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84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff 1...

84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

192 pages. Little Brown UK via LBS. $ 10.36

Hanff was in search of classic British literature titles that she had been unable to find in New York City when she noticed an ad in The Saturday Review of Literature. She first contacted the shop in 1949 and it fell to Doel to fulfil her requests. In time, a long-distance friendship developed in the form of twenty-year correspondence(通信)between the two and between Hanff and other staff members as well, with an exchange of Christmas packages, birthday gifts and food parcels to help with the post-World War II food shortages in Britain.

Fool by Christopher Moore

311 pages. William Morrow. $26.99

In Fool Christopher Moore takes on Shakespeare, with a retelling of “King Lear” through the eyes of Lear's fool named Pocket. The plot and cast of characters are borrowed more or less from the original, with several Mooreian additions-a second fool, named Drool, and a refrain (叠句)that could come in handy for any adapter of Shakespeare, “There's always a bloody ghost”.

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

372 pages. Bloomsbury. $24.93

Mariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry rough Rasheed, who is thirty years her senior. Nearly two decades later, in a climate of growing unrest, tragedy strikes fifteen-year-old Laila, who must leave her home and join Mariam's unhappy household. Laila and Mariam are to find comfort in each other to struggle against starvation, cruelty and fear in a desperate life. Their friendship grows as deep as the bond between sisters and as strong as the ties between mother and daughter.

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

541 pages. Knopf. $26.95

Like his main character, Marion Stone, Abraham Verghese is a doctor born in Ethiopia who immigrated to the United States. Marion and his twin brother, Shiva, were left alone at birth when their mother died, and their father, a doctor, disappeared. Fleeing an act of political violence, Marion lands in New York, at a charity hospital called Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, where the events that happen force him to face his past.

1.Which two books mainly focus on friendship?

A.Fool and Cutting for Stone .

B.84, Charing Cross Road and Fool.

C.Cutting for Stone and A Thousand Splendid Suns.

D.84, Charing Cross Road and A Thousand Splendid Suns.

2.Which book is the best choice to learn more about “King Lear”?

A.84, Charing Cross Road. B.Fool.

C.A Thousand Splendid Suns. D.Cutting for Stone.

3.What do we know about Shiva from the passage?

A.He is Mariam's husband. B.He is Laila's mother.

C.He is Verghese’s twin brother. D.He is Marin's twin brother.

4.What can we know from the passage?

A.Cutting for Stone is published by William Morrow.

B.Abraham Verghese was not born in the U. S. A.

C.A Thousand Splendid Suns is a book about history.

D.Fool is the thinnest book and costs the most.


1.D 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了四本书的主要内容。 1. 细节理解题。由84, Charing Gross Road by Helene Hanff部分中的“a long-distance friendship developed”以及A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini部分中的“Their friendship grows…”可知,这两本书的主题都主要集中在“友谊”上。故选D项。 2. 细节理解题。由题干中的“King Lear”可以定位到Fool这本书,由该部分的with a retelling of “King Lear” through the eyes of Lear’s fool named Pocket可知,如果想了解有关李尔王的更多信息,则可以选择此书。故选B项。 3. 细节理解题。根据Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese部分中的“Marion and his twin brother, Shiva”可知,Shiva是Marion的孪生兄弟。故选D项。 4. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Abraham Verghese is a doctor born in Ethiopia who immigrated to the United States”可知,Abraham Verghese出生于埃塞俄比亚,后来移民到了美国。故选B项。











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Passing exams are every student's dream. Fail them is their frightening dream. So, to realize our dreams, many students try anything. They even go to fortunetellers, buy lucky charms and follow lots of old custom. In Korea, many students bury something personal in the university they want to enter. They believed that those things are amazing and will “pull" them into the university. If it works or not, nobody real knows. At least it does ease the students' minds about passing exams. Remembering, though, you can't always rely luck. There is no substitute for a hard work.




The hurricane happened so quickly. I was siting in my room with my cat, Smartie, on my lap,1. the roof just flew off. All of2. sudden, there was sky where the roof had been. The rain was coming down hard and fast. Our street turned into a river in3. ( second).

At first, I was4. ( please) we could stay at home, but soon it got really tough. Without a roof, staying inside was too dangerous. We just had drinking water that was sent5. us by helicopter, but it was never enough. I just6.(spend ) the days watching the boats going up and down the street and Smarie had disappeared the moment the storm hit.

