满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Are you aware that every single person o...

    Are you aware that every single person on this planet who has ever lived, lives now or will live, has a different perception of reality? The way each of us perceives the world is to some degree different than any other person's perception of reality. ____ What is absolutely real and right for you may be an illusion, or nonexistent, or completely false for another!

It's important to know this. ____ For example, the news media loves to create drama, and one of their favorite methods is to elicit(引起) fear: fear of other people, fear of the weather, fear of the economy, etc. The news media tells us how to perceive the world—and if a person takes the newscasters at their word, they perceive the world to be very dangerous and hostile. To that personthe mental images and emotions suggested by other people create a version of reality that is completely different from the reality perceived by someone who does not watch the news.

Things are not always what they seem. For most people, seeing is believing, which is why magicians, artists and marketers are so successful. Just like the TV news, they show you only what they want you to see and it is perceived as reality. But how would that reality change if you saw what went on behind the scenes or what was left out?

What's your story?

We all have a story. Over time, your story takes on a life of its own and you become your story. But who's the author and why did him put so much crap in there? All that unnecessary suffering, struggle, heartache, worry and pain... wouldn't it be better to live a story without all that? Who wants to live in a story with that much boredom and unfulfilled longings?

The story got its start when you were born, and was co­authored by you along with the influences in your life. ____ Anytime you were influenced by someone or something, you unconsciously handed your pen over and said “Here, you write this about me.” So you are not even writing your OWN story! No one does—until they recognize that fact, and make a conscious decision to take control of the pen. You CAN write your story the way you want it to play out.


It is helpful to understand how the brain takes reality and filters it to create your unique perception of reality. It's an automatic unconscious action that is based on

● Physical experiences (which is why some optical illusions are extremely unsettling)

● Past conditioning (how you are programmed to see the world)

____ When you become aware of the fact that you are constructing your own reality, you can take charge and build one that is more pleasing. If you change your mind, your vibration and your intentions, you can change your circumstances! Instead of, “I am a victim of circumstance” imprint in your mind,  “I am the co­creator of my life” Instead of, “I am sick and tired of...” imprint in your mind“I am in control and enthusiastic about what I do”

Raise your vibration by thinking, talking and acting more positively. As positiveness becomes a mental habitthat change will become your new inner reality, which will soon manifest in your outer reality.

The power of perception is immense. Choose to see more good than bad, more abundance than lack, more love than indifference and more success than struggle.

1.How does the author present his viewpoints in the first three paragraphs?

A.By answering questions. B.By giving examples.

C.By making comparisons. D.By drawing conclusions.

2.The sentence “Because if you are not aware, your perception, world view and reality are created by other people.” should be put in ________

A. B. C. D.

3.Which of the following subtitles can be filled in the blank?

A.Seeing is not believing

B.Live up to your expectations

C.Change your perception and create a new reality


D.Physical experiences and past conditioning really count

4.What is the tone of the passage?

A.Instructive. B.Humorous.

C.Critical. D.Ironic.


