满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单句改错 1.The other day I am showing the bo...


1.The other day I am showing the boys the weekly chemistry when the mixture bubbled everywhere.

2.Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is with these students.

3.It was such privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.

4.You have to get used to a whole new way of life, that can take up all the concentration in the beginning.

5.Two centuries later, the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of where we now call the United States.

6.Humans differ with other animals in their ability to speak.

7.He found the problem difficultly to solve.

8.The position of the classroom with its view made me felt like I was dreaming.

9.The question that the sports meeting will be held on time will be discussed tomorrow.

10.The criteria is so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel.


1.am→was 2.with→to 3.在privilege前加a 4.that→which 5.where→what 6.with→from 7.difficultly→difficult 8.felt→feel 9.that→whether 10.is→are 【解析】 每个小题只有一项错误。 1. 考查时态。句意:几天前,我给孩子们看每周化学反应的时候,混合物到处冒泡。根据后文“bubbled”可知,此句运用了一般过去时,故am也要运用过去分词形式,保持时态一致。故将am改为was。 2. 考查固定搭配。句意:有时候我想知道化学和这些学生有什么关系。be relevant to与……有关,是固定搭配。故将with改为to。 3. 考查固定搭配。句意:能与汤姆的家人共度一天真是太荣幸了。such a/an+adj+n意为“如此……”,是固定搭配,“privilege”以辅音音素开头,故用冠词a。故在privilege前填加a。 4. 考查非限定性定语从句关系词。句意:你不得不习惯能够一开始就可以集中精神的一种全新的生活方式。从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开,故此句为非限定性定语从句。非限定性定语从句关系词只能用which,不能用that。故将that改为which。 5. 考查宾语从句连接词。句意:两个世纪后,西班牙人在南美洲的大部分地区以及我们现在称为美国的西北海岸定居下来。根据句意和结构可知介词of后面是宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,用what引导。故将where改为what。 6. 考查固定搭配。句意:人类的说话能力与其他动物不同。differ from与……不同,是固定搭配。故将with改为from。 7. 考查形容词。句意:他发现这个问题难以解决。“find+n+adj.+to do sth”为固定搭配,意为发现做某事怎么样,故此处应用形容词形式。故将difficultly改为difficult。 8. 考查固定搭配。句意:教室的位置和它的视野让我感觉像在做梦。make sb. do sth意为“使得某人做某事”,是固定搭配。故将felt改为feel。 9. 考查同位语从句引导词。句意:是否按时举行运动会的问题明天将讨论。明天要讨论是否按时举行运动会。由whether引导同位语从句和that一样对前面主句的内容进行解释说明,但通常表示假设的两种情况的选择。故将that改为whether。 10. 考查单复数。句意:标准是如此严格,以至于很难让新的想法被接受,除非它们是真正新颖的。主语criteria意为“标准,条件”是criterion的复数形式,系动词应用复数形式。故将is改为are。


1.We all have an____________(expect) that he can pass the driving test next week.

2.You’ll find these meals quick and ____________(convenience) to prepare.

3.What parents say and do at home will have a great impact ________ their children.

4.The new clothes in that shop are so beautiful that Anna cannot resist _____ (take) a close look at them.

5.Despite the fact _____they lacked food, the explorers continued towards the goal.

6.The moment she came back from work, she set out ______ (clean) the kitchen thoroughly.

7.He worked so hard that he got his pay ________ (raise).

8.You cannot accept an opinion _________ (offer) to you unless it is based on facts.

9.This is ____ my father taught me — to always face difficulties and hope for the best.

10.One of the major problems is that a ______ (major) of the graduates who major in English find it difficult to find a good job.



    Another person's enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved. That person was my stepmother.

I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia. My father_________me to her with these words: “I would like you to meet the fellow who is_________for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no_________ than tomorrow morning.”

My stepmother walked over to me, _________my head slightly upward, and looked me right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied, “You are_________This is not the worst boy at all, _________the smartest one who hasn't yet found an outlet(释放的途径) for his enthusiasm.”

That statement began a(n)_________between us. No one had ever called me smart. My family and neighbors had built me up in my_________as a bad boy. My stepmother changed all that.

