满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,便之构成一个完整的故事。 One day, ...


One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself: “Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd (书呆子).”

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, he said, “thanks!” There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. We talked all the way home, and I carried his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. The more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him.

Over next four years, Kyle and I became the best friends. When we were seniors, he had the highest marks in the class and was chosen to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a lot, and I was so glad it wasn’t me having to get up there and speak.

Graduation day, I saw Kyle. I said, “Hey, big guy, you’ll be great!” He looked at me with one of those looks, the really grateful one, and said “Thanks,” smiling.

As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. “Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give him or her. I am going to tell you a story.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.


Paragraph 2:

I smiled back in tears.



I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. Kyle had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn’t have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. Meanwhile, I found he looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. “Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable.” I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. When his eyes caught mine, I was able to see tears shimmered in his smiling eyes. I smiled back in tears. Not until that moment did I realize what big difference one small gesture had made to him. I even saw his Mom and Dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. It dawned on me that never should we underestimate the power of our actions. With one small gesture we can change a person’s life. For better or for worse. 【解析】 本文是一篇读后续写。要求考生就所给故事续写150字的文章, 使之成为一个完整的故事。 前文主要讲作者上高中时,有一天看到了同班的凯尔带着所有的书回家。一群孩子将凯尔撞倒在地。作者跑过去,帮助凯尔把书和眼镜捡了起来。后来两个人成了好朋友。毕业典礼的时候,凯尔被选去做毕业典礼演讲。他在演讲时,要给大家讲一个故事。那么,下文中,首先要接着叙述凯尔讲的故事。根据所给关键词sadness,smile,grateful可以推知,这个故事肯定和作者有关系,并且这件事让Karl对作者心存感激,对他的高中生活有很大的影响。最后,作者应该叙述自己听到凯尔讲的故事之后的感受。 【高分句型1】 It was not until that moment that I realized how much a small gesture had affected him. 直到那一刻,我才意识到一个小小的举动对他的影响有多大。本句使用了强调句型。 【高分句型2】 This handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment, which made the crowd amazing. 这位英俊、受欢迎的男孩向我们讲述了他最脆弱的时刻,这让观众们惊叹不已。本句使用了which引导的非限定性定语从句。  








My fellow students,


Li Hua




“The coronavirus may never go away”, 1. World Health Organization (WHO) has warned. 2. (speak) at a briefing on Wednesday, WHO emergencies director Dr Mike Ryan warned against trying to predict when the virus would disappear. He added, “controlling the virus is hard, 3.will require a massive effort”. Almost 300,000 people worldwide are reported4. (die) of coronavirus, and more than 4.3 million cases recorded. “It is important to put this on the table: this virus may never go away,” Dr Ryan told the virtual press conference. “HIV has not gone away--5.we have come to terms with the virus.” Dr Ryan then said he doesn't believe “anyone can predict when this disease will disappear”.

There are6.(current) more than 100 potential vaccines in development, but Dr Ryan noted there are other illnesses, such as measles (麻疹), that still 7.(eliminate) so far despite there being vaccines for them. WHO Director-General stressed8. was still possible to control the virus, with effort. We need to get into the mindset that it is going to take some time9.(come) out of this pandemic(大流行病). “Many countries would like to get out of the different measures,” the WHO boss said. “But our recommendation is still the alert at any country should be10.the highest level possible.”



    I have been through the _______ of poverty and sickness. When people ask me what has kept me going through the troubles that come to all of us, I _______ reply: “I stood yesterday. I can stand today. And I will not permit myself to think about what might happen tomorrow.”

I have known want and struggle and anxiety and despair. I have always had to work beyond the _______ of my strength. As I look back upon my life, I see it as a battlefield strewn with the wrecks of _______ dreams and broken hopes and shattered illusions.

Yet I have no pity for myself; no tears to shed over the past and gone sorrows; no envy for the women who have been _______ all I have gone through. For I have lived. They only _______.

