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China has named 24,126 primary and middle schools across the country specialist football schools 1.(lead) youth football development, according to the Ministry of Education (MOE). It's required that at least one football class 2.(offer) each week in these schools so that they can encourage their students to 3.(active) participate in football training and matches.

China aims to have 50,000 schools specializing in youth football by the end of 2025, said Wang Dengfeng, an official with the MOE, 4. (add) that to realize this goal, the ministry will take various measures that include building school football fields, training football coaches and providing extra funding and policy support. 5. those measures in schools, 47 football training camps have also been built in  6. effort to promote the sport among young people. And outstanding or 7. (gift) players will also have the chance to join inter-school teams for regional 8. (compete) and even national summer camps.

In the past four years, local education departments have trained about 40,000 football teachers, 8,000 of 9. have obtained coaching certificates. Moreover, the country 10. (step) up its efforts in promoting football in schools since it set up a seven-department joint task force, including the education, sport and finance authorities as well as the Chinese Football Association.


1.to lead 2.be offered 3.actively 4.adding 5.Besides 6.an 7.gifted 8.competitions 9.whom 10.has step 【解析】 这是一篇新闻稿。中国已命名全国24,126所中小学为特色足球学校,来促进青少年足球的发展,打造中国特色足球青训体系。 1.考查非谓语动词。句中主谓宾结构完整,所填词为非谓语动词,此处表示目的,用动词不定式,故填to lead。 2.考查虚拟语气和被动态。句中it为形式主语,that引导的从句为主语从句,require表示“要求”,主语从句是“被要求”的内容,主语从句要用“should+动词原形”结构,should常常可以省略。在主语从句中的主语是one football class与谓语动词offer是动宾关系,是动作的接受者,要用被动语态,此处为should be offered,做语法填空时,省略should。故填be offered。 3.考查副词。句中所填词修饰动词短语participate in,要用副词,要填active的副词形式,故填actively。 4.考查非谓语动词。句中逗号前无论主句还是宾语从句中主谓(宾)结构都完整,所填词为非谓语动词,非谓语动词的逻辑主语为Wang Dengfeng, an official with the MOE,是非谓语动词动作的执行者,且非谓语动词动作与前面主句动词said同时发生,所以要用现在分词,故填adding。 5.考查介词。所填词后跟名词measures,所填词应为介词,句中逗号后内容是对逗号前内容的补充,两部分属同类,用介词besides“除……之外(还)”,句子首字母大写,故填Besides。 6.考查冠词。in an effort to do“努力做某事”是固定短语,effort前要用不定冠词an,故填an。 7.考查形容词。所填词修饰名词players,可以用形容词,语意为有天赋的运动员,gifted是形容词,意为“有天赋的”,符合题意,故填gifted。 8.考查名词复数。competition在句中意为“比赛、竞赛”,是可数名词,and后为camps,是名词复数,and连接的部分要对称平行,所以and前的名词也要用复数,故填competitions。 9.考查非限制性定语从句。逗号后为非限制性定语从句,先行词是teachers,指人,非限制性定语从句中介词of后要用关系代词whom,故填whom。 10.考查时态。句中since引导时间状语从句,表示从过去开始延续到现在的段时间,主句要用现在完成时,主句主语是the country,单数名词,故填has set。

    One day I was sleeping in my chair when I woke up to the sound of a car crash. I sat up and looked _______ out my window. Across the street, a car had just backed into a chain-link fence. The car must have been moving fast, _______it was in bad shape. The fence was bent out exactly the _______of the car’s back end.

I watched the driver get out of the car. After a few seconds of _______the damage, the man tried to put the fence back into the place. His first attempt failed and he tried a little harder. He grabbed its vertical support pole and pulled against it with his full _______. The pole suddenly _______ and the man fell hard onto the ground. The entire fence fell on top of him, and one of his shoes _______ and landed 10 feet away on the sidewalk.

I laughed out loud. The man's failure was _______my whole day. He climbed out from under the_______fence and went back to the apartment building.

That, I thought, would be the ________of it. The man was going to leave all the chaos behind for someone else to ________. However, the man__________a few minutes later with some tools. For the next hour, I ________out my window as he doggedly fixed the fence and even improved it. Now the fence would be extra secure, stronger than before.

This man was actually a hero and I was embarrassed by my ________judgments. Years later, I still look out my window at that fence almost every day. It makes me ________what else that man has improved, and how I can make myself more like him.

