满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—I will hang out with friends this after...

—I will hang out with friends this afternoon. May I do the homework tomorrow?

—______ You have to finish it today.

A.What of it? B.You don't say

C.What's up D.Not on your life!


D 【解析】   考查情景交际。句意:——今天下午我要和朋友们出去玩。我可以明天做作业吗? ——绝对不行,你必须今天完成它。A. what of it?是什么事情? B. You don’t say你还别说。C.What’s up? 到底怎么了?D.Not on your life.绝对不可以。第一个人说:要出去逛街,提出明天做家庭作业的要求。根据You have to finish it today.可知家长显然是不同意的。“绝对不可以”符合语境,故选D。  

—I just feel ______! How could I have made such a stupid mistake in yesterday's competition?

— Hi, come on― cheer up! It's not that bad.

A.off the top of my head B.down in the dumps

C.hot under the collar D.on cloud nine



______ the opening ceremony of the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai was President Xi, where he announced new measures to further expand opening-up,

A.Attending B.Attended C.To attend D.Having attended



But for his determination to stick it out, he ______ it as a top-ranked player in tennis.

A.shouldn't have made B.could make

C.wouldn't have made D.wouldn't make



______ as a platform, the Belt and Road Initiative strengthens the ties between China and the rest of the world, as well as between various regions with China.

A.To serve B.Having served C.Served D.Serving



She's always suggesting ways ______ I can improve my cooking. I know she means well but this really annoys me.

A.that B.which C.how D.when



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