满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Not so long ago, a sailor sailing across...

    Not so long ago, a sailor sailing across the cold waters of the northern Pacific Ocean might have had every chance of meeting a sea cow. This cow would have measured 10 meters long and weighed between five and 10 tons and it would spend most of its day moving slowly in the seas, eating grass growing underwater. The cow in question was known as Steller’s sea cow, which has now died out.

Today, many people don’t know that such a strange creature once existed, or don’t know its unbelievable story. but many scientists have discovered many fundamental facts about this mystical (神秘的) animal.

Surprisingly, the first recorded sighting of a Steller’s sea cow didn’t happen until 1741. When a sailing expedition (探险) was stuck on an uninhabited island, later named Bering Island. The sailors survived by hunting and eating the enormous sea cow. Like its modern relatives, the sea cow lived in groups. That and its slow moving behavior made it easy to be caught.

Those sailors that escaped from the island spread word of the amount of meat to be found off its shore. As a result, more and more people came to hunt the animals. It is said that one sea cow could feed 33 men for a month.

However, just 27 years after the island and species had been discovered by modern man, the last sea cow was reported killed. This makes the sea cow one of the few truly large mammals known to have been driven extinct in the modern age.

1.What does the underlined phrase “in question” in Para 1 mean?

A.In danger. B.Referred to.

C.In doubt. D.Being questioned.

2.When did the Steller’s sea cow become extinct?

A.In 1717. B.In 1741.

C.In 1768. D.In 1775.

3.Which of the following words can best describe the Steller’s sea cow?

A.Endangered. B.Huge.

C.Strange. D.Mild.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.An unbelievable story about the Steller’s sea cow.

B.When the Steller’s sea cow became extinct.

C.How the Steller’s sea cow has been driven extinct.

D.The discovery about the Steller’s sea cow dying out.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了虎头海牛是怎样灭绝的。 1. 短语猜测题。第一段描述了海牛的外形和习性,根据划线短语后“was known as Steller’s sea cow(就是虎头海牛)”可推知,“The cow in question was known as Steller’s sea cow, which has now died out.”意思是“上面提到的海牛就是虎头海牛,现在已经灭绝了”,所以“in question”意思是“提到的”,故选B项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Surprisingly, the first recorded sighting of a Steller’s sea cow didn’t happen until 1741.(令人惊讶的是,直到1741年才有了第一次虎头海牛的记录)”和最后一段第一句“However, just 27 years after the island and species had been discovered by modern man, the last sea cow was reported killed. (然而,在这个岛屿和物种被现代人发现后仅仅27年,最后一头虎头海牛被杀死)”可知,虎头海牛是在1768年灭绝的,故选C项。 3. 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“This cow would have measured 10 meters long, and weighed between five and ten tones.(这头牛测量约10米长,重5到10吨。)”可知,虎头海牛体型巨大。故选B项。 4. 主旨大意题。通读全文并结合最后一段中“This makes the sea cow one of the few truly large mammals known to have been driven extinct in the modern age.(这使海牛成为已知的在现代灭绝的真正的大型哺乳动物之一)”可知,文章主要讲述了虎头海牛是怎样灭绝的。故选C项。

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan (大都市的) Museum of Art (the Met) is located in New York City and is the largest art museum in the United States, and is among the most visited art museums in the world. Today, art comes alive in the Museum’s galleries and through its exhibitions and events, revealing both new ideas and unexpected connections across time and cultures.

Open Seven Days a Week

Sunday - Thursday: 10 am - 5:30 pm

Friday and Saturday: 10 am - 9 pm

Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25, January 1, and the first day in May.

Suggested Admission

If you buy tickets at a museum ticket counter, the amount you pay is up to you.

Adults        $ 25

Seniors (65 and over)        $ 17

Students        $ 12

Members (Join Today!)        Free

Children (under 12; accompanied by an adult)    Free

Exhibitions are free with Museum admission.

Avoid waiting in admission lines! By buying tickets online you agree to pay our suggested prices.

Groups: Advance reservations are required for all adult and student groups of 10 or more, and for any third-party guided tours, regardless of size.

