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Brown bears have stopped eating salmon(鲑...

    Brown bears have stopped eating salmon(鲑鱼)in favor of elderberries after being forced to make a choice due to climate change. Warming temperatures mean that the berries are ripening earlier than usual, at exactly the same time as the freshwater streams on Alaska’s Kodiak Island are over flowing with salmon.

The island’s brown bears typically feed first on salmon in early summer, followed by elderberries later in the season, in late August and September.

“What you have is a scrambling of the schedule,” said William Deacy, a biologist at Oregon State University that studied the phenomenon.

“It’s essentially like if breakfast and lunch were served at the same time and then there is nothing to eat until dinner. You have to choose between breakfast and lunch because you can only eat so much at a time.”

The study found that during the unusually warm summer of 2014, the bears, which would traditionally kill up to 75 percent of the salmon, were nowhere to be seen near the streams. Instead, they were in the hills busy munching on berries, which contain less protein and therefore take less energy to break down, causing them to gain weight more quickly.

Biologists warned that changes caused by a warming planet were behind the bears’ unusual behavior and could affect the entire ecosystem.

The researchers found that the forests around the streams suffered because the bears’ fish carcasses(残骸)were no longer there to enrich the soil.

“Bears switched from eating salmon to elderberries, disturbing an ecological link that typically fertilizes the ecosystems and generates high death rates for salmon,” the study said. On average, red elderberries are said to be ripening two and a half days earlier every decade. If the pattern continues, they will regularly overlap(重叠)with the salmon by 2070.

1.Brown bears have begun to favor ________ because of the climate change.



C.warm temperatures

D.fresh water

2.What does William Deacy mean by saying the underlined sentence?

A.Brown bears eat their breakfast and lunch at the same time.

B.We’re facing a hard problem with choosing the meals.

C.Climate change is disturbing the bears’ eating habits.

D.People’s biological clocks are changing regularly.

3.Which of the following words can best describe the phenomenon?

A.Natural. B.Unusual.

C.Amazing. D.Typical.

4.The finding of the study shows us that ________.

A.brown bears may become bigger and bigger

B.there will be a higher death rate for the salmon

C.red elderberries will probably be ripening in summer

D.the changes of bears’ behavior could affect the entire ecosystem


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了棕熊行为的变化是受到气候变化的影响,同时棕熊行为的变化也会影响整个生态系统。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段Brown bears have stopped eating salmon(鲑鱼)in favor of elderberries after being forced to make a choice due to climate change.“由于气候变化,棕熊被迫做出选择,已经停止食用鲑鱼,而青睐于浆果。”可知,由于气候变化,棕熊现在喜欢吃浆果。故选B。 2. 词句猜测题。本句的字面意思是“你所拥有的是时间表的混乱。”再根据下一段It’s essentially like if breakfast and lunch were served at the same time and then there is nothing to eat until dinner. You have to choose between breakfast and lunch because you can only eat so much at a time.“这好比是早餐和中餐一起吃,你一次只能吃那么多,所以你只能吃一餐。”可知,此处的“时间表”指的是饮食方面。所以可以猜测出William Deacy说这句话的意思是“气候变化正在扰乱熊的饮食习惯。”,也就是熊的行为受到了气候变化的影响,与文章开头相呼应。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据第六段Biologists warned that changes caused by a warming planet were behind the bears’ unusual behavior and could affect the entire ecosystem.“生物学家警告说,由变暖的行星引起的变化是熊不寻常行为的背后原因,并可能影响整个生态系统。”可知,生物学家认为熊的这种行为是不寻常的。另外,根据文章可知这种现象又是以前没有的,所以我们可以推断出,棕熊的行为变化的这种现象是不同寻常的。故选B。 4. 细节理解题。根据第六段Biologists warned that changes caused by a warming planet were behind the bears’ unusual behavior and could affect the entire ecosystem.“生物学家警告说,由变暖的行星引起的变化是熊不寻常行为的背后原因,并可能影响整个生态系统。”然后,文章又在接下来的三段里举例说明了熊行为的变化是如何影响整个生态系统的。所以可知,这个研究发现向我们展示了:熊行为的变化可能会影响整个生态系统。故选D。

    In an effort to keep a little poetry in my life long after National Poetry Month passed, I decide to read at least one poem a day after scanning the newspaper over breakfast. Thanks to the free online poetry-in-your-inbox services, it’s been an easy resolution(解决办法)to keep.

Poem-a-Day was started during National Poetry Month in 2016, and it focuses on new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends.

Ted Kooser offers a similar service through his American Life in Poetry Series, though it’s a weekly, rather than a daily. Kooser briefly introduces each week’s poem, offering a little bit of information about the selection, the writer, and books where readers can turn to if they want more work from the featured poet.

Reading at least one poem a day has been like an intellectual vitamin, giving me a small dose(剂量)of literature even on busy days when I can’t get to the novels and non-fiction on my desk beside the bed. Another benefit has been connecting with a lot of talented poets I wouldn’t otherwise know about. Poetry being what it is, even the best talents in the style can work in relative obscurity(朦胧). Maybe the biggest benefit of reading a poem every morning has been the chance to see the familiar in new ways.

