满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

People may have some unclear memories of...

    People may have some unclear memories of their childhood but almost everyone will remember the beautiful princess and the cruel queen in "Snow White" the innocent little girl and the greedy big gray wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood"1. For example "True love can overcome anything" and "Even a frog can turn into a prince" However at a certain age we start to learn new things about life particularly that love doesn't always win and that a frog is just a frog

2. Just look at animated films like "The Lion King" and "Frozen" which have millions of fans young and old And this year's Lucerne Festival in Switzerland - a classical music festival - will also feature the themes of "Childhood" and "Fairy tales"

"Fairy tales endure because they are the stories of our lives in their most stripped down form" wrote US author Laura Packer "They are stories of love and loss desire and death riches and ruin" 3. But if children only see just one side of reality adults usually see the other For example in the movie "Maleficent" we′re told the tale of Sleeping Beauty from the perspective of the evil queen 4. Instead she suffers great losses growing up leading to the creation of her "evil'' side And in US author James Finn Gamer's book "Politically Correct Bedtime Stories "he tells the classic story of "Little Red Riding Hood" but with a modem touch

5. They may usually start with "Once upon a time but as we grow older we learn that every story doesn't always need a "happily ever after" to be a good one

A.Fairy tales are all about reality

B.But somehow our love for fairy tales never dies

C.Most of us get our earliest life lessons from fairy tales

D.The theme of fairy tales is to teach people courage and kindness

E.Fairy tales have been adapted into versions suitable for children

F.It looks like fairy tales aren't just stories our parents read us at bedtime

G.Unlike the children's version of the story we see that the queen wasn't born evil


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.G 5.F 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了人们可能对自己的童年有一些模糊的记忆,但几乎每个人都会记得《白雪公主》中美丽的公主和残忍的皇后,《小红帽》中无辜的小女孩和贪婪的大灰狼,我们大多数人都是从童话故事中获得最早期的人生经验。 1.考查句意理解和上下文语境理解。根据前文"People may have some unclear memories of their childhood, but almost everyone will remember the beautiful princess and the cruel queen in "Snow White", the innocent little girl and the greedy big gray wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood"人们可能对自己的童年有一些模糊的记忆,但几乎每个人都会记得《白雪公主》中美丽的公主和残忍的皇后,《小红帽》中无辜的小女孩和贪婪的大灰狼,可知选项C.Most of us get our earliest life lessons from fairy tales."我们大多数人都是从童话故事中获得最早的人生经验"符合语境。故选C。 2.考查句意理解和上下文语境理解。根据下文"Just look at animated films like "The Lion King" and "Frozen", which have millions of fans young and old看看像《狮子王》和《冰雪奇缘》这样的动画电影,它们有数百万的年轻和年老的粉丝".可知选项B.But somehow, our love for fairy tales never dies."但不知何故,我们对童话的爱永不消逝"。符合语境。故选B。 3.考查句意理解和上下文语境理解。根据前文"They are stories of love and loss, desire and death, riches and ruin它们是关于爱与失去、欲望与死亡、财富与毁灭的故事".可知选项A.Fairy tales are all about reality."童话都是关于现实的"。符合语境。故选A。 4.考查句意理解和上下文语境理解。根据前文"For example, in the movie "Maleficent", we′re told the tale of Sleeping Beauty from the perspective of the evil queen例如,在电影《沉睡魔咒》中,我们从邪恶女王的角度讲述了睡美人的故事"。可知选项G.Unlike the children's version of the story, we see that the queen wasn't born evil."与儿童版本的故事不同,我们看到女王并非生来邪恶"。符合语境。故选G。 5.考查句意理解和上下文语境理解。根据下文"They may usually start with "Once upon a time but as we grow older, we learn that every story doesn't always need a "happily ever after" to be a good one他们通常会以"很久很久以前"开始,但是随着我们年龄的增长,我们知道并不是每一个故事都需要"从此幸福快乐"才能成为一个好故事".可知选项F.It looks like fairy tales aren't just stories our parents read us at bedtime."看起来童话故事不仅仅是父母在睡前给我们讲的故事"。符合语境。故选F。

