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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Yesterday, we had great fun. We participated in a competition of Tang poems at hall of our school on April 24. The competition enjoyed great popular among us students. It was holding in an attempt to not only enrich our campus life and greatly motivate our passion for Tang poems. There was a great variety of interesting so well as exciting activity in the competition. We all fall in love with the competition. We true valued the chance to appreciate it the beauty of our culture from this competition. We all looked forward to more competitions aims at promoting Chinese culture.


1. hall前加the 2. popular→popularity 3.holding→held 4. and→but 5. so→as 6. activity→activities 7. fall→fell 8. true→truly 9. 删掉it 10. aims→aiming/ aimed   【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了作者昨天参加校园唐诗比赛的经历。 1.考查冠词。hall为可数名词,此处特指“我们学校大厅”应用定冠词the。故hall前加the。 2.考查名词。great为形容词修饰名词,故应用名词popularity。enjoy great popularity“大受欢迎”。故popular改为popularity。 3.考查动词语态。此处it指代competition,与谓语动词构成被动关系。故holding改为held。 4.考查连词。句意:举办唐诗节不仅是为了丰富我们的校园生活,而且是为了极大地激发我们对唐诗的热情。结合句意表示“不仅……而且……”短语为not only…but(also)…。故and改为but。 5.考查固定短语。句意:比赛中有各种有趣而且刺激的活动。结合句意表示“又,而且”短语为as well as。故so改为as。 6.考查名词的数。activity为可数名词,由a great variety of修饰应用复数形式。故activity改为activities。 7.考查动词时态。结合上文可知事情发生在昨天,应用一般过去时。故fall改为fell。 8.考查副词。修饰后文动词value应用副词truly。故true改为truly。 9.考查动词用法。appreciate为及物动词,后跟the beauty作宾语,不需要代词it。故删掉it。 10.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知aim在句中应用非谓语动词形式,修饰more competitions,如果是短语aim at“目的是,旨在”则与more competitions构成主动关系,应用现在分词作后置定语;如果理解为be aimed at,则应用过去分词作后置定语,省略be动词,故aims改为aiming/ aimed。  


Recent months have seen a return of bikes across China, with an increasing number of people 1.(choose) cycling instead of driving to schools, to workplaces or to go sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing programs has brought the trend to a new level.

The bikes 2. (equip) with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They’re popular among many Chinese people as they provide 3. effective solution in places 4. it’s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another. Bike-sharing is a 5. (green) method of transportation and 6.(provide) a more friendly experience.

However, the programs have also led to problems such as 7. (legal) parking, deliberate damaging and theft. To deal with these problems, the company came up with the idea of encouraging people 8.(return) the bikes to stations 9. rewarding free time for their next rides. Now, Chinese service operators are also trying to address the problem, too. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user, with points taken in case of bad 10. (behave). Once a score drops below 80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0.5—1 yuan.



Where are the Bees?

Bees are essential to the production of food we eat. Bees make honey, but they also pollinate (授粉) large areas of _______ such as strawberries, apples and onions. About a third of the food we eat is a(n) _______ of pollination of the bees. _______, bees have been disappearing at a(n) _______ rate.

In 2006, beekeepers started reporting about something called Colony Collapse Disaster (CCD). The main sign of CCD is the _______ of adult honey bees from a hive. In October of 2006, some beekeepers reported that they had lost between 30 and 90 percent of their hives.

There were many _______ for the disappearance of the bees. But the most convincing one has been _______to pesticides (杀虫剂) and lifestyles of bees today. Nowadays beekeepers get most of their income not from _______ honey but from renting bees to pollinate plants. This means that the life of the typical bee now _______ travelling all around the country to pollinate crops as the ________ change. That means a lot of traveling on trucks, which is very ________ to bees. It is not ________ for up to 30% of the hive to die during ________ due to stress. In addition, bees that spend most of their time locked up on trucks are not ________ what they usually live on. ________, they live on a sweet liquid from corn, usually polluted with pesticides.

