满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: Translate the following sent...

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.



3.虽然政府已经对公共场合吸烟下了禁令,但一些吸烟者还是甘愿冒着被罚款的危险。(ban n. / risk n.)


5.正是因为表演特技需要天赋和技巧,才使得一些特技不得不留给专业特技演员。(It 强调句, leave)


1.It seems to be inevitable that the economic crisis will sweep across the Europe. 2.What his parents take pride in is that he interprets the role in a brand new way. 3.Although the government has put a ban on smoking in public , several smokers would rather take the risk of being punished. 4.No matter whether he stamped, broke the baton or tore the music score to pieces, the conductor still can’t get what he wanted from the orchestra at all. 5.It’s because stunt performance needs skill and talent that some stunts have to be left to stunt professionals. 【解析】 1.考查主语从句和形式主语it。分析句子可知,“这场经济危机将席卷整个欧洲”在句中作主语,是主语从句,用连词that引导。从句主语是the economic crisis,根据句意可知,从句中谓语动词sweep需用一般将来时will sweep,从句状语为across the Europe。主句谓语动词根据句意需用一般现在时seems,表语为to be inevitable。考虑到句子的平衡,将主语从句后置时,需用it作形式主语。故翻译为:It seems to be inevitable that the economic crisis will sweep across the Europe。 2.考查主语从句和表语从句。分析句子可知,“他父母所骄傲的”在句中作主语,是主语从句,从句中缺失宾语,且指物,需用连接代词what,主语从句中的主语是his parents, 根据句意可知,主语从句中的谓语动词需用一般现在时take pride in。“他用一种全新的方式演绎了整个角色”在句中作表语,是表语从句,不缺少成分,句意完整,需用连词that,表语从句中的主语是he,根据句意可知,谓语动词需用一般现在时interprets,宾语是the role,状语是in a brand new way。故翻译为:What his parents take pride in is that he interprets the role in a brand new way。 3.考查状语从句和动词词组。分析句子可知,“虽然政府已经对公共场合吸烟下了禁令”在句中作状语,用从属连词Although意为“虽然”,表示让步关系,从句中的主语是the government,从句谓语动词“对……下了禁令”需用动词词组“put a ban on”,根据句意可知,从句谓语动词需用现在完成时has put a ban on,从句宾语是smoking in public。主句主语是several smokers,根据句意“甘愿冒险”,需在动词词组“take the risk of”前添加情态动词would rather构成主句谓语,宾语为being punished。故翻译为:Although the government has put a ban on smoking in public , several smokers would rather take the risk of being punished。 4.考查状语从句和宾语从句。分析句子可知,“无论他跺脚,折断指挥棒,还是把乐谱撕得粉碎”在句中作状语,用no matter whether引导让步状语从句,从句中主语是he,从句谓语动词根据句意表示已经发生的动作,需使用一般过去时,故分别是stamped,broke和tore,是并列关系,其中broke后接宾语the baton,tore后接宾语the music score和宾补 to pieces。主句主语是the conductor,主句谓语动词是“无法得到”can’t get,“他从管弦乐队那要的效果”作宾语,是宾语从句,宾语从句中缺失宾语,需用连接代词what,宾语从句主语是he,谓语动词根据句意表示已经发生的动作,需使用一般过去时,故为wanted,状语是from the orchestra。故翻译为:No matter whether he stamped, broke the baton or tore the music score to pieces, the conductor still can’t get what he wanted from the orchestra at all。 5.考查强调句和状语从句。分析句子可知,“正是……”需用强调句句型“It +be动词+被强调部分+that+其他。”根据句意表达的是一种客观陈述,强调句中be动词需用一般现在时is,被强调部分是“因为表演特技需要天赋和技巧”,在句中作原因状语从句,从句中的主语是stunt performance,从句中谓语动词是needs,宾语是skill and talent。其他成分是“一些特技不得不留给专业特技演员”,主句主语是some stunts,谓语动词是leave,和主语之间是被动关系,需使用被动结构be left,根据句意需在谓语动词be left前加情态动词have to,主句宾语为stunt professionals。故翻译为It’s because stunt performance needs skill and talent that some stunts have to be left to stunt professionals。


Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something meaningful can also gain  special pleasure. When the final bell rang, the students were reminded that there was no  school on Monday—the Labor Day. “Enjoy your extra day off,”said the teacher to her class.

An extra day of fun suited Kayla just fine. She loved breaks. She wanted to go out to play with her friends. When the school bus dropped Kayla off, she ran into the house happily.

“How was school, Kayla?” asked her mom.

“It was great, Mom. I am excited about no school on Monday. ”

“You just started back to school two weeks ago. Already in need of a break, huh?” asked Kayla’s mom with a laugh.

Kayla slept in the next morning. Saturday was her favorite day of the week. It rained most of the day, so Kayla enjoyed playing video games inside. On Sunday, her friends came over and they played basketball for several hours.

