满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

NextFest is an unusual exhibition where ...

    NextFest is an unusual exhibition where you can meet the most creative minds and discover new technology from around the world and see the things that will change the way we live, work and play in the future. For example,......

Brainball is a computer game with a difference: if you’re too competitive, you'll lose. The more relaxed you are, the better you play. Brainball measures your brainwaves and the person who is the most relaxed can push the ball to the other side and win. I’m sure it will be a popular game with yoga teachers and nervous parents everywhere.

If you’re interested in fashion, NexlFest can show you the clothes of the future—cloth which you can change by downloading styles from the web, clothes which look after your health and a biometric(生物测量的) suit which watches over your body and gives you medicine when you need it.

Another hit is a humanoid(类人的) robot which can walk, turn, climb up and down stairs—and even dance. Asimo copies human movement and is friendly-looking. Its maker, Honda, believes it will be a big help to blind or elderly people and to those who can’t get out of bed.

The Skyear looks as if it could only appear in a Hollywood film. It certainly lives up to its name: it can fly. It can climb at more than 2.000 metres a minute and reach a speed of 365 mph. If you want one, it will cost you about $500,000!

If you want to see the future, come to NexiFest. It’s open all this whole week at the State Science Exhibition Centre.

1.What should you do if you want to win a game of Brainball?

A.Keep a cool head. B.Be strong enough.

C.Have a creative mind D.Be highly competitive.

2.What is Asimo designed to do?

A.Direct human movement. B.Look after human’s health.

C.Give patients medical treatment. D.Help the elderly and the disabled.

3.What can we learn about NextFest?

A.It lasts five days. B.It is held by Honda.

C.It is related to technology. D.It sells clothes and medicine.


1.A 2.D 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇带有广告性质的说明文,主要介绍了一个科技感和未来感满满的展览NextFest,在这里有创造性的游戏、衣服和机器人等,欢迎人们前来参观。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段内容“if you’re too competitive, you'll lose. The more relaxed you are, the better you play.”和“The person who is the most relaxed can push the ball to the other side and win.”可知,这款叫Brainball的游戏,特别之处在于你越是放松就越能赢,而非追求高对抗性和竞争性,因而A选项“保持冷静的头脑”符合原文,故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据原文第四段“Asimo copies human movement and is friendly-looking. Its maker, Honda, believes it will be a big help to blind or elderly people and to those who can’t get out of bed.”可知这款叫Asimo的机器人,设计出来将能为盲人、老人和卧床不起的人(可以概括为老弱病残)提供帮助,因而D选项“帮助老人和残疾人”符合原文,故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据原文第一段对这一展览的介绍“NextFest is an unusual exhibition where you can meet the most creative minds and discover new technology…”可知其与科技息息相关,C选项符合原文;且根据最后一段“It’s open all this whole week”可知其持续一整周七天,A错误;根据第四段“Its maker, Honda, believes it will be a big help…”可知Honda在是这款机器人的设计者,非整个展览的举办人,B错误;根据第三段全段内容,这一展览中有“未来的衣服”展出,它们甚至还能监测你的身体健康状况并在你需要时给药,而非展览现场卖衣服和药,D错误。综上,只有C与原文内容相符,故选C。

假如你是李华,因为新冠疫情(the COVID-19 epidemic)的影响,你的英国笔友Mary家开办的农场农产品滞销,写信向你求助。请你给她回封信,鼓励她参照中国的经验,自己做网络主播(network anchor),在家直播带货(promote goods sales through livestreaming)


参考词汇:1.拼单:share the bill; 2.秒光:sell out within seconds; 3. 网红营销(social influencer marketing)

Dear Mary,

How are you getting along these days?


I do hope that it will be helpful to you. Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua










One day, I played the chess with Father and I won the first round, said proudly: “Dad, you have to fight.” Father replied he will get back in the next round. The second round began and I launched a series of attacks, that caught my dad off guard and led to much falls. My heart leaped with the joy that he could win again. I thought victory was within my grasp, but I defeated instead. Dad explained that I should have taken a long-term view so that I could succeed eventually. Father’s words made me comprehended a principle that we students should look forward to the future. More important, we should be good at seizing opportunities, making plan, and moving forward to the goal.




A team of over 30 Chinese surveyors left the base camp at Mount Qomolangma for a higher spot1.its journey to the peak Wednesday as part of the country’s mission to remeasure the height of the world's highest mountain.

