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Apple lost its status as the world’s onl...

    Apple lost its status as the world’s only trillion-dollar public company as shares slumped (下跌) following disappointing results.

The iPhone maker said that it would no longer tell how many iPhones, iPads and Macs it sells each quarter, claiming the figure was no longer relevant to investors. The announcement, combined with a forecast for the vital Christmas quarter, sent shares falling by more than 7 percent in after-hours trading, knocking over $70 billion off its value. If maintained, the drop means Apple’s value has fallen below the trillion-dollar mark for the first time since it reached the milestone in August.

Apple’s fall come despite it posting record profits and sales after it convinced consumers to buy more expensive versions of the iPhone in the three months to the end of September. During this period, it sold 46. 9 million iPhones, flat on the same period last year and below what analysts had expected. However, a huge increase in the price of each phone meant that iPhone revenues (收益) increased by 29 percent. On average, consumers now pay $793 for each iPhone, up from $618 a year ago.

Apple has successfully pushed its users into paying more for newer versions of its iPhone by adding new features and bigger screen sizes, even as sales growth has decreased. Revenues in the quarter increased by 20 percent to $62.9 billion, while profits were up 32 percent to $14.1 billion. Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said sales had been disappointing in some emerging markets such as India, Turkey and Brazil.

Apple sold fewer Mac computers and iPads than a year ago, but said revenues from its software division had increased by 17 percent. Apple said it would continue to say how much revenue it makes from each of its product lines, which it claimed was a more relevant figure than unit sales.

1.What did the iPhone maker’s announcement cause?

A.It caused a stable market. B.It caused a drop in sales.

C.It caused weaker shares. D.It caused an increase in sales.

2.How were the sales of iPhones in the three months to the end of September last year?

A.They were better than this year. B.They were the same with this year.

C.They were not reported to the public. D.They were more terrible than this year.

3.Why did the revenues increase as the shares slumped?

A.The price was increased. B.People supported iPhones.

C.The sales were beyond expectation. D.The iPhone maker started a promotion.

4.What is the situation of the sales in some emerging markets?

A.It has a big market. B.The unit sales are good.

C.It is not very well received. D.It is uneven according to places.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇新闻报道。作为世界上唯一的万亿美元的上市公司,苹果公司股票下跌;但是苹果公司说服消费者购买更昂贵的iPhone版本,从而实现了利润的增长。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“The announcement, combined with a forecast for the vital Christmas quarter, sent shares falling by more than 7 percent in after-hours trading, knocking over $70 billion off its value. (苹果公司的公告,加上对关键的圣诞季的预测,导致股价在盘后交易中下跌超过7%,市值蒸发逾700亿美元。)”可知,苹果公司的公告导致股价下跌。故选C项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“During this period, it sold 46. 9 million iPhones, flat on the same period last year and below what analysts had expected. (今年在截止9月底的三个月里,iPhone销量为4690万部,与去年同一时期持平,不过低于分析预期。)”可知,去年同一个时期的销量和今年是一样的。故选B项。 3. 细节理解题。第三段中提到“it convinced consumers to buy more expensive versions of the iPhone(苹果公司说服消费者购买了更昂贵的iPhone版本)”;第四段中提到“Apple has successfully pushed its users into paying more for newer versions of its iPhone by adding new features and bigger screen sizes.(通过增加新功能和更大屏幕,苹果成功地迫使用户为新版iPhone支付更多费用。)”由此可知,虽然股价下跌,但是苹果公司说服消费者为新功能、更大的屏幕花了比之前更多的钱,也就是价格上涨了。故选A项。 4. 推理判断题。根据第四段中“Tim Cook,…said sales had been disappointing in some emerging markets such as India, Turkey and Brazil.”苹果的CEO表示在诸如印度、土耳其和巴西这样的新兴市场中,苹果的销量让人失望。因此可以推断,在这些新兴市场中,苹果并不是很受欢迎,市场有点惨淡。故选C项。

    No one is happy about missing his/her bus. When Thomas Daniel missed his school bus last week, he met Officer Lynema. Lynema was with the Grand Rapids Police Department in Michigan early in the morning. He said that he saw the 9-year-old boy running after a school bus. Lynema asked Thomas if he wanted a ride to school, which the young boy gratefully accepted (after his mother nodded).

On the way to school, Thomas invited Lynema to his birthday party that evening. The boy also said that he was afraid that none of his classmates would show up for the party because he was often bullied in school.

When Lynema attended the party later in the day, he was heartbroken. He discovered that he and Thomas’s brothers and sisters were the only people who had shown up for the party — and the young boy didn’t even have a cake. The next day, Lynema called together other police officers and returned to Thomas’ house to throw him a second birthday party.

After Thomas got back from school, he was astounded to come home and find presents, a Krispy Kreme donut cake and a band waiting to surprise him. Thomas later said that it was the “best birthday ever”.

The police department posted photos of the boy and his new friends in the hope that it would encourage other people to take action against bullying. “No kid should get bullied, and no kid should worry if anyone will come to his/her birthday party,” wrote the police department Internet page. “Next year, Thomas Daniel, make sure you invite us a little earlier. We wouldn’t want to miss it!”

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph ?

A.Thomas and Lynema met by accident. B.Thomas knew Lynema would help him.