I have drunk the cup of life down to its very dregs(残渣). They have only sipped the bubbles on top of it. I know things they will never know. I see things _______ they are blind.

It is only the women whose eyes have been _______ clear with tears who get the broad vision _______ makes them little sisters to all the world.

I have learned in the great University of Hard Knocks a(an) ________ that no woman who has had an easy life ever acquires. I have learned to live each day ________ it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading the morrow. It is the ________ menace(威胁)of the future that makes cowards of us. I put that ________ from me because experience has taught me that when the time comes that I so fear, the strength and wisdom to meet it will be given me.

I have learned not to ________ too much of people, and so I can still get happiness out of the friend who isn’t quite true to me or the acquaintance who ________. ________, I have acquired a sense of humour, because there were so many things over which I had either to cry or laugh. And when a woman can joke ________ her troubles instead of having hysterics(歇斯底里), nothing can ever hurt her much again.

I do not ________ the hardships I have known, because through them I have touched life ________ I have lived. And it was worth the ________ I had to pay.

1.A.widths B.depths C.lengths D.dimensions

2.A.sometimes B.nearly C.always D.punctually

3.A.limit B.limitation C.boundary D.power

4.A.injured B.slipped C.living D.dead

5.A.spread B.freed C.spared D.avoided

6.A.breathed B.stood C.existed D.appeared

7.A.to which B.at which C.for which D.in which

8.A.rushed B.washed C.brushed D.cleaned

9.A.what B.who C.which D.that

10.A.idea B.system C.competence D.philosophy

11.A.as B.when C.how D.why

12.A.sharp B.dark C.good D.plain

13.A.hatred B.threat C.dread D.competence

14.A.expect B.remind C.anticipate D.require

15.A.favors B.gossips C.sacrifices D.boasts

16.A.After all B.Besides C.Therefore D.Above all

17.A.beyond B.for C.on D.over

18.A.forget B.reserve C.regret D.addict

19.A.up to date B.at every point C.in every place D.all the round

20.A.price B.value C.bill D.hardships




Are leaders born or made? Many leaders throughout history-such as Gandhi, Churchill, Napoleon, and Martin Luther King-seem to have a special quality that made them powerful and persuasive. We can identify that quality as charisma, but can we explain it?

Charisma means a natural ability to attract other people and make them admire you. It is a complex mixture of social and emotional (情感的) skills. 1.Richard Wiseman, a famous psychologist, points out that there are three key qualities of a charismatic person: they feel their own emotions strongly; they inspire strong emotions in other people; and they are unaffected by the influences of other charismatic people.

You needn’ t worry if you don’ t have these qualities.2. Wiseman says that when you come upon someone who is charismatic, you can copy his or her body language and facial expressions without realizing it. This is called mirroring, and it works partly because people’ s behavior influences their emotions. 3. He proves his point by giving the example of smiling back at someone who smiled at you. Your smiling back suggests that you accept the goodwill from the other person and hope to give it back to him.

4. For example, if you stand up straight and raise your chest, you are more likely to feel confident and inspire others to feel confidence in you. Another expert says that the most charismatic people are usually good listeners. They give others the impression of being focused and modest.

Charisma plays a large part in success because it is linked to self-confidence. 5.  One successful leadership coach points out that you need to come by your skills and techniques naturally, she warns-if the personality you project is not real, you may come across as insincere.

A.This type of physical presence can be used to great effect.

B.Today there is growing evidence that charisma can be learned.

C.Charismatic persons should be active and sensitive to their surroundings.

D.It needs to be recognized that charisma is more than just being positive.

E.It helps to make strong personal connections and communicate effectively with others.

F.But it is worth noting that charisma can’ t be a pretended ability although it can be learned.

G.He adds you’ re unaware of picking up others’ gestures, but you know it makes you feel good.



    Monday dawned warm and rainless. Aurelio Escovar, a dentist without a degree, opened his office at six. When he had a handful of is instruments arranged on the table, he sat down to polish the false teeth. He seemed not to be thinking about what he was doing, but worked steadily.

