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Twenty-five young musicians from around ...

Twenty-five young musicians from around the world have come to California to train and perform this month.  They will take part in an international program called iPalpiti. The name comes from the Italian word for heartbeats.

Eduard Schmieder is the program's conductor and musical director, Schmieder and his wife started the program in 1997 with help from violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin.

This year, the musicians come from 19 countries, including Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Israel and Italy.  Schmieder notes some of the musicians are from countries that are at war with each other.

And they are sitting next to each other, and they become friends, He says through their music and friendship, they are making the world more peaceful.

The musicians taking part in the program range in age from their late teens to their 30s.

Schmieder said they include winners of major music competitions. Peter Rainer is a violin player from Germany. He serves as concertmaster, the link between the musicians and conductor. "lt’s so great that you have so many sensitive musicians. They all are very alert and awake and listen to each other and it's a lot of fun. " Turkish viola player Can Sakul says the international group works we’ll together. "The experience is a cultural as well as a musical exchange," said Russian violinist SemyonPromoe.  " Everyone has their own opinion of music, how to play every composition.  It's very interesting to interact with everybody, to play together and to create one opinion for everybody. "

This year, the festival focuses on music from the 1600s to the 1900s. But cello player Franciaco Vila of Ecuador said the music has no geographic boundaries Vila added that the musicians get to know more about each other as they perform great music.

"It's interesting to see where we intersect(交集) , how many things we have in common. And also the music world is quite small, so you're only one person away from knowing everyone else" Can Sakul said the musicians who have taken part in the training and festival make up a big family. He added that he is proud to be a part of it.

1.When was the program founded?

A. This month.    B. From 1600s    C. From late teens.    D. In 1997.

2.Mentioning that "Some musicians are from countries that are at war with each other.", Schmieder intends to present that         .

A. musicians continue to fight in competitions    B. music makes the world more harmonious

C. musicians are from different countries    D. the world is not peaceful

3.What does the underlined word "sensitive ’' probably mean?

A. Flexible.    B. Artificial.    C. Brilliant.    D. Energetic.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Musicians have much in common.    B. A national music program.

C. Music has no geographic boundaries.    D. Music competitions at war.


1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 【解析】 本文讲述了音乐人Schmieder创建了一个由各国不同年龄的音乐家组成的团队,他们在一起合作交流,他们希望通过他们的音乐和友谊使世界更和平。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段Schmieder and his wife started the program in 1997 with help from violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin.可知Schmieder和妻子在1997年开始的这个项目,故选D. 2.推理判断题。根据文中第三、四段Schmieder notes some of the musicians are from countries that are at war with each other. And they are sitting next to each other, and they become friends, He says through their music and friendship, they are making the world more peaceful.可知来自交战国的音乐家们坐在一起,互相成了朋友。他们希望通过他们的音乐和友谊使世界更和平。Schmieder想以此表达音乐使世界更和谐。故选B. 3.猜测词义题。根据上文提到的Eduard Schmieder is the program's conductor and musical director, violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin.和they include winners of major music competitions.等信息可知,参加这个项目的音乐家都是非常有才华,有成就的人。此处指Peter Rainer认为有这么多杰出的音乐家,真是太好了。句中的sensitive 指的是有才华的,杰出的,与Brilliant同义,故选C. 4.主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了音乐人Schmieder创建了一个由各国不同年龄的音乐家组成的团队,他们在一起合作交流,他们希望通过他们的音乐和友谊使世界更和平。C项:音乐没有地域界限,表达了本文主题,适合作为标题。故选C.

    Life affects friendships. As we grow, marry, fight in wars, move across the country or change jobs, old friendships fall away and new ones form. As long as we live, the things around us change, and as long as things change, friendships are affected.

When we were children, we had best friends. No matter what happened we were still friends. We live our lives, however, and do what life calls for us to do, and as we get older, memories fade, faces blur(变得模糊),and even friends’ names from childhood are forgotten.

Do you have a question about friendshipDo you wonder what to do with a friend who is no longer friendly Perhaps you will see that you can’t control others. If some  people want to be your friends, it is their choice. All you can do is treat them well and do the best for them when you are with them. Then you wish them well when they leave.

You can talk to old-timers and they will tell you that life is full of incredible(难以置信的)joy and incredible sorrow, and that what bothers you today will one day become a memory and the pain will be gone. Seniors might tell you that you will learn more as you get older. They will tell you that friendships come and friendships go. Sometimes when they go it will hurt you, but you will be okay with it. It’s theway life works, after all.

1.According to the text, what can we learn about friendship

A.Friendship cannot be easily affected by one’s family.

B.Friends are always around us and will never go away.

C.Friends in childhood are sometimes forgotten by us.

D.Friends in childhood are the best no matter what happens.

