满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My palms were sweating. I was sure that ...

    My palms were sweating. I was sure that I could hear my heart beating fast. This was the worst. I _______ feeling this way, but I had to do what I was about to do. I drew on a small bit of my inner strength and opened my _________.

“Excuse me. I was just _________. Would it be possible to maybe get that table over there by the window _________?” I asked. My voice sounded _________ to me, as if a stranger from a _________ had asked the question instead of me. I _________.

“No, I’m sorry, but that table is _________,” the hostess replied kindly as she _________ me into the dining area. ____________ I followed her to my table, I realized that the earth had not opened up and ____________ me. I had not passed out or died of ____________. The entire population of the restaurant was not ____________ my bravery for asking for a table by the window. I had asked and been told “no.” That was all. Nothing more.

For someone like me, who is always ____________ and unconfident, asking for a different table was a huge ____________. But I’ve started doing it on a regular basis ____________ a simple piece of advice my mother told me: “The worst they can say is ‘no.’ ”

And so, I’ve learned to actually ____________ for what I want. I’ve learned to reach for my dreams and pursue my goals. I got a job that I wanted. I’ve even gotten prices ____________ on a huge variety of items. Because I asked. Because my mom was right.

Sure, I have been turned down. I can’t say I have never been ____________. I have been, but I keep__________. I will continue to ask for what I want out of life and from other people. What could happen? The worst they can say is “no.”

