满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I often thought carefully and seriously ...

    I often thought carefully and seriously about what my mother had said. At thought of my past conduct, a blush (脸红) of ____ rose to my cheeks, as many little acts of selfishness and ____ came back to my memory. So I ____ that for the future, both in great things and small, I would follow the Golden Rule.

It was not long after this that an ____ occurred of trying my principles. One Saturday evening when I went to Farmer Thompson’s inn to ____ the charge of my mother’s washing for the boarders. He was obviously busy ____ with some horse dealers and hardly noticing me as I made my ____ , except to swear at me, as usual, he ____ handed me a banknote.

Glad to ____ so easily, I hurried out of the gate, and then, pausing to pin the ____ in my folded scarf. I ____ that he had given me two bills instead of one and my first impulse was ____ at the unexpected prize. “It is mine, all mine,” I said to myself. At that moment I ____ what my mother told me Don’t do what ____ wouldn’t like others to do on you. Turning round, I ____ along the road with breathless speed untilI found myself once more at Farmer Thompson’s gate.

“What do you ____ now?” asked the old fellow, as he saw me again.

“Sir, you paid me two bills, instead of one,” said I, ____ in every limb.

“Two bills? Did I? Let me see well, so I did. Well, I am glad you are ____.”

I returned home with a ____ heart. I felt grateful that I practiced my life ____.

