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With a combined total of 211 years betwe...

    With a combined total of 211 years between them, Charlotte and John Henderson, from Austin, Texas, are celebrating their 80th wedding anniversary. The two are _______ the oldest living couple on earth, according to Guinness World Records. John Henderson is 106 _______ Charlotte Henderson is 105.

The pair met in 1934 as _______ at the University of Texas, where Charlotte was studying to be a teacher and John played football. John was very _______ of football. Since 2010, he has had the _______ of being the oldest living former UT football player, and he _______ a game every year. The Hendersons, who have no children, have _______ at a retirement community in Austin, for the past decade. It is _______ that the retirement home helped to _______ an anniversary party for the couple. “In our ages, we’ve slowed down somewhat,” John Henderson ______________. “We used to go on cruises, but now we have to take it ______________. We like watching sports and talking about what we’re going to do.”

Henderson’s nephew Jason Free said the two were his ______________ role models. They love and really care for each other. “They don’t always ______________ the past,” Free said. “You won’t hear them say, ‘Oh, if only it were 1952 again, ______________ would be great.’ Instead, they are making plans for their ______________ together.”

Free noted that when his uncle is at a UT game or out ______________ friends, Charlotte usually will call to ______________ him. “She likes to know when John is going to be coming back to eat with her,” Free said.

As for the ______________ to their longevity, John Henderson puts it down to exercise and having a positive ______________. Then with a ______________ he added, “But some people think it’s because we’ve never had kids!”

