满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I had a most wonderful weekend. Last Sat...

I had a most wonderful weekend.

Last Saturday, my friends and I went to the cinema. On the way, I _______to do something kind and interesting, so I gave a _______with “Wish you a safe journey” on it to the bus driver. I’m an artist, and sometimes make drawings of endangered animals with these _______on them to both let people know that these animals exist and, should they be _______enough, research them and _______them if they can. I do it to spread _______. The bus driver loved my drawing. I did the same inside the cinema for the woman, from whom we bought our snacks (零食). I also _______a piece of paper with “You are beautiful. Thanks for existing!” written on it. It made some people smile, and when we were leaving, a passer-by said “You too”, which _______my heart. I also complimented (称赞) a woman on her _______necklace (项链). Later, my friend and I ________a few tiny pieces of paper with ________words on them and left them on people’s car windows during a walk around the neighborhood. Immediately after, we started to ________chocolate cupcakes for everyone there. I also gave a book I had to a little boy who was suffering from autism (自闭症) there as a __________.

On Sunday, I continued with my acts of kindness. I dressed up as Miraculous Ladybug and went to a mall (购物中心). Some people found it ________and laughed or smiled. And I got some hugs from many ________people, including kids who were excited to see me in my __________. I also gave them my drawings with kind words on them, I still ________a little girl, about three years old, was surprised and ________as she saw me, saying, “She’s a Ladybug!” She was so __________.

I love leaving my ________on the world and I really want to do bigger acts of kindness in the future.

