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The first time I heard the expression "Know yourself" by Socrates, I didn't realize its meaning until I go to university. I started my university life unwillingly, because I didn't want to leave my parents and university of engineering was not my dream school, too. However, I changed my mind complete after a semester. My schoolmates are from different place, some of which are really outstanding. This makes me realized there is always someone much more better capable. Since then, to know myself has become an importance part of my life. Only by knowing who I am or where I am can I really follow the right path.


1. go→went 2. university前面加a/the 3. too→either 4. complete→completely 5. place→places 6. which→whom 7. realized→realize 8. 去掉better 9. importance→important 10. or→and 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者理解“认识自己”的含义的过程。 1、考查时态。句意:我直到上了大学才知道。由上下文可知,该句描述的是过去的情况,该句应当用一般过去时态。故将go改为went。 2、考查冠词。句意:我不情愿的开始了我的大学生活,因为我不想离开我的父母,工程大学也不是我的梦想学校。可以用定冠词the与单数名词连用,表示这一类人或物;也可以用不定冠词a/an表示人或事物的某一种类,强调整体,即以其中的一个代表一类,university以辅音音素开头,用a。故在university前面添加a或者the。 3、考查副词。句意:我不情愿的开始了我的大学生活,因为我不想离开我的父母,工程大学也不是我的梦想学校。too一般放于肯定句末表示“也”,否定句末的“也”须用either。故将too改为either。 4、考查副词。句意:然而,一个学期后,我完全改变了主意。副词修饰动词,修饰动词“changed”应用“complete”的副词形式。故将complete改为completely。 5、考查名词复数。句意:我的同学来自不同的地方,其中一些是非常优秀的。根据句中“different”可知,同学们来自不同的地方,是两个或两个以上的地方,名词“place”应用复数形式。故将place改为places。 6、考查非限定性定语从句关系词。句意:我的同学来自不同的地方,其中一些人是非常优秀的。分析句子可知,关系词在介词后面,修饰人时应用who,修饰物时应用which,此句用来修饰人,说明同学中的一些人很优秀,用whom。故将which改为whom。 7、考查固定搭配。句意:这让我意识到总有人比我更有能力。make sb do sth意为使某人做某事,是固定搭配,此处应用动词原形。故将realized改为realize。 8、考查形容词比较级。句意:这让我意识到总有人比我更有能力。单词“capable”是多音节,前面要来加上more,表示比较级。故将better去掉。 9、考查形容词。句意:从那时起,认识自己成为了我生命中重要的一部分。修饰名词part,用形容词,故将importance改为important。 10、考查连词。句意:只有知道我是谁,知道我在哪里,我才能走正确的路。who I am ,where I am是并列关系,不是选择关系。故将or改为and。


On paper, Laos seems to have all to attract international tourists. It owns mighty waterfalls, golden temples and nearly two dozen national parks.

But the land-locked country welcomed only 4. 2 million visitors in 2016—a small 1.achievein comparison with its southeastern Asian neighbors. In that same year, there 2.be32 million tourists in Thailand, 26. 8 million in Malaysia and over 10 million in Vietnam—all countries boasting their long and 3.impressbeaches. As for Laos, its main problem is its lack of the three Ss—sun, sand and sea. 4., things seem to change now.

A high-speed rail link between Laos and China 5.expectto open in 2022, with the purpose of attracting more tourists.

The country is making a bold attempt to overcome this natural deficit by becoming the first foreign country to use Chinese technology, equipment and investment 6.connectwith the giant nation's domestic fast and vast rail network.

If all goes as planned, Laos will be the first stop on one route of the Pan-Asia Railway, 7.aim is to connect China with all of Southeast Asia. With trains 8.run at speeds of up to 125 miles per hour, the inconvenience of carrying both passengers and cargo in the mountainous areas will be overcome 9.great.

If so, 10.those who enjoy hiking, now it cou ld, be the last chance to experience an undeveloped part of Southeast Asia before it joins its neighbors in boosting its tourism.



