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阅读下面材料,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Olympic...


Olympic and Paralympic medals for the Tokyo 2020 Games will be made from recycled mobile phones donated by the public.

Olympic host cities have 1. (tradition) obtained the metal from mining firms. But Japan, 2. lacks its own mineral resources, is keen on taking the theme of a sustainable future a step 3. (far).

“A project which allows the people of Japan 4. (participate) in creating the medals is really good, and helps raise the environmental awareness of our citizens,” said Tokyo 2020 sports 5. (direct) Koji Murofushi. “6. the resources of our earth are limited, we need to recycle more and avoid waste. This program is setting an example ”

Collection boxes have been placed in local offices and telecom stores and they will remain there until the metal required 7. (collect).

Members of the organizing committee put forward the idea8. government officials and companies earlier this year and won their support.

As a result, the medals hanging around Olympic winners’ necks will carry even more meaning than usual. People’s personal memories, once 9. (store) in their smartphones and other handheld devices, will take the round shape of an Olympic medal, one of the most precious 10. (prize) in sport.


1.traditionally 2.which 3.further 4.to participate 5.director 6.As/Because/Since 7.is collected / has been collected 8.to 9.stored 10.prizes 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道类文章。2020年东京奥运会和残奥会的奖牌将由公众捐赠的回收手机制成。 1.考查副词。句意:奥运会主办城市通常从矿业公司获得金属。该空修饰动词obtain,应用副词。故填traditionally。 2.考查定语从句。句意:缺乏自身矿产资源的日本,热衷于将可持续未来的主题向前推进一步。___2___ lacks its own mineral resources是非限制性定语从句,修饰Japan,引导词在从句中作主语,指物,应用which引导该从句。故填which。 3.考查比较级。句意:缺乏自身矿产资源的日本,热衷于将可持续未来的主题向前推进一步。根据句意,该处应用far的比较级,表示“进一步”,应用further。故填further。 4.考查非谓语动词。句意:一个允许日本人民参与制作奖牌的项目是非常好的。allow sb. to do sth.是固定句式,意为“允许某人做某事”。故填to participate。 5.考查名词。 Koji Murofushi是2020年东京奥运会体育总监。director意为“总监”,故填director。 6.考查连词。句意:因为我们的地球资源是有限的,我们需要更多的回收和避免浪费。前后两句之间是因果关系,该空引导原因状语从句,应用because,as或since引导。故填As/Because/Since。 7.考查时态,主谓一致和语态。句意:收集箱已经被放置在当地的办公室和电信商店,它们将一直在那里,直到所需的金属被收集。until引导时间状语从句,根据“主将从现”原则,主句用一般将来时,从句应用一般现在时态或现在完成时态。且the metal和collect之间是被动关系,metal不可数,根据主谓一致原则,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填is collected / has been collected。 8.考查介词。句意:今年早些时候,组委会成员向政府官员和企业提出了这一想法,并得到了他们的支持。表示“向……提出……”,应用put forward sth. to sb.,故填to。 9.考查非谓语动词。句意:人们的个人记忆一旦储存在智能手机和其他手持设备中,就会以奥运奖牌的形式出现,奥运奖牌是体育界最珍贵的奖品之一。once是连词,引导从句,从句补充完整为“once people’s personal memories are stored in their smartphones and other handheld devices”,根据“主从句主语一致,且从句中有be,可以将从句的主语和be省略”这一原则,从句省略之后为“once stored in their smartphones and other handheld devices”,故填stored。 10.考查名词单复数。prize奖品是可数名词,one of+名词复数,故填prizes。

    A man asked why an old lady was all alone on a cruise  ship. He _______ that although she was alone, all the staff, ship’s officers, waiters and busboys, were very _______ with her. So he asked the waiters who the lady was, _______ to be told that she owned the shipping line, but all the waiters knew was that she had been on the last _______ cruises. One after the other.

As he left the dining room one evening the man _______ her eye and stopped to say hello. They chatted for a while and he asked _______ , “I heard that you’ve been on this ship for the last four cruises.” She replied, “Yes, that’s _______.”

He said, ”I don’t understand.” And she replied, without a pause, “It’s _______ than living in a nursing home. So there will be no nursing home in my future, I’m _______ on this cruise; the average ________ for a nursing home is $200 per day. Here, I can get a ________ discount and senior discount price of $135 per day. That ________ $65 a day for tips and extra cash. It works very well for me here.