    The 2019 World Conference on VR Industry shows that Virtual Reality VR technology can be used to revolutionize people's experiences in practically any field

Held in Nanchang from Oct 19 to 22 the annual conference attracted more than 300 experts leading scholars and company principals from over 30 countries The theme of this year's World Conference on VR Industry was "VR+5G tor a new age of insight" Conferences and exhibitions which hosted more than 2000 companies from across the world were held during the event

As China introduces 5G this year experts and industry insiders said that the VR industry will hug the new era "We will take the lead in VR technology creativity For example the technology has already been applied successfully to this year's National Day parade The popularity of the technology among younger generations of users guarantees a large potential market said Guo Ping representative of Huawei

In 2018 Oral Roberts University in the USA opened a new Global Learning Center which has classrooms equipped with 360-degree cameras on the wail which follows and records professors as they teach Through an app on the smart phone students can see images in 3D and manipulate (操纵)them

In May 2019 a VR theme park opened to the public in London Covering about 13000 square meters with 120 sets of advanced VR equipment the park attracts thousands of visitors every day

During the 22nd Asian Music Festival the musical Eight made its second appearance Eight is a unique fusion of music theater VR technology and visual art in which audience members wear VR headsets to walk through and manipulate an equipment The show tells a poetic story of an old woman looking back on her life and it lasts for 15 minutes

1.What does this year's World Conference suggest ______

A.VR technology can be used only with 5G

B.VR technology can change people's lives

C.China's 5G technology will take the lead

D.More VR theme parks will be opened to public

2.Why is Guo Ping confident about VR technology ______

A.Because it attracts experts to cooperate

B.Because it has a large overseas market

C.Because young customers have interest in it

D.Because it has changed how to teach and learn

3.What does the underlined word " fusion'' in the last paragraph refer to ______

A.research B.process

C.combination D.type

4.Which is the best title of the passage ______

A.China Is Leading the Way in the World

B.VR Technology Development in China

C.5G Technology China Moves Ahead Quickly

D.The Bright Future of VR in Diverse Fields



    Victor Frankl the author of Mans Search far Meaning once wrote "'Everything can be taken from a person but one thing the last of human freedoms-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances" Frankl was right Attitude is a choice You could be faced with a thousand problems many or most over which you have absolutely no control However there is always one thing you are in complete and absolute control of and that is your own attitude

To be honest it wasn't until I was in my late 20s that I finally understood its full impact All through my teens and into my early adult life I can't tell you the number of times that I heard "Bob if you'd just change your attitude you would do a lot better" At that time I didn't know what attitude was let alone know how to change it!

Attitude and results are inseparable They follow one another as night follows day One is the cause while the other the result There is a term we use to distinguish this "cause and effect " relationship which is called The Law of Cause and Effect Simply stated if you think in negative terms you will get negative results if you think in positive terms you will achieve positive results Some people always see wrong things in the world These individuals are quick to blame circumstances or other people for their problems rather than accepting responsibility for their life and their attitude Thus it would appear as if they were born with bad luck and it has followed them around their whole life However there are others who are forever winning and living the good life They are the real movers and shakers who make things happen They seem to go from one major accomplishment to another They're in control of their life Their wins are a matter of choice

You can experience that kind of life as well you only need to decide Dorothea Brand once said "Act as if it were impossible to fail " and I challenge you to do so By simply becoming aware that you can choose your thoughts each and every day you will change your entire outlook You have the power to choose an abundant life no matter what your circumstances are Don't wait to experience all the wonderful things the universe has in store for you Start today by working on your attitude and welcome the abundant life that you are meant to lead