1.A.naturally B.officially C.individually D.normally

2.A.so B.but C.as D.and

3.A.participants B.professors C.students D.players

4.A.fond B.sure C.afraid D.tired

5.A.qualification B.confidence C.truth D.distinction

6.A.organizes B.attends C.sponsors D.appreciates

7.A.aimed B.researched C.lived D.arrived

8.A.reported B.assumed C.suggested D.confirmed

9.A.deliver B.find C.show D.throw

10.A.announced B.recommended C.explained D.complained

11.A.seriously B.easy C.off D.away

12.A.relationship B.behavior C.career D. concept

13.A.overlook B.recall C.believe D.see

14.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

15.A.choices B.children C.retirement D.future

16.A.cheating B.inviting C.meeting D.making

17.A.pick up B.care about C.wait for D.check on

18.A.introduction B.tendency C.secret D.guide

19.A.attitude B.method C.theory D.comment

20.A.laugh B.sigh C.nod D.gesture


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一对吉尼斯世界纪录认证为在世的最长寿夫妇的日常点滴和生活故事,他们相互关心,心态乐观,生活简单又美好。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们俩被吉尼斯世界纪录正式认证为地球上仍在世的最长寿夫妇。A. naturally自然地;B. officially正式地,官方地;C. individually私人地,个人地;D. normally正常地,通常地。根据句中Guinness World Records可知,他们获得的是正式的官方认证,故选B。 2.考查连词词义辨析。句意:约翰·亨德森106岁了,夏洛特·亨德森105岁了。A. so所以;B. but但是;C. as因为,由于,尽管,随着,正如;D. and和,与,然后。根据语境,连词前后两句内容并无因果、转折等各种关系,两者为各自独立的事实,宜用and作连接,故选D。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这对夫妻在1934年,他们还是得克萨斯州大学的学生的时候遇见彼此,当时夏洛特正在那里学习,准备当一名教师,而约翰在那里踢足球。A. participants参与者;B. professors教授;C. students学生;D. players球员,队员。根据下句Charlotte was studying to be a teacher可知,他们当时是学生身份,“John played football”不影响他本身是个学生的事实,而且夏洛特不是足球队员,故选C。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:约翰非常喜欢踢足球。A. fond喜欢的;B. sure确定的;C. afraid害怕的;D. tired劳累的。根据上下文可知,约翰一直在踢足球,十分喜欢,故选A。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从2010年开始,他便坐拥在世的最年长前UT足球队员这一荣誉,而且他每年都参加比赛。A. qualification资格,条件;B. confidence信心;C. truth事实;D. distinction荣誉,特性,差别。在世的最年长前队员属于他的一个荣誉,而qualification一般是指通过学习考试取得的资格学历,或是因足够熟练,具备某项技能或经验而取得的资格,而文中此处语境强调其年长(oldest),且是前队员,A选项并不够恰当准确,故选D。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从2010年开始,他便坐拥在世的最年长前UT足球队员这一荣誉,而且他每年都参加比赛。A. organizes组织;B. attends参加;C. sponsors赞助;D. appreciates欣赏。作为最年长队员,他每年都去打比赛(参加比赛),故选B。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:亨德森夫妇没有子女,过去十年间,他们居住在奥斯汀的一个退休社区。A. aimed以……为目标;B. researched研究;C. lived居住;D. arrived到达。根据语境,他们现居住在退休老年人社区,故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:据报道,养老院帮着为这对夫妇举办了周年纪念派对。A. reported报道;B. assumed假设;C. suggested 建议;D. confirmed确认,证实,批准。根据语境,据报道,养老院为他们举办了派对,且下文中有夫妇俩接受采访对外界所说的话,对本题有提示作用,故选A。 9.考查动词词义辨析,句意:据报道,养老院帮着为这对夫妇举办了周年纪念派对。A. deliver交付,发表,递送;B. find找到;C. show展示,演出,说明;D. throw投,抛,掷,举行(派对)。本题考查了动词的熟词生义,throw除了表示“扔”等意义之外,还可专门用于表示举行派对(throw a party),故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“到了我们这个岁数,节奏得稍微慢下来了,”约翰·亨德森解释道。A. announced宣布,宣称;B. recommended推荐,建议;C. explained解释;D. complained抱怨。约翰的话前后有两处,后一处是对前一处中所提“节奏慢下来”的解释,故选C。 11.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们过去常常乘船游览,但现在我们不得不松懈下来。A. (take it) seriously认真对待,当真;B. (take it) easy从容,松懈,不急;C. (take it) off 脱下(衣服);D. (take it) away拿走,带走东西。根据下文We like watching sports and talking about what we’re going to do及语境可知,约翰说他们现在节奏慢下来了,也就是对坐游艇游玩这些事没那么勤快了,松懈了许多,只有B符合语境,故选B。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:亨德森的外甥詹森·弗里说他们夫妻俩的关系是他学习的楷模。他们真心相爱,并关心对方。A. relationship关系;B. behavior行为;C. career事业;D. concept概念。结合语境,此处谈及的是夫妇俩的美好关系,故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“他们并不会总在回忆过去,”弗里说。A. overlook忽略,远眺,宽恕;B. recall回想起,回忆;C. believe相信;D. see看见。下文提到,夫妇俩虽年事已高,但仍然是展望未来的姿态,而非不停回忆过去,故选B。 14.考查代词词义辨析。句意:噢,要是现在能回到1952年,那一切该是多好。A. something某事,某物;B. anything任何东西,任何事物;C. everything一切,万事;D. nothing没有什么。1952年他们正处于年轻气盛的人生时期,一切都是好的,故选C。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:相反,他们正一起为未来做计划。A. choices选择;B. children孩子;C. retirement退休;D. future未来。结合上文,夫妻俩不会处处抱怨,沉浸在过去的美好生活里,相反地,他们一起为未来做着计划。“未来”与“过去”相对,故选D。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:弗里注意到,当他的叔叔去UT踢球打比赛或者外出见朋友的时候,夏洛特通常会打电话向他核实一下。A. cheating欺骗;B. inviting邀请;C. meeting面见,会见;D. making制作,交(朋友)。约翰的老年生活,要么是出去踢球,要么就是外出面见朋友(meet friends),外出交新朋友显然不符合此处语境,故选C。 17.考查动词短语辨析。句意:弗里注意到,当他的叔叔去UT踢球打比赛或者外出见朋友的时候,夏洛特通常会打电话向他核实一下。A. pick up捡起,接机;B. care about担心,关心;C. wait for等待;D. check on核实,检查。结合引号内容,约翰出去之后,她不清楚他回家的时间,所以打个电话过去核实一下,D符合语境。打电话过去肯定不是接机或是等待,且确认回家的时间,这属于“核实情况”更准确,而用“担心,关心”表述不准确。综上,故选D。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:至于长寿的秘诀,约翰·亨德森把它归因于运动锻炼和拥有积极的生活态度。A. introduction介绍,引言;B. tendency趋势;C. secret秘诀;D. guide指南。根据后半句中的“运动锻炼”和“拥有积极的态度”可知,这应是他们俩的长寿秘诀(secret to their longevity),故选C。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:至于长寿的秘诀,约翰·亨德森把它归因于运动锻炼和拥有积极的生活态度。A. attitude态度;B. method方法;C. theory理论;D. comment评论。夫妇俩拥有的是积极的生活态度,故选A。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:接着他笑着补充道,“但是有些人认为这是因为我们从未生过孩子!”A. laugh笑;B. sigh叹气;C. nod点头;D. gesture姿势,手势。从约翰的话语内容,并结合语境可知他,此时正在调侃,故对应的神情应是“笑着说”,故选A。

In Stressful Times, Make Stress Work for You

These are stressful times. Fortunately, we can actually use that stress to improve our health and well-being. Over a decade of research suggests that it’s not the type or amount of stress that determines its impact. 1.. But how can we change our stress mind-set?

Step 1: Acknowledge Your Stress

Labeling your stress consciously and deliberately moves neural activity from the amygdala — the center of emotion and fear — to the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive control and planning.

