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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Coronavi...


Coronaviruses(冠状病毒)are a large family of viruses that cause disease in mammals and birds. Coronaviruses can cause illnesses that range 1. the common cold to many more severe illnesses.

The 2. (new)identified viruscalled COVID-19is thought to have spread to humans from wild animals sold at a market in Wuhanin 3.(centre)China’s Hubei Province. But it is now spreading between people. Chinese officials say 4. disease is able to spread from one person to another even before any actual signs appear5. makes it especially hard to contain.

Signs of some patients 6. (affect)by the disease have included fevercoughshortness of breath and general breathing difficulities. In some more severe 7. (case)the virus can cause pneumonia(肺炎). Some people report few or no signswhile others have gotten very sick or even died. There is no special 8.(treat)for the new coronavirus at present. Howevermany of its effects are treatableas long as a patient is in fair health.

Last week the US Centers for Disease Control also 9. (publish)prevention tips. It sayswash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and wateravoid 10. (touch)your face with unwashed handsstay home when you are sickclean objects and surfaces that are touched often.


1.from 2.newly 3.central 4.the 5.which 6.affected 7.cases 8.treatment 9.published 10.touching 【解析】 本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了关于新冠状病毒COVID-19的起源、患病症状、预防措施等情况。 1. 考查固定短语。句意:冠状病毒可以导致从普通感冒到许多更严重的疾病。根据句意,此处是短语range from …to…“从……到……范围变化”。故填from。 2. 考查副词。句意:人们认为,新发现的病毒名为COVID-19,是由中国中部湖北省武汉市一个市场出售的野生动物传播给人类的。修饰过去分词identified,应该用副词形式。故填newly。 3. 考查形容词。句意:人们认为,新发现的病毒名为COVID-19是由中国中部湖北省武汉市一个市场出售的野生动物传播给人类的。修饰名词短语China’s Hubei Province,应该用形容词形式。故填central。 4. 考查冠词。句意:中国官员说,这种疾病可以在任何实际迹象出现之前就从一个人传播到另一个人,这使得控制疫情变得尤为困难。此处用定冠词the表示特指。故填the。 5. 考查定语从句关系词。句意:中国官员说,这种疾病可以在任何实际迹象出现之前就从一个人传播到另一个人,这使得控制疫情变得尤为困难。分析句子结构,“_____ makes it especially hard to contain”是非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中做主语,此处应用关系代词which引导,指代前面的整个句子的内容,意思为“这一点,这件事”。故填which。 6. 考查过去分词。句意:一些感染此病的病人的症状包括发烧、咳嗽、呼吸短促和呼吸困难。短语 be affected by “受……影响,被感染”;分析句子结构,“_____by the disease”在句中是定语,some patients 和affect之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用过去分词做后置定语。故填affected。 7. 考查可数名词单复数。句意:在一些更严重的病例中,病毒可以引起肺炎。case是可数名词,前面有some more,因此应用复数形式,指“很多病例”。故填cases。 8. 考查名词。句意:目前尚无针对新冠病毒的特殊治疗方法。分析句子结构,所填词在句子中是宾语;在形容词special后应该是名词作宾语。treat是动词,名词为treatment。故填treatment。 9. 考查时态。句意:上周,美国疾控中心也发布了预防建议。分析句子结构,所填词在句子中是谓语动词;根据时间状语last week可知,句子谓语动词应该用一般过去时。故填published。 10. 考查动名词。句意:建议说:用肥皂和水洗手至少20秒;避免用未洗的手接触面部;生病时呆在家里;清洁经常接触的物体和表面。短语avoid doing…. “避免做……”,avoid后接动名词作宾语。故填touching。

    Most people get rid of their leftover foodsbut in Nigerian-born visual artist Haneefah Adam’s kitchenthey’re put to good use.

Adam28is famous for _______ food in creative waysusing it to make portraits and other works of art. She has _______ been artistic. Her mother said she had a _______ for art. Nowshe’s building a career out of changing food into art. “I do _______ portraits and also often sew and paintbut what _______ me the most is food art”she says. Adam is inspired by _______ thingsincluding life experiences and culture. She _______ everything around her as something that can be made into art.

In 2016she_______ the TechMeetsArtNG exhibitionwhich was _______ and funded by Samsung Nigeria and Rele Gallery. ________ the competitionmy art was mostly randomand I was just recording food art on social media. But after winningI started to think about ________making a living from food art”she says.