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 本篇是议论文,我们每个人感知世界的方式在某种程度上都不同于其他人对现实的感知。对你来说绝对真实和正确的东西可能是一种幻觉,或者根本不存在,或者对另一个人来说是完全错误的!。生活中有很多因素在影响着我们的感知,每个人都会在生活中基于自己的经历和故事而产生感知,感知的力量是巨大的。 所以选择更多的去看到好的一面而不是坏的,看到更充实的而不是缺乏,看到更多爱而不是冷漠,看到更多成功而不是挣扎。 1. 推理判断题。由文章第一段引出话题,第二段“For example, the news media loves to create drama, and one of their favorite methods is to elicit(引起) fear: fear of other people, fear of the weather, fear of the economy, etc.例如,新闻媒体喜欢制造戏剧,他们最喜欢的方法之一就是引发恐惧:对他人的恐惧、对天气的恐惧、对经济的恐惧等等。”是第一个例子,第三段“. Just like the TV news, they show you only what they want you to see and it is perceived as reality.就像电视新闻一样,他们只向你展示他们想让你看到的东西,这些东西被认为是真实的。”是第二个例子,由此判断出作者是通过举例子来呈现观点的。故选B项。 2. 推理判断题。由文章第二段“The news media tells us how to perceive the world—and if a person takes the newscasters at their word, they perceive the world to be very dangerous and hostile.”新闻媒体告诉我们怎么去认识世界,如果一个人是新闻播报员, 那么他们认识的世界就是非常危险和有敌意的,提到关键词perceive和world。后文“To that person,the mental images and emotions suggested by other people create a version of reality that is completely different from the reality perceived by someone who does not watch the news.”对于那个人来说,被别人建议的心里的形象和情感会创造出一种事实,这种事实完全不同于没有看过新闻的人对事实的认识,提到关键词reality,由此判断出“因为如果你没有意识到,你的感知、世界观和现实都是别人创造的”这里应该放在第二段最合适。故选B项。 3. 推理判断题。由划线部分后一句“It is helpful to understand how the brain takes reality and filters it to create your unique perception of reality.”这有助于理解大脑如何接受现实并过滤它,以创造你对现实的独特感知。由此判断出C选项“改变你的看法,创造一个新的现实”为本段的副标题,与下文话题一致。故选C项。 4. 推理判断题。通读全文尤其是文章最后一段说到“The power of perception is immense. Choose to see more good than bad, more abundance than lack, more love than indifference and more success than struggle.” 认知的力量是巨大的,选择更多的去看到好的一面而不是坏的,看到更充实的而不是缺乏,看到更多爱而不是冷漠,看到更多成功而不是挣扎。作者最后一段告诉读者要以积极的心态看待世界,文章多用祈使句,由此判断出短文富有教育意义。故选A项。

    Rivers are earthly arteries(要道) for the nutrients, deposits and freshwater that sustain healthy, diverse ecosystems. Their influence extends in multiple dimensions—not only along their length but below­ground to aquifers(蓄水层) and periodically into nearby floodplains.

They also provide vital services for people by fertilizing agricultural land and feeding key fisheries and by acting as transportation corridors. But in efforts to ease ship passage, protect communities from flooding, and draw off water for drinking and irrigation, humans have increasingly constrained and broken these crucial water ways. “We try to control rivers as much as possible,” says Gunther Grill, a hydrologist at McGill University.

In new research published in May in Nature, Grill and his colleagues analyzed the barriers to 12 million total kilometers of rivers around the world. The team developed an index(指数) that evaluates six aspects of connectivity—from physical fragmentation (by dams, for example) to flow regulation (by dams or levees) to water consumption—along a river’s various dimension. Rivers whose indexes meet a certain threshold(临界值) for being largely able to follow their natural patterns were considered free­flowing.

The researchers found that among rivers longer than 1,000 kilometers (which tend to be some of those most important to human activities), only 37 percent are not blocked along their entire lengths. Most of them are in areas with a minimal human presence, including the Amazon and Congo basins and the Arctic. On the contrary, most rivers shorter than 100 kilometers appeared to flow freely—but the data on them are less comprehensive, and some barriers might have been missed. Only 23 percent of the subset of the longest rivers that connect to the ocean are uninterrupted. For the rest, human infrastructure is starving estuaries(河口) and deltas (such as the Mississippi Delta) of key nutrients. The world's estimated 2.8 million dams are the main cause, controlling water flow and trapping deposits.

The new research could be used to better understand how proposed dams, levees and other such projects might impact river connectivity, as well as where to remove these fixtures to best restore natural flow. It could also help inform our approach to rivers as the climate changes, says Anne Jefferson, a hydrologist at Kent State University, who was not involved in the work. Existing infrastructure, she says, “has essentially been built to a past climate that we are not in anymore and are increasingly moving away from.

1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a function of rivers?

A.Easing ship passage. B.Fertilizing agricultural land.

C.Transporting people or goods. D.Sustaining healthy ecosystems.

2.What does the underlined word “constrained” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A.Exhausted. B.Restricted.

C.Consumed. D.Expanded.

3.The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4 refers to “________”

A.earthly arteries B.human activities

C.entire lengths D.unblocked rivers

4.What does Anne Jefferson mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

A.Existing infrastructure has been perfectly built.

B.Existing infrastructure doesn't depend on the past climate.

C.Existing infrastructure determines the future climate.

D.Existing infrastructure doesn’t fit the changing climate.