China has started a campaign to measure the height of Mount Qomolangma ,2.is known in the West as Mount Everest. The remeasurement of the peak’s height is a part of China’s latest large-scale comprehensive3.(science) survey of Qomolangma, and the 1st Gendetic Surveying Brigade under the Ministry of Natural Resources and the China Mountaineering Team are the parties carrying out the project4.(collective).

Preparation of the project5.(launch) in early March, with 53 surveyors from the 1st Geodetic Surveying Brigade getting6.( station) near Qomolangma to carry out adaptive climbing and training in other technical7.(skill), and they are going to the survey on the summit of the mountain.

8.(ensure) the accuracy of the measurement, and-to work it in9.more effective way, experts were invited to assist in the technical design and planning of the project from the beginning. The technical innovation and breakthrough applied in the latest survey include the10.(apply) of the BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System and advanced domestic surveying and mapping instruments.



    When my roommates and I left campus for spring break, we told each other we’d be back soon. Little did we_______that within the next three days, “soon” would become “who knows when.” Stuck at home from college, we felt filled with a strong_______to do something to help, but_______about what we could do.

Ever since the corona-virus outbreak_______, we found ourselves_______by stories of front-line workers who remained at their posts and yet their calls for_______to basic necessities were overlooked._______, the problems they were facing_________from daily supplies.

Just before midnight on April 8, we_________Give Essential, an on-line matching platform where front-line workers can tell us what__________they need, and__________tell us what they can give. And then we create__________based on their best-fit needs and donations, with things directly sent to these workers.

After glued to our screens for 36 hours and building a website from scratch, we posted the__________on Facebook, to tell everyone we knew about Give Essential. Within 24 hours, we________over 300 front-line workers, and many donors have________to help with gifts________from bars of soap to several grocery gift cards.

Give Essential started as an idea, and snowballed into a ,__________with hundreds of connections across the country. In this state of lockdown, it is easy to feel__________by the four walls and front door that we're__________not to leave. With Give Essential, we wanted to__________the public that our ability to connect with and help others is not limited in that same way.

1.A.decide B.know C.agree D.promise

2.A.urge B.research C.pity D.relief

3.A.confident B.excited C.unsure D.scared

4.A.turned B.left C.hit D.waited

5.A.touched B.tired C.amused D.frightened

6.A.ability B.access C.right D.idea

7.A.Fortunately B.Suddenly C.Easily D.Obviously

8.A.adapted B.arose C.heard D.differed

9.A.gave way to B.put up with C.came up with D.went back to

10.A.positions B.plans C.suggestions D.items

11.A.experts B.customers C.viewers D.donors

12.A.matches B.clubs C.accounts D.tasks

13.A.role B.link C.letter D.job

14.A.employed B.changed C.reached D.dismissed

15.A.refused B.regretted C.pretended D.offered

16.A.skipping B.sharing C.flowing D.ranging

17.A.group B.trap C.store D.hole

18.A.depressed B.thrilled C.ashamed D.satisfied

19.A.invited B.advised C.controlled D.trained

20.A.shock B.warn C.remind D.surprise



    When is the best time to exercise and what times will yield the best results?1.This means anytime that our bodies are not feeling exhausted and at least an hour after a meal to allow the enzymes (酶)to break down the food and help the body return to its normal state.

2.However, those who prefer to exercise in the morning but end up feeling bored and worn out, do so because of a lack of sugar in the body.3. If you dont have time to enjoy a delicious one, just have a couple of biscuits to fill your stomach.

For exercise in the afternoon or evening, it is strongly advised that you do not allow your stomach to start growing after a session of exercise either. The body requires about 2, 000 kilocalories per day, but when exercising, we will burn up to 500 kilocalories extra.4. If we do not refill our energy stores, we are easier to feel cheerless or even exhausted.

For those who do not have the time to exercise properly, it is advisable that you by to use stairs instead of lifts and walk to get your lunch rather than drive. Even though these activities will not burn as many calories as serious exercise, they will ensure that your muscles are working harder than usual.5.

A.That is why eating breakfast is so important.

B.The best time for exercise is different for each person.

C.It’s said that people who work out early are most likely to stick with a routine.

D.The truth is that anytime you are available and prepared to exercise would be okay.

E.When this energy is running out, our bodies will send us a message that food is needed.

F.If these activities then become habits, they will have a positive effect on how well your body energy.

G.Not only will these activities help improve our physical wellbeing, they can increase productivity at work.



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