1.A.suggested B.hated C.regretted D.permitted

2.A.mouth B.door C.eyes D.books

3.A.looking B.kidding C.listening D.wondering

4.A.therefore B.yet C.instead D.already

5.A.familiar B.strange C.young D.old

6.A.distance B.company C.street D.school

7.A.hesitated B.promised C.begged D.waited

8.A.painted B.laid C.reserved D.cleared

9.A.led B.rushed C.forced D.packed

10.A.If B.As C.Though D.Since

11.A.beaten B.forgotten C.welcomed D.swallowed

12.A.hunger B.thirst C.shock D.shame

13.A.laughing at B.taking on C.dealing with D.recovering from

14.A.friendly B.attractive C.shy D.independent

15.A.challenge B.gift C.advantage D.reward

16.A.rather than B.aside from C.because of D.along with

17.A.make B.ask C.advertise D.prepare

18.A.raised B.reduced C.fixed D.compared

19.A.confused B.convinced C.encouraged D.embarrassed

20.A.trying B.talking C.thinking D.teaching


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者是一个很害羞且缺乏自信的人,通过要求服务员为自己换桌子,尽管自己被拒绝了,但是作者觉得自己进步了,敢于追求自己想要的东西了。作者将继续挑战自己,追求自己想要的一切。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我讨厌这种感觉,但我必须做我想做的事。A. suggested建议;B. hated讨厌;C. regretted后悔;D. permitted允许。由“This was the worst”可知,作者很讨厌这种感觉。故选B项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我鼓足了勇气,张开了嘴。A. mouth嘴;B. door门;C. eyes眼睛;D. books书。由下文“Excuse me......” I asked可知,作者鼓足了勇气,张开了嘴。故选A项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“对不起”。我只是想知道,能不能把位置换到靠窗的桌子那边。A. looking看;B. kidding开玩笑;C. listening听;D. wondering想知道。由“ Would it be possible to maybe get that table over there by the window”可知,作者只是想知道,能不能把位置换到那边靠窗的桌子那边。故选D项。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“对不起”。我只是想知道,能不能把位置换到靠窗的桌子那边。A. therefore因此;B. yet但是;C. instead作为替代;D. already已经。作者要把自己定的位置换到靠窗的桌子那边。也就是不坐这个桌子的位置了,而是要靠窗的桌子位置替代这个桌子的位置。故选C项。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的声音听起来很奇怪,好像是一个远方的陌生人代替我问了这个问题。A. familiar相似的;B. strange奇怪的;C. young年轻的;D. old老的。由“a stranger ”可知,作者的声音听起来很奇怪。故选B项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的声音听起来很奇怪,好像是一个远方的陌生人代替我问了这个问题。A. distance距离;B. company公司;C. street街道;D. school学校。作者觉得这不是自己的声音,太陌生了,好像是一个远方的陌生人替作者问了这样的问题。故选A项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我等待着。A. hesitated犹豫;B. promised承诺;C. begged乞求;D. waited等待。作者提出了自己的要求,作者在等待回复。故选D项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不,对不起,那张桌子已经有人预定了。A. painted描绘;B. laid放置;C. reserved预定;D. cleared清理。服务员拒绝了作者,应为靠窗的桌子已经被预定了。结合常识也可判断出,饭店要是没有位置了,一般情况下都是被预定完了。故选C项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不,对不起,那张桌子已经有人预定了。当我跟着她走到我的桌旁时,我意识到大地并没有裂开吞没我。A. led引导;B. rushed冲;C. forced强迫;D. packed把…打包。根据常识可判断,服务员的一项职责就是将客人引领到桌前就餐。故选A项。 10.考查连词辨析。句意:不,对不起,那张桌子已经有人预定了。当我跟着她走到我的桌旁时,我意识到大地并没有裂开吞没我。A. If如果;B. As当......时;C. Though尽管;D. Since因为。作者跟着服务员走到作者的桌旁时,作者意识到大地并没有裂开把自己吞没,所以本句为时间状语从句。故选B项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不,对不起,那张桌子已经有人预定了。当我跟着她走到我的桌旁时,我意识到大地并没有裂开来把我吞没。A. beaten打;B. forgotten忘记;C. welcomed欢迎;D. swallowed吞没。由“opened up ”可知,这里的“大地并没有裂开吞没我”指作者的恐惧。所以swallowed“吞没”符合句意。故选D项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没有昏过去,也没有死于害羞。A. hunger饥饿;B. thirst口渴;C. shock震惊;D. shame羞愧。有下文中的“shy”可知,作者在这么多人的情况下,说出了自己的要求,并没有应为害羞而使自己感到难堪。故选D项。 13.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:餐馆里的所有人都没有嘲笑我要求换到靠窗的桌子的勇气。A. laughing at嘲笑;B. taking on呈现;C. dealing with处理;D. recovering from从......中恢复。作者是一个害羞且缺乏自信的人,他认为自己在这么多顾客面前后尴尬,会被嘲笑,但是却没有被嘲笑。故选A项。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于像我这样一个总是害羞和缺乏自信的人来说,要求换一张桌子是一个巨大的挑战。A. friendly友好的;B. attractive有魅力的;C. shy害羞的;D. independent独立的。由“unconfident”可知,作者是一个害羞的人。故选C项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于像我这样一个总是害羞和缺乏自信的人来说,要求换一张桌子是一个巨大的挑战。A. challenge挑战;B. gift礼物;C. advantage优势;D. reward回报。由“My palms were sweating. I was sure that I could hear my heart beating fast. ”可知,作者在要求换桌子之前,手心出汗,都可以听到自己的心脏在跳。可见,要求换一张桌子对作者来说是一个巨大的挑战。很有难度。故选A项。 16.考查介词词义辨析。句意:但我已经开始经常这么做了,因为我母亲告诉我一个简单的忠告:“他们能说的最糟糕的是“不”。A. rather than而不是;B. aside from暂置不论;C. because of由于;D. along with和。由于母亲的忠告,作者才如此勇敢地挑战自己,锻炼自己。故选C项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以,我学会了去要求我想要的东西。A. make制作;B. ask问;C. advertise为…做广告;D. prepare准备。由“ask for ”可知,本句为原词再现。故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我甚至能讨价还价。A. raised提高; B. reduced减少;C. fixed使固定;D. compared对比。作者在要求自己想要的东西,所以对于商品的价格不满意时,会要求降低价格,也就是讨价还价。故选B项。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我不能说我从未感到尴尬过。A. confused困惑的;B. convinced确信的;C. encouraged备受鼓励的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。作者已经被拒绝了,所以作者感到很尴尬。故选D项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我尴尬过,但我一直在努力让自己不尴尬,一直在追求自己想要的。A. trying尝试;B. talking谈话;C. thinking认为;D. teaching教学。由“ but , will continue ...”可知,作者一直在努力让自己不尴尬,一直在追求自己想要的。故选A项。

    Getting people to smile is not difficult because most people like to smile. However, if someone is faced with loss or experiencing sadness, they might be less possible to smile. 1.

Praise someone to get them to smile. 2. Maybe their hair is styled in an attractive way, or their clothes look nice on them. These are the nice things you can say to probably get them to smile.

3. If you have a family member, a friend or a co-worker that is faced with a life difficulty, pull him/her aside and tell him/her you understand what he/she is going through and that you are there for him/her if he/she needs you. Doing this could help the person feel more connected with those around him/her and this is certainly a reason to smile.

Learn to listen. Again, some people may be so troubled by something that it is hard for them to smile. 4. Often, when a person can speak out what’s going on in their lives, to someone who is truly listening, it can reduce some of their burden (负担). When their burden is reduced, they have more reasons to smile.

Make an unexpected phone call. 5. When the person knows someone cares about him/her, he/she can’t help but smile about that.

A.Let them know they are not alone.

B.They may just need someone to talk to.

C.So in such cases, how can we get people to smile?

