满分5 > 高中英语试题 >









The first time I heard the expression "Know yourself" by Socrates, I didn't realize its meaning until I go to university. I started my university life unwillingly, because I didn't want to leave my parents and university of engineering was not my dream school, too. However, I changed my mind complete after a semester. My schoolmates are from different place, some of which are really outstanding. This makes me realized there is always someone much more better capable. Since then, to know myself has become an importance part of my life. Only by knowing who I am or where I am can I really follow the right path.


1. go→went 2. university前面加a/the 3. too→either 4. complete→completely 5. place→places 6. which→whom 7. realized→realize 8. 去掉better 9. importance→important 10. or→and 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者理解“认识自己”的含义的过程。 1、考查时态。句意:我直到上了大学才知道。由上下文可知,该句描述的是过去的情况,该句应当用一般过去时态。故将go改为went。 2、考查冠词。句意:我不情愿的开始了我的大学生活,因为我不想离开我的父母,工程大学也不是我的梦想学校。可以用定冠词the与单数名词连用,表示这一类人或物;也可以用不定冠词a/an表示人或事物的某一种类,强调整体,即以其中的一个代表一类,university以辅音音素开头,用a。故在university前面添加a或者the。 3、考查副词。句意:我不情愿的开始了我的大学生活,因为我不想离开我的父母,工程大学也不是我的梦想学校。too一般放于肯定句末表示“也”,否定句末的“也”须用either。故将too改为either。 4、考查副词。句意:然而,一个学期后,我完全改变了主意。副词修饰动词,修饰动词“changed”应用“complete”的副词形式。故将complete改为completely。 5、考查名词复数。句意:我的同学来自不同的地方,其中一些是非常优秀的。根据句中“different”可知,同学们来自不同的地方,是两个或两个以上的地方,名词“place”应用复数形式。故将place改为places。 6、考查非限定性定语从句关系词。句意:我的同学来自不同的地方,其中一些人是非常优秀的。分析句子可知,关系词在介词后面,修饰人时应用who,修饰物时应用which,此句用来修饰人,说明同学中的一些人很优秀,用whom。故将which改为whom。 7、考查固定搭配。句意:这让我意识到总有人比我更有能力。make sb do sth意为使某人做某事,是固定搭配,此处应用动词原形。故将realized改为realize。 8、考查形容词比较级。句意:这让我意识到总有人比我更有能力。单词“capable”是多音节,前面要来加上more,表示比较级。故将better去掉。 9、考查形容词。句意:从那时起,认识自己成为了我生命中重要的一部分。修饰名词part,用形容词,故将importance改为important。 10、考查连词。句意:只有知道我是谁,知道我在哪里,我才能走正确的路。who I am ,where I am是并列关系,不是选择关系。故将or改为and。


English playwright Arthur Wing Pinero said, “Where there’s tea, there’s hope.” Similarly, in China, it is said 1. firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessary items which begin a day. Tea is much more than just a hot drink. It’s a big part of many cultures around the world. You 2. (probable) know people in China use top-grade tea3.(show) respect when receiving important guests. Meanwhile,4. British tradition of afternoon tea is an important part of that country’s identity. As an 5.(express) of Moroccan hospitality and tradition, mint tea—a mix of green tea, spearmint (绿薄荷) leaves and sugar –6.(serve) during gatherings and negotiations. Apart from its 7. (culture) significance, tea is also a medicine, 8. (use) from ancient times to modern day. “Tea is cold and lowers the fire,” Chinese herbalist (草药医师)Li Shizhen once9.(say). The health benefits of tea are still being discovered today: preventing heart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked 10.drinking green tea.



    I was 11 years old when I asked my mom for piano lessons in 2010. We were badly off in the recession (经济衰退). She said a ______ “no”.

That didn’t stop me. I Googled the ______ for a keyboard, drew the keys on a piece of paper and ______ it on my desk. I would click ______ on an online keyboard and “play” them back on my paper one—keeping the ______ they made on the computer in my ______. I spend six months playing without ______ a real piano. Once my mom saw that I was ______, she got into debt to buy me ten lessons.