1.A.gradually B.especially C.immediately D.generally

2.A.until B.because C.if D.although

3.A.beginning B.direction C.center D.shape

4.A.assessing B.mentioning C.limiting D.avoiding

5.A.equipment B.sight C.wisdom D.weight

6.A.broke B.burnt C.lightened D.rose

7.A.moved on B.passed by C.flew off D.turned up

8.A.wasting B.brightening C.completing D.controlling

9.A.fallen B.hidden C.locked D.related

10.A.plan B.form C.cause D.end

11.A.give away B.clean up C.learn from D.refer to

12.A.quit B.hesitated C.approved D.appeared

13.A.worked B.counted C.watched D.guessed

14.A.unbalanced B.uncertain C.unfair D.unhurried

15.A.wonder B.observe C.explain D.challenge



    I’m always surprised when I hear the statistics about how little time kids spend outside. One study found children are spending less than half amount of time outdoors than they did just 20 years ago.

1.All that outside time then wasn’t just about health and exercise, though that was certainly true. Several studies also have linked outside time to higher test scores, lower anxiety and aggression, more creativity and improved attention spans. 2. Researchers look at three primary schools in South Wales that adopted an outdoor learning program with teachers working outside with students at least one hour a week and come to this conclusion.

3.Eliza Minnucci’s kindergarten class there engages in Forest Mondays, during which the students spend the whole day in the woods, rain or shine. It’s a more curriculum-based version of the Land, an outdoor playground in England, which allows kids to experiment, build dams and even build fires in the woods.

So what have the results been? Mostly positive. “Kids are so resourceful out here. Minnucci said. 4.We teach them discrete (互不关联的) skills and facts and they put them together later. That’s a good way to learn, but it’s not the way the world works,” she said. “ 5.In the place, they need to think about how to build a dam with others and at the same time think about staying dry and staying warm.

Considering all the good evidence that being outside is good great for mind and body as well as test scores it seems like this kind of education is a natural next step for teachers.

A.My own childhood was filled with outdoor time.

B.As an added bonus, it is also beneficial to teachers.

C.The idea is to let kids learn lessons from the natural world.

D.In the classroom, we separate everything into small pieces.

E.A public school in Queechee is taking these results seriously.

F.I like giving them the opportunity to be in a really complex place.

G.Playing outdoors involves plenty of learning, just not from a book.



    What do you do when nobody is around to take your picture? You take a selfie (拍照) .But what about selfies in space? On Twitter last year, NASA astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, who famously became the second man to walk on the moon in July 1969, laid claim to a spaceflight first taking the first selfie in space during the Gemini XII mission in 1966.

“For me, it needs to be digital to be selfie,” argues Jennifer Levasseur, who is in charge of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. According to Levasseur, the concept of a selfie is directly linked to Internet culture and human desire to interact on social platforms. “The thing that makes a selfie is sharing it,” she says.

Still, astronauts have been carrying cameras abroad space vehicles since the 1960s ,and they've taken plenty of pictures of themselves along the way. Astronauts had to pull the film magazines out and leave their cameras behind when they returned to Earth because early space missions were restricted by a conservative weight limit on the return trip.

A big change in space camera technology came after sad loss of the space shuttle Columbia who broke apart on its return to Earth in 2003. “Fearing that they would never be able to bring the film back from space and lose all that hard work celebrated the push for digital.” Levasseur says.

Today astronauts can have access to the Internet and social platforms in space and post true based selfies taken by digital cameras. Taking selfies and sharing them on social media is a way that astronauts in space can participate in the same activities people on Earth do every day. The first astronaut selfie that went viral(网红的) on the internet was one by Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide in 2012.

1.What does Levasseur think of Aldrin's claim?

A.It hardly makes any sense. B.It revolutionizes astronautics.

C.It contradicts public opinions. D.It needs to be further proved.

2.Why were cameras left in space on early space missions?

A.To lighten the load of the spaceship.

B.To test cameras under extreme conditions.

C.To prepare for the next stage of spaceexploration.

D.To take more pictures in space by remote control.

3.What advanced space camera technology?

A.The invention of new films

B.The fear of falling behind in the space race

C.The concern about the loss of valuable data

D.The popularity of space selfies on socia media

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Exploration of Space. B.The History of Selfies in Space.

C.The Change in Space Camera Technology. D.The Development in Space Technology.



