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Taking her child to school was a suffering Tracey Lewis was worried about. Walking left her breathless, but taking the car meant putting heormous body into the driver’s seat and fastening the seat belt.

“I hated my body,” she admits. “Anything other than sitting and watching TV was a struggle.”

When I went out I had to carry talcum powder with me to rub between my thighs(大腿)to stop them chaffing(擦伤).The only clothes that fitted were huge numbers that only drew attention to my size. I looked awful.”

When Tracey married her husband, Andy, 41, in 1988 she was a slim size 12. But then the weight piled on. She recalls: “We got into the habit of eating out. Neither of us enjoyed cooking.” At first, we ate in restaurants, but more and more we ended up staying in with a bottle of wine and a takeaway.

“I’d always been slim, so when my clothes began to feel tight it didn’t bother me. I thought I’d be able to lose any extra pounds easily enough.”

Then, in 1990, Tracey fell pregnant. She shot up from a size 14 to a size 18. “Being pregnant was an excuse to stuff myself,” Tracey admits.“I didn’t just eat for two, I ate for three or four-maybe more.”

Happy at home with her new baby, Tracey’s weight soon was out of control. Her doctor told her to lose a few pounds instead of comforting herself with food, but after 11 months she hadn’t shifted an ounce.

Soon she weighed 220 pounds and was a size 22. She had to wear cycling shorts under her dresses to stop her legs from developing sores. “By that time I was so self-conscious I avoided going out altogether,” says Tracey. “Andy plays football. I was often invited to drinks and meals, but didn’t want his friends to meet me. I’d hide upstairs at home and cry.” She felt horrified.

Paragraph 1: The following two years Tracey tried to slim.


Paragraph 2: The weight loss has changed Tracey’s life.



The following two years Tracey tried to slim. She followed her doctor's advice and began to eat a simple, well-balanced diet. She didn’t eat in restaurants or order takeout, She began to learn to cook for herself. She ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat food. In addition, Tracey joined an exercise class. She worked out three times a week. At first, Tracey wasn't happy because the weight came off so slowly. But her classmates encouraged her to stick to it and eventually she reached her goal. Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. That was because she had developed healthy new habits. The weight loss has changed Tracey’s life. She no longer felt out of breath. Taking her child to school becomes an easy and pleasant thing. She can go out in her nice clothes again. She takes an active part in some social activities and makes a lot of friends. She often participates in public service activities, which makes her life meaningful. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。 通过阅读所给文章可知,Tracey起初很瘦,但结婚后整天去饭店吃或在家喝酒吃外卖,变得越来越胖。她并没有太在意,她认为自己还可以变回原来的样子。怀孕生孩子后,她行动越来越吃力,不愿外出,并且感到自卑和恐惧。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:随后的两年Tracey开始减肥……,所以应该写她减肥的过程和结果。第二段开头是:减肥改变了Tracey的生活……。本段应该写她减肥成功后的生活。

假定你是李华,你校将举办美在校园The Beauty at Campus)摄影大赛。请给你的朋友新西兰留学生Lucy写封邮件,邀请她参赛。内容包括:

1. 比赛的目的;

2. 作品要求和截止日期;

3. 投稿地址:photocontest@ school.com

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





We recognize our friends’ faces. And we are not alone. Many social animals can also identify individuals of their own species by their facial1.(feature), because they need to adjust their behavior2.(depend) on who they meet. And a research has shown that some domesticated (驯养的) animals can even distinguish among different faces in photographs.

Researchers first3.(teach) horses to “choose” between two side-by-side images on a computer screen. Then the horses that were shown photos of their keeper alongside faces of4.(familiar) humans ignored the strangers’ faces, identifying5.(correct) their keeper about 75% of the time. What’s more, the horses also preferentially picked photos of their previous keeper. And they6.(be) at least as accurate in picking out their previous keeper7.they were at identifying their current one.

In addition, horses seem to have8.strong long-term memory for human faces, consistent with their long lifespan and history of domestication. In future experiments, the researchers may test whether looking at photos of people that they have had bad experiences with in the past might cause horses9.(act) anxiously. So maybe think twice before doing anything10.might give a horse a long face.



    When I was living alone in Santa Rosa, California, and running a business division for Intuit, my two cats Wiley and Wilbur were my family. We took care of one another, entertained one another,_________annoyed one another, and_________one another after all. Then, at only ten years old, Wilbur_________cancer.

Letting go of Wilbur was painful, and I was when the time came to say_________.Wiley, my other cat, was_________too. He and Wilbur were best friends. He had always been happy and well-adjusted,_________he seemed lost after Wilbur’s passing. Wiley and I grieved and healed together.

When people adopt a homeless pet, it’s clear that they are saving the animal from homelessness,_________animal companionship to their lives. They’re obviously_________a far better life for the animal. Time after time, people who adopt homeless pets find their own lives being_________too.

