满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Some years back my house had been broken...

    Some years back my house had been broken into. I knew all my neighbors well and therefore was pretty _______ that it was Jared. The police said, "He's _______ got quite a record. If you _______ Jared, he will be _______ to juvenile detention (少管所).”

Jared was 14 and well known as a local _______ boy but still a teenager who I wouldnt like to see end up a prisoner. I asked the police to hold off until I could _________Jared.

When he saw me, _______ filled his eyes. I asked why he had broken into my home. "Stupid mistake," he said. "If I take you to _______, you'll go to the youth center," I told him. Jared showed a sense of regret and I _______ the moment. "Listen," I said. "I've ________ to the police to be your mentor (导师)for one school year. This __________you have to meet me for one hour every week, spending the time on homework and anything you like. "He took the __________

We had since had many conversations. ________ but surely he opened up and told me about his broken family and his ________ of meaningful connections with others. Week after week, we sat and chatted. He repaid the ________ money. When the 10 months ________, I told him, "you did two grown-up things during the past 10 months. You showed up and ________ for what you started. I'm proud of you. ”

Although Jared ________smiled and left, the experience had a ________ effect on both of us. We kept meeting for time to time. The neighborhood ________ from a more civil, responsible Jared.

1.A.regretful B.curious C.astonished D.sure

2.A.still B.never C.already D.seldom

3.A.punish B.charge C.frighten D.forgive

4.A.sentenced B.driven C.guided D.exposed

5.A.crazy B.greedy C.tough D.naughty

6.A.turn to B.deal with C.reply to D.argue with

7.A.delight B.warmth C.doubt D.fear

8.A.court B.school C.work D.prison

9.A.possessed B.remembered C.seized D.ignored

10.A.applied B.looked C.appealed D.signaled

11.A.admits B.proves C.means D.assumes

12.A.challenge B.responsibility C.lead D.offer

13.A.Luckily B.Slowly C.Freely D.Bravely

14.A.lack B.opinion C.beginning D.analysis

15.A.extra B.borrowed C.stolen D.private

16.A.ended B.progressed C.paused D.worsened

17.A.prepared B.compensated C.accounted D.waited

18.A.hardly B.directly C.possibly D.simply

19.A.strange B.potential C.lasting D.predictable

20.A.heard B.learned C.suffered D.benefited


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了作者对社区的一个“问题男孩”宽容和帮助的故事。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我认识我所有的邻居,所以很确定是Jared。A. regretful遗憾的;B. curious好奇的;C. astonished惊讶地;D. sure肯定的。作者对邻里非常了解,因此十分确定是Jared做的坏事。故选D。 2. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他已经有过不少犯罪记录了。A. still仍然;B. never从不;C. already已经;D. seldom很少。根据后面一句“如果起诉,他会被送进少管所”可知,Jared已经有不少不良行为记录。故选C。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你起诉Jared,他会被送进少管所。A. punish处罚;B. charge起诉;C. frighten害怕;D. forgive宽恕。根据he will be 4 to juvenile detention (少管所).可知,如果起诉,他会被送进少管所。故选B。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你起诉Jared,他会被送进少管所。A. sentenced宣判;B. driven迫使;C. guided指导;D. exposed揭露。根据 juvenile detention (少管所)可知,如果你起诉Jared,他会被送进少管所。短语be sentenced to被宣判。故选A。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Jared当时14岁,是当地有名的卑鄙粗鲁的少年。A. crazy疯狂的;B. greedy贪婪的;C. tough粗野的,粗鲁的;D. naughty调皮的。根据but still a teenager who I wouldn’t like to see end up a prisoner可知,Jared是社区的粗鲁少年。