The ________ reason for the disappearance of bees is not sure, but losing bees is very ________ to the economy. The bee pollination services are ________ over 8 billion a year. With no bees, pollination will have to be done ________, which would have effects on the quality of food and increase food prices. We hear a lot about big environmental disasters almost every day. ________ one of the biggest may well be the loss of that tiny flying insect.

1.A.flowers B.trees C.crops D.grass

2.A.protection B.result C.power D.impact

3.A.Eventually B.Accidentally C.Interestingly D.Unfortunately

4.A.alarming B.moderate C.amusing D.reasonable

5.A.escape B.loss C.boom D.growth

6.A.chances B.theories C.adjustments D.excuses

7.A.applied B.associated C.related D.involved

8.A.producing B.buying C.keeping D.processing

9.A.includes B.consists C.considers D.stands

10.A.beekeepers B.behaviors C.prices D.seasons

11.A.beneficial B.acceptable C.stressful D.familiar

12.A.likely B.necessary C.unusual D.common

13.A.flight B.circle C.stay D.transport

14.A.interested in B.exposed to C.accustomed to D.hunting for

15.A.Thus B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Instead

16.A.exact B.extra C.complex D.original

17.A.essential B.dangerous C.insignificant D.costly

18.A.demanding B.remaining C.worth D.valuable

19.A.by chance B.by hand C.in time D.in turn

20.A.But B.For C.Or D.So



    People often say that “failure is the mother of success”. 1. As a result, Manalo, a professor of educational psychology in Japan says, “We know we shouldn’t give up when we fail—but in reality, we do.”

Manalo and Manu, a professor of learning sciences in Swiss, put together a special issue (专利) last December on benefiting from failure. The issue’s 15 studies provide teachers and educational researchers with a guide for achieving success. 2. Another confirmed that advice on failures is most constructive when the receiver is prepared to experience unpleasant feelings.

Manalo and his co-authors also focused on overcoming one everyday form of failure: not completing a task. They asked 131 students to write an article about their school experiences. Half of the students received instructions for their writing, and half were left to their own. 3. Afterward the researchers found that those in the instructed group were more willing to complete their articles, compared with those who lacked guidance—even if the latter were closer to being done. 4.

5. Stephanie Couch, the director of the Lemelson-MIT Program, holds the opinion. Couch, whose work was also featured in the special issue, says that we should tell them to think of failure as part of a process toward success.

A.However, all were stopped before finishing.

B.The saying shows the importance of success.

C.Teaching students not to fear failure makes goals achieved more easily.

D.One study reported that the sooner students fail, the sooner they can move forward.

E.Though having some truth to it, the saying does not tell us how to turn a loss into a win.

F.They believed that learning how to fail can help people avoid becoming lasting failures.

G.Knowing how to finish, in other words, was more important than being close to finishing.



    It is no secret that physical activity is necessary to a person’s well-being. Because children are continuously developing physically and emotionally, they are especially affected by the benefits of activity. Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative reports that nearly one-third of US children are overweight or obese, and that “schools are a key setting for kids to get their 60 minutes of play with moderate activity, given the significant portion of time they spend there.”

Physical education programs in schools directly benefit students’ physical health. Regular exercise promotes muscles and bone development. In addition to participating in physical activity, students in P.E. learn the fundamentals of a healthful lifestyle, the building blocks upon which they can develop into healthy, knowledgeable adults.

Though the lack of attention on P.E. is often justified as an opportunity to spend more time in the classroom, studies show that physical activity contributes to improved academic performance. Regular activity during the school day is strongly associated with higher concentration levels. A statewide policy in North Carolina requires that children from kindergarten to eighth grade participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

Activities in P.E. help children develop healthful social interactions. From a young age, children learn cooperation through group activities and form a positive sense of identity as part of a team. Such group activities are continually important as children grow older. The International Platform on Sport and Development states that sport has been used as a practical tool to engage young people in their communities through volunteering, resulting in higher levels of leadership and community engagement among young people.