1.A.needed B.decided C.pretended D.learned

2.A.cake B.book C.drawing D.photo

3.A.words B.notes C.lessons D.reasons

4.A.smart B.curious C.strong D.lucky

5.A.find B.raise C.observe D.help

6.A.fear B.news C.lies D.love

7.A.got B.dropped C.showed D.read

8.A.warmed B.followed C.broke D.opened

9.A.magic B.short C.beautiful D.cheap

10.A.collected B.prepared C.used D.discovered

11.A.kind B.right C.strange D.familiar

12.A.design B.order C.choose D.make

13.A.result B.sign C.gift D.tool

14.A.proper B.funny C.boring D.important

15.A.rich B.different C.elderly D.famous

16.A.dream B.school C.office D.costume

17.A.remembered B.expected C.saved D.encouraged

18.A.frightened B.ashamed C.delighted D.disappointed

19.A.cute B.relaxed C.confident D.calm

20.A.judgement B.comment C.impression D.mark


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了上周末自己做的一系列的善事,作者想在未来做一些更大的善事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在路上我决定做点有趣的事,所以我给了巴士司机一幅画,上面写着“祝你一路平安”。A:needed需要;B:decided决定;C:pretended假装;D:learned 学习。根据“do something kind and interesting”可知,作者决定做点有趣的事。故选B。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在路上我决定做点有趣的事,所以我给了巴士司机一幅画,上面写着“祝你一路平安”。A. cake蛋糕;B. book书;C. drawing画;D. photo 照片。根据下文“The bus driver loved my drawing.”可知,作者给了巴士司机一幅画。故选C。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我是一名艺术家,有时还画濒临灭绝的动物,上面还有这些字,为的是让人们知道这些动物的存在,并且如果可能的话,他们应该有足够的好奇心,研究它们,帮助它们。A. words单词;B. notes笔记;C. lessons课,教训;D. reasons原因。G根据“let people know that these animals exist and, ”可知,画上有一些字,为的是让人们知道这些动物的存在。根据下文“with ___11___words ”也有提示。故选A。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我是一名艺术家,有时还画濒临灭绝的动物,上面还有这些字,为的是让人们知道这些动物的存在,并且如果可能的话,他们应该有足够的好奇心,研究它们,帮助它们。A. smart聪明的;B. curious好奇的;C. strong强壮的;D. lucky 幸运的。根据“research them and ___5___them if they can”可知,好奇心驱使他们研究它们,帮助它们。故选B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是一名艺术家,有时还画濒临灭绝的动物,上面还有这些字,为的是让人们知道这些动物的存在,并且如果可能的话,他们应该有足够的好奇心,研究它们,帮助它们。A. find发现;B. raise举起,抚养;C. observe观察,遵守;D. help 帮助。根据“endangered animals ”可知,画上的字是趋势人们的好奇心,去帮助濒临灭绝的动物。故选D。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我这么做是为了传播爱。A. fear恐惧,害怕;B. news新闻;C. lies谎言;D. love 爱。根据下文“I really want to do bigger acts of kindness in the future.”可知,作者在做善事,传递爱。故选D。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我还展示了一张纸,上面写着“你很美,谢谢你的存在!”A. got得到;B. dropped使下落;C. showed展示;D. read读。根据下文It made some people smile可知,作者展示了一张纸上的内容,才能让其他人微笑。故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这让一些人微笑,当我们离开的时候,一个路人说“你也是”,这句话温暖了我的心。A. warmed温暖;B. followed跟随;C. broke打碎;D. opened 打开。作者的举动得到了回应,所以这句话温暖了作者的心。故选A。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我还赞美了一位女士漂亮的项链。A. magic神奇的;B. short短的,矮的;C. beautiful漂亮的;D. cheap 便宜的。根据“complimented (称赞) a woman”可知,作者赞美了一位女士漂亮的项链。故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,我和我的朋友准备了几张小纸片,上面写着善良的话语,在附近散步的时候,把它们留在别人的车窗上。A. collected收集;B. prepared准备;C. used使用;D. discovered 发现。由上文可知,作者做了很多的善事,所以他们时刻准备着去做善事,所以也会准备几张小纸片,用它来表达善意。故选B。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:后来,我和我的朋友准备了几张小纸片,上面写着友善的话语,在附近散步的时候,把它们留在别人的车窗上。A. kind友善的;B. right正确的;C. strange陌生的,奇怪的;D. familiar 熟悉的。根据下文On Sunday, I continued with my acts of kindness.可知,纸上写着友善的话语。故选A。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:之后,我们开始给那里的每个人做巧克力蛋糕。A. design设计;B. order订购,命令;C. choose选择;D. make 制作。作者在以自己的实践来做善事。且根据“chocolate cupcakes”以及常识可知,蛋糕需要制作。故选D。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我还送了一本书给一个患有自闭症的小男孩作为礼物。A. result结果;B. sign记号,标记;C. gift礼物,天赋;D. tool 工具。根据“I also gave a book I had to a little boy”可知,作者还送了一本书给一个患有自闭症的小男孩作为礼物。故选C。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有些人觉得很好笑,大笑或者微笑。A. proper适当的,合适的;B .funny滑稽的;C. boring令人烦的;D. important 重要的。根据“laughed or smiled”可知,有些人觉得很好笑。故选B。 15.考查形容词。句意:我得到了很多不同人的拥抱,包括那些看到我穿戏服很高兴的孩子。A.rich富有的;B.different不同的;C.elderly年迈的;D.famous 著名的。根据上文Some people found it ___14___and laughed or smiled.可知,不同的人在看作者的表演,所以得到了很多不同人的拥抱。故选B。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我得到了很多不同人的拥抱,包括那些看到我穿戏服很高兴的孩子。A. dream梦想;B. school学校;C. office办公室;D. costume戏服。根据上文“I dressed up as Miraculous Ladybug”可知,这里指作者穿着戏服。故选D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我还给了他们我的画,上面写着友好的话,我仍然记得一个小女孩,大约三岁,她看到我很惊讶很高兴,说“她是只瓢虫!”她太可爱了。A. remembered记住,记起;B. expected期待;C. saved挽救;D. encouraged鼓励。作者在回忆过去的事情,所以用remember“记得”。故选A。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我还给了他们我的画,上面写着友善的话,我仍然记得一个小女孩,大约三岁,她看到我很惊讶很高兴,说“她是只瓢虫!”她太可爱了。A. frightened害怕的;B. ashamed害羞的;C. delighted高兴的;D. disappointed失望的。根据上文“ who were excited ”可小女孩看到作者很高兴。故选C。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我还给了他们我的画,上面写着友善的话,我仍然记得一个小女孩,大约三岁,她看到我很惊讶很高兴,说“她是只瓢虫!”她太可爱了。A. cute可爱的;B. relaxed放松的;C. confident有信心的;D. calm平静的。根据she saw me, saying, “She’s a Ladybug!”可知,小女孩很可爱。故选A。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢在世界上留下我的痕迹,我以后真的想做更大的善事。A. judgement判断;B. comment评论;C. impression印象;D. mark痕迹,记号。作者做了许多的善事,给别人留下了深刻的印象,对于作者自己来说,这些都是作者在世界上留下的痕迹。故选D。

There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery ________ another man, also intelligent, fails.

A.since B.if C.as D.while



The tourists were excited, for no sooner ______ the hotel ________ it snowed heavily.

A.they had returned; than B.had they returned; than

C.they had returned; when D.after they returned; as



After decades of effort, the city is still trying to _____ how to stop smoking in public places.

A.try out B.let out C.figure out D.run out



The father along with his children ______ solving word puzzles.

A.are like B.is like C.like D.likes



____________ with a difficult situation, the Chinese government is taking immediate measures to control the prices, which have been growing too quickly.

A.To face B.Having faced

C.Faced D.Facing



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