In the first lesson I was ______ by how real the sound of the piano was. I set my grade one after eight lessons. ______ we couldn’t afford lessons again. I ______ grade three, then grade five, ______ only on my piece of paper. When I was about 13, my mom said she had a ______ for me: it was an electronic keyboard, bought with more ______ money.

My school didn’t offer music A-level. I found the Purcell School for young ______. The tryouts (选拔) were ______. Some of the questions involved a judgment on the composer or when it was written. I felt stuck. To my amazement I was offered a ______. There, I worked as hard as I could to improve my performance and save enough money to buy my _____ piano.

I feel proud: it’s been 10 years since I drew my paper piano, and now I’m at one of the world’s leading music schools. However, the irony(讽刺) is that I ______ doing a lot of my practice away from the piano: what we call ______ practice. The paper piano helped spark my curiosity about how music works, the building blocks that form the pieces.

1.A.grateful B.polite C.distant D.reliable

2.A.measurements B.colors C.system D.principle

3.A.laid B.stuck C.wrapped D.folded

4.A.links B.tunes C.notes D.symbols

5.A.noise B.video C.image D.sound

6.A.gesture B.sight C.head D.chest

7.A.touching B.seeing C.buying D.hearing

8.A.cautious B.serious C.entertained D.optimistic

9.A.occupied B.confused C.addicted D.struck

10.A.Lately B.Meanwhile C.Instantly D.Afterwards

11.A.passed B.missed C.organized D.quit

12.A.operating B.focusing C.practicing D.experimenting

13.A.credit B.surprise C.reward D.chance

14.A.borrowed B.hidden C.earned D.raised

15.A.students B.artists C.musicians D.performers

16.A.tough B.various C.common D.formal

17.A.post B.mark C.class D.place

18.A.delicate B.favorite C.first D.new

19.A.set about B.keep on C.turn to D.jump at

20.A.junior B.casual C.regular D.mental



    The world is full of distractions. Unfortunately, the world also requires us to work. Coping with the first while still doing enough of the second is … sorry, where am I?

Ah, yes, the world is full of distractions. If you work in an office, it might be emails, phone calls or colleagues with questions to ask. If you are at home, it might be the contents of the fridge or a sudden fixation on dust mites (尘螨) under the sofa. Sometimes it takes even less. If you are sitting and doing work and someone near you says something particularly interesting, that can pull your focus. 1.

So, how can we stay focused in our wandering minds? 2. And put your smartphone and other irrelevant screens away—they attract our attention even if they are off. If you tend to pop on headphones and use music to shut out distractions, avoid listening to anything familiar. Knowing the words or tune well will distract you even more.

3. If you are doing something repetitive like stuffing envelopes or laying bricks, being distracted by listening to music or a podcast or engaging in a conversation with a co-worker can ultimately boost productivity. 4. Jihae Shin, now at the university of Wisconsin-Madison, has found that when people played Minesweeper for five minutes before coming up with new business ideas, they were more creative than those who didn’t play.

5. In general, this is the enemy of productivity: it encourages mistakes, stops us from completing things, promotes forgetfulness and lowers the quality of writing. But when we are trying to come up with creative solutions, task-switching distractions can help prevent "cognitive fixation" on ineffective approaches. So if you are a creative type, try lining up two or more tasks and spend your day switching between them. Or if that doesn’t work, just go play with your phone.

A.Not all distractions are bad, however.

B.Switching between tasks can also help.

C.Creativity can benefit from distraction too.

D.Switching off email or messaging services helps.

E.But you are not good at dealing with distractions.

F.If you have trouble concentrating, I suggest you try the following ideas.

G.If you are not careful, you will end up your day with nothing accomplished.



    The chief problem in dealing with foreign motorists is not so much remembering that they are different from you, but that they are largely variable. Cross a frontier(边境) without adjusting and you can be in deep trouble.