I can have as many as ten meals a day of fantastic food or room ________ which means I can have breakfast in bed every day of the week. I get a free swimming pool, a workout room. Free washers and dryers, and showers every night. I get free toothpaste and free soap and shampoo. They will even ________ you like a customer, not a ________. An extra $5 worth of tips will have the entire staff hurrying to help you,

I get to ________ new people every seven or 14 days! TV broken? Light bulb needs changing? Need to have the flowers ________? No problem! They will fix everything and ________ for the inconvenience. Clean sheets and towels every day, and you don’t ever have to ________ them to do so. There is always a doctor on board. This is ________ I want to live the end of my life.

1.A.wondered B.noticed C.searched D.guessed

2.A.familiar B.serious C.isolated D.cautious

3.A.whispering B.continuing C.pretending D.expecting

4.A.two B.three C.four D.five

5.A.caught B.avoided C.missed D.scared

6.A.excitedly B.anxiously C.seriously D.curiously

7.A.wrong B.strange C.true D.funny

8.A.easier B.nearer C.fresher D.cheaper

9.A.staying B.hanging C.playing D.working

10.A.discount B.salary C.bargain D.cost

11.A.full-time B.long-term C.large-scale D.first-rate

12.A.leaves B.remains C.spends D.loses

13.A.service B.cleaning C.inspection D.charge

14.A.cure B.treat C.please D.admire

15.A.passenger B.visitor C.guest D.patient

16.A.serve B.save C.meet D.help

17.A.completed B.located C.replaced D.cut

18.A.trouble B.answer C.prepare D.apologize

19.A.ask B.recommend C.encourage D.forbid

20.A.what B.why C.how D.when



Taking off a mask

To avoid being infected with the virus, it’s important to take off the protective masks in a proper way after using it.


Depending on what you were doing with your hands before you remove your mask, you may need to wash your hands. Or you may need to remove medical gloves, wash your hands, then remove the mask.

*Remove the mask carefully.

In general, remove the mask by only touching the edges, straps, loops(环形), ties or bands. 2..

▪ Ear Loops — Use your hands to hold the ear loops and remove them from around each ear.

▪ Ties/Straps — Use your hands to untie the bottom straps first, then untie the top straps. Remove the mask while holding onto the top ties.

▪ Bands — Use your hands to bring the bottom band up and over your head, then use your hands to do the same with the top band. Remove the mask from your face while holding the top elastic band.

* Dispose of your mask safely.

Medical masks are designed to only be used once. 3..

▪ In medical settings there is most likely a garbage bin specifically for items like used masks and gloves.

▪ In a non-medical setting where the mask could be contaminated(污染), place the mask inside a plastic bag. 4..

*Wash your hands again.

Once you've disposed of the mask safely, wash your hands once more. 5.

A.Tie the plastic bag closed and then throw the plastic bag in the garbage bin.

B.You must ensure they're clean and didn't get contaminated by touching the dirty mask.

C.Check the medical mask.

D.Clean your hands.

E.Do not touch the front part of the mask which may be contaminated.

F.Therefore, when you take the mask off, place it in the trash immediately.

G.Ensure the proper side of the mask faces outwards.



    This is what's known as a 'Buddy' or Friendship Bench'. They're needed because playgrounds can be lonely places sometimes. And these benches can help pupils feeling lonely to find a friend. Benches like this have been around for a while now in some schools. But in Ireland, they are trying to do something a bit different with them.

This school in Cork in the south of Ireland is the 47th to get one from a social enterprise called Buddy Bench Ireland that doesn't just provide schools with benches, it also runs special workshops with trained child psychiatrists. They use the bench as an opportunity to start conversations about mental well-being. They talk about the importance of being aware of your feelings and those of others. The children need to understand what the bench is about, what it symbolizes friendship, listening to each other and the most important thing is to express feelings.

But do children actually use the bench? It's something an independent academic study has been looking at. We found that 40% of the children told us that they had actually used the benches at the time of the study. And over 90% said that they would talk to a child if that child was sitting on the bench. So, certainly there doesn't appear to be any issues around whether they are properly used. Children's mental health at school is increasingly a concern in many countries. Buddy Bench Ireland is hoping these benches will not only handle issues like social isolation and bullying but also give a future generation the confidence to open up about their feelings. Therefore, they are attempting to make the bench gain high popularity in Ireland schools in a larger scale.

1.Why the school in Cork in the south of Ireland uses the bench?

A.To help children with psychological problems fully recover.

B.To replace the old benches in school.

C.To cut the cost of school's facility.

D.To start conversations about mental well-being.

2.What makes the bench work in Ireland schools?

A.Teachers and parents encourage children to try it.

B.All the children understand what the bench is about.

C.Most children are willing to express feelings.

D.The bench helps children get rid of loneliness.

3.What will Buddy Bench Ireland expect of the bench?

A.It will deal with social isolation and bullying completely.