Last April, I wondered if I could remind myself to read a poem each morning. Now, deep in summer, I wonder if I could ever do without it.

1.The author intends to read a poem every morning by means of ________.

A.scanning the newspaper over breakfast

B.the free online poetry-in-your-inbox services

C.starting Poem-a-Day during National Poetry Month

D.focusing on new poems and contemporary poets on weekdays

2.What is Ted Kooser’s American Life in Poetry Series about?

A.A daily online newspaper.

B.A weekly for publishing poems.

C.A free online service for reading lovers.

D.A social online platform for poem lovers.

3.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A.The best way of reading poems.

B.The poems that the author likes best.

C.The author enjoys reading poems on busy days.

D.The benefits from reading a poem a day.

4.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that ________.

A.the author starts to love reading a poem in the morning

B.the author reminded himself to read a poem each morning

C.the author didn’t like reading poems last April

D.the author decides to give up reading poems in summer




条件和要求:1. 年龄满18岁,身体健康;

2. 擅长汉语和英语,具备一定的跨文化交际能力;

3. 具备良好的心里素质和适应能力。


生词:孔子学院 ‒ Confucius Institute 柬埔寨 ‒ Cambodia




假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及 一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Yesterday we took a 20-mile hike(远足). We set away early in the morning and all of us carried backpack with water and food. We had a great fun talking and laughing. Walked down halfway on the road, some of us were out of breath and fall behind. But we encouraged each other keep on. After near 3 hours' hard walking, I managed to get to the destination. Upon arrive, all of us fell to the ground, tired and delighted.




Meilun and Meihuan, two Chinese pandas born in the US, have been back in China. However, they have not got rid of their old habits; they still prefer American crackers(饼干)to Chinese bread, and know English 1. (well) than Chinese.

The pandas arrived at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding on Nov. 5. Meilun is vey lively, often 2. (jump) onto the roof and hanging upside down from a rail. Unlike her elder sister, Meihuan is much calmer. She prefers 3. (sit) still and observe her new environment, sometimes snacking on bamboo.

Pandas are shy with strangers and need company, 4. (explain) Luo Yunhong, a breeder at the panda base. Luo’s main worry about the pandas’ transition(过渡)is that they both love American crackers so much 5. everything they eat ‒ from bamboo to apples and even water ‒ must 6. (mix) with the crackers. To help them get used to food in China, Luo has been replacing the crackers little by little with Chinese bread.

Another problem is that Meilun and Meihuan cannot understand Sichuan dialect; only hearing 7. names can make them raise their heads. In contrast, they react 8. a number of basic words in English, such as “Come here”.

Luo has been recording the stool sample(粪便样本)and body temperatures every day, as well as 9. (provide) daily udates to the Exit-Entry and Quarantine Bureau of Chengdu. According to the officer, the sister are 10. (gradual) getting used to their new lives.



    One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a (n) _________ test. Once he handed out the test papers to all students, he asked them to begin.

Students were _________ to see that there was not a question but just a black _________ in the center of the page. The professor _________ the students' face expression and told them, ''I want you to write about what you see there. ''

The students were still puzzled but got _________ with the test. At the end of the class, the professor took all answer sheets and started _________ each answer in front of all students. All of them _________ about the black dot and tried to explain its _________ etc. After the professor finished reading the whole class was _________.

Now, the professor began to explain, ''Don't worry, I am not going to give you __________ for this but I just want you to __________ something. Here everyone focused on the black spot but no one wrote about the white paper, the __________ is with our lives. The white paper __________ our whole life and the black spot stands for the __________ in our life. Our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and __________, and we always have reasons to celebrate the good things. __________ we just focus on day to day problems like health issues, lack of money etc., but we never see these problems are very __________ compared to everything we __________ in our lives. ''

The test implies that we should try to take eyes __________ our problems and enjoy each one of our blessings. Be happy and live life __________.

1.A.easy B.amazing C.hard D.surprising

2.A.glad B.lucky C.confused D.curious

3.A.dot B.letter C.circle D.mark

4.A.guessed B.noticed C.felt D.recognized

5.A.tired B.pleased C.started D.relaxed

6.A.reading B.correcting C.explaining D.showing

7.A.knew B.described C.doubted D.worried

8.A.figure B.color C.name D.position

9.A.cheering B.laughing C.silent D.sad

10.A.answers B.grades C.blows D.words

11.A.bring in B.give up C.think about D.work out

12.A.same B.test C.result D.lesson

13.A.faces B.gives C.takes D.represents

14.A.gifts B.problems C.efforts D.footprints

15.A.attention B.devotion C.care D.warm

16.A.Still B.So C.Thus D.Though

17.A.important B.different C.meaningless D.small

18.A.do B.have C.lose D.want

19.A.away B.on C.off D.to

20.A.positively B.happily C.casually D.seriously



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