满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For years, I thought a present and a gif...

    For years, I thought a present and a gift as the same thing.

I grew up in a household where presents marked special ________ There was always a box for each of us under the tree at Christmas. _________, Dad always gave Mom something each Valentine’s Day and anniversary. He would carefully plan his shopping trips to find just the _______ thing. His joy in the hunt was proof of the _______of giving and of his love for her. I saw these presents as the _______ of a husband's devotion.

So when I married a man who did not give presents on a regular basis, it was an _______

I wrestled with my expectation. Gary did hot _______ avoid gift-giving. Gary would return from sea armed with a brown paper bag inside of which was something that _______ him of me. But mostly, he ignored holidays, _______ to shop for a thing to present to me as a sign of love.

I tried to change him ________. I prepared gifts for Christmas and for his birthdays ________. He appreciated the caring, but refused to do the same thing for me. I dropped hints, they ________ deaf ears.

I began to tell him what I wanted, giving ________ instructions. When Gary left for the market one Saturday, I asked him to find me diamond earrings as a birthday present. Yet he came home with a road scraper (刮路机).

________when the snowstorm stopped later that year and he was at sea, I used the road scraper to plow (犁)out both our driveway and our neighbor's, thinking how ________ earrings would have been and it was then that I realized he had been giving me gifts all along. The gestures, large and small, born of his caring and concern were the ________that he gave daily.

We ________ to teach others how to love us. In that struggle, we often forget how to ________ the love they already give us as only they can give it.

I finally began to understand the ________ between a present and a gift. A present is a thing. But a gift is a small act of kindness, the willingness to ________ another's needs, the sacrifice of time and effort.