One of the greatest gulfs separating the driving nations is the Atlantic Ocean. Or rather, it is the mental distance between the European and the American motorist, particularly the South American motorist. Compare, for example, an English driver at a set of traffic lights with a Brazilian.

Very rarely will an Englishman try to anticipate(预先准备) the green light by moving off. You will find the occasional someone who watches for the yellow light to come up on the set of lights. However, he will not go until he receives the lawful signal. Brazilians view the thing quite differently. If, in fact, they see traffic lights, they regard them as a kind of roadside decoration.

The natives of North America are much more disciplined. They show this in their addiction to driving in one lane(车道) and sticking to it—even if it means settling behind some great truck for many miles.

To prevent other drivers from falling into wrong ways, American motorists try always to stay close behind the vehicle in front which can make it impossible to make a real lane change. European visitors are always falling into this trap. They return to the Old World still waving their arms in disappointment because while driving in the State in their cars they kept failing to get off the highway when they wanted to and were swept along to the next city.

However, one nation above all others lives cautiously by its traffic regulations — the Swiss. In Switzerland, if you were simply to anticipate a traffic light, the chances are that the motorist behind you would take your number and report you to the police. There are slight regional variations among the French, German and Italian speaking areas, but it is generally safe to assume that any car bearing a CH sticker will be driven with a high degree of discipline.

1.How do American drivers behave on the road according to the passage?

A.They run the red light sometimes.

B.They drive close behind other drivers.

C.They care little about the traffic light.

D.They start their car at the yellow light.

2.Which people take the traffic light most seriously?

A.The Swiss. B.The Brazilians.

C.The English. D.The French.

3.The passage is mainly developed by ____.

A.analyzing causes B.describing changes

C.making comparisons D.pointing out similarities

4.Which part of a newspaper is the passage probably taken from?

A.Culture. B.Business.

C.Entertainment. D.Geography.



    I was 16 years old the day I skipped school for the first time. It was easily done: Both my parents left for work before my school bus arrived on weekdays, so when it showed up at my house on that cold winter morning, I simply did not get on. The perfect crime!

And what did I do with myself on that glorious stolen day, with no adult in charge and no limits on my activities? Did I get high? Hit the mall for a shoplifting extravaganza (狂欢)?

Nope. I built a warm fire in the wood stove, prepared a bowl of popcorn, grabbed a blanket, and read. I was thrilled and transported by a book—it was Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises—and I just needed to be alone with it for a little while. I ached to know what would happen to Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley and Robert Cohn. I couldn’t bear the thought of sitting in a classroom taking another biology exam when I could be traveling through Spain in the 1920s with a bunch of expatriates (异乡客).

I spent that day lost in words. Time fell away, as the room around me turned to mist, and my role—as a daughter, sister, teenager, and student—in the world no longer had any meaning. I had accidentally come across the key to perfect happiness: I had become completely absorbed by something I loved.

Looking back on it now, I can see that some subtle things were happening to my mind and to my life while I was in that state of absorption. Hemingway’s language was quietly braiding itself into my imagination. I was downloading information about how to create simple and elegant sentences, a good and solid plot. In other words, I was learning how to write. Without realizing it, I was hot on the trail of my own fate. Writing now absorbs me the way reading once did and happiness is their generous side effect.

1.Why did the author skip school on that day?

A.Because her parents left home early. B.Because it was a cold winter morning.

C.Because she was fascinated by a novel. D.Because she hated to take the biology exam.

2.What did the author think is the source of true joy?

A.Reading by the fire. B.Travelling in Spain.

C.Breaking the regulations. D.Being occupied by one’s passion.

3.Which can best replace the underlined phrase “braiding itself into” in the last paragraph?

A.Entering. B.Destroying.

C.Mending. D.Blocking.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.I was tired of my real-life roles.

B.I learnt how to write on the internet.

C.Hemingway skipped school when he was young.

D.Becoming a writer was my childhood dream.



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