C.Thomas actually disliked going to school. D.Thomas’ mom was worried about his safety.

2.Why was Lynema sad when he attended the party?

A.No other policemen came to the party. B.Thomas’ family was very poor and small.

C.There were only a few people in the party. D.Thomas didn’t invite classmates to his party.

3.What does the underlined word “astounded” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.frustrated B.awkward

C.astonished D.embarrassed

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Lynema organized another birthday party for Thomas.

B.Thomas will probably have a good time on his birthday next year.

C.The police department called on people to fight against bullying through Internet.

D.Thomas invited Lynema to his birthday party because he was often bullied in school.



    How many times have you come back and felt terribly tired, feeling like your  head is going to explode? Sounds familiar, right? Well, there are several ways to reduce the frequency of headaches, and those are: eating balanced diet through the day, making sure your body is well hydrated (保持身体水分);getting some exercise to remove the negative energy, like helping yourself with a short massage (按摩)on your head. However, preparing an easy recipe will instantly put a smile on your face after your workday.

You will need these simple ingredients (配料)to prepare the magical drink which will stop your headache: Lemon juice; 2 teaspoons of salt (preferably high quality salt); 1 cup of water.


Squeeze 2 lemons. Pour the lemon juice into a cup and add 2 teaspoons of salt. Mix the two ingredients. Add a cup of water to the content. Drink the mixture quikly.

How will this drink  work and what are the benefits of its ingredients?

Salt:Here  is what salt does for your body:

--regulates your blood sugar.

--balances the sugar   levels;

--benefits nerve cells for communication and information processing;

—obtains acidity from your body’s cells, especially brain cells;

—works as a strong anti-stress element for the body;

—adds energy in your body's cells.

Lemon Juice: This excellent juice, full of vitamin C and anti-poisons, will release all poisonous substances from your body and give you a sense of lightness. Here’s how the lemon will help you ease your headache and maintain well-being to your whole body:

—balances the pH levels in your body;

—protects your immune system;

—nourishes your brain and nerve cells;

— reduces inflammation (炎症)in your whole body (the headache is a type of inflammation, so the lemon juice fights against it).


Water is important for hydrating your whole body, including your head. Many of your daily headaches may be caused by dehydratation (脱水)so keep in mind that you should drink plenty of water throughout the day.

1.How many ways arc mentioned in the text to help relieve headaches?

A. Two. B. Three.

C. Four. D. Five.

2.What do lemon juice and salt have in common in fighting against headaches?

A. Both can benefit our nerve cells a lot.

B. Both can keep our sugar levels balanced.

C. Both have no effect on our immune system.

D. Both balance the pH levels in our body.

3.The author’s main purpose in writing the text is   .

A. to explain to us different reasons for headache problems

B. to give readers advice on how to avoid headache problems

C. to warn readers of the bad influence of headache problems

D. to offer an anti-headache recipe and the benefits of its ingredients




Missus Sommers one day found herself the unexpected owner of fifteen dollars. It seemed to her a very large amount of money. For a day or two she walked around in a dreamy state as she thought about her choices. Her daughter Janie was wearing worn shoes and needed new ones. She would buy cloth for new shirts for the boys. Her daughter Mag should have another dress. And still there would be enough left for new stockings for her children. The idea about how to spend the dollars made her restless with excitement.

On the day she planned to go shopping with the money, she ate a light meal- no! Between getting the children fed and the house cleaned, and preparing herself to go shopping, she forgot to eat at all!

When she arrived at the large department store, she spotted a pile of silk stockings at the entrance. A sign nearby announced that they had been reduced in price a young girl behind the counter asked her if she wished to examine the silky leg coverings. She smiled as if she had been asked to inspect diamond jewelry, and started to feel the soft, expensive items. Missus Sommers picked up a black pair and looked at them closely. Two red marks suddenly showed on her pale face. She looked up at the shop girl and said proudly, “Well, I will buy this pair.”

Missus Sommers changed her cotton stockings for the new silk ones in the ladies’ rest area. She had let herself be controlled by some machine-like force that directed her actions and freed her of responsibility. How good was the touch of the silk on her skin! Then she put her shoes back on and put her old stockings into her bag. Next, she went to the shoe department, where she tried on a pair of new boots. Her foot and ankle looked lovely. She could not believe that they were a part of herself.





Paragraph 1

After buying a pair of new boots, she walked into the clothing department.


Paragraph 2

She was about to leave the store when a kid running around reminded her of something.














Ashrita Furman is holding the record - for records! Furman has always been 1. (interest) in Guinness World Records. When he was still 2. teenager he, would preferably spend a lot of time reading the Guinness book, and today, he holds the most amazing record 3. all: The record for having the most current Guinness World Records at the same time. He 4. (succeed) in setting 245 records since the year 1979. 5. other people have broken over half of his records, today he still holds up to 94 records.

Most of the records Furman has set include lots of physical activity. For example, Furman has walked 103 kilometers while 6. (balance) a milk bottle on his head. 7.  took him 23 hours and 35 minutes. He has also pushed a car just over 27 kilometers within 24 hours. A few years 8. , Furman set three new records in less 9. an hour on the same day.

Furman will never finish. His life is all about breaking records, and by the time you read this, he’s 10. (probable) already broken a few more.



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