Winning the competition kick-started Adam’s ________ and her full-time job is now________art for food brands such as Maggi and Dangote Salt. “I want to ________ in more exhibitions. I currently live in Kwaranorthern Nigeriait is diffcult to ________in the country’s art scene from here”she says.

1.A.distributing B.mixing C.presenting D.selling

2.A.always B.hardly C.never D.usually

3.A.dilemma B.reputation C.standard D.talent

4.A.alternative B.regular C.compulsory D.specific

5.A.excites B.puzzles C.rejects D.presses

6.A.artificial B.modest C.random D.visual

7.A.collects B.devotes C.inspects D.sees

8.A.competed B.held C.won D.performed

9.A.sponsored B.donated C.expanded D.possessed

10.A.After B.Since C.While D.Before

11.A.actively B.frequently C.mildly D.roughly

12.A.view B.space C.reward D.career

13.A.1earning B.creating C.advertising D.developing

14.A.give B.bring C.result D.participate

15.A.set an example B.have a try C.make a difference D.break a record



    Fishing is a great family sportand a fun summertime activity. 1.. If you have never fished before it can seem very complicated. Expert fishers know when and where to find certain fish and the best technique to catch each fish. Expert knowledge comes from years of experience.2..

As a beginner you will want to use a technique called“Bait(鱼饵)Fishing”. This type of fishing is probably the easiest technique for catching fish. You will need some basic fishing equipmentwhich you can get at almost any outdoor gear store. You will have to have a rod and fishing linehookssome bait and if you are planning on keeping the fishyou will need something to store the fish.

The best way to learn how to fish is to learn from someone who already knowsso when planning your fishing tripbe sure to bring along someone who has fished before. 3.you will need to decide where to go fishing. Probably for the first time you will want to go to a local lakewhere the water is calm and there are plenty of fish. You should also try to research the different types of fish that live in the place you decide to fishso you know what types of bait they like to eat and what you want to do with the fish once you have caught it.

 4.you probably want to clean the fishthen store it before continuing fishing. If you want to release the fishbe extra careful when removing the hookso it doesn’t get hurt too badlythen gently hold the fish in the water and allow it to swim away out of your hands.

5. Take some time to learn from an expert and you will be able to catch all types of fish using a wide variety of methods.

A.If you want to keep the fish

B.After you have decided to go fishing

C.Once your hook and bait is in the water

D.Now you have a very basic understanding of fishing

E.There are many different species of fish and types of fishing

F.Here are a few simple and basic fishing tips to get you started

G.At this point you will need to determine if you want to keep the fish



    A new device works like a solar panelexcept that it doesn’t harvest energy from the sun. It absorbs energy from the cold night sky.

A prototype(原型)of the device produced enough electricity at night to power a small light bulb. A bigger version might one day light rooms or charge phones. It also could power  electronics in remote or low-resource areas that lack electricity.

The device makes use of the temperature difference between Earth and outer space. It then uses that difference to create electricity. As long as one side of it is cooler than the otherthe generator can produce electricity. The cooler side faces the sky and is attached to an  aluminum plate. That plate is sealed beneath a transparent cover and surrounded with insulation(隔热材料) to keep out heat. The bottom of the generator is attached to an exposed aluminum plate. That plate is warmed by the local air. At nightthe top plate can get a couple of degrees Celsius cooler than the bottom of the generator.

Researchers tested a 20-centimeter prototype one clear December night in StanfordCalifornia. The generator produced up to about 25 milliwatts of power per square meter of device. That was enough power to light a small light-emitting diodeor LED bulb. Further improvements might increase its production to at least 500 milliwatts per square meter. To do thatthe system might need more insulation around the cool top plate.

The device also could help power remote weather stations or other environmental devicessays Aaswath Raman. He is a materials scientist who worked on the device at the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles. This may be useful in polar regions that don’t see sunlight for months at a timeRaman says. “If you have some low-power load and you need to power it through three months of darknessthis might be a way. ”

1.What can we know about the new device?

A.It gains energy from the sun. B.It’s been widely used in life.

C.It is cooler than a solar panel. D.It’ll be popular in special areas.

2.What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 3?

A.Application fields of the device.

B.The developing process of the device.

C.The working principle of the device.

D.Significant effects of the device.

3.How can the device produce more electricity?

A.By putting more insulation around the top plate.

B.By using it in extremely cold and clear nights.

C.By attaching the bottom plate to a warm plate.

D.By covering the top plate with a transparent lid.

4.What could be a suitable title for the text?