故选C。 6. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我让警察等我搞定Jared再说。A. turn to求助;B. deal with处理;C. reply to答复;D. argue with和……争辩。根据下文可知,作者没有通过法律手段惩治男孩,而是与他沟通,并帮助他。故选B。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他看到我时,眼里充满了恐惧。我问他为什么闯进我家。A. delight高兴;B. warmth温暖;C. doubt怀疑;D. fear害怕。根据上文语境“如果起诉,他会被送进少管所。”以及后面男孩的回答可知,此时男孩有些害怕。故选D。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我把你告上法庭,你就要去少管所。A. court法庭;B. school学校;C. work工作;D. prison监狱。根据you'll go to the youth center可知,如果作者起诉,Jared会被送进少管所。故选A。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:杰瑞德表现出后悔,我抓住了时机。A. possessed拥有;B. remembered记得;C. seized抓住;D. ignored忽略。根据Jared showed a sense of regret可知,作者此时是抓住了男孩有害怕,也有悔意的时机。故选C。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我已经向警察局申请做你一学年的导师。A. applied申请;B. looked看;C. appealed呼吁;D. signaled发信号。根据上文语境可知,Jared是未成年人,并且作者已经与警方沟通,所以此处“申请”最合理。故选A。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这意味着你每周要和我见面一个小时,把时间花在家庭作业和任何你喜欢的事情上。A. admits承认;B. proves证明;C. means意味着;D. assumes假想。根据常识,作者成为男孩的导师就意味着男孩要定期与作者见面。故选C。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他接受了这个提议。A. challenge挑战;B. responsibility责任;C. lead榜样;D. offer提议。因为做男孩的导师是作者提出的,所以他接受了这个提议。故选D。 13. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他慢慢地但最终敞开了心扉,告诉我他破碎的家庭和他与他人缺乏有意义的联系。A. Luckily幸运地;B. Slowly慢慢地;C. Freely自由地;D. Bravely勇敢地。根据后面的but surely he opened up可知,此空强调了缓慢但到最终结果的变化过程。故选B。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他慢慢地但最终敞开了心扉,告诉我他破碎的家庭和他与他人缺乏有意义的联系。A. lack缺少;B. opinion观点;C. beginning开始;D. analysis分析。根据told me about his broken family 可知,此处在讲述男孩所经历和面临的问题,因此“缺少”与别人有意义的联系更合理。故选A。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他还了偷来的钱。A. extra额外的;B. borrowed借来的;C. stolen偷来的;D. private私人的。根据上文ome years back my house had been broken into. 可知,男孩需要归还他从作者家里偷走的钱。故选C。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:十个月结束时。A. ended结束;B. progressed进步;C. paused暂停;D. worsened更坏。根据上下文,特别是后文中的during the past 10 months可知,作者作为男孩导师的十个月结束了。故选A。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你每天都来见我,为你开始所做的错事付出了补偿。A. prepared准备;B. compensated补偿;C. accounted解释;D. waited等待。根据 He repaid the 15 money.以及showed up 可知,Jared为开始所做的错事付出了补偿。故选B。 18. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然Jared只是微笑着离开了,但这段经历对我们俩都产生了持久的影响。A. hardly几乎不;B. directly直接地;C. possibly可能地;D. simply简单地,只是。本句是Although引导的让步状语从句,因此根据句意可以推断选项。尽管Jared只是笑笑就离开了,但是这段经历对我们两个都有很长久的影响。故选D。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然Jared只是微笑着离开了,但这段经历对我们俩都产生了持久的影响。A. strange奇怪的;B. potential可能地;C. lasting持续的;D. predictable可预知的。根据下文 We kept meeting for time to time. The neighborhood 20 from a more civil, responsible Jared.可知,这段经历对他们俩都产生了持久的影响故选C。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个更文明,更负责任的杰瑞德会让邻居受益。A. heard听说;B. learned学习;C. suffered遭受;D. benefited获益。Jared发生了积极的转变,不在是问题少年,让邻居受益。故选D。

    You may have come across the picture that has a number drawn on the floor with two people standing on either side of the number. One person sees a 6, and the other sees a 9.1.

They could either stay there arguing and holding on to their ideas, or they could move around and see the difference in their thoughts. This is perspective (视角).

2.The world would be a better place if people understood this. But before you start thinking of how you can start seeing things from the perspective of another person, you need to first know what a life perspective is.

