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As tech gets ever more clever, it opens ...

    As tech gets ever more clever, it opens possibilities - not just for business but for cybercriminals(网络罪犯).Companies are being kept on their toes to find the most up-to-date security. 1. However, the real question is, "How can we use this securely?"

AIs may make it easier to attack company systems. They also give security experts new ways to detect problems and free them up from repetitive(重复的)work. 2.

AIs also provide new solutions for security operation centers. 3. This job used to be done by skilled analysts(分析师). But machine learning can now spot 80 percent of false positives, leaving the analysts to work on the potentially harmful 20 percent.

AIs are very good at recognizing new things which are potentially a problem.4.They spot new threats because they've learned what looks normal and what doesn't. You have to accept you will be attacked and deal with it like an immune system would. The next step is to allow Al systems to take action in real time, so you have self-defending networks.5.

A.So they can focus their efforts where they are needed most.

B.This includes old and new tech working side by side.

C.They're a bit like the human immune system.

D.For example, it is very good at identifying misleading security alarms.

E.It's vital to have a right view of how technology is actually used.

F.Then you will have an Al reacting to attacks and you'll never even know it.

G.When they adopt new technology, they often ask themselves, "Is this secure?"


1.G 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.F 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了人工智能可以在不同领域帮助我们。例如:可以帮助检测出问题,让工程师不用做重复性的工作;检测出安全问题;甚至还可以检测出潜在的问题。 1. 考查上下文语境。前文提到“Companies are being kept on their toes to find the most up-to-date security.”公司不断寻求安全,G项紧接前文说公司在用新技术之前都会问 “这安全吗?”符合语境。故选G。 2. 考查上下文语境。前文提到“…free them up from repetitive(重复的)work.”人工智能把安全专家们从重复性的工作中解脱出来,A项“这样他们就可以把精力集中在最需要他们的地方”,符合语境。故选A。 3. 考查上下文语境。上文AIs also provide new solutions for security operation centers.说人工智能也为安全运营中心提供了新的解决方案。下文This job used to be done by skilled analysts说这项工作过去是由熟练的分析师来做的。该空承上启下,D项“例如,它非常擅长识别具有误导性的安全警报。”切题。故选D。 4. 考查上下文语境。上文AIs are very good at recognizing new things which are potentially a problem.说人工智能非常善于识别潜在的问题。下文They spot new threats because they've learned what looks normal and what doesn't.说它们发现新的威胁,因为它们知道什么看起来正常,什么不正常。该空承上启下 ,下文immune system是关键词, C项“它们有点像人类的免疫系统”符合语境。故选C。 5. 考查上下文语境。前文提到“The next step is to allow Al systems to take action in real time, so you have self-defending networks”(下一步是允许Al系统实时采取行动,这样就有了自我防御的网络。)F项“然后,在受到攻击时将会有一个AI式的反应,而你将永远都不会知道。”该空承接上文,故选F。

    Long long ago, some have predicted there would be robots on the earth. Nowadays we are familiar with a variety of robots that have some special skills in some science fiction movies and some real robots in our daily life. Some may dream of owning one or two or more robots to free them from something dangerous or tiring, challenging... Here's some good news for them.

Zhejiang Aishida Electric Co, also known as ASD, announced plans on Monday to invest at least 500 million yuan (US $ 71. 4 million) to build an industrial robot factory which will help the company establish "a smart manufacturing ecosystem" in the Yangtze River Delta region.

"Besides the new plant in Zhejiang Province, ASD also plans to build ASD Shanghai Intelligent Valley and related logistics(后勤)and research facilities in the region. This ecosystem will cover robotics, smart manufacturing, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things,” said Chen Helin, chairman of Shenzhen-listed ASD.

Despite mounting economic uncertainties, China's robot demand will continue to grow thanks to digitalized and artificial intelligence upgrade trends, industry insiders said. China's annual sales of industrial robots will hit 150,000 units in 2020, and 260,000 units in 2025, according to the Shanghai Robot Industry Association. The new ASD factory, located in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, will produce 20,000 industrial robots annually. About 1 ,000 robots manufactured at the new factory will be used in ASD's production line for cooking pots and other devices.

"ASD will join other industry players to attend the China International Industry Fair, which opens on Tuesday in Shanghai. ASD is "still interested in” being listed on the new Shanghai STAR market through spinning off its robot or smart manufacturing business," Chen said on Monday.

1.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A.To present an argument. B.To introduce some science fictions.

C.To inspire the readers to read more. D.To draw a conclusion about robots.

2.What does the underlined word " invest" in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Put in. B.Take in.

C.Bring in. D.Look in.

3.What did ASD intend to do in Zhejiang Province?

A.Build a factory in which workers are all robots.

B.Establish an industrial robot factory and related system.

C.Plant trees to make sure its factory has a good ecosystem.

D.Invest at least 500 million yuan to do research into the robots.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.China needs more industrial robots.

B.The China International Industrial Fair is opening.

C.ASD will build an industrial robot factory in Zhejiang.

D.The development of China's industrial robots is speeding up.



    Getting old might not be something that's yet to cross your mind. But aging is going to defeat us one day, so it's something we'd all like to control.