1.A.locations B.situations C.occasions D.conditions

2.A.Additionally B.Originally C.Fortunately D.Consequently

3.A.cheap B.astonishing C.splendid D.right

4.A.pleasure B.ambition C.intention, D.addiction

5.A.example B.emphasis C.experiment D.expression

6.A.improvement B.adjustment C.excitement D.enjoyment

7.A.actively B.willingly C.patiently D.wholly

8.A.warned B.reminded C.convinced D.informed

9.A.refusing B.announcing C.demanding D.rushing

10.A.by tradition B.by force C.by example D.by accident

11.A.on purpose B.in order C.at random D.on time

12.A.absorbed in B.cared for C.fell on D.broke down

13.A.some B.specific C.brief D.unusual

14.A.And B.So C.Though D.But

15.A.precious B.practical C.useless D.ugly

16.A.promises B.gifts C.blessings D.instructions

17.A.struggle B.fail C.attempt D.decide

18.A.express B.appreciate C.return D.share

19.A.distance B.similarity C.difference D.conflict

20.A.fight against B.laugh at C.turn down D.bend to


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文是夹叙夹议文。丈夫Gary不常送作者礼物,但是送的礼物是作者需要的东西。从中作者体会到present 和gift的不同之处在于present是一件东西,而gift是善意的行为。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我成长的家庭里,在特殊时刻总是有礼物表示的。A. locations地点;B. situations处境,状况;C. occasions场合,时机;D. conditions条件。根据下文“at Christmas…each Valentine’s Day and anniversary”可知,在作者家里,在特殊时刻总是会送礼物。故选C项。 2. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,爸爸总是在每个情人节和周年纪念日给妈妈送一些东西。 A. Additionally此外;B. Originally最初,开始;C. Fortunately幸运的是;D. Consequently结果。前一句提到“at Christmas”,后面提到“each Valentine’s Day and anniversary”,此处用additionally表示递进关系。故选A项。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他会仔细计划他的购物之旅,以找到合适的东西。A. cheap便宜的;B. astonishing令人惊讶的;C. splendid极好的;D. right合适的。根据“He would carefully plan his shopping trips”可知,为了给母亲购买合适的礼物,父亲总是仔细计划。故选D项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他从寻找礼物中得到的乐趣证明了给予的快乐和他对她的爱。A. pleasure快乐;B. ambition志向;C. intention意图;D. addiction上瘾。根据前面的“joy”可知,父亲从送母亲礼物中得到了给予的快乐。故选A项。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把这些礼物看作是丈夫对母亲挚爱的表达。A. example例子;B. emphasis强调,着重;C. experiment实验;D. expression表达。父亲送给母亲的礼物表达了父亲的爱。故选D项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,当我嫁给一个不经常送礼物的男人时,这是一种适应。A. improvement 改善;B. adjustment调整;C. excitement兴奋;D. enjoyment享受。上文提到“I grew up in a household where presents marked special 1 ”可知,作者习惯了家人在每个特殊时刻都送礼物。结婚后丈夫不经常送礼物,因此需要适应。故选B项。 7. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:Gary不是完全避免送礼物。A. actively活跃地;B. willingly乐意地;C. patiently耐心地; D. wholly完全地。根据下一句“Gary would return from sea armed with a brown paper bag inside of which was something that 8 him of me.”可知,Gary出海回来的时候也会送礼物给作者,并不是完全不送。故选D项。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Gary出海回来的时候会带着一个棕色纸袋,里面装着让他想起我的东西。此处考查“动词+介词of”的短语辨析。A. warned sb. of警告某人……; B. remindedsb. of使某人想起……;C. convinced sb. of使某人信服……;D. informed sb. of告知某人……。当Gary出海归来时,会带些让他想起作者的东西当作礼物送给作者。故选B项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但多半,他忽视了节假日,拒绝为我买一件表达爱意的礼物送给我。A. refusing拒绝;B. announcing宣布;C. demanding要求;D. rushing匆忙。根据下文“but refused to do the same thing for me”可知,Gary拒绝在节假日的时候买礼物给作者。故选A项。 10. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:我试图以身作则改变他。A. by tradition按照传统;B. by force通过武力; C. by example通过实例;D. by accident偶然地。根据下一句“I prepared gifts for Christmas and for his birthdays 11 .”作者在圣诞节和Gary的生日时都为他准备了礼物,是通过自己的例子告诉Gary在节假日时要给她买礼物。故选C项。 11. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:我特意为圣诞节和他的生日准备了礼物。A. on purpose故意地;B. in order有序地;C. at random随机地,随意地;D. on time准时,按时。作者故意在节假日为他准备礼物,是想让Gary不要忽视了在节假日给她买礼物。故选A项。 12. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我给了暗示,却没人理睬。A. absorbed in专注于;B. cared for关心,关爱;C. fell on落在……上;D. broke down出故障。Gary对我的暗示充耳不闻。故选C项。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我开始告诉他我想要什么,并给出明确的指示。A. some一些;B. specific明确的,具体的;C. brief简短的;D. unusual非同寻常的。根据下文“I asked him to find me diamond earrings as a birthday present.”可知,作者明确地说出自己想要什么礼物。故选B项。 14. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:但那一年下半年,当暴风雪停了的时候,他在出海,我用刮路机把我们的车道和邻居的车道都铲出来了,就想如果买了耳环该是多么没用。A. And又,和;B. So因此;C. Though虽然;D. But但是。根据上文“Yet he came home with a road scraper”可以看出,作者想要钻石耳环,因此对Gary买回一个刮路机很不高兴;后来在暴风雪过后,刮路机起了很大的作用。前后句子之间是语义上的转折,因此用but表示转折。故选D项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但那一年下半年,当暴风雪停了的时候,他在出海,我用刮路机把我们的车道和邻居的车道都铲出来了,就想如果买了耳环该是多么没用。A. precious珍贵的;B. practical实用的;C. useless无用的;D. ugly丑陋的。对比之下,作者觉得如果买了耳环,会不起什么作用。故选C项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些大大小小的、出自他的爱护和关心的表示,都是他每天送的礼物。A. promises承诺;B. gifts礼物;C. blessings祝福;D. instructions指示。根据上文,作者一直觉得Gary在节假日时没有送她礼物,现在意识到他每天表达的爱护和关心就是礼物。故选B项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们总是努力教导别人怎么爱我们。 A. struggle努力做……,挣扎;B. fail失败;C. attempt尝试;D. decide决定。根据下一句“In that struggle”可知,应该是struggle。故选A项。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这样的努力中,我们常常忘记如何感激他们已经给予我们的爱,因为只有他们才能给予。A. express表达;B. appreciate感谢;C. return回报;D. share分享。根据“the love they already give us”可知,应是感谢他们已经给予我们的爱。故选B项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我终于开始明白present和gift的区别。A. distance距离;B. similarity相似;C. difference不同,区别;D. conflict冲突。根据文章第一句“For years, I thought a present and a gift as the same thing.”可知,作者现在知道了present 和gift 不是一回事,有所不同。故选C项。 20. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是,gift是一种小小的善意行为,是愿意屈从于他人的需要,是牺牲了时间、付出了努力。A. fight against与……作斗争;B. laugh at嘲笑;C. turn down拒绝;D. bend to屈从于。根据上文 Gary送作者刮路机作为礼物,作者体会到gift是服从于他人的需要,是送别人需要的东西。故选D项。

I can't remember his name clearly.Is it Brain Johnson?


A.you name it B.that's the point C.that's it D.you deserve it



I am going to the library. Do you have any books_______?

No, but thank you all the same.

A.to return B.returned C.to be returned D.returning



The spokesman noted _______ some individuals apparently lack is not the means to get the correct information, but the courage to admit the truth.

A.whether B.that C.which D.what



The publication of Great Expectations, which ________ both widely reviewed and highly praised, strengthened Dickens’ status as a leading novelist.

A.is B.are

C.was D.were



Only five years after Steve Jobs’ death, smart-phones defeated _________PCs in sales.

A.controversial B.contradictory

C.confidential D.conventional



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