1.Which day is suitable for you to visit the Museum?

A.January 1. B.May 1. C.November 4. D.December 25.

2.How much are you supposed to pay as a new member?

A.25 dollars. B.17 dollars. C.12 dollars. D.0 dollars.

3.What is the requirement for student groups’ visit?

A.Reserve the tickets in advance.

B.The group consists of no more than 10 students.

C.At least 10 student groups can visit it in advance.

D.The student must be guided by their teacher.






The Father of Hybrid Rice










This morning on my way home I was deep moved by what I saw outside a bank. An old lady in rag was counting her money when a young man ran into her by accident, lead to the money flying off. Everyone at nearby quickly picked up the money and gave them back to her. The old lady counted money again and find not a single bill was missing. The old lady was very content with that the strangers had done for her so she bowed to them but said thank you again and again. It was clear that the old lady was much touched by the people’s kind.




English is the international working language so it is 1. (wide) used in the world. English has gone through three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.

In the fifth century, three Germanic groups — the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes invaded (入侵) Britain and they spoke similar languages, which developed into 2. we now call Old English.

Unlike Old English, Middle English can 3. (read), although with difficulty, by modern English-speaking people. Many factors contributed to (促成) the 4. (develop) of Middle English. However, in 1066, the Normans (法国诺曼底人) took control of England, 5. did not have the same result that the Germanic invasion had about 600 year 6. (early). But French still had a big influence on English. This led to even more pairs of similar words.

From the 16th century, the British 7. ( begin) to communicate with many peoples from around the world. This meant many new words and phrases entered the language. Modern English, quite different from Old English and Middle English, 8. (contain) many Latin and Greek words. As we all know, people will keep 9. (invent) new words and English will be changing over 10. time.



    Today was Mother’s Day. The young woman was feeling a little ______ because she was 800 miles away from her parents.

In the morning she called her mother to ______ her a happy Mother’s Day and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs (丁香花) in their garden.

Later that day, she told her husband how she ______ those lilacs in her parents’ garden. “I know where we can find some,” he said. “Get the ______ and come on.” So off they went, ______ down the country roads. There on a small hill were a lot of colorful lilacs. The young woman ______ over and buried her face in the flowers, ______ and enjoying them. Carefully she ______ a few and went back to the car.

On the way home the woman held her flowers, ______ all the way. When they were passing a ______, the young woman saw an old granny sitting alone in a wheelchair at the gate.“______!” she said to her husband. Getting off the car, she quickly walked up to the granny and put the ______ in her hands. As their car pulled away, the old granny ______ with a smile and held the lilacs tightly (紧紧地).

When the young mother sat back to the car, her kids asked her ______, “Who is that old granny? Why did you give her ______ flowers?” “I don’t know her. It is Mother’s Day, and she seems so ______ while I have all of you. I believe those flowers ______ much to her.” The kids nodded with ______, looking rather happy.

Now, every Mother’s Day my kids will go to that small ______ and pick some lilacs for me and that old granny. I’m glad that my small act of ______ has a good effect on my kids.

1.A.excited B.worried C.nervous D.unhappy

2.A.tell B.give C.wish D.send

3.A.missed B.grew C.watered D.picked

4.A.cars B.kids C.clothes D.drinks

5.A.driving B.walking C.running D.climbing

6.A.rushed B.got C.pulled D.took

7.A.Eating B.seeking C.smelling D.touching

8.A.chose B.picked C.caught D.tried

9.A.thinking B.speaking C.sleeping D.smiling

10.A.school B.theatre C.nursing home D.bus station

11.A.Stop B.Help C.Look D.Watch

12.A.money B.food C.pictures D.flowers

13.A.talked B.waved C.left D.shook

14.A.curiously B.happily C.politely D.suddenly

15.A.beautiful B.your C.some D.these

16.A.sad B.pleased C.lonely D.friendly

17.A.tell B.send C.get D.mean

18.A.amusement B.satisfaction C.respect D.interest

19.A.shop B.garden C.field D.hill

20.A.kindness B.politeness C.willingness D.carefulness



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