It would be great to have a long, healthy and happy life, and that's why scientists are constantly seeking out what we need to do to achieve it. We all know that regular exercise is good for us. But the latest piece of research might put a spring in your step if you're someone who walks at a fast pace. That's because the speed at which people walk in their 40s is a sign of how much their brains and their bodies are aging.

The BBC's Philippa Roxby writes that tests on 1,000 people found that slower walkers tended to show signs of "accelerated aging”. Their lungs, teeth and immune systems were in worse shape than those walking faster. The study also found not only did slower walkers bodies age more quickly, their faces looked older and they had smaller brains.

This might be seen as a wake-up call for people with a slower pace to work out and get fitter. But it might be too late researchers say they were able to predict the walking speed of 45-year-olds using the results of intelligence, language and motor (运动)skills tests from when they were aged three. They also suggest that even in early life, there are signs showing which people will have a healthier life.

So, what's the point of knowing that a slower walking pace might mean a smaller brain? Researchers say measuring walking speed at a younger age and understanding what this might mean could be a way of testing treatments to slow human aging.

1.Why do scientists keep on studying?

A.To help people live a better life. B.To achieve their goals.

C.To find ways to stop aging. D.To find out who can live longer.

2.How did the researchers get the result?

A.By analyzing data. B.By doing experiments int he lab.

C.By doing surveys. D.By carrying out tests on people.

3.The findings can be used to .

A.treat certain illnesses B.find ways to slow aging

C.make people work harder D.urge people to walk slowly

4.Where is the text most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A guidebook.

C.A novel. D.A magazine.



    An attractive and talented actress who is as comfortable in historical dramas as in modern day thrillers and comedies, Emily Mortimer was born in Great Britain in 1971.

Mortimer's father is author John Mortimer, best known for his series of Rumpole of the Bailey mystery novels, and she seems to have absorbed her father's literary influence—before her career as an actress took off, Mortimer wrote a column(专栏)for the London Telegraph, and she's served as a screenwriter for an screen adaptation of Lorna Sage's book Bad Blood.

Mortimer was a student at St. Paul's Girls School when she first developed an interest in acting, appearing in several student productions. After graduating from St. Paul s, she moved on to Oxford, where she majored in Russian. Mortimer found time to perform in several plays while at Oxford, and while acting in a student production she impressed a producer who cast her in a supporting role in a television adaptation of Catherine Cookson's The Glass Virgin in 1995 Several more television roles followed, including the British TV movie Sharpe’s Sword, before she won her first film role, playing the wife of John Patterson (Val Kilmer) in 1996 s The Ghost and the Darknass.

In 1998, Mortimer appeared as Kat Ashley in the international hit Elizabeth. In 2000, Mortimer was cast as Katherine in Kenneth Branngh's ill-fated musical adaptation of hovers Labour’s Lost, but the experience had a happy ending for her—she met actor Alessandro Nivola, and the two soon fell in love and have been together ever since. That same year, Mortimer took on her biggest role in an American film to date.

1.What did Mortimer do before she turned actress?

A.She worked in the London Telegraph .

B.She did some writing and adaptation.

C.She was the author of some mystery novels.

D.She was a co-writer of the book Bad Blood .

2.When did Mortimer show her interest in acting?

A.Before she went to school. B.When she majored in Russian.

C.After she graduated from Oxford. D.When she was studying in St. Paul.

3.In which of the following did Mortimer play her first movie role?

A.The Ghost and the Darkness. B.Sharpe's Sword.

C.The Glass Virgin . D.Elizabeth.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Mortimer's Master Pieces B.Mortimer's Acting Career

C.Mortimer's Studying Experience D.Mortimer's Father Influenced Her Deeply




Mo’orea is a place to relax and appreciate the quietness and beauty o£ nature. Experience

the island's authentic Tahitian(塔希提的)) culture and explore tropical nature on foot. Pass  by white churches and sleepy fishing villages and stop along the way to buy some tropical fruit or an ice cold coconut.

St Lucia

Saint Lucia is the ideal destination for adventurers. The island has volcanic origins and if you like hiking, you will love “The Pitons”. The best beaches are in St Lucia, the most famous ones are “Sugar Beach” and “Marigot Bay”. “Grande Anse” is the place to go if you want to see sea turtles get out of the water and lay their eggs on the sand.


Bali is the favorite destination for surfers and divers, but there is more to discover. Temples and palaces set against surprising landscapes make the island an experience of its kind. Pick wisely where to stay on the island as each city offers a different experience. Seminyakis Bali's beach resort area and night birds will enjoy its nightlife. “Ubud" is very quiet and the ideal place for nature lovers.

Easter Island

Easter Island draws visitors to see the super-sized statues that have stood on its shores since the 13th century. There are more than 900 of them, with over-sized heads. While it is these that bring most tourists to this remote spot, there's far more to see and do here. Visit vast volcanic craters, take a trip to a preserved stone village or spend some time on the beaches. The choice is yours.

1.Where can visitors see sea turtles?

A.St Lucia.  B.Bali.

C.Easter Island. D.Mo'orea.

2.What is Easter island's main attraction?

A.Beaches. B.Tropical fruit.

C.Temples and palaces. D.Stone statues.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To entertain. B.To educate.

C.To introduce. D.To inform.










4.参考词汇:外国留学生foreigh students;绕口令tongue twister




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