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听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.What has happened to S...


1.What has happened to South Howe Broch?

A.It has completely disappeared.

B.It has been falling into the sea.

C.It has been protected by a sea wall.

2.Which of the following sites has been badly affected by severe weather events?

A.Midhowe Broch. B.The Orkney Islands. C.The University of the Highlands and Islands.

3.Which period does the Midhowe Broch belong to?

A.The Iron Age. B.Viking rule. C.The Middle Ages.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Climate has greatly changed in Scotland.

B.Climate change threatens Scottish historical structures.

C.Ancient British structures remain after severe climate change.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 Historians are warning that some ancient British structures are being threatened by climate change. One of the most affected places is around the Orkney Islands, which are off the northern coast of Scotland. The area is home to more than 3,000 historical places. But, the islands have been seriously affected by severe weather events in recent years. Some structures on the islands were built during the Iron Age, Viking rule and the Middle Ages. Experts say that about 1,000 historical sites are under threat. One of them is the Iron Age building South Howe Broch on the island of Rousay. Now, its main wall has started falling into the sea. Julie Gibson is with the University of the Highlands and Islands. She fears the whole structure will one day completely disappear. A few hundred meters away from South Howe Broch is Midhowe Broch. This Iron Age building is still in good condition because it has been protected by a sea wall built in the 1930s. But experts say even this site faces risks if climate conditions continue to worsen. It is reported that the average rainfall has risen 27 percent in Scotland since the early 1960s. This increases the chances of water entering deeply into structures and causing damage. Over time, such damage can cause structural collapse.


1.What might be responsible for Alice's headache?

A.Lack of sleep. B.Tiredness. C.Stress.

2.What does Alice probably do?

A.She's a student. B.She's a housewife. C.She's an employee.

3.What's the man's suggestion to the woman?

A.Changing her job. B.Forgetting her to-do-list. C.Relaxing herself with what she likes.




1.What does the man want to do?

A.Open a credit card account. B.Check his credit report. C.Pay off credit card debt.

2.How many valid credit cards does the man have now?

A.None. B.One C.Five.

3.What caused the man's problem?

A.He had unpaid debts. B.He was unable to pay. C.He failed to pay on time.




1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a library. B.In a bookshop. C.In a supermarket.

2.How can people find the books they want?

A.By checking the online catalogue.

B.By searching books on the phone.

C.By putting in author names online.

3.In what situation will the man get charged?

A.When he borrows the books without his ID card.

B.When he doesn't have the membership card.

C.When he keeps the books without renewing them.




1.Why has the flight been canceled?

A.The weather of the day is awful.

B.Something is wrong with the plane.

C.The airport is closed for emergency.

2.What does the man think of the woman's second option?

A.Acceptable. B.Ambiguous. C.Unreasonable.



How far is the shop?

A.Two blocks away. B.Three blocks away. C.Four blocks away.



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