1.What can we know from Paragraph 1 ______

A.Freedom is the last thing we can control

B.Most problems in life are in our control

C.We can choose our attitude at any time

D.A man can lose anything but freedom

2.Why docs the author use the example of himself in Para 2 ______

A.To show attitude is important to the old

B.To show understanding attitude takes time

C.To prove attitude impacts greatly on people

D.To prove the author was very stubborn

3.Knowing "The Law of Cause and Effect" helps readers ______

A.understand what causes a good attitude

B.analyze the effect of a negative attitude

C.understand "cause and effect" relationship better

D.know the benefit of choosing active attitude

4.What is the writer's message conveyed in this passage ______

A.Winning is a matter of control

B.Success begins with positive attitude

C.Bad attitude results in bad results

D.Attitude and results are inseparable



    French children are saying "Hello" to the new academic year and "Bye" to their cell phones during school hours That's because a new law has come into effect which bans phone use by students up to the age of 15 The legislation which follows a campaign promise by French President Emmanuel Macron also bans tablets and smart watches

The ban is also in place at break times with exceptions in cases of emergency and for disabled children the French Education Ministry said in a statement In emergencies students can ask their teachers for permission to use their phones Meanwhile high schools can voluntarily carry out the measure

Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer said the new rules aim to help children focus on lessons better socialize and reduce social media use The ban is also designed to fight online bullying and prevent thefts and violence in school Blanquer has claimed the legislation would improve discipline among France's 12 million school students nearly 90% of whom have mobile phones "Being open to technologies of the future doesn't mean we have to accept all their uses" Blanquer said in June as the bill was going through in Parliament

As for enforcement it's up to individual school administrations to decide how to put through the ban School principals can decide to store students' phones in lockers or allow them to keep them switched off in their backpacks The law allows teachers to take away the phones until the end of the day in case of someone disobeying the bans

Jacqueline Kay-Cessou whose 14-year-old son David is entering eighth grade at the Camille See International School told the reporter she was happy to hear of the ban "It's fantastic news It's something I've wanted for years" Kay-Ccssou said "I think phones are socially harmful Kids can't think and sit still anymore and it's highly addictive"

1.What is the new rule for ordinary French students in the new term ______

A.They are not allowed to use their watches

B.They should follow President Macron

C.They should say "Hello" to school teachers

D.They can't use their cell phones at school

2.What is the opinion of Jean-Michel Blanquer ______

A.Cell phones are the main reason for school violence

B.The society should be strict with the school students

C.New technology should be properly applied at school

D.None of the young students should have mobile phones

3.Who is/are responsible for carrying out the ban ______

A.The school administrators B.The student monitors

C.The students' parents D.The Education Minister

4.What is the purpose of the last paragraph ______

A.To show the parental response to the ban

B.To provide a conclusion for the text

C.To offer an example for the new law

D.To make a list of cell phone's harms



Student-Led Public Walking Tour

The official Harvard tour is led by students and consists of an outdoor walk through Harvard Yard providing a history of the university general information and a unique view on the student's individual experience The tour is around one hour long and completely free of charge Currently we are only able to accommodate groups of up to 14 people If you have a group of 15 or more reservations are required

A Self-Guided Walking Tour

If you are interested in touring the campus on your own you may want a self-guided walking tour Helpful tour brochures written in nine languages can be acquired from our office during working hours

Western Ave Arts Walk Tour

The Western Ave Arts Walk Tour is led by students and consists of an outdoor walk along Western Avenue where visitors will learn about Allston's public art including both permanent and temporary works of art on view at the Harvard Ed Portal the Harvard Business School as well as works related to Zone 3 The tour is approximately one hour long Please wear comfortable shoes

Harvard College Admissions Information Tour

The Harvard College Admissions & Financial Aid Office offers another guided tour of the undergraduate campus This student-led tour of Harvard Yard is designed for students who have just been admitted into Harvard and those visitors wishing to learn more about student life

1.What is special about A Self-Guided Walking Tour ______

A.It includes an outdoor walk

B.It offers useful written materials

C.It requires comfortable shoes

D.It is around one hour long

2.Which is most suitable for the new students of Harvard ______

A.Western Ave Arts Walk Tour

B.Student-Led Public Walking Tour

C.A Self-Guided Walking Tour

D.Harvard College Admissions Information Tour

3.What's the purpose of the passage ______

A.To introduce the life of Harvard students

B.To introduce the history of Harvard

C.To introduce different tours of Harvard

D.To tell students to walk around Harvard



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