She changed many things. She_________my father to go to a dental school, from which he graduated with honors. She moved our family into the county seat, where my father's career could be more__________and my brother and I could be better__________.

When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand__________and told me that she believed that I could become a writer. I knew her enthusiasm, I__________ it, and I saw how it had already improved our lives. I accepted her__________ and began to write for local newspapers. I was doing the same kind of__________that great day I went to interview Andrew Camegie and received the task which became my life's work later. I wasn't the__________beneficiary(受益者). My father became the__________ man in town. My brother and stepbrothers became a physician, a dentist, a lawyer, and a college president.

What power__________has! When that power is released to support the certainty of one's purpose and is__________ strengthened by faith, it becomes an irresistible(不可抗拒的) force which poverty and temporary defeat can never________.

You can communicate that power to anyone who needs it. This is probably the greatest work you can do with your enthusiasm.

1.A.rushed B.sent C.carried D.introduced

2.A.distinguished B.favored C.mistaken D.rewarded

3.A.sooner B.later C.longer D.earlier

4.A.dragged B.shook C.raised D.bent

5.A.perfect B.right C.wrong D.impolite

6.A.but B.so C.and D.or

7.A.agreement B.friendship C.gap D.relationship

8.A.opinion B.image C.expectation D.mind

9.A.begged B.persuaded C.ordered D.invited

10.A.successful B.meaningful C.helpful D.useful

11.A.treated B.entertained C.educated D.respected

12.A.camera B.radio C.bicycle D.typewriter

13.A.considered B.suspected C.ignored D.appreciated

14.A.belief B.request C.criticism D.description

15.A.teaching B.writing C.studying D.reading

16.A.next B.same C.only D.real

17.A.cleverest B.wealthiest C.strongest D.healthiest

18.A.enthusiasm B.sympathy C.fortune D.confidence

19.A.deliberately B.happily C.traditionally D.constantly

20.A.win B.match C.reach D.doubt



How to test best

It’s back to school, which means it’s back to tests. Which might also mean it’s back to being majorly stressed out .1.Here are some simple ways to prepare thoroughly for tests.

Schedule study time.

Trying to do all studying the night before a test makes it impossible to master all the material.2.Instead, prepare for a test by scheduling study time each day for several days before.

Use your time wisely.

3.Also, make sure you have all the supplies you need to study so you don’t lose focus.

While studying, be sure to make regular short breaks. Get a snack, take a bathroom break or play a quick computer game when it feels as if your brain is about to explode.


Studying with a parent or friends can help you understand the material better and to learn from one another. Have every person or pair take a part of the material, and come up with questions to quiz the group.

Keep the group small. Have everyone take turns as the group leader, who will assign the material, and make sure that conversation stays on what is being studied.

Don’t forget last-minute prep.

Have your sharpened pencils and other things in your bag ready the night before the test. It’s important to get a good night’s sleep and then eating a healthy breakfast the next morning.5..

Also, studying all the way up until test time can only create more anxiety. Stop studying an hour beforehand.

A.Form a study group.

B.Stay cool before the test.

C.It doesn’t have to be this way.

D.This will help you store important information.

E.This way, both your mind and body are fully prepared.

F.Before studying , clear your desk so you can concentrate.

G.It will also make you tired and stressed on the day of the test.



    Is It Worth Buying Organic Food? Organic food, grown without artificial chemicals, is increasingly popular nowadays. Consumers have been willing to pay up to twice more for goods with organic labels (商标). However, if you think paying a little more for organic food gets you a more nutritious and safer product, you might want to save your money. A study led by researchers at Stanford University says that organic products aren't necessarily more nutritious, and they're no less likely to suffer from disease-causing bacteria, either.

The latest results, published in the Annuals of Internal Medicine, suggest that buyers may be wasting their money. "We did not find strong evidence that organic food is more nutritious or healthier," says Dr. Crystal Smith-Spangler from Stanford. "So consumers shouldn't assume that one type of food has a lower risk or is safer."

