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参考词汇:净月潭Jingyuetan National Scenic Area

Dear John,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear John, How are you going these days? I'm writing to invite you to join in the voluntary work-planting trees in Jingyuetan National Scenic Area next Saturday. This annual activity is always tiring but rewarding, so I sincerely invite you to go with us. If you come, don't miss the bus at the school gate at 8 a.m. and bring us back at about 4 PM. Besides, remember to take a lunch box, since we'll work from 9 AM. to 3 PM. Comfortable shoes and gloves are also necessities to make sure of your safety. I'm sure you won't feel regretful because it will be a meaningful experience. Are you willing to go with us? Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本篇要求考生给外教John写信,邀请他参加在净月潭举行的的植树造林活动,并告知活动的相关情况。 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应以一般现在时和一般将来时为主 结构:总分总 要求: 表明写信目的 活动相关情况(集合地点及交通方式;出发和返回的时间;携带物品及注意事项等。) 表达期待 第二步:列提纲(重点词组) invite sb. to do sth./ gather/ remember to do sth./ make sure/ meaningful/ be willing to do sth./ look forward to 第三步:连词成句 1. How are you getting on these days? 2. I'm writing to invite you to join in the voluntary work-planting trees in Jingyuetan National Scenic Area next Saturday. 3. Tiring but rewarding, this activity is held annually, so I sincerely invite you to go with us. 4. If you come, we plan to gather at the school gate at 8 a.m. 5. Then, we will take a bus there, which will also bring us back at about 4 PM. 6. Remember to take a lunch box, since we'll work from 9 AM. to 3 PM. 7. To make sure of your safety, it is necessary for you to wear comfortable shoes and gloves. 8. I'm sure you won't feel regretful because it will be a meaningful experience. 9. If you are willing to go with us, please contact with us. 10. Looking forward to your early reply. 第四步:连句成篇(加入衔接词或从句) 表示并列的连词:and/but/or/so… 状语从句连词:because/ if/ though/ although… 定语从句连词:which/ that/ when/ where… 第五步:修改润色(加入高级词汇或短语)







I'll have a long holiday before the final examination, but I have a fantastic plan. I'm so eagerly to get together with all my friends that I will visit them first. Then I planned to have a party with my family, which makes me really exciting. After that, I'll probably visit the place of interest both at home and abroad, and it will give me a chance experience different cultures. Last but not least, learn some skills is on my schedule as well. I'll ask my mom to teach me to cook just in case I have to feed me one day. I hope everything will turn out as being expected.




Many schools started online courses for students to study. at home on account of the spread of COVID-19.1., the outcome turned out to be not satisfying, because the online education required teachers to carry out live stream courses using mobile phone software and properly interact with students, which proved2.challenge for many teachers.

Some teachers discovered they left the microphones off before finishing the online courses, and others were frequently interrupted by3.(they) young children's shouting or crying. Sometimes they had to repeatedly reconnect to the platform due4.poor Internet connection,5.annoyed both the students and the teachers. Some schools offered online courses for each subject including sports. Teachers found it awkward6.(give) instructions online because many children did not have enough space to move. Some parents complained that they had to join several different chat groups of different7.(subject) . They also hated to accompany their children taking online courses just to make sure their children were8.(full) concentrated instead of9.(play) video games.

Schools should not put any unnecessary academic burden on primary and secondary students through online classes, the Ministry of Education said on Wednesday. It was recommended that online courses10.(link) to infection prevention and psychological health guidance.



    In American countryside, the message we hear is this; Go and get an education._________your small town and make something of yourself, Success and opportunity will be found elsewhere.

After_________from a high school in Helena, Arkansas, I did go.

I went to Colby College in Maine. I had visited the school before._________, I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew about the difference in weather. I understood the difference in_________atmosphere and I wanted to stretch myself and_________my comfort zone. You know what? I_________loved my time there. But one thing took me by_________, that is to say, the lack of countryside representation._________of the other students at Colby were from big cities: New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco... And when I had_________with these students in or outside of class—we almost focused on topics__________large American cities. In my education classes, it was always "urban this" and "urban that". It was like small towns didn't__________in the USA.

And this urban interest doesn't just happen in college. I__________an education conference a couple of years ago, and a professor—someone who had been__________to educational reform—was there to__________a speech. I was chosen to be part of a small group that got to meet with him. So there we were, five or six of us sitting in a room, and I asked him, "What are your thoughts on the state of education in the__________?" And this man was__________

I'll never forget that moment. It tells a larger__________. Towns like mine are forgotten.

This trend of__________talent and resources to our big cities—this mindset of leaving small towns and never coming back—I don't want to add to that movement. I want to make the__________ of that movement.