    Scientists have discovered that rats have adapted to modern human life, even adapting their diets to the cities they live in.

The scientists claim that it could be possible that humans and rats have had similar changes in their genetic make-up, due to modern city life. The downside of the changes in the DNA is that they could make rats susceptible to the same health problems as humans, such as pollutants and sugary foods.

The study showed that rats’ diets have also adapted to their environment. In New York, you can see them eat bagels and beer; in Paris, they like croissants and butter. They adapt in amazing ways. The scientists also analyzed the genomes (基因组)of 29 New York rats and compared them with those of nine brown rats from Heilongjiang Province, north-east China. The finding showed that dozens of rat genes had been through major DNA changes over the centuries, as the rats spread from Asia to Europe and America, and from the countryside and into cities.

The changed genes were associated with diet, behavior, and movement, which added pressures and challenges for the rat to overcome. This could reflect the fact that urban rats have to move through highly artificial environments that are very different from natural habitats. So these gene changes might have evolved to help them move more easily through underground channels and pipes.

As the rats are closely associated with city-living humans, the scientists believe that it is possible that similar changes have happened in both species.

In October 2019, scientists used rats to successfully test an enzyme() that could be used to help people quit smoking. Two groups of rats were trained to self-administer nicotine, and over two weeks their nicotine intakes increased, suggesting addiction. Then, one group of rats was given the enzyme, which led to a decreased nicotine intake. The scientists say that the enzyme could be developed for human use in the future.

1.Which of the following best explains the underlined phrase “susceptible to” in paragraph 2?

A.Not likely to be cured of. B.Being disease-resistant to.

C.Very likely to be affected by. D.Being thoroughly exposed to.

2.What does the author intend to show in the third paragraph?

A.Rats in the city are particular about their food.

B.Rats in different cities have different genetic make-up.

C.Rats are distributed in every continent of the earth.

D.Rats have been adjusting themselves to the environment.

3.What is the purpose of testing an enzyme on rats?

A.To explore rats’ survival ability. B.To help people stop smoking.

C.To learn more about city rats. D.To tell apart nicotine and enzyme.

4.What is the best title of this text?

A.Rats Have Adapted to Modern Human Life

B.Rats in the City Have Varieties of Diets

C.Rats Are More Adaptable than Humans

D.Rats Have the Same Genetic Make-up to Humans



    It’s a Saturday night, the kids are asleep and we have no plans. Before we fall into our routine and watch a movie, I try to talk my husband into playing a card game. Unconvinced, he continues tapping away on his phone. But just before disappearing into the social media rabbit hole, he has an idea. He looks over me and suggests, “Why don’t we try calling one of our friends?”

I look at him with raised brows, as if his suggestion is somewhat ridiculous and perhaps even socially unacceptable. You can’t just call someone out of the blue now…right? But then I realize in the not so distant past, this was the norm. My early teenage years saw me connecting with friends through a phone. We could chat for hours about the latest gossip and news, sometimes hidding under my blanket in order to avoid the chances of being caught by my parents. I could even memorize the phone numbers of loved ones then. I guess these days, they would be on my “Favorites” list in my smartphone.

Today, many of my “favorite” people are followed from a distance through social media, and even they very rarely—if ever—would get an actual call from me. The birth announcement by my oldest friend is received through scrolling the past pictures. The news of a divorce from a couple arrives after a photo of a woman led me on a search for more gossip. Bits of such information, may have been a part of my digital feed for years. The idea of actually picking up the phone to reconnect with a long-lost friend is a frightening one—even seeing the name of an old friend pop up in an incoming call can feel a little afraid.

I ask my husband, “Who would we call?” After tossing around a few names, we agree on some potential candidates—people whose lives have taken them in different directions, but with whom we still share deep friendships.

1.How does the author feel about her husband’s suggestion at first?

A.Excited. B.Motivated.

C.Nervous. D.Surprised.

2.With the phone, the author’s teenage years was_____.

A.difficult but interesting B.peaceful and meaningful

C.pleasant and unforgettable D.inconvenient but enjoyable

3.In the following days, the couple may ____.

A.share more of their private information with others

B.contact more long-lost friends through social media

C.have more personal communications with their friends

D.add more friends’ names to the contact lists in their phones

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To argue for the need of the contact of long-lost old friends.

B.To tell us about one of his unforgettable experiences.

C.To remind us to turn to phones to keep in toch with friends.

D.To persuade us to follow our friends through the social media.



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