Just like the example, life perspective is the way we see life, including the way we approach life and all that are in our personal experience. 3. What we usually have are two different perspectives on one thing. We have a person saying something is bad and should not be done, and then we have another person saying that “bad” is a strong word to use for the same thing.

4.And everyone sees things a lot differently compared to the next person. This makes life more complex because, instead of seeing the similarities we share, we often focus on what is different, which leads to disagreements and fights.5.It's likely that these problems no longer annoy you.

A.There are more than 7 billion people in the world.

B.In our life, few things are absolutely right or wrong.

C.It seems difficult to decide which perspective is wrong.

D.Simply make a switch and see from a different perspective.

E.A perspective on life can be shaped, changed, or explained.

F.They are both right, yet they are wrong in the eyes of the other person.

G.And they usually make us believe that we are the one who s holding the truth.



    In 1926, US automaker Henry Ford shortened its employees' workweek from six eight-hour days to five, with no pay cuts. It's something workers and labor unions had been calling for. Ford wasn't responding to worker demands he was being a businessman. He expected increased productivity and knew workers with more time and money would buy and use the products they were making.  It was a way of encouraging consumerism and productivity to increase profits, and it succeeded.

Since standardization of the 40-hour workweek in the mid-20th century, everything has changed but the hours. If anything, many people are working even longer hours, especially in North America. This has a severe influence on human health and well-being, as well as the environment. Until the Second World War, it was common for one person in a family, usually the oldest male, to work full-time. Now, women make up 42 percent of the world's full-time workforce. Technology has made a lot of work unnecessary, with computers and robots doing many tasks previously performed by humans.

Well into the 21st century, we continue to work the same long hours as 20th century laborers, using up ever more of Earth's supply to produce more goods that we must keep working to buy, use and replace in a seemingly endless cycle of hard work and consumption. It's time to pause and consider better ways to live like shifting from fossil-fueled lifestyles with which our consumer-based workweeks are connected.

The UK think tank, New Economics (经济学)Foundation, argues that a standard 21-hour workweek would address a number of interconnected problems "overwork, unemployment, over-consumption, high carbon emissions, low well-being, and the lack of time to live sustainably, to care for each other, and simply to enjoy life".

Economic systems that require constant growth on a finite (有限的)planet don't make sense. It's time for a change in our economic thinking.

1.Why did Ford decide to shorten the workweek?

A.To cut workers' pay.

B.To make more profits.

C.To respond to worker demands.

D.To meet labor unions, requirements.

2.What change in the workforce happened after World War ?

A.More women worked full-time.

B.The number of laborers decreased.

C.Technology enabled people to work shorter hours.

D.It was unnecessary for a family's oldest male to work.

3.What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A.Longer working hours means better consumption ability.

B.The 21st century sees the longest working hours in history.

C.The cycle of hard work and consumption should be changed.

D.Pausing our way of living can change the present workweek.

4.New Economics Foundation thinks a 21-hour workweek will _______.

A.increase unemployment

B.cause various problems

C.encourage people to enjoy life

D.challenge the economic growth



    While jewelry made from gold can be beautiful, most people admit that wearing the heavy metal over long periods of time can get a little annoying. Now, researchers from Swiss university ETH Zurich have created a new form of lightweight gold that weighs five to ten times less than traditional 18-carat gold—which typically consists of 75 percent gold and 25 percent copper—but has the same purity.

The researchers began by mixing gold with water, salt, protein fibers and other materials. They then replaced the water with alcohol and placed the mixture inside a high-pressure carbon dioxide (CO2) box. The reaction between the gas and alcohol transformed the golden plastic into a light material that can be heated to melt and made into whatever form was needed. "This gold has some characteristics of plastic,” says team leader Raffaele            Mezzenga, professor of Food and Soft Materials at ETH Zurich.

In addition to being lighter, the "plastic” gold has other advantages over traditional forms. It can be melted into shape at about 105 degrees Celsius, much lower than the 1,064 degrees Celsius required to melt pure 24-carat gold. The metal's firmness can be easily adjusted by changing the components at the beginning of the process. It is also much easier to vary the color. "As a general rule, our approach lets us create almost any kind of gold we choose, in line with the desired properties, says Mezzenga.

