满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn...

    When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight A student, I believed I could ___tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he____in class.

When I took the first exam of my best subject English, I was____to find a 77, C plus, on my test paper. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained____. I decided to try harder, and I read the books more carefully, but got another 77 again. I____with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his___ .

One more test before the final exam. One more chance to improve my grade. So I redoubled my effort and, for the first time____the meaning of the word “thorough”. But my effort did no good and everything __ as before.

The last hurdle(障碍) was the final. No matter what __ I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C pluses. I might as well kiss the___ goodbye.

I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even __ myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have __ with a test. A Week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jayne’s office. He __ to be expecting me, “ If I gave you the As you ___, you wouldn’t continue to work hard.”

I stared at him __ that his analysis and strategy(策略)were correct.

I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A plus. The next year I received my scholarship. I always remembered professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.

1.A.take B.discuss C.cover D.get

2.A.sought B.presented C.exchanged D.obtained

3.A.shocked B.worried C.scared D.anxious

4.A.unchanged B.unpleasant C.unfriendly D.unmoved

5.A.quarreled B.reasoned C.bargained D.chatted

6.A.attitude B.mind C.plan D.view

7.A.memorized B.considered C.accepted D.learned

8.A.stayed B.went C.worked D.changed

9.A.grade B.answer C.lesson D.comment

10.A.scholarship B.course C.degree D.subject

11.A.helped B.favored C.treated D.relaxed

12.A.fun B.luck C.problems D.tricks

13.A.happened B.proved C.pretended D.seemed

14.A.valued B.imagined C.expected D.welcomed

15.A.remembering B.guessing C.supposing D.realizing


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过叙述自己在Jayne教授所教科目下,努力争取A级并获得奖学金的故事告诉我们:不管做什么事,自身的努力不可或缺,任何人都有泄气的时候,但只有通过不断努力,给自己设定目标,才能不断进步。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个优等生,我相信我可以选修一些困难的科目,并真正学到一些东西。 A. take 学习,读,修(课程);B. discuss讨论;C. cover覆盖,涉及;D. get 得到。由下文的subjects可推断,此处表示选修一些课程,学习一门课程,修一门课程,习惯上都用take。故选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我非常喜欢他在课堂上提出的一些观点。A. sought寻求;B. presented提出;C. exchanged交换;D. obtained获得。根据空格后的“in class和the ideas”可推断,此处指的是老师在课堂上所提出的观点思想,是我非常喜欢的,因此作者选修了这门课程,用present ideas。故选B。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我参加第一次考试时,我震惊地发现我的试卷上只有77分,一个C+。A.shocked震惊的;B.worried担心的;C. scared害怕的;D. anxious焦急的。第一段讲我对自己信心满满,可第二段来个大转折,第一次考试后,意外地发现竟然只得了77分,所以是shocked非常吃惊,而worried担心,scared害怕,anxious焦急,都不符合人物心理感受。故选A。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我去找杰恩教授,他听了我的论点,但结果没有改变。​A.unchanged不改变的;B.unpleasant不开心的;C.unfriendly不友好的;D.unmoved不为所动。根据“but remained”可知,老师没有改变给我的分数。故选D。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我又一次和杰恩教授理论。A.quarreled争吵;B.reasoned争辩,推理;C.bargained讨价还价;D.chatted闲谈。我再次遭遇77分,于是再次去找老师理论,reason with sb. 与某人讲道理,说服某人。故选B。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他又一次耐心地听着,但就是不愿改变主意。A.attitude态度;B.mind主意;C.plan计划;D.view观点。这里,老师听完之后,再次无动于衷,他没有改变他的...,attitude迷惑性最大,注意,这里探讨的还是分数能不能更改的事,而change one's mind是英语中一个比较常见的搭配,意为“改变一个人的想法或决定”,相对于态度,改分数的事更多是关于改变决定的。