1.A.shame B.pleasure C.nervousness D.excitement

2.A.bravery B.pride C.unkindness D.carelessness

3.A.decided B.regretted C.changed D.pretended

4.A.accident B.event C.opportunity D.example

5.A.take B.pay C.offer D.receive

6.A.playing B.bargaining C.cooking D.drawing

7.A.request B.answer C.order D.choice

8.A.ever B.still C.impatiently D.quietly

9.A.escape B.finish C.settle D.reply

10.A.key B.sheet C.paper D.bill

11.A.knew B.thought C.discovered D.wondered

12.A.worry B.joy C.calm D.silence

13.A.remembered B.heard C.repeated D.understood

14.A.she B.you C.I D.they

15.A.went B.walked C.ran D.wandered

16.A.do B.like C.have D.want

17.A.trembling B.keeping C.getting D.moving

18.A.careful B.brave C.honest D.friendly

19.A.beating B.broken C.warm D.lightened

20.A.lessons B.principles C.regulations D.moments


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者通过把汤普森多给他的钱还了回去这件事实践了自己的人生原则——不要做你不想别人对你做的事。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一想到我过去的行为,我会羞愧得脸红,因为许多自私和不友善的小举动又回到了我的记忆中。A. shame羞愧;B. pleasure快乐;C. nervousness紧张;D. excitement兴奋。根据空前的“a blush”及空后解释的原因可知,我会羞愧得脸红。故选A项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一想到我过去的行为,我会羞愧得脸红,因为许多自私和不友善的小举动又回到了我的记忆中。A. bravery勇敢;B. pride骄傲;C. unkindness不仁慈;D. carelessness粗心。根据空前的“selfishness”可知此处指“自私和不友善”,故选C项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我决定今后,无论大事小事,我都要遵循黄金法则。A. decided决定;B. regretted后悔;C. change改变;D. pretended假装。根据for the future, both in great things and small, I would follow the Golden Rule可知,决定要遵循黄金法则,故选A项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:不久以后,我有了一个机会来实践我的原则。A. accident事故;B. event事件;C. opportunity机会;D. example例子。根据空后的“occurred of trying my principles”可知,我有了一个机会来实践我的原则,故选C项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个星期六的晚上,我到农夫汤普森的旅馆去收我母亲给寄宿者洗衣服的费用。A. take带走;B. pay支付;C. offer提供;D. receive收到。根据空后的“the charge of my mother’s washing for the boarders.”可知,我到旅馆去收我母亲给寄宿者洗衣服的费用,故选D 项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他显然正忙着和一些马贩子讨价还价,当我提出请求时,他几乎没注意到我,只是像往常一样对我骂骂咧咧。A. playing玩耍;B. bargaining讨价还价;C. cooking烹饪;D. drawing画。根据上文中的“Farmer Thompson’s inn”及空后的“with some horse dealers”可知,这家旅馆是汤普森开的,因此他在与要住店的马贩子讨价还价,故选B项。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. request请求;B. answer回答;C. order命令;D. choice选择。根据上文中的“I went to Farmer Thompson’s inn to ___5___ the charge of my mother’s washing for the boarders.”可知,我去汤普森的旅馆是去收钱的,因此此处指的是“我提出收钱的请求”,故选A项。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他不耐烦地递给我一张钞票。A. ever曾经;B. still仍然;C. impatiently不耐烦地;D. quietly安静地。根据空前的“swear at me”可知,当我提出收钱时,汤普森像往常一样对我骂骂咧咧,这说明他极为不耐烦,故选C项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很高兴能这么容易地走掉了,便匆匆走出大门,然后,停下来把钞票别在我叠好的围巾里。A. escape逃脱、溜走;B. finish完成;C. settle定居;D. reply回复。根据上文中的“except to swear at me, as usual,”可知,每次我去收钱时,汤普森的态度都极为恶劣,我肯定是有些怕他,因此我非常高兴自己能够成功地从他手里拿到钱走掉,用escape一次最能体现出当我从态度极为恶劣的汤普森手里拿到钱时那种高兴的心情,故选A项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很高兴能这么容易地走掉了,便匆匆走出大门,然后,停下来把钞票别在我叠好的围巾里。A. key钥匙;B. sheet薄片;C. paper纸; D. bill账单、钞票。根据上文中的“a banknote”可知,汤普森给了我一张钞票,此处指的就是那张钞票,空后的“bills”也是提示,故选D项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我发现他给了我两张钞票而不是一张时,我的第一反应是为这意外的收获而感到高兴。A. knew了解; B. thought认为;C. discovered发现;D. wondered想知道。根据空后的“he had given me two bills instead of one”可知,我发现他给了我两张钞票而不是一张,故选C项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。当我发现他给了我两张钞票而不是一张时,我的第一反应是为这意外的收获而感到高兴。A. worry担心;B. joy欢乐C. calm风平浪静;D. silence沉默。空前一句说我发现他给了我两张钞票而不是一张,这属于意外的收获,故选B项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那一刻,我想起了妈妈告诉我的话:不要做你不想别人对你做的事。A. remembered记起;B. heard听说;C. repeated重复;D. understood理解。根据空后的“what my mother told me”可知,那一刻,我想起了妈妈告诉我的话,故选A项。 14. 考查代词词义辨析。句意:那一刻,我想起了妈妈告诉我的话:不要做你不想别人对你做的事。A. she她;B. you你;C. I我;D. they他们。根据空后的“wouldn’t like others to do on you”可知,不要做你不想别人对你做的事,故选B项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我转过身来,气喘吁吁地沿着大路跑着,直到到了汤普森家的门口。A. went去:B. walked走;C. ran跑;D. wandered漫步。根据空后的“with breathless speed”可知,我气喘吁吁地跑到汤普森家的门口,故选C项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“这次你又想要什么?”汤普森再看到我时问道。A. do做;B. like喜欢;C. have有; D. want想要。根据上文中的“I went to Farmer Thompson’s inn to ___5___ the charge of my mother’s washing for the boarders.”可知,刚才我来汤普森的旅馆是收钱的,因此他问我这次又想要什么,故选D项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“先生,你给了我两张钞票而不是一张”,我说,浑身都在发抖。A. trembling颤抖,发抖;B. keeping保留;C. getting得到;D. moving移动。根据上文中的“except to swear at me, as usual, he ___8___ handed me a banknote.”可知,每次我去收钱时,汤普森都会对我骂骂咧咧,态度极为不耐烦,因此我和他说话时紧张得发抖,故选A项。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很高兴你是个诚实的孩子。A. careful小心的;B. brave勇敢的;C. honest诚实的;D. friendly友好的。我把他多给的那一张钞票还给了他,因此他夸我是个诚实的孩子,故选C项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我带着轻松的心情(心情愉快地)回家了。A. beating跳动的;B. broken破碎的;C. warm温暖的;D. lightened减轻的、发光的。根据空后的“I felt grateful that I practiced my life ___20___.”可知,我实践了我的人生原则,因此我的心情很轻松,故选D项。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很感激我实践了我的人生原则。A. lessons教训;B. principles原则;C. regulations规程;D. moments时刻。根据上文中的“trying my principles”可知此处指“人生原则”,故选B项。

    Everybody has a different opinion on what qualities make a good person. Some might consider honesty and devotion to be very important. 1. , but I believe that the ability to be optimistic is the most essential quality. I also think having a sense of humor and a smile is very important.

Voltaire once said “Life is a shipwreck (沉船), but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboat.” Life isn’t perfect, but why should we focus on the imperfections of life when we can smile. Being positive means looking out the window at a thunderstorm and saying “Wow, the plant will be watered.” If you look up the definition for laugh in a dictionary, it would say “to make sounds from the throat while breathing out in short bursts as a way of expressing amusement.” 2.. It is like a cure for cancer or an umbrella in the rain. Laughter can protect you from the harmful rays of grief. I believe comedians are the true doctors of this world. 3.. Laughter truly is the most effective and side effect-free medicine in the world.

4.. Whether you are from China, France, or Germany, you smile in the same language. A smile has the power to make someone’s day. If you smile at someone, they will probably smile back. Therefore, smile all the time and pretty soon the whole planet will wear a happy smile. Life is like a mirror, and we get the best results when we smile at it.