The researchers, who published their study in the journal Advanced Functional Materials on January 10, 2020, believe the new lightweight gold will be able to replace the metallic version in most traditional applications, including jewelry and watches. However, given that most buyers associate high-quality gold with weight, that may take some time. But the material will undoubtedly be beneficial for use inside electronic devices, chemical catalysts (催化剂),and even radiation shielding.

1.Why do many people find the traditional gold annoying?

A.It costs too much

B.Its purity is too low.

C.It feels too heavy to wear long.

D.Its beauty lasts a short time,

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The functions of the "plastic" gold.

B.The components of the "plastic” gold.

C.The characteristics of the "plastic” gold.

D.The production process of the "plastic" gold.

3.Which is the "plastic" gold's advantage over the traditional gold?

A.It is easier to process.

B.It is more widely used.

C.It has a lower temperature.

D.It is more convenient to get.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A guidebook.

C.A novel. D.A magazine.



    An elephant, who accidentally fell into a dry, 25-foot deep well in Northeast India, lived to see another day thanks to the quick-thinking rescuers' scientific knowledge. The chain of events unfolded early in the morning on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, when citizens of Amliya toli village, in the state of Jharkhand, awoke to the cries of the trapped animal and called the forest department for help.

When the rescuers arrived, they instantly realized that pulling out the huge animal, which seemed to be about 30 years old, was not a practical idea. Fortunately , the forest department officials had been paying attention in their science class and were well aware of the Archimedes' principle. The physics law of buoyancy(浮力),which explains how ships stay afloat, states that when a body is partially or fully immersed in a liquid, it experiences an apparent loss in weight that is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the part of the body in the liquid.

In this case, that meant filling the well with enough water to displace the elephant's weight. It took the three motorized pumps over three hours to add the hundreds of gallons needed to enable the heavy animal to float up to the surface. However, it was well worth the effort. A heart-warming video shows the villagers cheering as the animal, using the makeshift ramp (斜坡)dug by the rescue team, pulls itself out of the well and walks away to safety in the nearby forest.

1.Who first found the trapped elephant?

A.Some scientists. B.Forest rescuers.

C.Nearby villagers. D.The forest department officials.

2.How did the rescuers feel about pulling out the elephant?

A.Impossible. B.Challenging. C.Secure. D.Realistic.

3.What does the underlined word “immersed” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Broken. B.Covered. C.Stuck. D.Dampened.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.An Elephant Trapped in the Water

B.Villagers Used Water to Save Animals

C.Forest Rescuers Invented a New Technique

D.An Elephant Saved by the Archimedes' Principle




ESPN Sports Programming

ESPN takes its sports content and programming to the next level with its dynamic and eye-catching site filled with large, high-quality pictures and videos. The "featured sports" slider is thoroughly entrancing and does an excellent job of showcasing each of the sports alongside interesting statistics and informative details about available programs.


Revols takes a bold (突出的)approach on its website by enlarging its small, advanced headphones in photographs and videos. The photography and video make the site amazingly product-focused, so its users slowly become more and more absorbed in the experience these headphones can give you. The large font (字型)treatment on this site is also a nice touch and adds to the larger-than-life earbud photography.


Finding the perfect home is all about being able to conveniently research exactly what you're looking for, save and store what you like, and make it easy to find it all later on. Zillow hits the nail on the head for all three of these points. The search area within the hero area makes it easy for new users to quickly select and search listings without having to look for some hidden search page.


Montage takes showing-off its product to the next level with this homepage that clearly outlines what its product is, how it looks, product quality, and testimonials. The site is an excellent example of one approach you can use to highlight your product and the most important points your users would be concerned with finding answers to.

1.Which website stresses the product by making it seem big?

A.ESPN Sports Programming, B.Revols.

C.Zillow. D.Montage.

2.What can users do on Zillow?

A.Order a product.

B.Buy a headphone.

C.Learn about sports.

D.Find a suitable house.

3.What do the four websites have in common?

A.They are well designed.

B.They make shopping easier.

C.They are intended for new users.

D.They help users learn new knowledge.



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