满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假设你是李华,你收到朋友李磊的信,他告诉你他不适应高一数学老师讲的课, 在学习数...

假设你是李华,你收到朋友李磊的信,他告诉你他不适应高一数学老师讲的课, 在学习数学方面有些困难,以至于跟不上其他同学,因此他感到非常着急。请你给李磊写一封信,想办法帮助他解决这方面的困难。

参考词汇:适应adapt to

要求:1. 不要逐字翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数100左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Li Lei,

I have got your letter.______________________________________________________________________







Best wishes!


Li Hua


Dear Li Lei, I have got your letter. And I am very glad that you believe me. I have known you have some difficulty in learning Maths because can’t adapt to what your maths teacher teaches. Don’t worry about it. I think the following may be of help to you. Firstly, you’d better listen to the teacher carefully in class and practise more. You can ask your Maths teacher to explain what you can’t understand after class. You should be confident and believe in yourself. I think you can make it .Finally , you can communicate with your classmates and get some advice on Maths. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本文属于提纲类作文,要求用英语写一封回信。 要注意书信的格式和特殊用词。考虑用一般现在时来写。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合给出的开头,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。


Learning English is of great valuable. English is widely used all over the world. It was often used in the international meetings. Most business letters are writing in English. With a help of English we can learn modern science and technology from developed country. We can also introduce our achievement and experience to other countries. Because its importance, English is a requiring subject in high schools and colleges. Now many people are working hardly at English. It’s very important to learn English well. Unless we learn English well, we can not serve for our country better. So I suggest most Chinese learned it well.




China 1.(launch) a national cloud learning platform since Feb.3 and started broadcasting primary school classes 2.(make) sure the country’s 180 million students can still keep learning even though schools are closed, according to state-run news agency Xinhua. A new school semester,3.(schedule) to start today, has been postponed indefinitely as part of4.(measure) to combat the coronavirus. China authorities have encouraged people to stay at home to help reduce5.(it) spread.

The approach differs by age. Primary school classes are being broadcast on one of China’s state TV channels. Junior and senior high school students in China can use an online learning platform 6.has 169 lessons covering 12 subjects for the first week, based on the national curriculum. Teachers will keep 7.(update) the platform with new materials as needed.

The government has enlisted the China's three8.(big) telecoms operators—China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom—plus tech companies like Huawei, Baidu and Alibaba to back up the platform with 90 terabytes of bandwidth and 7,000 servers, 9.(ensure) up to 50 million students can use it simultaneously, according to state broadcaster CCTV News. About 600,000 teachers have also been using a live streaming service called Dingtalk, built by Alibaba, to conduct online classes, the company said, although it has10.(apparent) not gone down so well with many students.



    December 24 arrived along with a heavy snow. It was my first Christmas Eve without mother and the day’s usual_______had disappeared.

The telephone rang. I_______it and went to my bedroom to bury the continuous _______, knowing it must be my friend Rebecca calling. How could I be_______? I wanted to be left _______.

My heart felt as_______as the falling snow. _______can I stop missing my mother ?

I_______the window. Seeing Rebecca’s car parked out front, I went back to bed and drew the covers over my head.

“Lucy!” she shouted “I know you ’ re in there. Answer the door”.

“Leave me alone!” I_______back. I heard paper rustling (沙沙作响)as she slid__________under the door.

“Merry Christmas, ”she called out.

Not answering the__________made me feel even__________. It wasn’t fair to my best friend. Her father and sister __________ in a car accident when she was eight years old. __________, her mother had to return to__________ ,and Rebecca was left to look after herself .

When she left, I carried the small package, sat down and__________it. Inside was a gold pen and a journal. When I opened the journal’ s front cover, out fell a bookmark with an__________written on it:

Dear Lucy,

My words won’t heal(治疗) the__________. But your own words can.



As I stared(盯着)at the journal’s blank pages, a single tear fell on the page which quickly absorbed it.

That night, I____________the phone and called her. “It looks like the snow is melting(融化),”I said. “Spring was just __________the corner.”