The benefits of P.E. to a child’s mental health are both complex and comprehensive. Improved physical health, academics and social interactions all contribute to good mental health. Physical activity sets the stage for a good night’s sleep, provides more energy to participate in hobbies and interact with others.

1.The first paragraph implies that            .

A.children are becoming much lazier nowadays

B.some schools have forbidden physical activity

C.most parents are dissatisfied with school education

D.schools must pay more attention to physical education

2.Physical education is ignored in a way because            .

A.children dislike taking physical activity B.schools are worried about children’s safety

C.students should have more time for study D.less sporting equipment is available to school children

3.What is the author’s possible attitude towards the policy in North Carolina?

A.Skeptical. B.Favorable.

C.Ambiguous. D.Objective.

4.Which is NOT a benefit of P. E. classes?

A.They assure you of a successful future. B.They keep your mind in a good state.

C.They help you focus on your studies. D.They do good to your social skills.



    Robots have certain advantages compared to humans: They are efficient, tireless, can be repaired when damaged and they never get sick. This last trait has made them the star during our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. While hundreds of thousands of medical workers have fallen ill dealing with this highly infectious virus and a lot more are forced to stay at home for fear of getting the disease, this isn’t a problem for robots.

This is why the COVID-19 outbreak is seen as the “tipping point”---noted The Independent Science reporter Anthony Cuthbertson---for robots to start to replace humans in certain jobs.

In areas like hospitals and healthcare facilities, robots are used to perform high-risk tasks. In China, for example, a hotel in Hangzhou employed a robot named “Little Peanut” to deliver food to people under quarantine(隔离期). In Spain, robots are about to be used to test people for the coronavirus. Ultraviolet-light-disinfection (紫外线消毒) robots are also being widely used to clean hospital corridors and wards.

“Hospitals around the world are waking up to autonomous disinfection,” Per Juul Nielsen, CEO of Denmark’s UVD Robots, a leading company manufacturing disinfection robots, told Forbes. “We can’t build these robots fast enough.”

In non-medical companies, robots are also replacing human employees since they don’t have the problem of social distancing and will never take sick leave. Walmart and Amazon, for example, where robots are already used in sorting, packing and shipping, are planning to increase the number of robots in their facilities. Fast-food chains like McDonald’s are not only delivering food with robots in some areas, but also looking to use them as cooks and servers.

According to futurist Martin Ford, using more robots than human employees can prove to be rewarding for companies---even when the pandemic is over. “People will prefer to go to a place that has fewer workers and more machines because they feel they can lower overall risk,” Ford told the BBC.

But this sudden surge (激增) in robot demand doesn’t mean that they triumph over humans in every aspect. According to Bill Smart, a roboticist at Oregon State University, the human contact between doctors and patients is still important. Doctors comfort the patients and guide them through hard decisions while robots are only doing routine tasks, like cleaning and giving tests, just to free up doctors and nurses.

It might be true that robots have certain advantages over humans, but they are still secondary to human interaction.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.The advantages of robots compared to humans.

B.Different views toward applying robots to fight COVID-19.

C.Why the COVID-19 outbreak has fueled robot demand.

D.The important role humans play in certain areas.

2.What has made robots desirable during the pandemic according to the text?

A.They can be repaired when damaged.

B.They test people for coronavirus more precisely.

C.They never get tired and can replace doctors and nurses.

D.They are not vulnerable to the coronavirus.

3.What does Martin Ford think of the application of robots?

A.Its benefits are appealing and lasting.

B.Machines are less disturbing than humans.

C.It poses a threat to human employment.

D.There are some risks with the use of robots.

4.What can be concluded from the last two paragraphs?

A.The demand for robots is too great to meet.

B.Human interaction is essential in some areas.

C.Doctors can make more accurate judgments than robots.

D.Robots need updating to improve contact with humans.



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