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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有...

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删 除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。




In order to promote participation in outdoors exercise, our school organized an activity to climb Gele Mountain on Dec 28. The majority of my class joined the activity.

Early in the morning, having gathered outside the school gate, we head straight to the thickly-forested Gele Mountain. We set out for the top in high spirits the moment when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. In a course of the climb, we cooperated with each other to pass the steep areas. Laughing and cheering, we eventually reached the summit, there we were greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air. Viewing from the top, the city was beautiful. In the warm sunshine, we entertained us with stories, songs, dances and game.

This event was extremely beneficial and we strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!


1. outdoors outdoor 2. joined∧ in 3. head---headed 4. when删除 5. a the或去掉a 6. therewhere 7. ViewingViewed 8. usourselves 9. gamegames 10.arebe 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。为了鼓励大家多参与户外活动,学校12月28号组织了爬山活动。文章讲述了那天,大家斗志盎然去爬山。在爬山过程中互相帮助,最后到达了山顶,看到了美丽的城市。大家载歌载舞很开心。大家都建议这样的活动应该每年举行一次。 考查形容词。句意:为了鼓励大家多参与户外活动,我们学校组织了12月28号去爬山。在这句话中,exercise(活动,运动)是一个名词,应用形容词修饰。outdoors一般用作副词表示“在户外,在野外”或者用作名词表示“野外,郊外”,所以应将其改为形容词outdoor(户外的,室外的)。故将outdoors改为outdoor。 考查介词。句意:我们班的大多数人都参加了这次活动。短语join in “参加,参与”,意为加入某项活动,所以此处要加上介词in。故在joined后加上介词in。 3.考查一般过去时。句意:一大早,在校门口集合后,我们直接向郁郁葱葱的大山出发。根据第二段中的set out for,were,reached等等可知,这段话对爬山活动的描述,使用的是一般过去时。故将head改为headed。 4. 考查时间状语从句。句意:一到达山脚下,我们就向山顶出发,并且大家都兴致勃勃。这是一个时间状语从句,the moment作为连词,可以直接表达“一……就……”的意思。故将when去掉。 5. 考查冠词。短语in course of / in the course of“在……期间”,所以此处要把a 删除或者a 改为the。 6.考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子可知,本句为复合句。其中we eventually reached the summit,为主句,Laughing and cheering,为分词作状语,主句之后的内容为非限制性定语从句。先行词为the summit,其在随后的定语从句中做地点状语,根据定语从句关系词的用法,此处要用关系副词where。故there改为where。 7. 考查过去分词作状语。句意:从山顶俯视,这个城市很美丽。句子主语the city与view之间是被动关系,所以应使用过去分词作状语。故将viewing改为viewed。 8. 考查反身代词。句意:沐浴在阳光中,我们唱歌、跳舞、做游戏来娱乐自己。根据句意,娱乐的对象“我们”与句子主语“我们”是一致的,所以宾语处应使用we的反身代词形式。故将us改为ourselves。 9. 考查名词的数。句意同上。根据句意,我们做游戏娱乐自己,肯定不只是做一个游戏。并且and前与game并列的songs、dances使用的都是复数形式,所以game处也应使用复数形式。故将game改为games。 10. 考查虚拟语气。句意:这个活动对我们非常有好处,我们强烈建议这样的活动可以每年举行一次。句中suggest表示建议,表示“建议”后的宾语从句(主要是指advise, suggest, propose, recommend等的宾语从句),从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成。故将are改为be。  


TangYin was a leading poet, calligrapher and painter of1. Ming dynasty in China. He was recognized 2.one of the four most outstanding scholars in Jiangnan. However, due to the law case in which he was involved in, he failed 3. (become) an official and had to earn his living by painting.

After that, he devoted 4. (he) to painting. 5. (creative), he combined the painting styles of the north with the south. The painting, Thatched Cottage in the Western Mountains,6. (produce) by Tang for a scholar from Jiangsu Province, Ding Qiande, to celebrate his purchase of a new residence. It gives an 7.(impress) of Ding's new home as an ideal scholar's cottage nestled in a landscape, 8.(overlook) a stretch of water. Ding is shown reading inside his cottage with a9.(consider) servant by his side as he waits for a visitor. This painting was once in the Qing royal collection and carries an inscription by the Qianlong emperor,  10.ruled from 1736 to 1795.



    Recently, a picture of a soaking wet father holding an umbrella for his son in New York street has spread widely on the Internet. The _______ moved countless netizens, _________"Father's love is as great as a mountain."

The name of "Father Umbrella" is Liu Qiao, _________told the reporter the photos were _______on September 10th. Because of the sudden rain, he only took a(n) _______umbrella in the office to  _________his son at the kindergarten gate. "My home is near, so there is no need to _______rain.” Liu Qiao said giving the only umbrella to his son in the rain was a very _______  instinct (本能)and getting praised so widely was _______his expectation.

Some netizens questioned, "Why didn't he ________ his son?" Liu Qiao thinks he has been creating the best __________ for this son instead of doing all the things for him and let him ________for himself. "I want him to do things________ , so I did not hold him and the school bag was also on him. But ________ he was too young to________ cold, so I held an umbrella to __________him from the rain."

Netizens' ________ of this picture is: "As a father, he can ________   his son, but his son must walk himself. Dad's left hand is the cause, the right hand the ____________, backing on the wind and rain... The 'umbrella father' shows 'Dad can't give you the best, but gives you all!" And this also lets countless friends say, "It ________ the heart down."

