满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When learning most things for the first ...

    When learning most things for the first time, it is important to be _________ and understand that becoming good at something takes time. This is _________ for sports, school subjects, and of course languages. When we’re small, we don’t think about the _________ of learning something new; we just go right ahead and do it, sometimes with funny results. One _________ is when I was learning to paint. I was very small so the paint got everywhere. But _________ getting angry, everybody would be patient with me, _________ me and showing me the correct way to hold the paintbrush, and after some time I was able to paint _________.

This is an important _________ to learn when we learn another language. Many people _________ need one language, because their friends and family can only speak the same language. As a __________, when these people try to learn a new language, it is usually more difficult. This can be for a number of __________. First, the best way to improve in anything is to have the chance to __________. In the case of a language, this means having the chance to __________ with speakers of the language they want to learn. If this chance is not there, it can __________ the pace at which the language can be learned. Second, it is easier for the learner to lose interest because they have less chance to see their __________. Without this ability to see how much improvement has taken place, it is __________ for the learner to keep believing that development is happening.

It is __________ to learn something slowly, and then move at a pace which is __________ for the individual (个别的) learner, than to rush into learning too fast. It is a __________ I try to follow in my own teaching, and I hope my students benefit (得益) from a teaching method which __________ them to learn at their own pace.

1.A.patient B.careful C.excited D.honest

2.A.funny B.simple C.true D.different

3.A.advantages B.difficulties C.purpose D.pleasure

4.A.suggestion B.question C.idea D.example

5.A.because of B.except for C.instead of D.along with

6.A.promising B.ordering C.answering D.encouraging

7.A.naturally B.properly C.suddenly D.probably

8.A.skill B.fact C.lesson D.task

9.A.still B.only C.even D.already

10.A.result B.whole C.part D.matter

11.A.doubts B.problems C.instructions D.reasons

12.A.change B.ask C.practice D.choose

13.A.agree B.study C.work D.communicate

14.A.build up B.slow down C.keep D.reach

15.A.ability B.future C.progress D.influence

16.A.easy B.important C.possible D.hard

17.A.better B.stranger C.more comfortable D.more harmful

18.A.useful B.right C.special D.necessary

19.A.decision B.hobby C.job D.rule

20.A.allows B.requires C.invites D.teaches


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。作者通过自己小时候学画画的经历来说明学习新东西要有耐心,不能急于求成。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大部分东西在第一次学的时候,有耐心并且明白精通某件事需要时间是很重要的。A. patient 耐心的;B. careful仔细的;小心的;C. excited 激动的;兴奋的;D. honest 诚实的。根据后文“becoming good at something takes time”可知精通某件事是需要时间的,这说明要有耐心。故选A项。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:学习运动项目、学校科目还有语言时都是如此。A. funny有趣的;B. simple简单的;C. true真实的;D. different 不同的。根据前文“When learning most things for the first time, it is important …takes time.”作者认为绝大部分东西在你第一次学习它的时候,都要有耐心,并且要明白精通某件事需要时间,作者在这里列举的语言,运动等的学习也都是如此,学习这些时要有耐心。This is true for...是一个固定用法,意为“...亦是如此”符合语境。故选C项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们还小的时候,我们不会考虑学习新事物的困难;我们只是直接去做,有时会得到有趣的结果。A. advantages优势;B. difficulties困难;C. purpose目的;D. pleasure 乐趣。根据后文“we just go right ahead and do it”可知我们会直接去学习,去做,这说明我们不会先考虑学习新事物有什么困难。故选B项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我学画画的时候就是一个例子。A. suggestion 建议;B. question问题;C. idea想法;构思;D. example 例子。下文作者以自己学画画的经历为例,说明学习要有耐心,故选D项。 5. 考查词组辨析。句意:他们没有生气,相反的是,每个人都对我很有耐心,鼓励我,并向我展示拿画笔的正确方法。A. because of 因为;B. except for 除了;C. instead of而不是…; D. along with 随同…一起,跟…一起。根据后文“everybody would be patient with me”可知每个人都对作者很耐心,这与“getting angry”相反,故选C项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们没有生气,相反的是,每个人都对我很有耐心,鼓励我并教我拿画笔的正确方法。