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Sign up for the Los Angeles Times Book C...

Sign up for the Los Angeles Times Book Club

Welcome to the L. A. Times Book Club, an opportunity to see, hear and interact with world-class authors, celebrities and newsmakers as they discuss their books and tell their stories. What stories do you want to share with the city? What authors would you most like to meet? Here’s your chance to help us build something amazing.

The latest

On Saturday, Feb. 15author and former Los Angeles poet laureate (获奖者) Luis J. Rodriguez will discuss From Our Land to Our Land, a new collection of stories and essays about race, culture, identity, and belonging. Rodriguez will be in conversation with Times reporter Daniel Hernandez at the Colony Theatre in Burbank. Call 213-804- 2722 to get tickets.

On March 11, the book club authors Jeanine Cummins (American Dirt) and Reyna Grande (A Dream Called Home) in conversation with Times Column One editor Steve Padilla. Ticket information is coming soon.

Earlier, we read The Library Book by bestselling author Susan Orlean and hosted a community forum where Orlean and readers shared library stories. We also took a deep dive to explore what L. A. is reading right now and showed book lovers how to read for free with library apps.

Get in touch

Want to know more? Sign up for our newsletter (简讯) in the subscription box, and we’ll keep you informed of book club news and upcoming events.

Want to share an idea? On Twitter, you can reach us @Latimesbooks. Or send an email to bookclub© latimes. com.

1.What is special about the L. A. Times Book Club?

A.It has all kinds of library apps.

B.It gives readers access to different cultures.

C.It provides information about some celebrities.

D.It invites you to communicate with great authors.

2.Which author will you meet if you book a ticket now?

A.Susan Orlean. B.Jeanine Cummins.

C.Luis J. Rodriguez. D.Reyna Grande.

3.How can you get more information from the Club?

A.Subscribe to the club news.

B.Contact the club @latimeshooks.

C.Call the organizer.

D.Send an email to bookclub©Latimes. com.


1.D 2.C 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章给洛杉矶的一家图书俱乐部打广告,介绍了其近期活动和联系方式。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Welcome to the L. A. Times Book Club, an opportunity to see, hear and interact with world-class authors, celebrities and newsmakers as they discuss their books and tell their stories.可知,在洛杉矶时代书籍俱乐部,读者们有机会与世界级的作家进行交流,这就是其特别之处。故选D项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句Rodriguez will be in conversation with Times reporter Daniel Hernandez at the Colony Theatre in Burbank.可知,Rodriguez将在伯班克的殖民地剧院接受《时代》记者丹尼尔·埃尔南德斯的采访。如果现在购票,你会遇见到他。故选C项。 3. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Want to know more? Sign up for our newsletter (简讯) in the subscription box, and we’ll keep you informed of book club news and upcoming events.可知,如果想了解更多有关俱乐部的信息,可以订阅他们的简讯,他们会随时更新有关内容。故选A项。





注意: 1.词数100左右;


Dear Terry,


Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua







意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:


We live in the countryside. Most of which we see is the beauty of nature. One of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter some people throw out their windows as they are driving on the roads. One of the few drawbacks to living in the countryside is that public service, such as litter collection, are little available than they are closer to the city.

A helping habit that my family practise regularly are picking up litter in our surrounding area. We have become so accustomed to do this that my little brother will often say, “There’s some litter. Daddy, stop the car!” and we would often pull over and pick it up. It may seem strange, and we actually enjoy it. We pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live in. He smiled at me and said, “I saw you doing it, and it seemed like the good idea.”




A kind of insect gets its name for the body shape, which resembles a long stick. Such an amazing 1. (appear) helps it successfully hide from predators(捕食者) in the branches of trees. These creatures 2. (call) stick insects. Often called walking sticks, they live on every continent except Antarctica. They can be smaller than an inch or longer than 3. 18-inch ruler.

There are some other ways stick insects use to defend 4. (they). Some can hit attackers with their spiny legs. Others spray something in no time 5. burns an attacker’s eyes. And some just taste bad. The Peruvian stick insect is one of them. This stick insect is 6. (easy) to see because it has red, yellow, and black markings than others. These bright colors are a warning to predators, who know it discharges something with an unpleasant smell when 7. (attack).