The sharp voice of his eleven-year-old son interrupted his concentration.



“The Mayor wants to know if you'll pull his tooth.”

“ Tell him I'm not here.”

He was polishing a gold tooth. He held it at arm's length, and examined it with his eyes half closed. His son shouted again from the little waiting room.

“He says you are, too, because he can hear you.”

The dentist kept examining the tooth. Only when he had put it on the table with the finished work did he say, “So much the better.” He took several pieces of a bridge out of a cardboard box where he kept the things he still had to do and began to polish the gold.


“What? He still hadn't changed his expression.

“He says if you don't take out his tooth, he'll shoot you.”

Without hurrying, with an extremely calm movement, he stopped his work and pulled the lower drawer of the table all the way out. There was a revolver (左轮手枪). “OK,” he said. “Tell him to come and shoot me.” He rolled the chair over opposite the door, his hand resting on the edge of the drawer.

The Mayor appeared at the door. He had shaved the left side of his face, but the other side, swollen and in pain, had a five-day-old beard.

The dentist saw many nights of desperation in his dull eyes. He closed the drawer with his fingertips and said softy, “'Sit down.”

“Good morning,” said the Mayor.

“Morning,” said the dentist.

While the instruments were boiling, the Mayor leaned his head on the headrest of the chair and felt better. His breath was icy. When he felt the dentist approach, the Mayor held his breath and opened his mouth.

Aurelio Escovar turned his bead toward the light. After inspecting the infected tooth, he closed the Mayor's jaw with a cautious pressure of his fingers. “It has to be without anesthesia (麻醉),” he said.


“Because you have an abscess (脓肿).”

The Mayor looked him in the eye. “All right,” he said, and tried to smile.

The dentist did not return the smile. He did all the preparation work without looking at the Mayor.

It was a lower wisdom tooth. The dentist spread his feet and grasped the tooth with the hot forceps (钳子). The Mayor seized the arms of the chair with all his strength. The dentist moved only his wrist. Without rancor (怨恨) rather with a bitter tenderness he said, “Now you'll pay for our twenty dead men.”

The Mayor felt the great pain in his jaw, and his eyes filled with tears. But he didn't breathe until he felt the tooth come out. Then he saw it through his tears. It seemed so foreign to his pain that he filed to understand his torture of the five previous nights.

The dentist gave him a clean cloth. “Dry your tears,” he said.

The Mayor did. He was trembling. While the dentist washed his hands, he saw the shabby ceiling and a dusty spider web with spider's eggs and dead insects.

The dentist returned, drying his hands. “Go to bed,” he said, “and gargle (漱口) with salt water.”

The Mayor stood up, said goodbye with a casual military solute, and walked toward the door, stretching his legs.

“Send the bill, he said.

“To you or the town?”

The Mayor didn't look at him. He closed the door.

1.Why did the dentist say he was not there (Para 6) when the Mayor wanted to have his tooth pulled?

A.Because he was only a dentist without a degree.

B.Because he was unwilling to treat the Mayor.

C.Because he was too busy to attend to the Mayor.

D.Because he was still polishing the Mayor's gold tooth.

2.What does the underlined sentence “He says if you don’t take out his tooth, he’ll shoot you.” imply?

A.The Mayor had a gun in secret. B.The Mayor was scaring the dentist's son.

C.The Mayor used to hate the dentist. D.The Mayor had absolute power in this town.

3.Which of the following statements is actually a lie?

A.There was a real revolver in the lower drawer of the dentist's table.

B.The Mayor didn't shave the right side of his face because of the toothache.

C.A lower wisdom tooth on the right side had given the Mayor a lot of pain for several days.

D.The dentist couldn't but pull the Mayor's tooth without anesthesia because of an abscess.

4.What kind of person is Aurelio Eascover according to the passage?

A.A humorous dentist in a small town. B.A skilled murderer in a dentist's clothing.

C.An ordinary citizen with a strong sense of justice. D.A brave hero in support of the government.



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