满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

School is still out for the summer, but ...

    School is still out for the summer, but at Eastern Senior High School,students are hard at work.In a garden bursting with vegetables and herbs, nearly a dozen teenagers are harvesting them for the weekend's farmers market. They work Tuesday through Saturday with City Blossoms, a non-profit that brings community gardens to schools and other places where kids gather in urban areas.

Roshawn Little, going into her junior year at Eastern, believes that working in the garden has taught her to try all sorts of new thingslike eating different kinds of vegetables more often. And she has taken those healthy behaviors home with her and her family now buy more fruits and vegetables.“We mainly live around liquor(酒)stores and snack stores. There aren’t that many grocery stores. They're way out, and you have to drive so far”a common problem in low-income urban areas.

City Blossoms is one of many groups across the country teaming up with local communities to establish school gardens, like the one at Eastern. These gardens, advocates say, are really outdoor classrooms where kids learn valuable lessons not just about nutrition, but also about science and math, even business skills. For example, the gardens can be used for math lessonslike calculating the area of a plant bedor learning the science of how plants grow.

On a recent weekend at the Aya farmers market, the kids work at a table decorated with handmade signs that read “onions” and “garlic”, inviting people to try their herbed salt with bread. Working at the market helps them practice public speaking skills and business skills.

Nadine Joyner of a nutrition education company has a food table next to the kids at the market and often buys produce from them. She is constantly impressed by the kids’ knowledge of what they're sellingthey know how to grow it, how to prepare it, and how to cook it

1.What do students at Eastern do with the harvested vegetables?

A.Sell them on market . B.Take them to school.

C.Give them to farmers. D.Share them at home.

2.What can we infer about the area Little lives in?

A.It is inconvenient in traffic. B.It is crowded with grocery stores.

C.It has poor access to fresh foods. D.It suffers from income inequality.

3.Why does City Blossoms establish school gardens?

A.To provide nutritious food. B.To improve classroom conditions.

C.To cooperate with local community. D.To create outdoor learning chances.

4.Which may be the best title for this text?

A.Green Vegetables, Healthy Gardeners B.School Garden: a Promise Land in Summer

C.Young Gardeners, Knowledgeable Minds D.City Blossoms: an Exciting Garden Project


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了非盈利组织City Blossoms为学校和其他孩子聚集的城市地区提供社区花园。社区花园是孩子们的户外教室。孩子们自己种植蔬菜,然后卖出,从中学到了很多有价值的知识。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中“On a recent weekend at the Aya farmers market, the kids work at a table…inviting people to try their herbed salt with bread.( 在阿亚农贸市场,孩子们在一张桌子旁工作,邀请人们品尝他们制作的香草盐面包。)” 以及最后一段中“…often buys produce from them.”可知,孩子们在社区花园里收获蔬菜,然后拿到市场上去卖。故选A项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第二段中Roshawn Little 所说的话“‘We mainly live around liquor(酒)stores and snack stores. There aren’t that many grocery stores…you have to drive so far.’ ”Little居住的地区周围主要是贩酒店和零食店,没有那么多杂货店。买东西得开车去很远的地方。因此可以推断,Little居住的地区不容易买得到新鲜的食物。故选C项。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“These gardens…are really outdoor classrooms where kids learn valuable lessons—not just about nutrition, but also about science and math, even business skills. (这些花园真的是户外教室,孩子们可以学到宝贵的课程——不仅是关于营养,还有关于科学和数学,甚至商业技能。)”可知,City Blossoms建立社区花园的目的是为了给孩子们创造户外学习的机会。故选D项。 4. 主旨大意题。通读全文,文章介绍了City Blossoms为孩子们建立社区花园。在社区花园里,孩子们自己种植蔬菜,然后卖出。孩子们不仅学到关于营养方面的知识,而且还学到科学和数学知识,甚至是演讲技能和商业技能。文章最后一段提到“She is constantly impressed by the kids’ knowledge of what they're selling—they know how to grow it, how to prepare it, and how to cook it.”孩子们对自己所卖的东西的丰富知识,给人们留下了深刻的印象。因此文章的标题应为“年轻的园丁,知识渊博的头脑”。故选C项。

    Life under lockdown is strange and lonely but people are finding ways to come together and support those in need by volunteering. Here are just a few more ways you can take part in.

NHS Responders

After asking retired medical professionals to return to work, the government has also put out a call for 250,000 volunteers to support the NHS (National Health System). You can apply to be a community response volunteer, collecting and delivering supplies for those in isolation; a patient transport volunteer, helping patients who are dismissed from hospital get home and settled; and an NHS transport volunteer, to assist with delivery of medical supplies.

GAIL'S Bakery

As well as baking breads and pastries for the general public, GAJL's is supplying front-line NHS teams with fresh food, and they need more help to get it where it needs to be. If you want to lend a hand, drop them an email.