1.A.excitement B.disappointment C.fright D.pity

2.A.answered B.covered C.picked D.ignored

3.A.pleasure B.sadness C.puzzle D.interest

4.A.regretful B.joyful C.comfortable D.careful

5.A.alive B.active C.alone D.crazy

6.A.light B.white C.clear D.heavy

7.A.Why B.Where C.Whether D.How

8.A.looked through B.looked into C.looked out D.looked up

9.A.brought B.shouted C.took D.turned

10.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing

11.A.door B.question C.letter D.phone

12.A.more helpful B.more attractive C.worse D.better

13.A.survived B.escaped C.lived D.died

14.A.As a result B.Above all C.After all D.In general

15.A.work B.wash C.repair D.learn

16.A.closed B.folded C.opened D.painted

17.A.article B.poem C.notice D.message

18.A.failure B.pain C.wish D.shame

19.A.pushed back B.picked out C.picked up D.put away

20.A.over B.on C.around D.at



Rise and shine all day

Making these easy tasks part of your morning schedule will improve your nutrition, energy, and mood today—and beyond.

Stretch in bed

Try this even before you open your eyes. Lift one arm and begin by stretching each finger, then your hand, then your wrist, and then your whole arm. 1.. Then stretch your toes, feet, ankles, and legs. Finally, end with a neck and back stretch that pushes you out of bed. This “power pose” makes you feel more confident all day long.


Working out before you eat encourages your body to burn more fat for energy rather than relying on carbohydrates(碳水化合物)from food. In a study, participants who exercised after breakfast still gained weight, but those who exercised on an empty stomach did not.

Turn on the music

3.. If anyone plays an instrument, and if you have a little time, morning is the perfect time to practice, as it prepares your brain for learning. One study found that both playing and listening to music help improve academic performance in 16 different ways, including increasing focus and memory.

Enjoy some fun

Many people fear to face a new day of work, school, or chores.4.. This can be having a cup of coffee as you read your favorite blog, etc. Choose activities you enjoy and that set you on a good path for the day

You’ve improved your state of mind, your health, and your productivity—all before the weekday has even begun.


A.Pick something energetic that you and others in the house enjoy and put it on while you get ready

B.Now you’re ready to conquer your to-do list for today and every day

C.Do regular exercise in the morning

D.Move on to the other arm

E.Exercise a bit—On an empty stomach

F.Take up the entire length of the bed when you stretch

G.But if the first thing you do is pleasant, you’ll find it much easier to get going



    How to say hello in Japanese depends on(取决于) when you say it. This is very much like different greetings used in English at different times of the day or night. In Japanese culture, it also depends on whether you are on the phone or meeting somebody or whether you are close to the person you are greeting. We don’t get formal with our close friends. We seldom greet them with “Good morning “ or “Good evening”. A “Hi” is enough.

Although the most popular and most well-known translation for “Hello” is still “Konnichiwa”, it is not exactly how to say hello in Japanese. It is not the most suitable word for it. Actually, the correct greeting in English for “Konnichiwa” is “Good day” or “Good noon,” and I am sure you wouldn’t like greeting people with a “Good day” at any time, and neither do Japanese like saying “Konnichiwa” when they want to say “Hello”.

So what to do? Let’s do it the way the Japanese do. Use “Ohaiyo Gozaimasu” for “Good morning”, “Konnichiwa” when it’s noon and “Konbanwa” to greet somebody in the afternoon. Things differ when you are on the phone. Just say “Moshi, Moshi”, which is actually similar to saying “Hello” over the phone, because one hardly ever uses “Good morning” or “Good evening” right after picking up the phone. Next time, I’ll tell something about my life in Japan.

1.What is the best title for this passage?

A.How to greet close friends in Japanese. B.How to greet people in Japanese.

C.Some difference between English and Japanese. D.How to say hello in Japanese.

2.Japanese people greet each other by saying “______” in the afternoon.

A.Konnichiwa B.Ohaiyo Gozaimasu C.Konbanwa D.A.Moshi, Moshi

3.In the writer’s opinion,______.

A.Japanese people don’t like using “Konnichiwa” as a greeting for the whole day.

B.people don’t need to be polite to their close friends

C.Japanese people are very friendly to each other

D.Japanese culture is similar to American culture

4.We can learn from the passage that the writer_______.

A.lived in Japan for some time B.is working in a radio station now

C.knows both Japanese and Chinese D.is from Britain



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