故选B。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:于是我加倍努力,第一次懂得了“彻底”这个词的含义。​A.memorized记忆;B.considered考虑;C.accepted接受;D.learned学习,得知。这一次,我显然是拼命学习,那么是真的第一次了解到啥叫“彻底”了。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我的努力没有奏效,一切都像以前一样。A.stayed停留,保持;B.went进行;C.worked工作;D.changed改变。根据“my efforts were no good”可知我的努力结果不好,跟以前一样,没有改变。everything goes well,一切都很顺利,这里是一切都像从前一样,用go就很合理了,故选B。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不管我得多少分,都不能取消三个C+。A.grade分数;B.answer答案;C.lesson课程;D.comment评论。根据后文“three C-pluses”可知此处指的是分数。 故选A。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我还是跟奖学金说再见吧。A.scholarship奖学金;B.course课程;C.degree学位;D.subject科目。根据文章第一段“to earn a scholarship”和最后一段“I received my scholarship”可知,这里是我以为自己拿不到奖学金了。故选A。 11.考查动词和固定搭配,句意:在期末考试的前一天晚上,我甚至请自己去看了电影。​A.helped帮助;B.favored赞同;C.treated对待;D.relaxed放松。treat sb. to+饭/娱乐活动,是固定搭配,意为“请某人吃饭/娱乐等”。 I even treated myself to a movie表示考前很放松,自己掏钱去看电影。故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天,我决定开心地考一次试。A.fun乐趣;B.luck运气;C.problems问题;D.tricks阴谋,花招。根据前文考前请自己看电影,可知这里指“乐趣”。发现这时我是很放松的,甚至考试的时候,决定把考试当作一种fun乐趣,而与luck运气,problems问题,trick把戏技巧,没有关系。故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他好像在等我。A.happened发生;B.proved证明;C.pretended假装;D.seemed好像,似乎。happen to碰巧;意外,prove to证明,pretend to假装,seem to好像,似乎,根据语境可知,一周后,惊喜地发现自己居然得了A,跑去找老师,发现老师好像早料到我会来,所以在等。故选D。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“如果我给了你所期望的A,你就不会继续努力学习了。”​A.valued珍惜;B.imagined想象;C.expected期待;D.welcomed欢迎。根据下文“you wouldn’t continue to work hard”并结合上文内容可知,老师说,如果我原来给了你所期望的成绩A,那么你就不会这么努力付出了。所以是expect期待期望,其他的都不通。故选C。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我盯着他,意识到他的分析和策略是正确的。A.remembering记住;B.guessing猜测;C.supposing猜想;D.realizing意识到;理解;领会。下文“his analysis and strategy(策略)were correct.”是我领会的,意识到的东西。此处表示我看着他,这时才真正明白了他的用心。故选D。

    Anyone who has children has likely heard "I'm bored!" too many times. When you're on a budget, it can be tough to think of ways to entertain the family that don't cost a lot of money. 1.

Head to the library, and not just check out books. Look at the library's community events calendar. Most libraries have everything from story times for children to game nights for teens. 2.

Camp in a national forest or build a sandcastle. A lot of the sites are free to use, though they do lack facilities. 3. If there's no beach nearby, do the same in the sandbox at a playground.

4. Most cities have at least one local community center.There, you can pick up a park and recreation schedule, with information on free events taking place throughout the year, such as hikes,holiday parties, art festivals, outdoor movies and concerts in the park.

Tour the fire station. Most fire fighters will give you and your kids a free tour,as long as you call and schedule ahead of time. 5. For safety reasons, fire stations do not generally accommodate children under the age of four.

Check out a state park. Stop by the ranger station and ask about free programmes for kids, such as nature walks and hands-on science classes. Some parks have junior ranger badges(徽章)children can earn by completing conservation related activities.

A.Visit the local community center.

B.Go to the beach and build a sandcastle.

C.The time when children visit is very important.

D.Spend more time finding much free information.

E.Kids can learn about fire safety and tour the facilities.

F.Many libraries also have enrichment classes offered free of charge.

G.Fortunately, there are many options available to you if you know where to look.



