满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假定你是李华,是你校学生会主席,暑假将带队去英国友好学校交流。请你给对方负责人Mr. Smith写信洽谈相关事项。内容包括:






Dear Mr. Smith,


Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


Dear Mr. Smith, I'm Li Hua, chairman of the student union. Planning to take a group to pay a visit to your school next month, I'm writing to confirm some information. We will arrive at 9 a.m. on July 20, and then we will begin the 2-day visit. We have a very tight schedule. As has been planned, we will visit the school history museum, because we are all extremely interested in the splendid history of your school. Then we will have a communicating meeting, where we students can communicate with each other and exchange opinions on society, culture, education and So on. Besides, we will visit some places of interest, which is what we have been longing for. I hope we will have a meaningful trip there! Looking forward to your reply! Yours Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给对方负责人Mr. Smith写信洽谈去英国友好学校交流的相关事项。 第一步: 审题 体裁: 应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时和一般将来时。 结构: 总分法 总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。 要求: 1. 访问的具体时间; 2.希望参加的活动(参观历史博物馆、会议交流、游览著名景点)。 第二步: 列提纲 (重点词组) be interested in;communicate with;look forward to 第三步: 连词成句 I'm Li Hua, minister of external liaison of our school. Planning to take a group to pay a visit to your school next month, I'm writing to confirm some information. As has been planned, we will visit the school history museum, because we are all extremely interested in the splendid history of your school. Then we will have a communicating meeting, where we students can communicate with each other and exchange opinions on society, culture, education and So on. Besides, we will visit some places of interest, which is what we have been longing for. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步: 连句成篇 (衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second,And then, Finally, In the end, At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, including, 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although + clause(从句), In spite of + n/doing, On the one hand, On the other hand, while, as for 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 第五步: 润色修改







As it is known to all, the Great Wall is the most famous places of interest in China. Everybody wants to go there, but I am no exception. Then, this summer vacation, the day I have been looking forward to coming at last. I got up very early that day and set off with my brother Tim followed behind. After two hours’ bus ride, we arrived at what looked like the large market, which there were millions of people talking, pushing and photographing. At that, my enthusiasm immediate disappeared. Indeed, the Great Wall is really something must be experienced with a little ease and privacy.




Zhao Zong, a 26-year-old man from Central China’s Henan province, recently became 1. hit on the internet for pushing his 97-year-old grandmother in a wheelchair around during a tour of Xian, Shanxi province. The behavior was pretty 2. (admire) and received numerous thumbs ups (点赞) on Chinese social media platform Weibo.

3. (depart) for the destination on Sept 1, Zhao spent nearly a week taking his grandmother to the popular sites, like the Terracotta Warrior. He didn’t want his grandmother to be tired 4. the trip, so two weeks before the journey he bought a foldable wheelchair for her.

Zhao 5. (raise) in his grandparents’ home. When he was 3, his parents couldn’t take care of him for a 6. (vary) of reasons, and from then on, he lived with his grandmother. “That’s 7. I have deep feelings for her.” Zhao explained. “It 8. (be) my dream to take my grandmother on a trip since I was in college. Now I feel so excited that my dream 9. (eventual) came true.”

As long as conditions allow, Zhao next arranges 10. (tour) Qingdao with his grandmother to see the sea, and hopefully more places in China.



    There is an old suitcase in my house which represents the dreams and hopes of my family.

I’m always taking photos of the little _________ I find in the world around me. A few weeks ago, I visited my parents. My father was an _________ when he was young. I took a photo of something that I would _________ as a pretty big wonder. At first _________ it might not look like much. It was just a _________ brown suitcase with two silver locks up on the top. But to me, it’s _________ what a miracle (不可思议的东西) looks like.

That suitcase is the very one my dad brought with him when he _________ to the U. S. from Turkey in 1965. He was just a 19-year-old boy at the time who didn’t know a _________ of English. He _________ all his fiends and family, __________ that he would become an excellent engineer one day. That suitcase carried my dad’s most valuable __________ — many black-and-white photos from home and his science and math textbooks, etc.

As a kid, I was __________ aware of the suitcase. It lived on the top of my bookcase. I never __________ to it, though. It wasn’t until I got __________ that I actually asked my dad about it. Looking inside, I found tons of photos and the __________ my parents wrote to each other, back and forth between the U. S. and Turkey.

That’s when I __________ how beautiful that dirty old suitcase actually was. It’s a __________ of not only the hardships my parents __________, but also all the wonderful things they __________, how they found love, how their dreams __________ and how they got through them all.