A. promising承若;B. ordering命令;C. answering 回答;D. encouraging 鼓励。根据前文“everybody would be patient with me”可知每个人都对作者很耐心,既然对作者有耐心,那么他们也会鼓励作者。故选D项。 7. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:一段时间后,我就能正确地画画了。A. naturally 顺理成章地; 自然地; B. properly 正确地; 适当地; C. suddenly 突然;D. probably 可能地。根据前文“I was very small so the paint got everywhere.”可知作者不会画画,把颜料弄得到处都是,根据前文“, everybody would be patient with me, me and showing me the correct way to hold the paintbrush”可知其他人耐心地对待作者,教作者如何正确拿画笔。因此一段时间之后,作者应该是学会了如何用正确的方式画画。故选B项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是我们学习另一种语言时,要学习的重要经验。A. skill 技巧; 技艺; B. fact事实;C. lesson课;经验教训;D. task 任务。作者以自己小时候学画画的经历为例,说明学习新东西不能急于求成,要有耐心。此处表示,当我们学习语言时,也要这样做,也就是要吸取这种经验,lesson意为“经验;教训”符合语境。故选C项。 9. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:许多人只需要会讲一种语言,因为他们的朋友和家人能(和他们)只说同一种语言。A. still仍然;B. only 只; 只有; 仅; C. even 甚至;D. already 已经; 早已。根据后文“,because their friends and family can only speak the same language.”可知大多数人因为他们的朋友和家人可以只说同一种语言,只(only)需要会一门语言。故选B项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,当这些人试图学习一门新语言时,通常会更加困难。A. result结果;B. whole 整个; 整体; C. part 部分;D. matter 课题; 事情; 问题。根据前文“Many people ____9____ need one language, because their friends and family can only speak the same language. ”可知许多人只需要会讲一种语言,因为他们的朋友和家人能(和他们)只说同一种语言。根据后文“when these people try to learn a new language, it is usually more difficult.”可知当这些人试图学习一门新语言时,通常会更加困难。前后文为因果关系,as a result意为“因此”符合语境。故选A项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这可能有很多原因。A. doubts疑惑; 疑问; B. problems 问题;C. instructions 用法说明;指示;D. reasons 理由;原因。根据下文“First, the best way to improve …with speakers of the language they want to learn.”可知下文在具体描述为什么这些人在学一门新语言时,通常会更难,也就是下文在解释具体的原因,故选D项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:首先,提高任何东西的最好方法是有机会练习。 A. change改变;B. ask 问;C. practice 练习;D. choose 选择。从作者学画画时从不会,到慢慢练习,变得会画画的学习经历来看,提高任何东西的最好方法就是有机会练习。故选C项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果是学习语言的话,这就意味着要有机会和讲那门语言的人沟通交流。 A. agree同意;B. study 学习;C. work 工作;D. communicate 沟通。根据前文“First, the best way to improve in anything is to have the chance to ____12____ . ”可知提高任何东西的最好方法是有机会练习,在学习语言的时候,练习语言就意味着要去说这门语言,所以这里作者要表达的是在学习语言时,有机会练习就意味着要有机会和讲那门语言的人沟通交流。故选D项。 14. 考查词组辨析。句意:如果没有这样的机会,学习语言的速度就会减慢。A. build up增强,;B. slow down (使) 放慢; C. keep 保持; D. reach 到达; 抵达。根据前文“In the case of a language, this means having the chance to ____13____ with speakers of the language they want to learn”可知作者认为在学习一门语言时,与讲这门语言的人沟通交流是提升这门语言的最好方式,所以没有这样的机会,学习速度自然会变慢。故选B项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二,学习者容易失去兴趣,因为他们很少有机会看到自己的进步。A. ability 能力;B. future未来;C. progress 进步;D. influence 影响。根据前文“it is easier for the learner to lose interest”,可知在有些情况下学习者更容易失去兴趣,根据because可知这里在解释前文。结合选项,可知是因为没有机会看到自己的进步,所以学习者才容易失去兴趣。故选C项。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果没有这种知道(自己)已经发生了多大的改进的能力,学习者难以相信自己在进步。A. easy简单的;B. important 重要的;C. possible可能的; D. hard 艰难的。结合前文“Without this ability to see how much improvement has taken place,”可知如果没有知道(自己)已经发生了多大的改进的能力,学习者就不知道自己到底进步没,就很难相信自己在进步。故选D项。 17. 考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:慢慢的学习东西,然后以适合自己的速度学习比急于求成要好。 A. better更好的;B. stranger 更奇怪的;C. more comfortable 更舒服的;D. more harmful 更有害的。根据后文“than to rush into learning too fast”可知此处作者将慢慢的学习和急于求成两种学习方式进行了对比,根据前文“When learning most things for the first time, it is important …takes time.”可知作者认为绝大部分东西在你第一次学习它的时候都要有耐心,并且明白精通某件事需要时间,所以这里作者认为慢慢的学比急于求成要好(better)。故选A项。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:慢慢的学习东西,然后以适合自己的速度学习比急于求成要好。A. useful有用的;B. right合适的;C. special特别的;D. necessary必要的。根据“for individual learner”,可知这里作者所说的学习速度是针对每个不同的个体来说的,每个人的学习速度都不同,所以要以一个适合自己的速度进行学习。故选B项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是我在教学当中,会遵循的一个规则。A. decision决定;B. hobby 爱好;C. job 工作;D. rule 规则。分析可知这里的it指的就是前面那句话。根据前文“It is ____17____ to learn something slowly…than to rush into learning too fast.”可知慢慢的学习东西,然后以适合自己的速度学习比急于求成要好。这是一种规则,故选D项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望我的学生能从一种让他们按照自己的节奏学习的教学方法中受益。A. allows使能够;允许;B. requires 要求;C. invites 邀请;D. teaches讲授; 教授。这种教学方法能够让学生按照他们自己的节奏学习。故选A项。

