满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



An anxious call came into Jimmy Gilleece’s bar. A newly married woman, who had spent the afternoon at the bar, couldn’t find her wallet. She didn’t care about her ID, credit cards, or $150 in cash—but her wedding ring was inside.

Gilleece didn’t like the idea that a theft could have occurred at his place. So he set out to find the wallet. He spent hours looking through security-camera videos, watching the woman’s every step in the bar until she went to sit on a chair outside and left when her ride arrived. Within minutes, a young man approached the bench, slipped something into his pocket, and walked off. Gilleece posted a clip (剪辑) on the bar’s Facebook page. “I didn’t want to punish him,” he said. “I just asked if anybody knew who the guy was.”

Within hours, Gilleece got a text from 17-year-old Prather, who admitted having taken the wallet and told Gilleece he’d done it because he hadn’t eaten in two days. He said he saw the ring but thought it was fake(假的), so he took the money and threw the wallet off the dock (码头) into the ocean. Then he bought a sandwich.

Gilleece, unsure whether he believed Prather, told the teen to meet him at the dock, where they got talking and Prather revealed that he wasn’t getting along with his family and had been living in the woods for a week. Judging from Prather’s small body and red cheeks, Gilleece saw him for what he was: more of a kid than a criminal.

But the police were already on the case, and because of the missing ring, Prather could be facing charges. “He would be going to big boy prison. I have to help him somehow,” Gilleece thought.

Para. 1Gilleece paid two divers to search the waters where Prather had thrown the wallet.


Para. 2: Then suddenly a diver came up to the surface of the water.



Gilleece paid two divers to search the waters where Prather had thrown the wallet. A crowd gathered, excitedly watching the two divers searching in the strong current. Nearby, two policemen were also waiting. More than an hour passed but there was no sign of the ring. The crowd gradually got impatient, starting to talk noisily. Gilleece grew increasingly worried, especially when the policemen began questioning Prather, attempting to get him to admit keeping the ring. Each passing minute increased the chance that they would arrest the young man. Then suddenly a diver came up to the surface of the water. In his hand was the wallet and inside was the ring. Loud cheers erupted from the crowd. Gilleece quickly called the wallet’s owner, who was wild with joy and immediately dropped the charges against Prather. With tears of gratitude rolling down his cheeks, Prather hugged Gilleece tightly, saying “You’ve saved me today. I couldn’t thank you enough!” Prather promised to go back home to join his family. Gilleece’s act of kindness changed a teen’s life. 【解析】 本篇书面表达考查读后续写。 写读后续写作文,学生可以按照以下几个步骤进行: 1、仔细研读阅读文章,理清文本脉络要点。读后续写所提供的阅读文章以叙事类文本为主,本文讲述了Jimmy Gilleece的酒吧中一位女士丢失了钱包,钱包里有她最珍视的结婚戒指。Jimmy Gilleece找到了捡到钱包的年轻人Prather,但是Prather拿了钱包里的钱,将钱包丢进了海里。Gilleece觉得Prather只是个孩子,于是决定帮助他,最终找到了戒指, Prather也被徹销了指控。 2、寻找文本中的未解之谜。内容要创造,语言要模仿,创造与模仿要紧密结合。 3、研读所提供的段首,确定续写方向。要对阅读文章进行续写,必须理清文章的脉络线索,并找出文章中的悬念,然后发挥想象,根据文中线索进行有根据、有逻辑的创造性推测,把故事续写下去。这就要求学生仔细研读文章,在字里行间找出蛛丝马迹。 4、列续写大纲,定故事梗概。同时在续写的过程中,学生要牢记续写的要求,包括字数、卷面整洁程度,甚至拼写和标点符号。 写作时学生一定注意:(1)与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;(2)内容的丰富性和对所标出关键词语的应用情况;(3)应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;(4)上下文的连贯性。


1. 表达谢意;

2. 个人感受;

3. 表达信心。



参考词汇:传染病 epidemic 新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus

Dear medical workers,



Li hua



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Max Bobholz was only 12 years old when he came up with the idea of creating a charity to provide baseball equipment to children in Africa.

While 1. (watch) baseball, his favorite sport, on TV in 2012, Max learned that teams from Africa didn’t have proper equipment to play.

They either made equipment themselves or had to share 2. very few items they had among all the children.

Max thought about all the extra bats, balls and equipment he and his friends had in their garages and homes. Then, inspired by his baseball coach, T. Williquette, and those 3. were active charity, he decided to take action and help. Thus, an 4. (influence) charity was started. 5. (know) as Angels at Bat, Max’s charity has donated over 10,000 pieces of equipment to kids in need since its founding! Along with this, Max has traveled to Africa several times 6. (donate) equipment and coach the kids, developing Angels at Bat into 7. it is today.

Angels at Bat has now grown to include nine 8. (branch) in eight states around the USA. And it is the primary source of baseball equipment for the entire country of Kenya.

Max 9. (honor) as one of the 5 CNN Young Wonders of 2018 for his inspiring spirit of giving and service. “Anybody at any age can make a difference. So if you are passionate about something, stick to it and through hard work, you 10. (true) can make your dream come true,” says Max.



    My twin sister, Dawn, born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), has to wear braces (吊带) on her legs and walk with the help of a stick, often causing people to _______and point.

As Dawn was the only “different” child in our neighborhood, we were constantly picked on. We never had any friends because of her condition. I began to _______Dawn and was embarrassed to be seen with her. So I did everything to get her into trouble to _______her being born mentally and physically disabled.