Laugh your heart out, think optimistically, and don’t forget to smile. Imagine the world to be a happy and safe place to live. I have the power to make the world a better place. 5..

A.Life is a bed of roses

B.Laughter is much more than that

C.I agree that these qualities are vital

D.One’s happiness depends on his / her philosophy of life

E.You have that power to make the world a different place, too

F.They give you a free prescription every time you come to their office

G.A smile is one of the only gestures performed and understood globally



    The blue planet is going green. Since the 1980s, satellite images have shown that leafy cover across the globe has grown by 2.3 percent per decade. A new study, published on February 11 in Nature Sustainability, helps explain why. One main driver is the “fertilization (施肥) effect”, brought about by humans burning fossil fuels. As CO2 increases in the atmosphere, this increases photosynthesis (光合作用) — as long as water, light, and nutrients are not limited. When plants take up more of the gas, they produce more food and new leaves.

But researchers also found another cause for the change in color: planting more crops and trees. China and India, the two most populous countries on Earth, have contributed about a third of the greening seen since 2000, mainly in the form of forests and farms.

In this most recent paper, scientists at Boston University took a closerlook at this greening trend. They used data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (光谱辐射计), or MODIS, which uses advanced satellite technology to document the Earth’s surface on a near-daily basis. From 2000 to 2017, the researchers looked at the change in greenness in plant-covered regions, including croplands, forests, and grasslands.

The satellite data showed that globally, one-third of plant-covered areas are greening, while only five percent are browning. “Human land use management in many regions is more important than those indirect factors [ of climate change and CO2 fertilization ],” says Chi Chen, lead author of the study. “China and India, two developing countries, contribute the most in the increase in leaf area.” According to the study, the two nations contributed more greening relative to their plant-covered area than other countries.

While only 6.6 percent of the world’s vegetated area is in China, the country is responsible for 25 percent of the increase in global greening. The study found that most of China’s greening occurred in its forests, with croplands also contributing.

1.How is the text mainly organized?

A.By listing facts and data. B.By making contrast.

C.By giving examples. D.By displaying time order.

2.What does Chi Chen think is the direct factor of the global greening?

A.H umans burning fossilfuels. B.Humans planting.

C.The CO2 fertilization. D.The climate change.

3.According to the study, what contributes most to the increase of global greening?

A.China’s forests and grasslands.

B.India’s forests and farmlands.

C.China’s and India’s grasslands and croplands.

D.China’s and India’s forests and croplands.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A New Study on Earth

B.The Change in Greeeness on Earth

C.Why Our Blue Planet Is Getting Greener?

D.Who Is Responsible for the Increase in Global Greening?



    All languages change over time, and there can be many different reasons for this. The English language is no different — but why has it changed over the decades? Some of the main influences on the evolution of languages include: The movement of people across the globe…

What changes has the English language seen?

As the English language has changed, it’s been easy to pick out words that pass into common usage. The rise in popularity of internet slang (俚语) has seen phrases such as “LOL” ( Laugh Out Loud ), “YOLO” ( You Only Live Once ) and “bae” (an abbreviated form of babe or baby ) become firmly rooted in the English language over the past ten years. Every decade sees new slang terms like these appearing in the English language. And while some words or abbreviations do come from the Internet or text conversations, others may appear as entirely new words, a new meaning for an existing word, or a word that becomes more generalized than its former meaning. Decades ago, “blimey” was a new expression of surprise, but more recently”woah” is the word in everyday usage.

Sentence structure is of course another change to English language. Decades ago, it would have been normal to ask “Have you a moment?” Now, you might say “D’you have a sec?” Similarly, “How do you do?” has become “How’s it going?” Not only have the sentences been shortened, but new words have been introduced to everyday questions.

Connected to this is the replacement of certain words with other, more-modern versions. It’s pretty noticeable that words like “shall” and “ought” are on the way out, but “will”, “should” and “can” are doing just fine. Other changes can be more subtle (微妙). A number of verbs can be followed by another verb in either the “-ing” form or the “to” form, for example “they liked painting / to paint”, “he didn’t bother calling / to call”. Both of these constructions are still used but there has been a steady shift over time from the “to” to the “-ing”.

What do the changes mean?

Most language experts accept that change in language, like change in society, is unavoidable. Some think that is regrettable, but others recognize it as a way to enrich the language, bringing alternatives that allow subtle differences of expression.

As with everything, change isn’t necessarily a bad thing and, as the needs of English language users continue to change, so will the language !

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.The main influence on the evolution of the English language.

B.The different opinions on the English language changes.

C.The English language has changed over the decades.

D.Why the English language has changed over the years.

2.The English language has seen the changes in___________.