    With the development of the tourist industry, traveling has become a fashionable way for people to spend their holiday. Most people like traveling with friends or families.1. Here are some advantages of traveling alone.


If you travel alone, you are the boss of yourself. You can do things according to your own timetable. You can decide freely whenever you go, wherever you visit and whichever transport you take. You don't need to wait for your partners. You can decide how long you stay at a place and which hotel you live in. Traveling alone gives you more freedom in making decisions.

Gaining more confidence, strength and learning new skills.

It is a great challenge to be alone on the road.

When you travel alone you might face some problems, make decisions and even meet some dangers on your own. All these challenges will make you stronger, braver and much more confident.3.

Getting to know more people.

Traveling alone does not mean that you will always be alone. In fact, both other tourists and local people will be friendly to you. In order to know more about the places you are traveling to, you have to communicate with strangers. In this way, you can know more people. 4. Instead, the guide or your group members will talk with you all the way.

Finding out your shortcomings.

5. When you are traveling with your friends and family members, it’s hard for you to find out your shortcoming. While traveling alone, you'll find that you can't achieve many things without others' help. After traveling alone, you are sure to become better by leaving your shortcomings behind.

A.Having more freedom.

B.Enjoying what you like.

C.However, it's also a good idea to travel alone.

D.The purpose of traveling alone is to make friends on the way.

E.Traveling alone is a great chance for you to discover your disadvantages.

F.If you travel in groups you'll have very little need to communicate with strangers.

G.When traveling on your own you can also learn many skills, for example, making plans.



    I come from a family that loves sports. My father coaches Little League baseball. My mother swims nearly every weekend. My brother is on his high-school basketball team, and I am the best hitter on my middle-school volleyball team. All of us have benefited (受益) from sports. One of the most common ways for kids to take part in sports is to join a team. Joining a sports team should be a school requirement.

Playing sports is good for both the body and mind. Everyone knows that exercise helps people stay fit. For example, swimming helps your heart work better and it also helps build muscle strength (肌肉力量). In addition, school athletes often have a healthy diet. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and avoid fatty foods because I must stay in great condition.

Being on a team allows students to enjoy a healthier social life. They often make more friends and can be some of the most popular kids in school. Since joining the basketball team, my brother has made friends with a lot of his teammates and has showed more interest in spending time with them.

Kids who take part in school teams sometimes earn college scholarships (奖学金). My brother’s friend, Justin, played football in high school. His family did not have money to send him to college. However, a college invited him to play on its team. The college is paying for him to go to school. Joining a team turned out to be one of the best decisions he had ever made. Now he studies at a great college and plays on its football team. Not every school athlete gets a college scholarship, but joining a school team makes it possible.

Although some people may not like the idea of forcing students to join a school team, its many benefits such as keeping kids healthy, new friendships, and possible scholarships cannot be denied (否认).

1.What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?

A.Playing sports has health benefits.

B.Students should spend more time exercising.

C.Swimming is an excellent sport for students.

D.School athletes must try to eat a healthy diet.

2.How did the author’s brother change after joining the team?

A.He had a busier life.

B.He got more chances.

C.He worked much harder.

D.He became more sociable.

3.What can we infer about Justin?

A.He is a good football player.

B.He will be given a scholarship.

C.He is managing a school team.

D.He comes from a wealthy family.

4.What is the author’s attitude to making students join school teams?

A.He doubts it.

B.He is in support of it.

C.He is worried about it.

D.He pays little attention to it.



    When Natalie Hampton was 12, she was a student at one of the best schools in Los Angeles. Yet she was deeply unhappy.

While in seventh and eighth grade, Natalie was bullied (欺凌) by her classmates. She was physically attacked. A classmate even held a knife up to her neck.

The worst part? The bullies turned Natalie into an outcast. She ate alone in the dining room every day. “I became afraid to go to school,” said Natalie in a recent interview. “I felt worthless.”

In 2014, Natalie began ninth grade at a new school with a “kind student body.” Still, she never forgot how terrible the bullies made her feel. For that reason, whenever she saw kids eating by themselves, she would invite them over.