B.It will motivate a future generation to bravely convey their feelings.

C.It will make children prefer the bench to old one.

D.It will appeal to more students to sit on it.

4.In your opinion, what content will be covered in the following paragraph ?

A.The reasons for the popularity of the bench.

B.The importance of being aware of students’ mental well-being.

C.The concrete approaches to promoting the use of the bench in more schools.

D.The ways to make the bench function effectively.



    Battling freezing temperatures, total darkness, and other dangerous flying conditions, a plane left the South Pole on Wednesday after rescuing a sick worker from a U.S. research base. After the patient and flight crew rest , the plane will make its way to South America , where the patient will receive medical care .

The daring rescue mission(任务)began last week when two planes flew from Canada to Rothera, a British base on the Antarctic Peninsula. On Tuesday, just one of the planes left Rothera on a 10-hour trip to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, where the sick worker was located.

The station is usually unreachable during Antarctica's long winter, from February to October. Forty-eight people live at the base, including a doctor and a physician's assistant. But when the crew there determined the worker needed medical help that couldn't be provided on site, the emergency rescue mission began.

A small crew, including a pilot, co-pilot, medical worker, and flight engineer, made the 1, 500-mile trip from Rothera in a Twin Otter plane. It is the only type of plane capable of flying in Antarctica's winter cold. It can operate in temperatures as low as-103F. The temperature in the South Pole on Tuesday was -73F . In such conditions, an aircraft's fuel and even its batteries need to be warmed up before it can take off.

The pitch-black sky and the threat of high winds and sudden weather changes make such flights extremely risky and rare. This rescue is only the third time an emergency mission has been made to the research base since 1999. The National Science Foundation, which runs the station, has not said who was rescued, or the medical condition of the person. The names of the crew members who made the daring flight have not been made public either . But according to Peter West, a National Science Foundation spokesman, the mission “went all according to plan”.

1.Why did the plane fly to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station?

A.To do scientific research. B.To transport medicine

C.To rescue a sick worker. D.To supply necessities.

2.What do we know about the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station?

A.It is a British research base .

B.It is a US research base.

C.It is a ten-hour flight from Canada .

D.It is a medical centre on the Antarctic Peninsula.

3.From the third paragraph we can infer          .

A.the doctor there is not experienced B.the base is lack of medicine

C.the patient asked to be taken back D.the patient was seriously ill

4.What could be the best title for the passage?

A.A daring rescue B.An interesting flight

C.Flying to Antarctic D.Patient receives medical care



    Deciding to get her money's worth out of the wedding dress on which she spent over $1,000, an Australian woman has been wearing her wedding dress, a year after her wedding.

43-year-old Tammy Hall adopted a new lifestyle-anti-consumerism (反消费主义) lifestyle in 2016, after a trip to India opened her eyes to how much we as a society consumed. She decided not to buy any new clothes or footwear for a whole year after she returned home to Adelaide, in Southern Australia, and she managed to make it.

But last year, as her wedding day approached, she faced a dilemma. She wanted to look good on the most important day of her life, but how could she spend a small fortune on the wedding dress she would only wear on that day?

"In the end I decided that if I was going to get a wedding dress, I'd make sure I could get my money's worth," Hall tells PA Real Life.

"The first time I wore it after the wedding was to vote in the Australian election in early 2019," the 43-year-old adds. "Since then, it's been to all sorts of places. Wearing it on a crowded train was especially funny, but I've worn it to do housework, to football games and to the gym."

Hall says that she has gotten some strange looks from people, but no irritating comments. It may have something to do with the fact that the dress is not the fanciest, but she believes people are just too reserved to say anything. Anyway, she doesn't really care, because she knows she has to hit the goal she has set and wearing the dress multiple times is the most reasonable way she could think of to make the most of her wedding dress.

Hall now plans to wear her wedding dress on a trip to Iceland that she and her partner will take next summer.

1.Why did Tammy Hall adopt a new lifestyle?

A.To adapt herself to Indian life. B.To cut down her consumption.

C.To save money for her next trip. D.To get prepared for her wedding.

2.What did Tammy Hall do to get her money's worth out of her wedding dress?

A.She brought fun to people with it. B.She tried to wear it to earn money.

C.She wore it repeatedly in daily life. D.She got it exchanged again and again.

3.Which of the following best explains the word "irritating" underlined in paragraph 6?

A.Thrilling. B.Annoying.

C.Amusing. D.Confusing.

4.What can we infer about Tammy Hall?

A.She is determined to turn her ideas into practice.

B.She values her wedding dress less than her trips.

C.She has been struggling to make the ends meet.

D.She has influenced people's lifestyle widely.



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