D.Tell them everyone experiences hard times in life.

E.Perhaps the person you are talking to has nice eyes.

F.Usually, it could make an uneasy situation even worse.

G.It works especially well if you express your concern about them on the phone.



Twenty years ago, most experts believed that differences in how boys and girls behaved were mainly due to differences in how they were treated by their parents, teachers, and friends. It’s hard to cling to that belief today. Recent research has shown that there are biological differences between boys and girls. Understanding these differences is important in raising and educating children.

For example, girls are born with more sensitive hearing than boys, and the difference increases as kids grow up. So when a grown man speaks to a girl in what he thinks is a normal voice, she may hear it as yelling. Conversely (反过来), boys who appear to be inattentive in class may just be sitting too far away too hear the teacher.

Likewise, girls are better in their expression of feelings. Studies reveal that negative emotions are seated in an area of the brain called the amygdala. Girls develop all early connection between this area and the cerebral cortex (大脑皮层), enabling them to talk about their feelings. In boys these links develop later. So if you ask a troubled adolescent boy to tell you what his feelings are, he often cannot say much.

Dr. Sax, an advocate of single-sex education, points out that keeping boys and girls separate in the classroom has yielded striking educational, social, and interpersonal benefits. Therefore, parents and teachers should try to recognize, understand, and make use of the biological differences that make a girl a girl, and a boy a boy.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Boys tend to pay less attention in class than girls.

B. Girls are better than boys in their ability to detect sounds.

C. Single-sex schools are not good because they keep boys and girls separate.

D. Boys and girls behave differently because of biological differences.

2.Why do girls express negative feelings better than boys?

A. Girls are more emotional than boys.

B. The links between certain parts of the brain develop earlier in girls than in boys.

C. The amygdala is located in different areas of the brain for boys and girls.

D. Girls have more brain cells than boys.

3.Which of the following does the author believe?

A. Boys and girls should be educated in different ways.

B. Girls need more training in communication.

C. Parents should pay more attention to boys.

D. Sex differences should be ignored in education。

4.What does the phase “cling to” in the first paragraph mean?

A. evaluate    B. abandon

C. maintain    D. challenge



    In the latest romance-drama, Descendants of the Sun (《太阳的后裔》), a handsome soldier Yoo Shi-jin(柳时镇) (Song Joong-ki)(宋仲基) meets the pretty doctor Kang Mo-yeon(姜暮烟) (Song Hye-kyo)(宋慧乔) in a hospital, and he doesn’t hesitate to hit on her.

The dialogue, which takes place early in the first episode( 集), immediately indicates that this is no ordinary South Korean drama. There’s no family feud (不睦), or love tangles, or guesses and misunderstandings. The 16-episode show is set in the fictional war-torn country of Uruk (乌鲁克). Song Joong-ki is the leader of a special warfare command unit, while Song Hye-kyo plays a doctor who works for a humanitarian medical organization. Both are sent in the midst of disaster and disease as part of their work with UN peacekeeping troops. Both know and show clearly what they want and what they hate.

But what stands out the most are Song’s skills as a pick-up artist(撩妹技能).

Boldness and creativity are the key weapons in his arsenal. When Kang invites Yoo to drink wine with her, Yoo , who is not allowed to drink alcohol as a soldier, says, “There is a way” before kissing her. Forget about the “eighth-episode rule” . This kiss happens in the fourth.

Humor also does the trick. On their first date in a cinema, Yoo says, “This is the most exciting moment of my life. The moment I am with a beautiful woman before the theater lights go out.” When Kang tries to give Yoo a hard time, Yoo jokes, “I mistook you for a beautiful woman because it’s dark.”

And actor Song Joong-ki, who just came back from two years of military service last May, makes sure he delivers his pick-up lines just right.

In Deep Rooted Tree (《树大根深》) and The Innocent Man (《善良的男人》), he [Song Joong-ki] showed he had the steel to play fearless and heartless men – that he could be taken seriously as an actor, despite his pretty face. In Descendants, he hits the emotional core of every scene, whether he has to be bold and amorous, guarded and mysterious, or sad,” said critic Foong Woei Wan in The Straits Times.

1.What is the relationship between Song Joong-ki and Song hye-hyo?

A.lover B.colleague C.actor D.doctor-patient

2.Why say that the Descendants of the Sun is no ordinary South Korean drama?

A.Because actors know and show clearly what they want and what they hate. B.It broke the previous Korean old story.

C.It exits family feud and love tangles. D.The pick-up artist is unique and special.

3.When the Descendants of the Sun tells us that heterosexual ( ) contacts is important to have some quality including           

humor Boldness and creativity bold emotional

A.①② B.①②③ C.②③④ D.above all

4.What is the article mainly about?