“Being included has made a difference in their lives,” said Natalie, now 16. This experience encouraged her to create an app (应用程序), Sit With Us, which was started in September 2016.

Sit With Us is a lunch-planning app that helps students who feel alone find a group to hang out with. Kids can also help end bullying and invite others to their lunch table. This way, anyone who doesn’t have friends to sit with can find a friendly table to join.

“The Sit With Us app should help lessen fears of lonely kids,” wrote author Susan Newman.  “It’s always good to have a support (支持) team at the lunch table.”

What is Natalie’s hope for Sit With Us? “To reach as many kids as possible,” she said, adding that the app is already being used by kids in Australia and Europe.

Natalie was recently awarded (授予) President George H. W. Bush’s Points of Light Award for her invention. The award honors those who help change and improve the world.

1.What troubled Natalie when she was 12?

A.She had to go to a new school.

B.She was hurt by her classmates.

C.She found it hard to be friendly to others.

D.She failed to help those who were bullied.

2.The underlined word “outcast” in Paragraph 3 refers to a person ________.

A.who is not useful B.who dislikes food

C.who bullies others D.who is not accepted

3.How does Sit With Us help kids?

A.By talking with them. B.By introducing programs.

C.By serving lunch to them. D.By supporting them at lunch.

4.What’s Natalie’s hope for the future?

A.Encourage more kids to use Sit With Us.

B.Invite more kids to her lunch table.

C.Invent other apps like Sit With Us.

D.Win more national awards.



    Dogs are a very popular pet in the United States. Most dogs just live with their families, but some dogs have very special jobs to do.

A very special group of dogs are known as “Therapy (治疗) Dogs”. These dogs are family pets with special training. The training allows them to go into public buildings and comfort people in need. The dogs are trained to be calm and quiet. Loud noises and unfamiliar places don’t frighten them. Therapy dogs can improve people’s health as well. Studies show that when people spend time with animals, their blood pressure goes down. They are calmer, and their mood improves.

Some therapy dogs work in schools and libraries. In one town in California, therapy dogs have become children’s reading friends. The dogs belong to a therapy dog group. Eight of these special dogs have been trained to be listening friends for young readers. The library is trying to encourage kids to enjoy reading. The children are invited to meet at the library. They are paired up with a therapy dog and can read to it.

The dogs make a great audience. They don’t judge a child who cannot read well; they just listen quietly. The children can read at their own speed and they find it less nervous than reading in front of their class. The children look forward to reading to the dogs, and the dogs love the attention. The library and the teachers are very happy with the program.

1.Which of the following about therapy dogs is TRUE according to the text?

A.They love to be comforted by people. B.They are trained to frighten strangers.

C.They are quiet and make little noise. D.Their mood improves when they help people.

2.We know that the library mentioned in the text ________.

A.wants to help kids to enjoy reading B.invites kids to meet outdoors

C.trains eight dogs to help kids D.divides kids into groups

3.The dogs in the library can make a great audience because they ________.

A.love spending time with children B.don’t comment on children’s reading

C.don’t mind whether children are reading D.understand children’s feelings

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Dogs are popular among American families B.Dogs help children become better readers

C.Dogs work in libraries in California D.Dogs are children’s best friends



Cycling on Ireland’s West Coast

Don’t worry if you’re not a sporty kind. Our cycling trip is relaxing and easy. The leader drives a car which carries your bags and provides support if needed. But remember you should ride with group members. The group size is usually 9-12.

DAY 1 — The Cliffs of Moher (莫赫悬崖)

Cycling a relaxed 32 km on our first day, we visit Ennistymon, a fine example of an Irish country town with many coloured shop fronts and traditional stone buildings. Then we continue to the seaside towns of Lahinch and Liscannor before we climb to the top of the Cliffs of Moher. These are some of the highest sea cliffs in Europe. The day ends in Doolin, where three pubs (酒吧) play the best Irish music!

DAY 2 — The Burren National Park

Covering 48 km on our second day, the highlight (最精彩的部分) is a wonderful coastal ride with the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the hills of the Burren on the other. On our way we stop at the lovely beach at Fanore. The day ends at Ballyvaughan, a pretty village on the coast, from where we plan to visit the Ceile in Kilfenora — the home of Irish dancing.

1.What should you do if you take part in the activity?

A.Be strong enough. B.Have a competitive spirit.

C.Cycle with group members. D.Carry everything on your bike.

2.Where can you find many shops with coloured fronts?

A.Doolin. B.Lahinch.

C.Liscannor. D.Ennistymon.

3.What will you do on the second day?

A.Ride more. B.Play Irish music.

C.Climb the sea cliffs. D.Have a night at Fanore.



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