1.A.secrets B.numbers C.wonders D.treasures

2.A.artist B.architect C.author D.engineer

3.A.see B.act C.use D.work

4.A.thought B.time C.light D.sight

5.A.lovely B.common C.special D.strange

6.A.possibly B.exactly C.normally D.quickly

7.A.turned B.wrote C.moved D.returned

8.A.word B.name C.card D.sign

9.A.left B.missed C.refused D.called

10.A.fearful B.hopeful C.proud D.grateful

11.A.achievements B.prizes C.things D.lessons

12.A.unsuitably B.undoubtedly C.uncomfortably D.uncleanly

13.A.paid much attention B.paid a visit C.belonged D.talked

14.A.stronger B.thinner C.older D.braver

15.A.books B.letters C.papers D.reports

16.A.showed B.praised C.admitted D.realized

17.A.reminder B.source C.result D.cause

18.A.got B.suffered C.won D.deserved

19.A.wanted B.found C.expressed D.experienced

20.A.disappeared B.ended C.came true D.woke up



The "Greener Grass" Syndrome

Have you ever met the situation where you kept thinking that there are better opportunities out there compared to your current one you are having? This is the syndrome when one is always looking at the other side of the fence and thinks that the grass is greener there.1.

Why are you like this? Uncertainty and curiosity play a big part in creating the "greener grass" syndrome.It is because we arc uncertciin of whether what we arc holding onto now is the best for us and whether there are any better choices out there.

2. In fact, it sometimes does us more harm than good because often looking out for the "greener grass" will exhaust our energy and attention and finally we can grow even angrier, or at least more dissatisfied.3. We mostly prefer new over old because new things arc fascinating and our curiosity keeps reminding us to explore the other side of the grass.These are the two factors that cause us to feel dissatisfied with what we have and always thinking of finding the greener grass at the opposite side.

If you have this syndrome, chances are you are missing out lots of things you currently have now. So what can you do to cure the greener grass" syndrome? The first thing is to recognize that your current job is your best choice right now..4.

Secondly, always apply your best efforts to your current job. Otherwise, what can you make out of your job when you hardly devote any effort? Last but not least, always keep this truth in mind.The grass is always greener on the other side, and the other side is always greener no matter which side you arc at.5.

A.Try to focus on "what is" instead of "what if".

B.Such uncertainty causes us to keep looking into alternatives.

C.Humans are also curious by nature and we love new things.

D.Focus on "what if” and seek for the best choice.

E.Choose a side, stick to it and make the best out of it.

F.This is what I call the "greener grass" syndrome.

G.It has its own origin, primarily rooted in fantasy and fear.



    For a few months twice a year, the waters off California are home to gray whales moving north or south between the coast of Mexico and the Bering Sea. This year, however, it seems that fewer whales are surviving the journey north. So far this year, a total of 30 dead gray whales have washed up on the West Coast: Eight in Washington, one in Oregon and 21 in California. Those numbers are unusually high.

In Northern California, three out of four of the dead whales that have been examined so far appear to have died of starvation and the fourth was killed by a ship strike, said Barbie Halaska, a research assistant at The Marine (海洋的) Mammal Center (TMMC), a nonprofit organization that rescues and rehabilitates (使康复) marine mammals in California. Halaska and her colleagues examined the four whales—three young whales and one adult male — and planned to examine the remaining dead whales in the region in the next couple of days.

Gray whales were once severely threatened by whalers. Only around 2,000 of them lived in the ocean in 1946, so an international agreement to stop gray whale hunting was signed in order to help the population recover. Gray whales were removed from the endangered species list in 1994 when the population reached 23,000 individuals and TMMC predicts there are now around 26,000 gray whales in the Pacific Ocean, which is about the number before the whaling boom got up steam almost 200 years ago.

Although the gray whale population has recovered to a certain degree, the number of dead whales washing up this year is alarming, Halaska said. Climate change and declining fish stocks are likely key factors in the whales’ poor health, she said .

Halaska stressed that boaters and beachgoers on the West Coast should watch out for gray whales this time of year.

1.What are the statistics in paragraph 3 about?

A.Severe conditions facing gray whales.

B.An agreement to stop killing whales.

C.The evolving development of gray whales.

D.The number of gray whales in different times.

2.What’s Halaska’s attitude towards the population of gray whale?

A.Worried. B.Discouraged.

C.Optimistic. D.Uncaring.

3.What may be talked about following the last paragraph?

A.The importance of gray whales.

B.Gray whales’ living environment.

C.Things to do to help gray whales .

D.Ways to increase gray whales’ population.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Gray Whales Are Threatened by Whalers

B.Why Many Gray Whales Died on California’s Coast?

C.Gray Whales Are in Great Danger of Dying Out

D.Where Gray Whales Move to Avoid Being Hunt?



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