满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_______ hip-hop is popular with youngste...

_______ hip-hop is popular with youngsters, I’m still not accustomed _______ it.

A.As, to appreciating B.Although, to appreciate

C.Even though, to appreciating D.While, to appreciate


C 【解析】 考查状语从句和非谓语动词。句意:即使嘻哈很受年轻人的欢迎,我仍然不习惯不能欣赏它。第一个空是状语从句。根据I’m still not accustomed得知我不习惯嘻哈,即使它很流行。第二个空be accustomed to doing是固定短语,表示习惯于…...,故选C。  

Many people feel nervous _______ they attend a concert, so I recommend _______ the hall early to have enough time _______ yourself comfortable.

A.at the first time, arriving, to make B.the first time, to arrive, making

C.for the first time, reaching, making D.the first time, getting to, to make



_______ of current news, whether it is domestics or overseas, is his daily routine.

A.Being informed B.Informed C.Informing D.Having been informed



In the middle of the lake _______ a huge island, _______ lives a phantom.

A.lies, where B.locates, where C.stands, in which D.is situated, that



_______ the coming talent competition, he has spent all his free time making preparation.

A.Win B.Winning C.Having won D.To win




The little boy

A little boy selling magazines for school walked up to a house that people rarely visited. The house was very old and shabby and the owner hardly ever came out. When he did come out, he would not say hello to his neighbors or passers-by but simply just glare at them.

The boy knocked on the door and waited, sweating from fear of the old man. The boy’s parents told him to stay away from the house, and a lot of the other neighborhood children were told the same thing from their parents.

Dust found the boy lingering on and hesitating what to do. As he was ready to walk away, the door slowly opened. “What do you want?” the old man said impatiently. The little boy was very afraid but he had a quota(份额) to meet for school with selling the magazines. So he got up the courage and said, “Uh, sir, I am selling these magazines and uh, I was wondering if you would like to buy one from me.”

The old man just stared at the boy without a word. The boy could see inside the old man’s house and saw that he had dog figurines(小雕像) on the fireplace mantle. “Do you collect dogs?” The little boy asked. “Yes, I have many collections in my house. They are my family here and they are all I have.” The boy then felt sorry for the man, as it seemed that he was a very lonely soul.

“Well, I do have a magazine here for collectors. It is perfect for you. I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much.” The old man was ready to close the door on the boy and said, “No, boy. I don’t need any magazines of any kind, now goodbye.”

The little boy was sad that he was not going to make his quota with the sale. He was also sad for the old man being so alone in the house that he owned. The boy went home and then had an idea. He had a little dog figurine that he got some years ago from an aunt. The figurine did not mean nearly as much to him since he had a real live dog and a large family.

Para 1:

The little boy headed back down to the old man’s house.


Para 2:

From that day on something changed inside the old man.




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