Living in the open air, we became breakfastlunch and dinner for the mosquitos. But Mom encouraged us7.(see) the good side of things. We had lost our home and every thingincluding Smartie.

Although it was only a few days before we8. ( rescue), it felt like months. We were taken to another town. Thankfully, Smartie came home just in time.

Now, one year has passed and I'm back home in New Orleans. We have enough confidence to rebuild our homes and our lives. Now we can9. ( peaceful) watch the stars of New Orleans, their beauty inspiring us and giving us10. ( strong) to move on.



    Julie Morgan and her husband, Rich, had planned a trip from their home in Indianapolis to Battle Creek, Michigan, for her 56th birthday. The couple used to live in Battle Creek, and would_______ eat at Steve's Pizza despite money being_______. "It's just the best pizza, and we've never had anything as_______ "Julie Morgan said. "We'd try new pizza as a whole family and_______ it against Steve's."

But their trip was_______ when Rich ended up in the ICU where he was told that his_______ with cancer was coming to an end and he had days, maybe weeks, left to______. Without telling the couple, Julie's father, David Dalke, _______ called Steve's and spoke to the manager to explain the_______, hoping to get a letter, text or some kind of________.

But manager Dalton Shaffer went above and beyond telling them he would________the pizzas to Indianapolis, even though Steve's Pizza doesn't normally________ . “I just wanted to do that for them," he said. “I just wanted to make them________.”

Just after the pizza shop________ at 10:15 p. m., Shaffer drove 225 miles, making it into Indianapolis with two pizzas at 2:30a. m.where he was________ by the Morgans' children, and Julie's father. “It was almost like he was just making a delivery across________,”Dalke said. He offered to put Dalton up for the________in a hotel, but he________ and immediately left for the return trip home because he had to work the next day.

“Dalton brought our family so much joy—and the best________ in the world—at a really________time,” Ms Morgan said.

1.A.briefly B.simply C.regularly D.occasionally

2.A.tight B.loose C.valuable D.abundant

3.A.rare B.good C.cheap D.pretty

4.A.pay B.taste C.weigh D.measure

5.A.listed B.arranged C.realized D.interrupted

6.A.bond B.battle C.relation D.treatment

7.A.live B.work C.relax D.remain

8.A.secretly B.abruptly C.casually D.immediately

9.A.deal B.error C.crisis D.situation

10.A.follow-ups B.well-wishes C.feedback D.reward

11.A.send B.report C.drive D.promise

12.A.mind B.advertise C.order D.deliver

13.A.happy B.surprised C.certain D.reunited

14.A.opened B.paused C.closed D.delayed

15.A.expected B.attended C.greeted D.admitted

16.A.town B.border C.forest D.country

17.A.week B.night C.trouble D.effort

18.A.lied B.hesitated C.refused D.forgave

19.A.news B.pizza C.award D.medicine

20.A.late B.accurate C.joyful D.difficult



    Going to work every day can be a very stressful and frustrating situation when you're dealing with a difficult co-worker.1. Learn how to effectively handle a problem-causing co-worker in order to maintain your sanity and your work productivity.

2. People often act out in order to receive attention from others. A co-worker with a bad attitude may feel like no one ever listens to her. Listen intently to what your co-worker says, and make a point to show her that you are concentrating on what she is saying with occasional nods and questions.

Change your scenery for a few minutes. Work days can be tiring and long. Sometimes, all you might need is a slight, temporary change in scenery.3. Either go for a five-minute outdoor walk or sit in the company lounge by yourself with a hot cup of coffee. Refresh yourself so you may be able to come back to your Co-worker with a better state of mind.

Communicate with your co-worker. Understand that if you do not voice your concerns to your co-worker, it is unlikely that she will ever change. After all, she may not even know that a problem exists. If you are unable to confront your co-worker, just politely ask her to have a chat, openly talking to her about what is bothering you. Ask her if you do anything to bother her, as well.4.

Treat your co-worker as nicely as possible. When someone is treating you kindly, it can become significantly more difficult to treat her badly in return.5. She may even feel guilty about her mistreatment of you and change her behavior.

A.Follow her ideas if possible.

B.Lend an ear to your co-worker.

C.Speak to your co-worker in a kind way.

D.Find out the good things in your co-worker.

E.Take quick "time outs" every couple of hours.

F.Without proper action, things might tum into a mess.

G.Ty to come up with a solution that both of you can handle.



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