Now it's my turn to help people__________to me. And you know what? I'm a sixth grade teacher in a primary school in Helena now.

1.A.Love B.Miss C.Build D.Leave

2.A.coming B.benefiting C.graduating D.suffering

3.A.Besides B.Therefore C.However D.Instead

4.A.social B.political C.financial D.natural

5.A.live up to B.keep up with C.draw close to D.get out of

6.A.slightly B.absolutely C.lightly D.directly

7.A.surprise B.shame C.delight D.terror

8.A.Some B.None C.Most D.Few

9.A.lectures B.words C.conversations D.conflicts

10.A.settling B.involving C.leaving D.exchanging

11.A.exist B.return C.Appear D.approach

12.A.held B.attended C.enjoyed D.organized

13.A.occupied B.adjusted C.admitted D.devoted

14.A.deliver B.polish C.prepare D.rewrite

15.A.college B.cities C.countryside D.school

16.A.annoyed B.wordless C.hopeless D.shocked

17.A.truth B.appetite C.lie D.relief

18.A.contributing B.paying C.exporting D.showing

19.A.follower B.project C.aim D.opposite

20.A.close B.familiar C.next D.junior



    We just waved goodbye to this year's Mother's Day.1., but there are still things you might not know about Mother's Day.

The founder fought back.

Although Julia Ward Howe first suggested a day for mothers, Anna Jarvis campaigned for a national day for moms, in memory of her own mother, Ann Jarvis, who had spent years working to provide resources for poor mothers in West Virginia.2., but within a few years, Jarvis became annoyed with how commercial the day had become and started a petition(请愿)to cancel the holiday.That clearly didn't come to pass.

It is an active day on the phone lines.

3.. One study suggests that the more widespread use of cell phones has greatly increased the amount of contact adult children have with their mothers. So don't be lazy: your mom definitely expects to receive your call, and not just with a text message.


If you're thinking about taking your mom out to eat, you might want to consider which time of the day will have enough open tables. Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, with some 80 million adults dining out, which tops even Valentine's Day. Therefore, if you'd like to treat your mom to her favorite cuisine, go earlier on that day.

All in all, Mother's Day is set up to honor mothers' love and care for the family, so even a handmade card can show your appreciation.5.

A.Mother's Day became an official holiday in 1914

B.Their devotion deserves your attention and respect

C.Some of you may find that day not new to you at all

D.Some of you might have forgotten to send greetings

E.Many people honor more than one mother in their life

F.It is the busiest day of the year in the restaurant industry

G.Call volume in the US goes up 11 percent on Mother's Day



    A few weeks ago, scientists at Ukraine's Vernadsky Research Base in Antarctica found their usually white surrounds were covered in a shocking blood-red. For such a mess, the culprits behind this horrible scene are tiny.

“Our scientists have identified them under a microscope as Chlamydomonasnivalis(雪地衣藻),” said the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine in a Facebook post.

These green algae, a type of seaweed, are common in all icy and snowy regions of Earth, from the Arctic to high mountain regions. They lie still during the freezing winter, but once the sunlight warms enough to soften their world, the algae awake, making use of the melt water and sunlight to rapidly bloom.

“The algae need liquid water in order to bloom,” University of Leeds microbiologist Steffi Lutz told Gizmodo in 2016. “The algal blooms contribute to climate change,” the center stated.

A study in 2016 showed that snow algal blooms can decrease the amount of light reflected from the snow by up to 13 percent across one melt season in the Arctic. “This will surely result in higher melt rates,” the researchers wrote.

In 2017 environmental scientists calculated that microbial communities contributed to over a sixth of the snowmelt where they were present in Alaskan ice fields. Their experiments showed that areas with more melt water led to the growth of 50 percent more algae and places with more algae melted further.

This Antarctic summer has certainly seen a lot more melt water than usual. Temperature records keep changing, leading to rapid melting previously only seen in the Northern Hemisphere.

1.What does the underlined word “culprits” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Risks. B.Chances.

C.Effects. D.Criminals.

2.What can we know about Chlamydomonasnivalis?

A.They can be found anywhere. B.They are sensitive to temperature.

C.They grow slower than before. D.They survive only one melt season.

3.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.Ice and snow will soon disappear in the Antarctic.

B.Microbial communities bring about extreme weathers.

C.The Southern Hemisphere is warmer than the other parts.

D.Climate change and algae growth interact with each other.

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Snow Turned Blood-red. B.How Algae Began in the Arctic.

C.Why Climate Changes Greatly. D.How the Snow Reflects Sunlight.



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