A.Introduce a drama called the Descendants of the sun.

B.Song Zhongji could be taken seriously as an actor, despite his pretty face.

C.The Descendants of the sun open a new pattern to pick-up woman.

D.The reason why the Descendants of the sun gain success.



A Writing Fool

In the seventh grade I realized I was dyslexic, which made it difficult for me to read and spell. I did really badly in my history course, so my mother said to me, “I’ll work with you for a full week. I’m going to show you what you can do if you put in the right amount of effort.” So we did. We worked on history for a full week, an extra hour every day. Then I went to school and failed the test, as always. It was really upsetting.

By the time I got to college I came to know that I couldnt spell no matter how hard I tried. So I would sign up for extra courses. I’d be in registration lines all day. Then I would go around the first day of class and ask each professor: “What’s your policy on misspelling? If he said, “Three misspellings is a fail,” I’d drop it.

Although I was an academic failure, I had a great time. I had many friends and I was always popular. I was a good football player, which was important in those years because I could read my name in the newspaper. I never had a day when I would think, “People dont like me.”

In spite of my obvious weaknesses, I became successful in my career, so much so that people say to me, “So you’ve overcome dyslexia.” No. I dont overcome it. I just learn to compensate for it. Some easy things are hard for me. Most people read 500 words a minute. I only read 200. I try not to dial a phone because I sometimes have to dial three times to get the number right. I owe my successful career to my writing instructor, Ralph Salisbury. He looked past my misspellings and gave  me  encouragement.  So  I  always  feel  confident.  When  I  write  my  books, I’m  seeing everything in my imagination. I write quickly and go like the wind.

The real fear that I have for dyslexic people is not that they have to struggle with their reading skills or that they cant spell correctly, but that they will quit on themselves before they get out of school.

1.When the author did badly in the course, his mother thought that      .

A. he needed a better teacher

B. he did not work hard enough

C. he was probably too ill to study

D. he was not as smart as other children

2.In college, the author was in registration lines all day to      .

A. choose most interesting courses

B. become friends with new classmates

C. stay distance from language teachers

D. avoid courses that require correct spelling

3.Which of the following best describes the author in college?

A. Happy and active.

B. Shy and unhappy.

C. Successful and funny.

D. Quiet and unsuccessful.

4.According to the author, it is important for dyslexic people      .

A. not to get out of school

B. not to give up so easily

C. to learn to spell correctly

D. to develop reading skills




We are a leading provider of childcare in the UK, offering OFSTED registered holiday camps to children aged 4 to 14 throughout the school holidays. Operating at 60 locations, we have holiday camps available in London and the South East, as far south as Cornwall and all the way up to North Yorkshire. Whether you are looking for fun holiday clubs and kid activities, a five-day specialist holiday camp for older children or a combination of the two to keep your children entertained throughout the school holidays, we have your childcare covered!

Our multi-activity holiday camps offer an abundance of fun, age-oriented(导向的)activities(4-5-year-olds, 6-9-year-olds and 10-12-year-olds), from swimming and go-karting to arts and crafts and LEGO workshops. These day camps are a great choice for parents looking for regular childcare service, available as individual days or a week at a time.

For children looking for a school holiday experience, our specialist holiday camps are the ideal choice. Our Cookery: International Cuisine, a 5-day specialist course is a cookery camp with a difference, where children can really master their cooking skills!

Bushcraft: Rainforest Adventure is the perfect outdoor adventure camp for children with a passion for bush craft and survival skills, with activities like Laser Tag and making campfires to inspire the interest of young adventurers !

Meanwhile, our LEGO Play course is a holiday camp focusing on the art of building amazing creations with LEGO bricks. This camp really motivates the imagination of children in a way that only uses LEGO bricks !

All new for 2019, our Chelsea Foundation FC Camps invite all football fans to take a shot at our Multi-Dimensional soccer camps! Children will receive hours of on-pitch training and competition with Chelsea FC approved coaches, as well as hours of off-pitch sessions around nutrition, recovery and lifestyle!

To find your nearest holiday camp, simply enter your postcode or town in the box above or choose your camp by county here and BOOK ONLINE TODAY!

1.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To advertise holiday camps. B.To encourage donations.

C.To introduce camping skills. D.To tell the history of SuperCamps.

2.What do we know about SuperCamps?

A.It operates camps all over the world.

B.It provides camps for people of all ages.

C.It asks parents to send children to the nearest camp.

D.It organizes different activities for different age groups.

3.Which camp should a child attend if he/she wants to learn survival skills?

A.Cookery: International Cuisine. B.Bushcraft: Rainforest Adventure.

C.LEGO Play. D.Chelsea Foundation FC Camps.



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