A.A Device Using the Cold Night Sky to Produce Electricity

B.A Device Bringing New Hope for Those in the Cold Night

C.The Difference Between a Solar Panel and a New Device

D.The Temperature Difference Between Earth and Outer Space



    Sam is a fourth-year student at Harvard Medical Schoolbut poetry is still a big part of his lifenow with a new teacherRafael Campowho believes poetry can benefit every doctor’s education and work. Rafael is a physicianprofessor and a highly respected poet.

“Poetry is in every encounter(邂逅)with my patients. I think healing is really in a very great way about poetry. And if we do anything when we’re with our patientswe’re really immersing(使沉浸于)ourselves in their storiesreally hearing their voices. Andcertainlythat’s what a poem does”he said.

Rafael worries that something important has been lost in medicine and medical education todayhumanitywhich he finds in poetry. To end thathe leads a weekly reading and writing workshop for medical students and residents(住院医生).

He thinks medical training focuses too much on distancing the doctor from his or her patientsand poems can help close that gap.

Third-year resident Andrea Schwartz was one of the workshop regulars. She said. “I think there’s no other profession other than medicine that produces as many writers as it does. And I think that is because there’s just so much power in doctors and patients interacting when patients are at their saddest. ”Not everyone believes that’s what doctors should dothough.

Rafael said“I was afraid of how people might judge meactually. In the medical professionas many people knowwe must always put the emergency first. Butyou knowthat kind of treatmentif it’s happening in the hospitalvery regrettablysadlyresults in a bad outcome. The family is sitting by the bedside. The patient hasn’t survived the cancer. Don’t we still have a role as healers there?”

In a poem titled“Health”Rafael writes of the wish to live forever in a world made painless by our incurable joy. He says he will continue teaching studentshelping patients and writing poemshis own brand of medicine.

1.What do we know about Rafael Campo?

A.He works as a doctor. B.He is under medical care.

C.He is a literature professor. D.He knows little about poetry.

2.What does the author try to show in Paragraph 2 ?

A.The importance of medical training.

B.The effect of poetry in medical treatment.

C.The similarity involved in poetry and medical work.

D.The present relationship between patients and doctors.

3.What does Andrea Schwaflz think of poetry?

A.It comforts patients’family.

B.It contributes to medical work.

C.It has nothing to do with doctors.

D.It keeps doctors away from patients.

4.What is Rafael Campo’s view on poetry?

A.It requires a lot of spare time.

B.It can provide a useful tool for doctors.

C.It has little effect on patients’conditions.

D.It should be included in emergency treatments.



    When the young donkey Daisy May came to usshe was pregnant. With no donkey experience. I was unprepared for what might come next.

After some difficultyDaisy’s baby was born. I thought the poor thing was dead. I planned to put the loss behind us and make sure she never got pregnant again. Just thenI heard a little noise. I couldn’t believe that baby was breathing and looking at me!We called him Samsonand of course I became his mother as much as Daisy was.

When Samson was nine months oldI had to separate Daisy and Samson for a few hours a day to wean(使断奶)himbut otherwise he went wherever she did. I think she would be lost without him. His donkey stepdad Bernard taught him to always be ready to have fun. They enjoy playing football together and going for a roll on a hot summer day.

I asked a worker to make a harness(马具)for my three little donkeys. When I brought it home I taught them one by one how to pull a cart. Samson watched and freely followed Daisy. When he was threeI put the harnness on him and he knew exactly what to do.

That was 15 years ago. Nowthe most exciting thing about Samson is that he has become a little renowned. People come from all over to see him perform. The neighbors bring their grandchildrenand my sons bring their friends.

Samson shakes handsunties my shoepicks up a hat and more. And when I ask him if he has any bad habitshe tries to pick my pocket!He surprisingly learned these tricks himself. I just ask him to do them and he understands.

The relationship I have with my“baby”Samson has been an amazing experience. Every day is a fun day with this superstar donkey.

1.Why was the author at a loss for what might happen next at first?

A.She wasn’t ready to be a mother.

B.She never raised a donkey before.

C.The donkey was pregnant by accident.

D.The donkey gave birth to a dead baby.

2.What can we learn about Samson when he was little?

A.He was surrounded by love.

B.He was separated from his family.

C.He was unwelcome to the neighbors.

D.He was skilled in entertaining people.

3.Which of the following can best describe Samson?

A.Friendly and courageous. B.Intelligent and lively.

C.Carefree and creative. D.Patient and fortunate.

4.What does the underlined word“renowned”in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?

A.Strange. B.Proud.

C.Humorous. D.Famous.



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