2.In the author’s opinion, what should we do with friends who are no longer friendly

A.Care about them and do the best for them when we are together.

B.Forget them and make new friends who have a lot in common with us.

C.Find the reason why our friendship has changed.

D.Do our best to control them and make them listen to us.

3.What the old-timers and seniors in the last paragraph tell you about friendship will ______.

A.make you have no good friends

B.help you have healthy understanding of friendship

C.remind you to always help your friends

D.lead you to be a powerful man WNIW HH

4.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage

A.How to share happiness with friends

B.How to deal with unfriendly people

C.How to make good friends

D.How to face the changes in friendship



The London Underground (The Tube)

The main source of public transport in London revolves around the Underground (or the Tube as it is known to Londoners). This network of 12 lines can get you to most places in the center of the city quickly.

It’s almost necessary to get an Oyster Card or a Travelcard. Single tickets are priced starting at the intentionally absurd price of £4.80 (Zone1-3), if you pay cash. Using an Oyster Card, a single fare is £2.30 if you are traveling within the central Zone 1.

On hot days it is also advisable to take a bottle of water with you as Underground trains are not air-conditioned.

Last trains leave central London at around 00:30 weekdays, 23:30 Sundays. First trains leave the suburbs at around 5:00.

The Bus System

Outside the center of London, Tube Stations are farther apart, so buses help fill the gaps. Also, the bus offers a cheaper alternative, even if it is a slower journey.

Cash fares for London buses have been abolished — you cannot pay cash. A bus fare costs £1.50 if people only use buses, and the fare is capped at £4.40 per day for Oyster or contactless card users.

Light Rail and Trains

You can think of the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) and the Tramlink as extensions of the Underground, Travelcards purchased at Tube Stations in East London. The DLR connects with a number of the other train services (including connections at Tower Hill or Bank Stations) and can be used to reach Greenwich, Canary Wharf, and Stratford.

River Services

There are a number of different routes along the River Thames. The faster commuter services operate all day from Greenwich Pier to Embankment and from Putney and Chelsea harbour to Blackfriars during Peak Hours only. These routes will pass a number of places of interest including the Houses of Parliament and London Bridge. A return fare from Putney to Blackfriars will cost about 12 pounds.

National Rail

Once you leave Central London or if you are traveling South of the River Thames, the best public transport option will often be National Rail. There are numerous connections to the Rail System from the Tube. Travelcards can be used for travel on the National Rail (but not the Heathrow Express). Oyster cards can be used up to Zone 6 except certain services including Heathrow Express, Heathrow Connect and HS1.

1.When taking the London Underground, you _______.

A.should buy tickets with cash

B.can go to any place in London quickly

C.can save more money with a single ticket

D.are advised to take a bottle of water along on hot days

2.If you use river services along the River Thames, you will pass _______.

A.London Bridge B.Stratford

C.Canary Wharf D.Tower Hill

3.To travel South of the River Thames, it is recommended that you use _______.

A.the London Underground B.the Bus System

C.the DLR and the Tramlink D.National Rail




A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank, he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car. He tried again and again but couldn’t get the car moving. Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried. Arthur stopped and asked, “It looks like you’ve got a problem,” Arthur said.

I’m afraid so. I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start my car.”

“Is there something I can do to help?” Arthur asked. The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then said, “Thanks. If you’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble, you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.”

“No trouble at all. I’d be glad to help.”

The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat. After placing it on the ground, he turned to get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking, he heard the long loud noise of an alarm.

It was from the bank. There had been a robbery!

Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before. Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions. Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other, “What happened?” But everyone had a different answer.

Arthur, still carrying the suitcase, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him.

She looked at the suitcase and then at him. Arthur was surprised. “Why is she looking at me like that?” He thought. “The suitcase! She thinks I’m the bank thief!”

Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He became frightened, and without another thought, he started to run.

Para 1:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!”


Para 2:

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur…







Dear Jim,



Li Hua




In his book, Intentional Living, author John Maxwell shares that back in 1976, he received a gift from one of his 1. (assist). As he unwrapped the gift, he saw that it was a book 2. (name) The Greatest Story Ever Told. He couldn’t wait 3. (read) it.

But when he opened the book, he was 4. (astonish) to see that the pages were blank. Inside the book was 5. note that said, “John, your life is before you. Fill these pages with kind acts and good thoughts of your heart. Write a great story about your life.” The intention of writing the story of his life excited him. Then, he 6. (begin) to write his book.

Every day we live out our story through our words, actions and decisions. But we must remember to live with intention to focus on what 7. (matter) most in life and to regain that focus when we get changed. Without intention, we can become unfocused in things 8. needn’t add to a life of significance and difference in our world.

Life isn’t perfect and it’s always hard, 9. we need reminders in our life from a friend, author, blogger, pastor or our inner spirit to re-focus us on the things that matter and make us live 10. (positive).



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