A.Internet slang terms and new words’ meanings

B.words, expressions and sentence structures

C.text conversations and everyday questions

D.a few model verbs and gram mar

3.Some abbreviated forms of word like LOL and YOLO appear in English because of__________.

A.the fast-paced modern life

B.the worsening laziness of the youth

C.the English influence on technology

D.the rise in popularity of the Internet slang

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the changes of the English language?

A.Opposed. B.Doubtful.

C.Approving. D.Uncaring.



    A year ago, I decided to create a more environmentally friendly kitchen, focusing on reducing the single-use products such as plastic bags and paper towels. I’m not going to sugarcoat my experience. It takes com mitment and a willingness to change long-held habits. In creating my kitchen, I tried a lot of different alternative products and some plain old com mon sense the result, however, has been worth the effort. I’m recycling more and relying less on single-use products and I’m saving money too.

I’m not kidding when I say that I used to really love plastic storage bags, so this was, perhaps, the biggest challenge for me. Switching to reusable storage bags is a financial investment, but the cos is reasonable considering that I previously spent at least $ 100 annually on single-use plastic bags and wrap. I willcheck online periodically for recycling updates, where a zero-waste box for kitchen items is offered, from party supplies to mixed-materialfood containers.

I’m a clean freak (怪人) and used to go through an amount of paper towels on a daily basis, butit’s easy enough to take old T-shirts ortowels and cutthem up to use to wipe down surfaces. I’m also a fan of bamboo paper towels, which have the look and feel of traditional paper towels, yet are made from a highly renewable source and also break down in just 45 days. Better yet, they can be reused up to 100 times. As for kitchen sponges (海绵擦), I keep an eye out for those made with natural and recyclable materials.

When purchasing household items online from companies like Amazon or Jet, I will ask to have them shipped in as few boxes as possible or as small a box as possible if a single item is to be sent. I’ll let the company know that they should pay more attention to how It is packaging items for delivery.

1.What is the author’s main purpose of creating her kitchen?

A.To save money. B.To reduce waste and recycle more.

C.To change her long-held habits. D.To make it cleaner and more practical.

2.What does the underlined word “sugarcoat” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.M ake attractive. B.Getinterested.

C.Show off. D.Give up.

3.In creating her kitchen, what does the author do?

A.Begins to recycle more single-use plastic bags.

B.Goes through an amount of paper towels on a daily basis.

C.Checks online periodically to buy zero-waste box.

D.Chooses to use the recyclable or reusable kitchen items.

4.What can we learn about the author from the text?

A.She has strong environmental awareness.

B.She is used to traditional paper towels.

C.She has a good knowledge of financialinvestment.

D.She prefers to have her purchases packed in small boxes.



The Four Best Places to Go in Europe for Spring Break

Cheaper flights, lower room rates, fewer tourists, and tons of seasonal activities make this the suitable time to take a real-life Euro-trip.

Budapest, Hungary

For a spa-centric (水疗中心) holiday, consider Budapest. This incredible beauty destination boasts 118 thermal springs — more than any other capital — and a variety of choices of places to “take the waters”, from traditional Turkish baths and Neo-Baroque pools to Art Nouveau spas and modern facilities. Bonus: Hungarians claim these mineral-rich waters are of beneficial cure for skin.

Florence, Italy

The “Cradle of the Renaissance(文艺复兴的摇篮)”, is steeped in classical art and architecture. The Uffizi Gallery displays such masterpieces as “The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli. Florence is the center of Tuscan cuisine. Its narrow streets and piazzas are decked with alfresco cafés, trattorias, and gelato shops.

Santorini, Greece

Most people think of Santorini as a summer hot spot, but spring bookings are up 94 percent, according to American Express Travel. While it might not be beach weather, there are plenty of benefits to visiting this peaceful and beautiful island during off-peak season. And fewer crowds mean you won’t have to compete with tons of tourists for a front-row seat to the breathtaking sunsets.

Stockholm, Sweden

After the long and harsh winter, spring refreshes Sweden’s capital.(Keep in mind it can still be quite chilly through early May, so pack layers.)Visitors pack into the stylish shops, and art galleries. Plus, warmer weather is ideal for exploring the various events and festivals that take place this time of year. And, of course, no trip would be complete without checking out the Nacka Fountain, among the most awe- inspiring water sculptures in the world.

1.What probably attracts the tourists most in Budapest?

A.The incredible beautiful scenery. B.The various thermal springs.

C.The modern facilities. D.The Hungarian bonus .

2.Where can you enjoy both the great classical art and food?

A.Budapest, Hungary. B.Santorini, Greece.

C.Florence, Italy. D.Stockholm, Sweden.

3.What is a must for tourists to Stockholm?

A.Wearing light clothes. B.Packing into the stylish shops.

C.Exploring various events and festivals. D.Admiring the Nacka Fountain.



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