Stick insects are mostly nocturnal, which means they are active at night, when they spend their time eating leaves. Darkness makes it harder for most predators 8. (discover) them. However, darkness doesn’t protect stick insects 9. one super set of insect hunters, insect-eating bats. These bats use echolocation(回声定位) to find yummy bug dinners. And stick insects are 10. (absolute) on the menu as something these bats want to eat!



    I was busy that morning. I was already stressing about how I was going to ______ all my deadlines. I’m ______ to do things that I love, but my life is ______ with various writing deadlines. So when I ______ working part-time to our family business, things and schedule got ______ tight now.

When my son called to see if I could ______ my two-year-old grandson Nolan for a few hours, my first thought was, no way I could do that. My second thought was, no way I could not do that. Family comes ______, and I know that ______ with my sweet grandbaby will be worth it.

Nolan’s huge smile and sparkling eyes ______ my heart. We played with cars that had been his ______ when he was a little boy all the morning. Wearing Granddaddy’s hat, Nolan stood on a chair and helped me prepare ______, and then we had a picnic in the kitchen. I could tell he was getting ______, so I sat him on my lap. He put his head against my shoulder. There are no words to ______ the sweetness of that moment.

But I almost ______ all of that preciousness before that day ______ I thought that I didn’t have time. It made me realize something else. Sometimes in the business of my daysmost of the time ______ things —it’s easy to forget to spend time with ______.

So this week, I’m ______ for the reminder to take time for what is precious to me. I don’t ever want to miss those ______ moments with my grandbaby any more. Even more, I don’t ever want to miss a minute when family is willing to ______ with me.

1.A.meet B.set C.push D.acquire

2.A.amazed B.admired C.blessed D.honored

3.A.strict B.occupied C.popular D.familiar

4.A.taught B.added C.wrote D.passed

5.A.extra B.sharply C.fairly D.barely

6.A.attend B.adopt C.choose D.support

7.A.last B.first C.best D.late

8.A.bargains B.problems C.quarrels D.moments

9.A.broke B.sank C.softened D.opened

10.A.granny’s B.brother’s C.mother’s D.daddy’s

11.A.breakfast B.dinner C.lunch D.supper

12.A.excited B.lonely C.hungry D.sleepy

13.A.describe B.experience C.develop D.instruct

14.A.wasted B.missed C.enjoyed D.appreciated

15.A.despite B.until C.when D.because

16.A.wasting B.playing C.reading D.writing

17.A.children B.books C.family D.work

18.A.cheerful B.successful C.grateful D.hopeful

19.A.priceless B.worthless C.careless D.aimless

20.A.hold out B.hang out C.work out D.figure out



    Everyone knows conferences are great for interpersonal relationships. Conferences are all about meeting people and making friends. Of course, some of those new contacts may become customers for your company too, but don’t try to sell to them at the conference unless you really have to. 1..

The most difficult part of communication is always breaking the ice: 2.. We call it golden time. Actually, it can be incredibly tough to walk into a room full of people, all of whom seem to know each other and are involved in deep conversations. How on earth do you join in?

3.. It’s polite to introduce yourself and ask if you can join the group, but there’s nothing wrong with standing and listening for a few minutes first.

The worst thing to do is to walk around looking busy. This is like holding up a sign saying “Please don’t talk to me”. A much better solution, though, is to move slowly around the room, make eye contact with people, smile and say “ hello”. 4..

Sometimes, we’re our own worst enemies. 5.. However, when someone tries to engage us in conversation, we can’t wait to get away. If someone has made the effort to come up to you, they deserve at least five minutes of your time, no matter how boring that person seems. And if you’re lucky, perhaps more people will join your conversation group.

A.We feel bad when no one wants to talk to us.

B.The best thing to do is to try to get involved in one of the conversations.

C.Just be yourself, and allow any business partnerships to appear naturally.

D.Half the people in the group conversations are nervously trying to get involved.

E.The most important thing to remember is that most people are in the same position as you.

F.Starting a conversation with a stranger and keeping it going for the important five minutes.

G.That way, even if you’re too nervous to start a conversation, other people will understand it.



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