For their new study, Smith-Spangler and her colleagues conducted a review of two categories of research, including 17 studies that compared health outcomes between consumers of organic against traditional food products, and 223 studies that analyzed the nutritional content of the foods, including key vitamins, minerals and fats.

While the researchers found little difference in nutritional content, they did find that organic fruit and vegetables were 20% less likely to have chemicals remaining on the surfaces. Neither organic nor traditional foods showed levels of chemicals high enough to go beyond food safety standards. And both organic and traditional meats, such as chicken and pork, were equally likely to be harmed by bacteria at very low rates. The researchers did find that organic milk and chicken contained higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy fat also found in fish that can reduce the risk of heart disease. However, these nutritional differences were too small, and the researchers were unwilling to make much of them until further studies confirm the trends.

Organic food is produced with fewer chemicals and more natural-growing practices, but that doesn't always translate into a more nutritious or healthier product. The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that "whether you buy organic or not, finding the freshest foods available may have the biggest effect on taste." Fresh food is at least as good as anything marketed as organic.

1.The new research questions whether organic food __________.

A.should replace traditional food B.has been overpriced by farmers

C.is grown with less harmful chemicals D.is really more nutritious and healthier

2.Smith-Spangler and her colleagues found that __________.

A.organic food could reduce the risk of heart disease

B.traditional food was grown with more natural methods

C.both organic and traditional food they examined were safe

D.there was not a presence of any forms of bacteria in organic food

3.Which of the following is relatively healthier according to the passage?

A.Organic chicken and pork. B.Organic milk and chicken.

C.Traditional chicken and pork. D.Traditional fruit and vegetables.

4.What is the author’s attitude toward organic food?

A.Sceptical B.Neutral

C.Unconcerned D.Approving



    I’ve spent over a year in India, and in those 365 plus days, I’ve learned a lot about getting around Indian cities.My biggest lessons have been learned through being cheated, particularly by taxi and rickshaw (人力车) drivers, but that doesn’t mean those are bad ways to travel, as long as you know what you’re doing.Below are the best ways to get around the city of Delhi, India, and tips for how to keep from being the victim of scams (欺骗).

Taking taxis is a great way to get around the city of Delhi and chances are, if you arrive in Delhi by plane, as soon as you make it through customs, you’ll be swarmed by Indian taxi drivers.At the Delhi airport, be sure to arrange for a taxi to your hotel at one of the two Delhi Traffic Police Taxi Booths.One is inside the airport, and one is outside.The key is to make sure to go to a booth run by the police, rather than by independent taxi drivers.

Rickshaws are one of my favorite ways to get around Indian cities, in part because it’s how the locals often travel.Auto­rickshaws are more common, but bicycle rickshaws are still used in Old Delhi.If you do have a chance to take a bicycle rickshaw, you should do it at least once for a unique experience that should only set you back about 15 rupees.Auto­rickshaw rates around Delhi range between 30 and 80 rupees, depending on distance.

If you really want to travel around Delhi like the locals, take a public bus.Indian buses become very crowded and most do not have air conditioning.They are, however, very cheap.A bus trip won’t set you back any more than 15 rupees, as long as you stay within the city limits.Since Indian buses get so crowded, try to board the bus at the start of the route so you can get a seat.

The train is a great way to get around within the city of Delhi.Fares are reasonable, between six and 22 rupees.All departure announcements are in both Hindi and English, and tokens can be purchased for between 6 and 22 rupees.

1.To avoid being cheated, you ought to         if you want to take a taxi at the Delhi airport.

A.pay more to the drivers to keep safe B.show your ticket to the driver

C.go to a police­run booth D.go out of the airport

2.The author suggests taking a rickshaw in order to         .

A.save some money B.enjoy the comfortable trip

C.gain a unique experience D.help the local rickshaw drivers

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.You won’t have to pay much if you travel around by bus in India.

B.It will be difficult for you to get a seat if you get on the bus halfway.

C.A rickshaw driver only charges whatever amount you give him.

D.You’ll have to speak English if you travel around in India.

4.Which may be the topic that follows?

A.Hotel recommendations in Delhi. B.Weather conditions in Delhi.

C.Food and drink in Delhi. D.Car rentals in Delhi.



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