Thai’s just one of the__________of adopting a shelter dog. And that’s__________I created Mutual Rescue, an animal-welfare initiative aimed at highlighting this special bond__________more homeless animals’ lives can be   __________. I also wrote a book about the__________animals have on our lives: Adopting a Homeless Animal Can Save You, Too. This book includes some of the beautiful, life-changing stories I’ve ________.

1.A.always B.occasionally C.permanently D.usually

2.A.hated B.complained C.adored D.disgusted

3.A.suffered from B.escaped from C.recovered from D.got from

4.A.hello B.regret C.sorry D.goodbye

5.A.warmhearted B.thrilled C.scared D.heartbroken

6.A.so B.or C.hut D.thus

7.A.adding B.applying C.adapting D.adjusting

8.A.equipping B.providing C.contributing D.donating

9.A.disturbed B.disordered C.saved D.challenged

10.A.troubles B.benefits C.faults D.missions

11.A.when B.how C.why D.where

12.A.so that B.in case C.in that D.for fear that

13.A.exchanged B.transformed C.interrupted D.transferred

14.A.disadvantage B.mercy C.inspiration D.impact

15.A.encountered B.designed C.invented D.facilitated



    There are now six fires burning at emergency levels in Australia.1.The smoke is so intense and so thick it can be seen from space. 2,000 homes have been destroyed. Six million hectares of land charred, leading to death of the nation’s wildlife.

2.They are lightning strikes, winds and people who set fire deliberately. But one of the biggest reasons they’ve become so extreme, is the same reason as East Africa’s flood. Bushfires in Australia are a natural part of the country’s ecosystem.3.Even New South Wales, with the largest population, is used to breaking out. In 1974, fires burned 3.5 million hectares, and in 2003, another 2 million hectares were lost to fire. But the fires that started in 2019 are even worse:4.9 million hectares in New South Wales have burned alreadyand it’s only going to grow.

4.For starters, as the world is getting warmer from climate change, so is Australia. 2019 was its hottest year on record, with parts of the country reaching 45 degrees Celsius in December. 2019 was also its driestthe places here in gray have seen historic droughts.5.Throughout the year, other large-scale climate drivers affect Australia’s weather, and its likeliness to burn. One of the most influential is the Indian Ocean Dipole(偶极子), or the IOD. The IOD is a big temperature gradient that affects the surface water in the Indian Ocean, from the edge of Africa to the edge of Australia.

A.This is just heartbreaking.

B.So why is this fire season so awful?

C.Their “fire season” varies across regions.

D.The fire season is awful because of the unknown reason.

E.The ecosystem of the country needs to be improved.

F.These record-breaking bushfires in Australia have been started by the following.

G.Together, that provides the perfect conditions for bushfires to start and spread quickly.



    As for child vaccinations, parents usually get paperwork lost, or forget whether their child is up to date. Now a group of MIT researchers has developed a new way to address this problem: inserting the record directly into the skin. Along with the vaccine, a child would be injected with a bit of dye that is invisible to the naked eye but easily seen with an app that shines special light onto the skin. The dye would be expected to last up to five years.

The system would provide quick and easy access to vaccination history, and add little to the cost or risk of the procedure. “In developing countries where medical records may not be as complete or as accessible, there can be value in having medical information directly associated with a person,” says Ana Jaklenec, lead author of the study.

Delivering the dye required the researchers to find something that was safe and would last long enough to be useful. “That’s really the biggest challenge we overcame in the project,” says Jaklenec, adding that the team tested a number of dyes hut could not find any that lasted when exposed to sunlight. The team ended up using a technology called quantum dots, which were originally developed to label cells during research. The dye has been shown to be safe in humans.

“When people were still getting vaccinated against smallpox, they got a visible scar on their arm that made it easy to identify who had been vaccinated and who had not. But obviously, we didn't want to give people a scar.” Jaklenec says, noting that her team was looking for something that couldn’t be seen. The researchers also wanted to avoid technologies that would raise even more privacy concerns, such as databases with names and identifiable data.

The researchers hope to add more detailed information to the dots, such as the date of vaccination. Along with them, the team eventually wants to inject sensors that could also potentially be used to track aspects of health such as insulin levels in diabetics.

1.What can we learn from the first 2 paragraphs?

A.A new system has been developed to track the history of vaccination.

B.The cost of updating vaccination history is high.

C.The dye injected into children can be seen with naked eyes easily.

D.Carrying around one’s medical record is convenient.

2.What was the biggest challenge for the researchers?

A.Labeling cells. B.Delivering a number of dyes.

C.Finding the safe and long-lasting material. D.Inventing a technology called quantum clots.

3.It can be learned from the text that the researchers________________.

A.are trying to find a vaccination against diabetics.

B.have injected sensors to track aspects of health.

C.are sure to leave no scars on those who are vaccinated.

D.hope to add more detailed information to the quantum dots while maintaining privacy.

4.How does the author feel about the project?

A.Disappointed B.Enthusiastic

C.Indifferent D.Uncertain



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