    The sound that woke Damian Languell at 8:15 in the morning was so loud that he assumed it came from inside his house. As he got up to _______, he heard another sound, this one coming most definitely from _______. Through his bedroom window, he spied a tree surrounded by _______ about 500 yards away. A _______ wrapped the tree's base, its engine on fire.

_______, Languell grabbed buckets of water and ran to the crash site. The car was_______ nearly in two. No one should have _______ this crash, and yet there was 16-year-old Quintin Thompson, his terrified face pressed _______ the driver's side window, in visible _______. Languell tried ________ the fire with his buckets of water, but with no ________. "That was really awful. When the flame got into the front seats, I ________ I had to get him out of there," he told WAGM-TV.

In an act that a police report described as showing " ________ disregard for his own safety", Languell opened the back door of the car and ________ in. "That's when I noticed how ________ his legs were." Using a pocketknife he'd had with him, he ________ Thompson's seat belt. Then, he ________ the teen out of a back window and dragged him to ________ "before the entire car exploded", the police stated.

Languell thinks about that day often. Displaying the sort of empathy(感同身受)that ________ him to help, he told WAGM-TV, "My ________ goes out to 'Thompson'. When you are that close to that level of hurt, you feel it so directly."

1.A.work B.exercise C.check D.discover

2.A.downside B.outside C.inside D.upside

3.A.people B.fog C.leaves D.smoke

4.A.car B.rope C.bus D.cloth

5.A.Constantly B.Obviously C.Hesitantly D.Immediately

6.A.burned B.split C.pressed D.stuck

7.A.survived B.witnessed C.suffered D.reported

8.A.with B.against C.by D.on

9.A.peace B.silence C.pain D.excitement

10.A.covering B.catching C.pouring D.stopping

11.A.success B.harm C.effort D.luck

12.A.expected B.realized C.concluded D.assumed

13.A.little B.limited C.complete D.some

14.A.crawled B.jumped C.ran D.stepped

15.A.long B.cold C.bad D.ugly

16.A.tore open B.gave up C.put away D.cut off

17.A.pulled B.threw C.held D.hugged

18.A.house B.ground C.safety D.distance

19.A.forced B.drove C.advised D.shocked

20.A.feet B.choice C.hope D.heart



    We usually interpret someone looking us straight in the eye during an interaction as a sign of trustworthiness. 1.This is at least the case in the Western world.

But research is increasingly challenging this standard view. 2. In a competitive environment where a negotiation is taking place, looking at another person directly in the eye can be a sign of competition and unkindness, rather than kindness.

While folk wisdom tells us eye contact is a sign of honesty and trustworthiness, these findings were not a surprise. Animals have direct eye contact not before engaging in kind behaviors but rather immediately before an attack. 3. We humans seem to be carrying on this tradition by looking our opponent directly in the eye before we "attack".

What does this mean for the work place? In a competitive business environment, when taking part in negotiations or a business deal, for example, be aware that people who look you directly in the eye may not be as friendly as you think. 4. In many Asian cultures, for example, looking a person of higher status in the eye is a sign of disrespect, while looking away signals respect.

5. And this must be fully understood. This means they most likely don't apply to social environments, such as spending time with friends, family or loved ones. In these cases, direct eye contact, often referred to as a "gaze", can still be a sign of intimacy(亲密)and kindness.

A.This may help you understand eye contact much better.

B.Eye contact is a sign of challenge and threat from another.

C.The study led by Jennifer Jordan shows quite the opposite.

D.All the experiments took place in a competitive environment.

E.We use eye contact as a marker of intimacy and straightforwardness.

F.Actually it can be rather upsetting when someone avoids eye contact.

G.If you want to express honesty and reliability, direct eye contact may indicate the opposite.



    Over 2. 5 quintillion 1018 bytes of data are created each day. Many of them consist of information that would allow people to be personally identified.

At the same time that we share our personal information, there is a growing concern with how that information is being gathered, stored, used and shared. While many economies like Canada and the EU have privacy laws dating back to the mid-1990s, changes to data practices in the past five years have motivated governments to review or update existing laws.