In other words, when we take a moment to acknowledge our stress, it moves us from operating from a fearful, reactive place to a position where we can be thoughtful and deliberate. 2..

Step 2: Own Your Stress

3. We only stress about things that we care about. By owning our stress, we connect to the positive motivation or personal value behind our stress.

Try completing this sentence about whatever was specifically stressing you out in step one: ''I'm stressed about… because I deeply care about…''.

Step 3: 4.

Connecting to the core values behind your stress sets you up for the third and most essential step: using stress to achieve your goals and connect more deeply with the things that matter most.

Ask yourself: Are your typical responses in alignment with the values behind your stress? Think about how you might change your response to this stress to better facilitate your goals and your purpose.

There's so much happening right now that we can't control. 5.. Some psychologists argue that true transformative change can occur only during stress or crises. The trick is to channel your stress as energy to make the most of this time.

A.Use Your Stress.

B.Control Your Stress.

C.The next step is to welcome, or ''own'', your stress.

D.Instead, it's our mind-set about stress that matters most.

E.However, there are also unprecedented opportunities amid the fear.

F.It's also a chance to understand what's at the heart of your personal stress.

G.But later, we will be able to ask ourselves how we each responded to this crisis.



    Inaccessible Island is well named. It is an uninhabited rock in the South Atlantic ocean. Go there, though, and you will find its coast is covered with litter.

That has been the experience of Peter Ryan of the University of Cape Town, in South Africa. Since 1984 Dr. Ryan has been visiting Inaccessible, recording the litter stranded on the island's beaches. This week, he has published the results.

Though Inaccessible is indeed remote, the nature of oceanic circulation means that this is exactly the sort of place where floating rubbish tends to accumulate.

Dr. Ryan and his colleagues focused on one particular class of litter: bottles. Their definition of a bottle included jars and containers, and things made of metal, glass or polymer. Most, though, were of polyethylene terephthalate , a light plastic.

A particular advantage of picking bottles to investigate is that they are often stamped with their country of manufacture. That enabled Dr. Ryan to analyze the history of oceanic littering. He analyzed the proportions of bottles from various geographical sources. In 1989 the preponderance (优势) of them (67%) was South American. Twenty years later, in 2009, bottles made in Asia contributed more or less equally (44%) with South American ones (41%). By 2018 the overwhelming (压倒性的) majority (74%) were Asian.

This geographical shift speaks volumes. The first sample suggests most litter arriving on Inaccessible had been washed off the land or dropped from coastal shipping — South America being a relatively nearby continent. The other two, with their rising proportions of rubbish from Asia, which is too far from the island for it to have floated there, strongly suggest it was crews’ empties being flung from ships. Such littering is banned — which, ironically, came into force in 1989. But evidently a lot of ships’ captains do not care. They permit the dumping of rubbish over the side, regardless.

1.What leads to litter gathering on Inaccessible Island?

A.The natural phenomenon of ocean currents. B.Too many people’s activities on the island.

C.The litter’s floating around the island. D.The island’s remote location.

2.Why does Dr. Ryan choose bottles as subjects?

A.It is easy to analyze them. B.It is possible to figure out their sources.

C.There are stamps attached to them. D.They contribute most to oceanic littering.

3.What does the underlined word “flung” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Cast away. B.Given away.

C.Carried out. D.Put out.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Plastic Bottles Washed up on Inaccessible Island

B.Geographical Factors Accounting for More Rubbish

C.Plastic Pollution Worsening on Remote Atlantic

D.A Bottled up Rubbish Problem on Inaccessible Island



    UW’s Jason Shogren and Linda Thunstrom, along with Jonas Nordstrom of the Lund University School of Economics and Management, have documented that two-adult households with children emit over 25 percent more carbon dioxide than two-adult households without children.

The study involved an analysis of expenditures on goods and services by households in Sweden. The researchers found that parents with children at home consume goods and services that emit CO2 in the areas of food, such as meat, and transportation, such as gasoline, at higher rates than childless households.

The economists note that time constraints (约束) become more demanding, and convenience may become more important, when people have children.

“Parents may need to be in more places in one day,” resulting in people driving themselves instead of using public transportation or bicycling, the researchers wrote. “They also need to feed more people. Eating more pre-prepared, red meat carbon-intensive meals may add convenience and save time.”

The distinction in the carbon footprints of Swedish households with and without children is particularly striking, as concerns about climate change are more pronounced in Sweden than most other developed counties. Most Swedes believe climate change is real and have accepted sizable CO2 taxes, and households with children are given financial aid, which helps to alleviate some of the time shortage for parents to a certain extent.

“If we’re finding these results in Sweden, it’s pretty safe to assume that the distinction in carbon footprints between parents and nonparents is even bigger in most other Western countries,” Thunstrom says.