    Recently, a scientist did some experiments. He left a group of 4-year-olds in a room with a bell and a candy. If they rang the bell, he would come back and they could eat the candy. If, however, they didn’t ring the bell and waited for him to come back on his own, they could then have two candies.

In the videos of the experiments, he can see the children hiding their eyes, trying to exercise self-control so they can wait and get two candies. The results are different. Some broke down and rang the bell within a minute. Others lasted 15 minutes.

The children who waited longer went on to get higher academic scores. They got into better colleges and had better adult success. The children who rang the bell quickest were more likely to have received worse teacher and parental evaluations (评价) 10 years later and were more likely to have drug problems at age 32.

The experiments are worth noting because people spend a lot of time thinking about how to improve education, and how to become rich. But when the result is not good, they will come back to ask “How do we get people to get the sort of self-control that leads to success?” This is to enter the world of human nature.

So these experiments, along with everyday experience, tell us that self-control is most important. Young people who can sit through sometimes boring classes to get a degree can work hard in order to learn a language well. They can avoid drugs and alcohol. For people without self-control skills, however, school is a series of failed and painful experience. No wonder they drop out and their later life is a group of foolish ideas, such as drug use, stealing and so on.

1.The scientist did some experiments to ________.

A. find good ways of training children to learn

B. show that children’s education is important

C. test children’s self-control and later success

D. test children’s intelligence of ringing the bell

2.What do the underlined words “broke down” probably mean?

A. failed to wait. B. kept waiting.

C. hid the candy. D. ate the candy.

3.How long did the scientist’s experiments last according to the text?

A. Just 15 minutes. B. Within 10 years.

C. Less than 14 years. D. About 28 years.

4.What will the children without self-control do at school according to the text?

A. They will improve their education.

B. They will suffer a lot from boring lessons.

C. They will become very rich and successful.

D. They will work hard to catch up with others.



    Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago in 1954 to a Mexican American family. As the only girl in a family of seven children, she often felt like she had “seven fathers,” because her six brothers, as well as her father, tried to control her. Feeling shy and unimportant, she retreated (躲避) into books. Despite her love of reading, she did not do well in elementary school because she was too shy to participate.

In high school, with the encouragement of one particular teacher, Cisneros improved her grades and worked for the school literary magazine. Her father encouraged her to go to college because he thought it would be a good way for her to find a husband. Cisneros did attend college, but instead of searching for a husband, she found a teacher who helped her join the famous graduate writing program at the University of Iowa. At the university’s Writers’ Workshop, however, she felt lonely — a Mexican American from a poor neighborhood among students from wealthy families. The feeling of being so different helped Cisneros find her “creative voice”.

“It was not until this moment when I considered myself truly different that my writing acquired a voice. I knew I was a Mexican woman, but I didn’t think it had anything to do with why I felt so much imbalance in my life, but it had everything to do with it! That’s when I decided I would write about something my classmates couldn’t write about.”

Cisneros published her first work, The House on Mango Street, when she was twenty-nine. The book talks about a young Mexican American girl growing up in a Spanish-speaking area in Chicago, much like the neighborhoods in which Cisneros lived as a child. The book won an award in 1985 and has been used in classes from high school to graduate school level. Since then, Cisneros has published several books of poetry, a children’s book and a short-story collection.

1.What can we know about Cisneros in her childhood?

A.Her brothers disliked her.

B.She felt herself a nobody.

C.She was too shy to go to school.

D.She did not meet any good teachers.

2.The graduate program gave Cisneros a chance to ________.

A.run away from her family B.develop her writing style

C.make a lot of friends D.search for a husband

3.According to Cisneros, what was the key factor in her success?

A.Her childhood experience.

B.Her training in the Workshop.

C.Her feeling of being different.

D.Her early years in college.

4.What do we learn about The House on Mango Street?

A.It enjoys great popularity among students.

B.It is a book of poetry written by Cisneros.

C.It wasn’t a success as it was written in Spanish.

D.It won an award when Cisneros was twenty-nine.