Changes to privacy laws are being fuelled by growing public concerns with the idea of unrestricted data accumulation and use. For instance, earlier this year, the World Economic Forum found that 1/3 of global citizens have no idea about how their personal information is used and that trust is lacking.

Privacy laws are changing to deal with the real and noticed risks of harm which result from the under-regulated or unregulated data economy. The EU has introduced big reform to laws which are aimed at protecting privacy. The EU's General Data Protection Regulation GDPR introduced strict requirements for those that control or process the personal data of the people who live in the EU. The GDPR's stated goals focus on the protection and basic rights of personal information. Certain US states are also entering the ring in the fight for control over personal data. They have passed or are actively considering privacy laws. California is out front. The California Consumer Privacy Act CCPA provides greater control to individuals over their personal information. There is a sense that privacy laws are on the near horizon in the US.

These are two examples that are actively pursuing more progressive privacy laws. One important consideration is to harmonize global standards for best law practices. This will ease compliance (遵守)across border and provide a valuable signal to the public that governments are keeping pace with rapid change.

1.What's the cause of the change of privacy laws?

A.A growing need for information. B.Public concerns over data security.

C.General awareness of data control. D.Collection of personal information.

2.How does Paragraph 4 develop?

A.By giving examples. B.By listing statistics.

C.By analyzing reasons. D.By making comparisons.

3.What is an important consideration for global law makers?

A.The practice of laws in different fields.

B.The reflection of reality in different eras.

C.The consistency of laws in different regions.

D.The adaptation to changes in different societies.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.EU passes new laws for privacy protection.

B.Governments ignore the violation of personal privacy.

C.Privacy laws are changing to protect personal information.

D.People lack the awareness of personal information protection.



    Archeology (考古学)isn't the dusty science it was a generation ago. New technologies that once seemed out of sci-fi are now locating buried traces of buildings and revealing the ruins of cities.

For more than a decade, Sarah Parcak and her team have been on the front line of this revolution. They use satellite images to find and explore ancient sites around the globe. Now they're about to take on a new challenge as they focus Global Xplorer citizen-science project on India.

In 2017, Parcak launched an online platform, called Global Xplorer, to crowd source (群众外包)the initial assessment of satellite images for signs of cultures from long ago. Anyone in the world with a computer and Internet access could help discover and protect remains of Peru's rich cultural heritage. The results have been surprising. About 80,000 participants from a hundred countries have identified 19,000 sites that were not in Peru's database. The platform for Peru is still running.

If all goes well, the work in India could last for years. "India has had relatively little archaeological work done," Parcak says. Also, the full extent of India's archaeological work has never been mapped completely. Parcak expects her project to make up that. Wherever we end up going, the crowd's going to be able to see extraordinary things," Parcak says.

Thirty six India's cultural heritage relics are already listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Parcak thinks there could be tens of thousands of as yet unknown sites mapped as part of this project. The discoveries promise to be amazing across the land that has seen a parade of cultures come and go.

In the future, she hopes other countries will contact her to launch their own satellite surveys. The possibilities are huge. Parcak estimates that there are at least 12 million potential archaeological sites yet to be discovered. That means the sky is the limit for her project now that it has gotten off the ground successfully.

1.What's the purpose of  Parcak's  project?

A.To interview citizens via the Internet.

B.To dig out more remains of ancient cities.

C.To build databases for unknown cultural heritage.

D.To identify unknown ancient sites through joint efforts.

2.What do we know about the participants in Peru project?

A.They are Internet-equipped volunteers.

B.They are well-trained voluntary scholars.

C.They are mostly fans of archeology in Peru.

D.They are all archaeologists all over the world.

3.Why is Parcak's project important to India?

A.India lacks thorough archaeological work.

B.Indians call for the protection of their rich cultures.

C.There's no amazing archaeological discovery in India.

D.India needs more relics listed as World Heritage Sites.

4.What does the underlined sentence "The possibilities are huge. " in Paragraph 6 mean?

A.Parcak's project will become successful.

B.Few countries will start satellite surveys.

C.There will be amazing discoveries in India.

D.More archaeological sites will be identified.



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