Re-engage is a voluntary group that helps reduce loneliness among old people and given that so many people are isolated because of the virus outbreak, they need more volunteers to become call companions. If you want to join them in the telephone befriending service, contact them at 18112256.

A Plate For London

This online platform helps match volunteers with Londoners in need . Now they are focusing on doorstep deliveries of food parcels and hot meals to children who rely on free school meals and those who have lost their jobs as a result of the widespread disease.

1.What is the duty of a patient transport volunteer?

A.Picking up patients. B.Sending patients home.

C.Moving patients to clinics. D.Delivering supplies for patients.

2.Which volunteer group especially cares for the senior?

A.NHS Responders. B.GAIL’s Bakery.

C.Re-engage. D.A Plate For London.

3.Who may be offered food by the online platform?

A.The aged. B.The volunteers.

C.The patients. D.The unemployed.



假定你是李华,你的外国朋友 Martin 给你发来电子邮件,请你帮忙购买一些口罩。请给他回复,内容包括:

1. 已经买到,明天寄出;

2. 给他一些防疫建议(至少两条);

3. 问候与祝愿。

注意: 1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 口罩 mask




假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

When it comes to the season I like best, spring will always strike to me in no time.  There are many reasons that I like spring best. One of the most romantic thing is to walk in a lightly rain in spring. What’s more, after a long cold winter, everything begin to come to life. But whenever there is a chance for me to go to the countryside, I will never hesitate to pack my bags and leave to the land. Finally, I adore spring because it is either too hot nor too cold.  In word, I like everything in spring, especially the sight of green trees bathing in the sunshine.




In the past few months, a Chinese student1.(catch) the attention of internet users in the UK with his informative posts2.(concern) the current pandemic.

Wu Peng, originally from Chengdu, Sichuan province, has been3.(voluntary) summarizing the latest COVID-19 data to help local residents and internet users better understand the spread of the virus. To make daily updates, Wu has been using official information4.(release) by the British Department of Health and Social Care.

He has created plenty of daily5. (chart) to keep his Twitter followers up to date. Last week, he went to the streets and gave out masks free6.charge. His hard work and sense of responsibility encouraged 7.local news agency to interview him for a story. When8.(ask) about his intention, Wu explained, “I hope everyone can understand the growth trend9.(clearly) than before.” Wu told The Yorkshire Post, “10.a pandemic can be defeated depends on how people react.”



    I developed a crush on a cute woman I met in a pet store. She led a very___________lifestyle and we did not have much to talk about. But somehow none of this seemed to_________. I enjoyed being with her and I felt a sparkle in her presence. And it seemed to me that she enjoyed my_________as well. When I learned her birthday was coming up, I decided to ask her out. On the threshold of calling her, I sat and looked at the phone for about half an hour. Then I dialed and hung up_________it rang. I felt like a high school boy, bouncing between_________anticipation (期待) and fear of rejection. A voice from hell kept telling me that she would not like me and that I had a lot of_________asking her out this Saturday. But I felt too enthusiastic about being with her to let the_________stop me._________I got up the nerve to ask her. She thanked me for calling and told me she was not_________on that day. I felt shot down. The__________voice that told me not to call advised me to give up before I was____________embarrassed. __________there was more inside of me that wanted to come to__________. I had feelings for this woman, and I had to express them. So I bought her a pretty birthday card on which I wrote a__________note. I walked around the corner to her pet shop. As I approached the door, that same disturbing voice    ________me, “What if she doesn’t like you? What if she__________you?” Feeling vulnerable, I stuffed the__________under my shirt. I decided that if she showed me__________of affection, I would give it to her; if she was cool to me, I would leave the card__________. This way I would not be__________and would avoid rejection or embarrassment.

1.A.simple B.modern C.different D.casual

2.A.affect B.matter C.work D.develop

3.A.company B.absence C.joke D.affection

4.A.before B.after C.until D.while

5.A.patient B.active C.excited D.anxious

6.A.reasons B.time C.nerve D.chances

7.A.fear B.trick C.expectation D.difficulty

8.A.Fortunately B.Gradually C.Consequently D.Eventually

9.A.possible B.acceptable C.suitable D.available

10.A.kind B.same C.fearful D.wise

11.A.deeply B.repeatedly C.further D.nakedly

12.A.But B.So C.And D.Otherwise

13.A.solution B.reality C.understanding D.life

14.A.honest B.poetic C.complex D.grateful

15.A.cautioned B.convinced C.rang D.pushed

16.A.accepts B.appreciates C.rejects D.questions

17.A.hand B.card C.love D.secret

18.A.gifts B.words C.symbols D.signs

19.A.unread B.hidden C.mysterious D.behind

20.A.at a loss B.without doubt C.in disguise D.at risk



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