1.A.scenery B.signal C.scene D.sign

2.A.regarding B.commenting C.feeling D.calling

3.A.who B.that C.whom D.which

4.A.taken B.chosen C.brought D.bought

5.A.useless B.extra C.common D.spare

6.A.bring up B.take up C.pick up D.turn up

7.A.stop B.avoid C.frighten D.worry

8.A.willing B.strange C.natural D.curious

9.A.within B.under C.on D.beyond

10.A.hold B.tell C.help D.consider

11.A.needs B.dreams C.belongings D.conditions

12.A.change B.work C.earn D.battle

13.A.by himself B.of himself C.to himself D.from himself

14.A.in all B.after all C.at all D.above all

15.A.refuse B.defeat C.ignore D.resist

16.A.stop B.break C.protect D.ban

17.A.translation B.appreciation C.interpretation D.motivation

18.A.shelter B.understand C.raise D.concern

19.A.patience B.hope C.diligence D.honesty

20.A.calms B.melts C.cools D.keeps



    1. one of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays.

The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. 2. pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.

Next, you need some friends to be in your club with you. 3. all you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you.

4. you should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages.

At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/ big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret!

Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them. 5. why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.

So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started, you’ll think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A.That’s easy

B.Enjoy your own club!

C.Invite a designer to join you.

D.What are you interested in?

E.Some vacation is just around the corner.

F.Then you need to pick a name for your club.

G.Use a bright thick pen to make a special design.



    The fact that your hair turns grey because of stress is nothing more than an old wives' tale. It's true that stress isn't good for you, but it's not going to turn you into a silver fox just yet. In fact, the answer comes from the cells in your hair. These are what decide the color and, eventually, the fade to grey.

Most of us start to notice our first grey hairs by the time we hit our thirties. A general rule to go by is that by the age of 50,half of the population will have lost the color in 50 percent of their hair.

But why does it happen? Firstly, we need to understand how hair gets its color.

Your hair is made up of cells called melanocytes(黑色素细胞) which produce pigments(色素) as they grow into the hair fiber. There are two different types of melanins: eumelanins and pheomelanins. The former produces black and brown pigments, while the latter produces red and yellow pigments. The exact amount of these pigments decides whether a person has black, brown, blonde or red hair.

As we age, the ability of the melanocytes to produce more pigments weakens. That's because our hair grows in different periods.

The growing period lasts between three and five years, after which our follicles(毛囊) turn off for about three months to rest and get ready to grow more hairs. This goes round and round and, after a time, our bodies aren't as good at producing new hairs.

Scientists are continuing to try and find ways to prevent greying hair. A team of scientists in France is working to try and stop the melanocytes from being damaged at the end of each hair cycle. They are trying to use a special enzyme() to protect the cells from damage. If successful, it could lead the way for new products that keep our hair full of color for years to come.

1.The phrase “an old wives' tale” in Paragraph 1 probably mean________

A.a wrong belief B.useful talk

C.a scientific rule D.helpful experience

2.What do we know about red hair?

A.It doesn't turn grey as people get older.

B.It contains more pheomelanin’s than eumelanin’s.

C.The amount of pigments in it doesn't change over time.

D.People with red hair have weaker ability to produce pigments.

3.What do the French scientists aim to do?

A.To repair damaged hair follicles.

B.To protect hair cells against damage.

C.To shorten the hair cycle to protect the hair.

D.To study the relationship between health and hair color.

4.What can we infer from the article?

A.Grey hair has nothing to do with stress.

B.Grey hair is a symbol of declining health.

C.It takes three months for new hair to grow.

D.The growth and color change of hair depend on cells.



    Bamboo chopsticks are some of the world's most popular utensils, but create their fair share of waste. A company in Vancouver, Canada, is giving them a new life.

Felix Bock, ChopValue founder says, "Sometimes a good idea starts with frustration"---when you understand how resource inefficient we are in our cities. I want to make sure to set an example of using chopsticks and create a viable business out of it."

ChopValue collects used chopsticks from local restaurants. The sticks are cleaned, infused (灌输,注入)with resin (树脂)and pressed into tiles (片板)."Our limitation was the size of the chopstick at the beginning — so I wanted to keep it very, very modular (组件的)and very micro, and that's how we developed the first hydraulic hot press (液压热压缩机)that presses 8 by 8 inch 20 by 20 centimetre tile. It's very highly densified" he says. The tiles are used to make new products, including home decor (装饰),kitchenware and table tops.

The company has recycled more than 25 million chopsticks to date. They hope to expand by taking their business model abroad. “Think of mass manufacturing today like Ikea would do it We're kind of the anti-Ikea and anti-Amazon. We don't want to ship products. We don't want to mass-produce in one location. We want to produce locally wherever you are — but to scale (按比例),with a global design and a global brand of support in the back."

Some of the chopsticks have even been found a new life as decor in the restaurants where they were sourced from.

1.Why does Felix Bock start the company according to the text?

A.He wants to set an example of making chopsticks.

B.He wants to make a fortune out of used chopsticks.

C.He intends to compete against Ikea and Amazon.

D.He finds city resources fail to be used efficiently.

2.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Why the first hydraulic hot press was invented.

B.What the chopstick-tiles are probably used for.

C.How used chopsticks are processed and recycled.

D.When densified tiles are made from used chopsticks.

3.Which of the following is probably true about Amazon?

A.It sometimes deliver products from afar.

B.It expects to have global support.

C.It will shrink their business overseas.

D.It hardly mass-produces in a single place.

4.What can we learn about the chopsticks?

A.They can decorate whatever you want.

B.They can be recycled in restaurants.

C.They can take on a brand new life.

D.They are responsible for too much waste.



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