满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In 1945, there was a young boy of 14 in ...

    In 1945, there was a young boy of 14 in a concentration camp (集中营). He was tall, thin but had a bright smile. Every day, a young girl came by on the other side of the fence. She noticed the boy and asked him if he spoke Polish, and he said yes. She said he’d looked hungry, and he said he was. She then reached in her pocket and gave him her apple. He thanked her and she went on her way. The next day, she came by again, bringing with her another apple which she gave him. Each day, she walked by the outside of the fence, hoping to see him, and when she did, she happily handed him an apple in exchange for conversation.

One day, he told her not to come by anymore. He told her he was being shipped to another concentration camp. As he walked away with tears streaming down his face, he wondered if he’d ever see her again. She was the only kind soul he’d seen acro ss the fence.

He made it out of the concentration camp, and immigrated to America. In 1957, his friends had fixed him up on a blind date . He had no idea who the woman was. He picked her up, and during dinner began talking of Poland and the concentration camp. She said she was in Poland at that tim e. She said she used to talk to a boy and gave him apples daily. He asked if this boy was tall, skinny and if he had told her that she shouldn’t come back because he was leaving. She said yes.

It was her, the young girl who came by every day to give him apples. After 12 years, after the war and in another country, they had met again. What are the odds? He proposed to her on that very night and told her he’d never again let her go. They are still happily married today.

1.Why did the girl give the boy her apples?

A.Because the boy asked for it.

B.Because the boy was hungry.

C.Because both of them were Polish.

D.Because the girl wanted to talk with the boy.

2.Which of the following word can be used to describe the young girl best?

A.Far-sighted B.Simple-minded

C.Kind D.Generous

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A.A special marriage

B.An unexpected gift

C.A pleasant memory

D.A lovely coincidence


1.D 2.C 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个感人的故事,1945年的某个集中营里,一个14岁的男孩偶遇了一位善良的女孩,她每天都会路过并从集中营的栅栏外面送给男孩一个苹果,终于因为要被转移两人伤心地诀别了。没想到12年后的一天两人竟然因为一场相亲再次重逢,最终幸福地生活在了一起。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Each day, she walked by the outside of the fence, hoping to see him, and when she did, she happily handed him an apple in exchange for conversation.”可知,女孩每天经过集中营,给男孩苹果就是为了“交换聊天的机会”,也就是想和男孩聊天。故选D项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“She was the only kind soul he’d seen across the fence.”并结合女孩的行为可知,给集中营里的男孩每天一个苹果、陪他聊天,这无疑是非常善良的行为。故选C项。 3. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段第二句“After 12 years, after the war and in another country, they had met again. What are the odds?”并结合全文内容可知,文章前半段讲述了一个温馨而结局令人惋惜的故事,但最终男孩女孩能奇迹般地再次相见将整个故事升华了,D选项“一个可爱的巧合”恰好能反映出这一内容来,适合作为标题。故选D项。


1.What does the speaker say about popular restaurants?

A.They are open 24 hours a day.

B.They accept checks for payment.

C.They may not accept reservations.

2.What’s the drinking age in America?

A.21. B.20. C.15.

3.How much should you tip for superior service?

A.Less than 15% of the total bill.

B.About 20% of the total bill.

C.Over 25% of the total bill.

4.What can we learn from the monologue?

A.Americans smoke less than Europeans.

B.Asians smoke less than Europeans.

C.The legal smoking age in America is 16.




1.What will the girl do tonight?

A.Go over her lessons. B.See a movie. C.Attend an exam.

2.What do we know about Miss Smith?

A.She talks quickly and seldom repeats things.

B.She is the girl’s favorite teacher.

C.She teaches English.

3.Who doesn’t like history?

A.The girl. B.Jim. C.The boy.

4.How often does the girl’s class have a history test?

A.Once a month. B.Twice a month. C.Once a week.




1.How does the man like learning Chinese?

A.It’s easier and easier.

B.He’s more and more interested in it.

C.It’s as difficult as learning European languages.

2.What are the woman’s difficulties in learning English?

A.Writing and listening.

B.Spelling and writing.

C.Spelling and pronunciation.

3.What does the man say about the woman’s spoken English?

A.Good. B.Strange. C.Poor.




1.What does the woman want to do?

A.Attend a meeting.

B.Ask for leave.

C.Invite the man to visit Mr. Green.

2.Where is the woman’s grandma?

A.At home. B.In the office. C.In the hospital.




1.What happened to Mike?

A.He broke his right foot.

B.He was hurt accidentally.

C.He played basketball yesterday.

2.What’s the relationship between Tom and Mike?

A.Classmates. B.Teacher and student. C.Workmates.



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