When I turned twelve, my mother was so displeased with my behavior. She figured I was _______enough to know better. One day she threw me in my bedroom and gave me a thick yellow book. What I saw in that book _______the way I viewed my disabled sister.

There were many baby _______of Dawn and me dressed alike, the only _______ : I looked small and peaceful while Dawn was hooked up to tubes and needles and machines. If you looked closely, you could see the _______in her eyes though she was always smiling. One picture stood out: we were _______each other. The words below read, “I’m so happy to have a twin sister, Netti. The doctors make me cry. She makes me ________.” Looking back, I realized how ________I had been! I had never put myself in Dawn’s shoes! Feeling ________ , I cried myself to sleep.

Later, Dawn came to wake me up for dinner. I kissed her and hugged her ________ like in the picture.

From then on, I was Dawn’s ________ . No one was going to hurt her for any reason. We were ________ . I am her the other half and she is my world.

1.A.complain B.wander C.stare D.envy

2.A.hate B.pity C.disturb D.warn

3.A.put up with B.make use of C.keep track of D.get back at

4.A.patient B.old C.clever D.confident

5.A.formed B.changed C.explained D.confirmed

6.A.pictures B.clothes C.toys D.stories

7.A.problem B.spotlight C.similarity D.difference

8.A.courage B.disappointment C.pain D.concern

9.A.hugging B.supporting C.comforting D.praising

10.A.improve B.think C.laugh D.survive

11.A.rude B.selfish C.responsible D.innocent

12.A.helpless B.unhappy C.desperate D.ashamed

13.A.politely B.seriously C.tightly D.purposely

14.A.protector B.assistant C.educator D.consultant

15.A.irreplaceable B.undefeatable C.unimaginable D.inseparable



    The Slow Food Movement started in Rome, Italy in 1986. When a new McDonalds was opening near a beautiful historic place, some people stood outside the restaurant and shouted, “We do not want fast food, we want slow food!”

1. One day Carlo Petrini went to a restaurant to eat a traditional meal. But the food didn’t taste the same as he remembered. He learned that the peppers were shipped from abroad because the prices were low. This deeply concerned Carlo.

Carlo wanted people to care about where their foods came from and how their foods made their culture special. So he started a group to encourage this idea. It soon became the Slow Food Movement. 2.

First, what is good food? Good food is fresh. The vegetables are eaten close to the place where they are grown. The fish hasn’t been sitting for days before it is eaten. Good food is seasonable. 3.

Good food satisfies the senses. It should look good, smell good and taste good. And finally, good food is cultural food. Each country has special foods that make it different.

Second, food should be clean. Today, there are great concerns about the way people grow and produce food. Farmers use chemicals to kill insects and feed plants. But the chemicals can also harm the natural environment around farms. 4.Clean food means food that does not harm our bodies or the environment.

And third, food should be fair. 5.All people should be able to purchase healthy food. The people who grow and make food should be paid fairly for their work. They should work in safe, healthy conditions.

A.Food should not cost too much money.

B.Its goal is to have good, clean, fair food for all people.

C.Over time, they can cause health problems in people too.

D.That was how the Slow Food Movement came into being.

E.It should be grown at the best time of the year for that food.

F.Today the Slow Food Movement has already expanded out of Italy.

G.This event wasn’t the only thing that started the Slow Food Movement.



    If you’ve ever been on a fishing boat, you’ve probably seen crowds of birds following it, hoping to catch a snack. Now scientists use those birds’ behavior to track illegal fishing boats.

Researchers attached data loggers to the backs of 169 albatrosses (信天翁) in Indian oceans. Weighing only 42 grams, the devices included a GPS, which enabled them to detect the presence and intensity of radar signals emitting from boats. That information was then sent by satellite, so the researchers could track the location of the birds—and thus the radar-emitting boats—in real time.

The scientists then cross-checked that data against the known locations of boats, collected from a system boats use to declare themselves, called the Automatic Identification System (AIS). And noticeable differences appeared frequently.

More than a third of the times the birds “loggers” detected radar signals, and therefore a boat, but no such boat appeared in the official log—meaning that the vehicles had likely switched off their AIS—something that probably happens in illegal fishing operations.

The work suggests birds could be an effective boat-monitoring tool as long as illegal fishing operations don’t target the birds.

Fortunately, such a task would be difficult. Around fishing boats, you can find hundreds of birds at any one time that are flying around. And the birds with loggers are not marked in any way. So it’s not really possible for fishermen to pick out a specific bird.

But what concerns researchers is that albatrosses often get caught by some fishing boats. Though regulations have been established to protect against that happening—with success—illegal boats don’t necessarily obey. So scientists might be underestimating the risk posed to albatross populations.

1.What characteristic of albatrosses do scientists take advantage of in their research?

A.Their feeding patterns.

B.Their sense of direction.

C.Their greedy behaviors.

D.Their habit of following fishing boats.

2.For what purpose does a boat shut off its AIS?

A.To seek more fishes.

B.To have it mistaken for another.

C.To avoid being detected.

D.To save the trouble of declaring itself.

3.What does “such a task” in Paragraph 6 refer to?

A.Identifying birds with loggers.

B.Monitoring illegal boats.

C.Tracking radar signals automatically.

D.Fishing illegally.

4.What could be the best title for the text?

A.AIS: an Effective System to Locate Boats

B.Humans Are Good at Discovering Birds’ Nature

C.Data Loggers Help Fishermen Get a Good Harvest

D.Scientists Use Birds to Track Illegal Fishing Operations



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