into songbpm. com. And remember to get the volume right. 5.. Otherwiseyou may be woken up by the sudden silence.

It is very important to get enough high-quality sleep. Before you go to bed tonightplay some soft music. Thenjust prepare to be rocked off to dreamland!

A.This prepares us for sleep

B.Make sure that the final piece is one that slowly fades out

C.It would take as many as three weeks to see any improvements

D.Therelorefolk music is something that anyone can understand

E.Classicaljazz and folk music are usually more effective than other musical styles

F.Scientists have found that soft music can help to improve sleep quality and quantity

G.Music plays a more important role in our life than just being a source of entertainment



    The sixth mass extinction is not a worry for the future. It’s happening nowmuch faster than previously expectedand it's entirely our faultaccording to a study puhlished Mooday.

Humans have already wiped out hundreds of species and pushed many more to the brink of extinction through wildlife tradepollutionhabitat loss and the use of toxic substances. The findings published in the scientific Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences( PNAS)show that the rate at which species are dying out has accelerated in recent decades.

Gerardo Ceballos Gonzáleza professor of ecology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and one of the authors of the studysaid approximately 173 species went extinct between 2001 and 2014. “173 species is 25 times more extinct species than you would expect under the normal extinction rate. ”he told CNN in an email. He and his team found that in the past 100 yearsmore than 400 vertebrate(脊椎动物的)species went extinct. In the normal course of evolutionsuch extinctions would have taken up to 10000 yearsthey said.

Mass extinctions are just as severe as their name suggests. There have been five mass extinction events in the Earth’s historyeach wiping out between 70and 95of the species of plantsanimals and microorganisms. The most recent66 million years agosaw dinosaurs disappear. The past events were caused by catastrophic changes of the environmentincluding massive volcanic eruptions or collision with an asteroid.

The sixth mass extinction the one happening now—is differentscientists say it’s caused by humans. The researchers also said the current coronavirus(冠状病毒)crisis shows people’s recklessness(鲁莽)towards nature can seriously hurt themselves. Many endangered species are dying in large numbers due to the trade in wild animals and plants.

1.What does the underlined word“toxic”in Para. 2 mean?

A.Poisonous B.Useful

C.Alternative D.Environment-friendly


2.How does the writer convince readers of the seriousness of the mass extinctions?

A.By listing reliable statistics.

B.By imagining a picture of the extinctions.

C.By mentioning some news from CNN.

D.By explaining the history of the extinctions.

3.What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

A.To tell the difference between the fifth and sixth extinction.

B.To explain the cause of the coronavirus crisis.

C.To warn humans to get rid of their wrong actions.

D.To show the writer’s concern about the endangered species.

4.What does this article mainly talk about?

A.The changes of the environment do harm to wildlife.

B.The sixth mass extinction is much faster than expected.

C.Mass extinctions are just as severe as their name suggests.

D.The current coronavirus has arisen from the illegal trade.



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