Then it was Labor Day, you know, the extra day off that Kayla was so looking forward to. But Kayla was awakened early that morning by her dad. He told Kayla that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both inside and outside the house. Kayla couldn’t believe it. This was a holiday. A day when she was supposed to be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Kayla wiped her eyes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.

“Kayla, your breakfast is ready. We have a lot of work to do today. Let’s get a move on, ”said Kayla’s mom. As she sat down at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents,

“Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?”

“Yes, Kayla. It is, ”replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you appreciate why Labor Day was observed in the first place. ”


At first, Kayla felt disappointed at her parents’ plan for the holiday.


Paragraph 2

But things began to change as she was doing the chores.






1. 活动的时间、地点;

2. 活动内容。


1. 词数100词左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行为连贯。





Last week European Union leaders 1. (urge) to support re-wilding efforts by environmental activist groups, including the World Wildlife Fund.

“Re-wilding” is a conservation effort aimed at returning land 2. its more natural, undeveloped state. This movement is growing in 3. (popular) around the world, especially in cities and towns where lawns (草地) covers most areas. Replacing lawns with diverse native plants can help support wildlife like bees and other insects.

Native plants can grow in any conditions so there is no need to introduce foreign plants when there 4. (be) so many other options. Part of the process of re-wilding means 5. (change) the way most people attend to their green spaces. For example, it is not a good idea to clean up your garden 6. (immediate) at the end of the growing season. It is better to leave dead plants as they are. Birds 7. favorite food is seeds appreciate it when you don’t deadhead flowers. Less cutting of plants and grass lets pollinators (授粉者) get to flowers, and 8.(fall) leaf collection should be limited, too. The remains of the garden and lawn provide food and shelter for important insect life.

No area is too small, and every space we can leave for nature to blossom (开花) is 9. (value). So you’d better tell neighbors about your re-wilding project, 10. they might misunderstand your effort as simple laziness.




The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filledpain-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness, then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in factthe opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

As a resultmany people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriageraising childrenprofessional achievementreligious commitment and self-improvement.

Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honesthe will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with funadventure and excitement. Marriage has such momentsbut they are not its most distinguishing features.

Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night's sleep or a three-day vacation. I don't know any parent who would choose the word "fun" to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.

Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.

1.According to the authorwhy does a bachelor resist marriage?(no more than 10 words

2.What is the author's opinion on raising children?(no more than 10 words

3.Please explain the underlined word “commitment” in English in Paragraph 3. no more than 1 word

4.What is the author trying to tell us?(no more than 10 words

5.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?(no more than 20 words



    Making beers on the moon might seem like a pipe dream to many, but for a group of students from the University of California at San Diego, there is a chance to take their research beyond Earth’s surface.

The Lab2Moon competition, held by TeamIndus, is offering students the chance to secure a spot on the TeamIndus rocket this year.

Taking craft beer to the next level, the students want to test whether it’s possible for yeast(酵母) to work and create beer on the moon. However, they believe the experiment is not just a creative concept for astronauts, it’s also important for the development of drugs and yeast-containing food, like bread.

“The idea started out with a few laughs among a group of friends,” said Neeki Ashari, a fifth-year bioengineering students at UC San Diego. “We all appreciate the craft beer. When we heard that there was an opportunity to design an experiment that would go up on India’s moonlander, w e thought we could combine our hobby with the competition by focusing on the practicality of yeast in outer space.”

The preparation work for the beer — up to the stage of adding yeast — will all be done on Earth, and rather than separating the fermentation ( 发酵) and carbonation stage of making beer, the team plans to combine them.

This removes the need to release CO2 accumulated in the process, which may result in cleanliness and safety issues out in space.

If selected, Team Original Gravity will be the first to make beer in outer space, and the fermentation will take place in a container no bigger than a soda can.

All teams competing for the place will showcase their ideas in Bangalore, India, in March.

Sadly, you won’t be enjoying moon beer in your local craft beer bar anytime soon, as no samples will be brought back. However, this small experiment could provide important data on just how practical it is for us to make and create our own resources on other planets and moons by learning how consumables (消耗品) behave in different environments.

1.How did the students feel when they got the chance to design the experiment ?

A.Excited. B.Nervous.

C.Confident. D.Casual.

2.What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 6 refer to?

A.The mixing of two stages. B.Adding yeast on Earth.

C.The preparation work on Earth. D.Fermentation and carbonation.

3.What can we learn about the experiment from the passage?

A.It has been designed based on similar experiments.

B.It’s quite competitive compared with other designs.

C.It’s design has already been approved by TeamIndus.

D.Its process was adapted to make it safer and greener.

4.What does the author think of the students ’ idea?

A.It seems like a pipe dream. B.It’s extremely complicated.

C.It’s meaningful and hopeful. D.It’s creative but impractical.



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