    With schools close in the UK during the COVID-19 outbreak, most children must now be homeschooled. Parents have found themselves not only having to balance work and having the children at home but also having to try and teach them. How can you keep your children focused while learning?

Nicola Anderson--Head of Customer Support at the UK’s leading online tutoring service MyTutor, provides new, up-to-date tips to hearten parents at this difficult time and advises how they can structure their children’s days.

One is to keep to a regular timetable so it still feels like your child is taking part in the school day. Ms Anderson said: “Children of all ages do well on routine and boundaries; schools provide this in abundance and it will most children feel secure and happy if they can follow a similar timetable for their homeschooling.”

Another tip is to create an environment which is favorable to learning. She said:” The environment should be free from distractions and ideally near to an open window, to provide them with appropriate levels of fresh air and natural light. Some children find it comfortable and helpful to have quiet, instrumental music playing in the background to help them to focus, but this isn’t for everyone.”

Using technology to help with your child’s learning is also advised. Many schools are offering online classes and resources to help and companies are reducing or even not charging their fees during this time.

It is also important to keep physical exercise as a part of your routine. Joe Wicks, otherwise known as The Body Coach, has been keeping kids healthy with daily 10 minute workouts for children on his Youtube channel. Ms Anderson said:” It can be anything from running around the garden, walking the dog, a game of football or dancing around your living room!”

1.Who is the text intended for?

A.Student. B.Teachers.

C.Coaches. D.Parents.

2.What does the underlined word“this" in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Homeschooling. B.Tutoring service.

C.A regular timetable. D.Difficult time:

3.What may Nicola Anderson agree?

A.To allow children to adjust schedule freely.

B.To offer children peaceful study environment.

C.To recommend high-tech to online schools.

D.To combine routine with kids' mental heath.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.How to improve homeschooling efficiency.

B.How to obtain online learning resources.

C.How to study attentively at home.

D.How to design a proper schedule.



    Notre-Dame de Paris, a cathedral church in Paris, is the most famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages. For the French, it represents something immortal, ever-present and unchanging, like a mountain. Built over almost two centuries, the Notre-Dame is, as President Emmanuel Macron said, “where the French lived all their great moments”. Soldiers prayed here before leaving for the Crusades; Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned here; it survived the French Revolution, two World Wars and the Nazi occupation. It is where men bend their knees to profess love and thousands of tourists take photos every day.

A fire, whose cause was not identified yet, engulfed (吞没), on April 15th, the cathedral's upper structure. More than 400 firefighters took part in the 15-hour battle to control the blaze (火苗) that triggered sorrow over the globe. The extent of the damage is still unknown, but the fire destroyed much of the gothic cathedral’s wood-timbered roof and spire (塔尖). The cathedral will certainly be restored (the French government promises), but the sight of flames bringing down the spire moved the world in a manner far exceeding its religious significance.

French Culture Minister Franck Riester on Thursday said the government would draw all the consequences from the huge flames that destroyed the centuries-old Notre Dame Cathedral, adding measures to protect the national heritage were on the table. “Staff from the fire department, the culture ministry and the city town hall rushed to the Cathedral, when the fire started, to protect the main artworks that were inside. The artworks, which include relics such as the Christ's crown of thorns and French king Saint-Louis's 13th century tunic, were first moved to the city town hall and will now be transferred to the nearby Louvre Museum .” the minister told Le Parisian newspaper in an interview without giving details on the possible measures.

1.What can we learn about the Notre-Dame de Paris?

A.It is the most well-known cathedral. B.Most of the French think little of it.

C.It was built by Napoleon Bonaparte. D.It’s still in existence after two World Wars.

2.What is true about the Cathedral in the accident?

A.Only the spire was brought down by the flames.

B.It was completely burnt in the fire.

C.The gilded crown of thorns in it was gone forever.

D.The cause of the accident to the Cathedral was still unknown.

3.According to Franck Riester, what has already done by the government?

A.Rebuild the cathedral.

B.Rescue the artworks inside the cathedral.

C.Transfer the relics to the nearby Louvre Museum.

D.Release the cause of the fire to the public.



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