Keep Shower Doors Spotless Longer

Water­repelling sprays (such as Rain­X) aren't just great for your car. Applying a coat to your shower doors will prevent the buildup of mildew(霉菌) and other residue.

Pick Up Glass Fragments Easily

Collecting the larger pieces of a broken glass or dish is usually easy enough, but picking up those tiny slivers and shards can be tricky. One way to do it is to press a slice of soft bread over the area. Just be careful not to cut yourself when you toss the bread in the garbage.

Sweeten Your Yogurt Without Sugar

Flavored yogurts often contain dozens of grams of sugar, but plain yogurt can be pretty blah. Add flavor without many calories with a few drops of vanilla, mint, or almond extract. You can also microwave your favourite into a compote(蜜饯) and, once it's cool, swirl it into the yogurt.

Spend Less on Hotel Rooms

Weekend bookers tend to luck out when it comes to snagging the best rate. Prices are lowest on Fridays and Saturdays, according to the most recent data from travel site kayak.com. Absolutely avoid booking on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, when prices are highest.




1.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.covering the shower door with your coat keeps it spotless longer

B.soft bread can be used to pick up tiny glass fragments

C.yogurt can be made sweeter if you add your favourite fruit and microwave it

D.prices of hotel rooms are the lowest on Fridays and Saturdays

2.In which newspaper column can the article most probably be found?

A.Drama in real life. B.Everyday miracles.

C.Tell your stories. D.We found a fix.



    South Carolina is my home state and I am the aunt, granddaughter, daughter, and sister of Baptist ministers(牧师). The church was a center of Black children's social _______ and caring Black adults were buffers(缓冲) against the segregated(种族隔离的) and hostile outside world that told us we weren't _______. But our parents said it wasn't so, our teachers said it wasn't so, and our ministers said it wasn't so. The _______ of my childhood was clear: let no man or woman _______ on you, and look down on no man or woman.

We couldn't play in public playgrounds or sit at drugstore lunch counters and _______ a Cokeso Daddy built a playground and canteen behind the church. In fact, whenever he saw a need, he tried to _______. There were no Black homes for the aged in Bennestsville, so he began one across the street for which he and Mama and we children cooked and _______ and cleaned.

We learned early what our parents and extended community “parents” valued. Children were _______—not by sermonizing(说教), but by personal example—that _______ was too lowly to do. I remember a debate my parents had when I was eight or nine as for ________ I was too young to go with my older brother, Harryto help clean the bed and bedsores of a very sickpoor woman. I went and learned just how much the ________ helping hands and kindness can mean to a person in need.

The adults in our churches and community made children feel ________ and important. They took time and paid attention to us. They tried to find ways to keep us busy. And ________ life was often hard and resources ________we always knew who we were and that the ________ of our worth was inside our heads and hearts and not outside in our possessions or on our backs. We were told that the ________ had a lot of problems; that Black people had an extra lot of problems; but that we were able and ________ to struggle and change them; that being poor was no ________ for not achieving; and that extra intellectual and material gifts brought ________ them the privilege and responsibility of sharing with others less ________

1.A.attitude B.existence C.background D.media

2.A.friendly B.powerful C.important D.intelligent

3.A.advantage B.vision C.direction D.message

4.A.come down B.look down C.catch up D.give up

5.A.order B.share C.make D.find

6.A.research B.reply C.respond D.reflect

7.A.played B.ate C.helped D.served

8.A.rewarded B.disciplined C.taught D.assessed

9.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything

10.A.why B.whether C.where D.how

11.A.greatest B.smallest C.strongest D.weakest

12.A.impressed B.accomplished C.valued D.protected

13.A.since B.unless C.before D.while

14.A.scarce B.precious C.necessary D.available

15.A.security B.defense C.description D.measure

16.A.world B.community C.people D.church

17.A.contented B.obliged C.relieved D.delighted

18.A.condition B.exception C.reason D.excuse

19.A.for B.to C.with D.in

20.A.fortunate B.smart C.wealthy D.kind



—We are going to have a picnic this afternoon. Are you excited?


A.You know B.You bet C.You name it D.You mean it



Today is a day of celebration, a day for you to be proud of all the hard work that ________ you to this place where you can sit.

A.gets B.would get C.had got D.got



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