“Becoming a parent can transform a person, he or she thinks more about the future and worries about future risks imposed on their children and of spring,” Shogren says. “But, while having children might be transformational, our results suggest that parents’ concerns about climate change do not cause them to be ‘greener’ than non-parent adults.”

1.According to the study, compared with the households without children, the households with children __________.

A.emit more carbon dioxide

B.consume more goods and services

C.attach more importance to the quality of goods and services

D.are less concerned about carbon footprints

2.Why do two-adult households with children have higher carbon footprints?

A.They prefer to eat red meat prepared in advance.

B.They aren’t concerned about climate change.

C.They drive cars more as a consequence of time pressure.

D.They need to purchase more goods and services.

3.The underlined word “alleviate” in paragraph 5 refers to __________.

A.solve B.heighten C.worsen D.ease

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Being a parent will cause a person to be more concerned about carbon emission.

B.Carbon footprints grow with parenthood because of increased time constraints and the need for convenience.

C.The increasing expenditures on goods and services by households help raise the awareness of carbon footprints.

D.The difference in carbon footprints between parents and nonparents is much severer in other western countries than in Sweden.



    Anyone who knew Jack knew him well. He was the first to hide under the bed covers every time the sky grew grey and thunder was heard in the distance. He was in great fear of storms. However, that day changed it all.

With dark clouds in the morning, Jack was in the car with his sister, Emily, who was driving them home. Jack was holding the sides of his seat tightly. As a result, his knuckles (指关节) turned white. Suddenly, the treacherous road conditions sent the car into a slide. The vehicle went off the wet and slippery road, rolled several times and finally rest upside down. Fortunately, both of them were wearing seat belts. Head bleeding heavily, Emily was conscious but unable to move. Thankfully Jack was unhurt.

Water poured through the broken windows of the car. Suddenly, Jack recalled something. He quickly unfastened the seat belt and moved out of the passenger window. With rain beating against his face and arms, Jack made his way to the driver’s side with great difficulty. He managed to pull her through the window. Suddenly, he felt a strong pain on his arms. It was only later that Jack realized the broken pieces of the window had cut them while he was pulling his sister through the window. Finally Jack dragged Emily up to the road. They were soon rescued.

Emily later recalled her terrifying experience and was truly amazed by his courage. Jack’s act of courage was motivated by his favourite book: The Little Engine That Could. In it, when everyone had given up hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy toys and candies over the hill to the children waiting on the other side. The Little Engine had shown courage and taken action.

Obviously, we cannot attribute Jack’s bravery to that one story but without doubt, the book had left a deep impression on him and inspired him to respond positively in a difficult situation.

1.What made it difficult for Jack to go over to the driver’s side?

A.His fear. B.The heavy rain.

C.His injuries. D.The bad road condition.

2.What does the underlined word “treacherous” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Dangerous. B.Strange.

C.Special. D.Fantastic.

3.How did Emily feel about Jack’s change?

A.Annoyed. B.Embarrassed.

C.Surprised D.Puzzled.

4.What can we infer about the book mentioned in the text?

A.It was once a bestseller. B.It once inspired Emily.

C.It was intended for kid. D.It was a horror story.



    Want to be more successful? If so, then you need to read a few self-help books. Here are four popular ones to get you going.

59 Seconds ( 2009) by Richard Wiseman

This is a self-help book with a difference. Wiseman, a scientist, uses science to prove many self-help myths(神话) are false. For example, self-help books say that if you want to achieve a goal, you should visualize it. But Wiseman says that's the worst thing to do. Studies show that you need to visualize the steps required to achieve the goal.

How to Win Friends& Influence People ( 1936) by Dale Carnegie

This is the book that launched the self-help type. Carnegie says financial success is 15% professional knowledge and 85% the ability to express ideas, assume leadership, and motivate people. The book is full of practical advice on how to influence people by making them like you.

The Millionaire Next Door (1996) by Thomas Stanley & Wlliam Danko

The authors of this book spent years interviewing American millionaires to figure out the secrets of their success. And they discovered that a majority of millionaires don't live luxury lifestyles. They're rich because they live below their means and reinvest what they earn.

Who Moved My Cheese? (1998)-by Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on September 8, 1998, is a motivational business fable. The text describes change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two “little people”during their hunt for cheese.

1.What is the key to achieving success in 59 Seconds?

A.To employ science. B.To follow examples.

C.To picture procedures. D.To visualize the goal.

2.What is Dale Carnegie's book mainly about?

A.How to master occupational knowledge. B.How to apply practical techniques.

C.How to gain strong management. D.How to become popular persons.

3.Which book can help you adapt to change in your life?

A.59 Seconds B.Who Moved My Cheese?

C.The Millionaire Next Door D.How to Win Friends& Influence People



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