满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The cub(幼兽)learned quickly. If he met mo...

    The cub(幼兽)learned quickly. If he met mother hen he would become angry, remembering the pecks on his nose from his first day out of a cave.

Famine came again and for a while, neither mother or cub had anything to eat. Then one day, She-wolf brought home some meat! It was strange stuff, different from anything the cub had smelled or tasted before. And it was for him! Little could he know that his mother had taken the left fork by the stream, by the lair of the lynx(山猫巢穴), and stolen kitten. As he finished his meal, he heard his mother snarling(咆哮)in strange and terrible way. He shivered with fear.

The lynx was mad with anger at the loss of her child and she had tracked She-wolf to her cave.

In the glare of the afternoon light, the lynx crouched at the cave entrance. A coarse scream left no doubt what she meant to do. The cub and his mother were trapped!

The lynx threw herself inside the cave, and She-wolf leaped upon her.

Snarling and howling, the two mothers fought like crazy, the lynx pulling and tearing with her teeth and claws, She-wolf using her teeth alone.

Seeing his mother in such danger, the cub sank his teeth into the wild cat’s leg. Although he didn’t know it, this is probably what saved their lives. The lynx beat at the cub, tearing his shoulder, but he had slowed her down. After a brief, cruel fight, She-wolf put an end to her once and for all.

They had won, but at a price.

The cub licked his mother’s wounds. He knew she was weak and sick. For a week she never left the cave.

Then at last, her strength returned and she was ready to hunt again. This time, the cub went with her. She-wolf noticed a change in her child. He had complete faith in himself from their victory over the lynx. They had fought a wild cat and lived!

The cub now knew another law of the wild-eat or to be eaten: kill or to be killed.

1.What can be inferred about the cub from Paragraph 1 and 2?

A.A mother hen once attacked him.

B.He shared the meat with She-wolf.

C.The cub didn’t like the strange meat.

D.He could obtain meat secretly.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “crouched” in Paragraph 4?

A.Fought. B.Tracked. C.Hid. D.Trapped.

3.What mostly helped She-wolf and the cub win the fight against the lynx?

A.The lynx fighting with her teeth and claws.

B.The cub biting into the leg of the lynx.

C.The three being wounded seriously.

D.She-wolf using her sharp teeth.

4.What did the cub get from the victory?

A.Carefulness. B.Strength. C.Friendship. D.Confidence.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。母狼幼崽和它母亲共同力战寻仇而来的山猫,最终取得了胜利。幼崽由此体会到了丛林的生存法则:吃或被吃,杀或被杀。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段“...remembering the pecks on his nose from his first day out of a cave.”如果他遇到母鸡,他会生气的,想起他第一天从山洞里出来时鼻子上的啄痕。可推知,幼崽曾经被母鸡袭击过,故选A项。 2. 词义猜测题。根据第四段最后一句“The cub and his mother were trapped!”可知,幼崽和它的母亲被困在了洞里,说明the lynx(山猫)藏在洞穴入口等待母狼和它的幼崽,所以“crouched”的意思是“躲藏”。故选C项。 3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第五段“Seeing his mother in such danger, the cub sank his teeth into the wild cat’s leg. Although he didn’t’ know it, this is probably what saved their lives.”可知,幼崽看到母亲处于如此危险的境地,就咬住了山猫的腿。这招可能救了它和它母亲的命,所以是幼崽咬了山猫的腿帮助它们赢得这场战斗。故选B项。 4. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“She-wolf noticed change in her child. He had complete faith in himself from their victory over the lynx.”可知,幼崽从对山猫的胜利中赢得了对自己的信心,故选D项。

    Rainforest is scattered along Australia’s east coast in western Tasmania, and small pockets across north Australia from Cape York to the Kimberley. Most of Australia’s rainforest-over million hectares -is in Queensland.

Where can see rainforest?

You can see rainforest in many national parks in Queensland. Some parks have facilities for bushwalking; others are suitable only for experienced walkers. If you would like to know more about rainforest, check with your local Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service Office.

Threats to survival

Weeds, fire, wild animals(pigs, dogs and cats), clearing for residential development, and visitor pressures(eg. littering)threaten remaining rainforest biodiversity.

Fragmented rainforest is particularly under threat. Private landholders who have rainforest habitat on their property can help conserve this special ecosystem and the many plant and animal species living within it.

How you can help

Stay on walking tracks. Delicate ground cover plants are easily trampled.

Clean your boots beforehand to avoid introducing soil virus.

Remember, everything is protected. Don’t pick, break or remove any plants.

Don’t feed native animals. Feeding is harmful and may lead to aggressive behavior.

Leave the rainforest as you found it. Take your rubbish home with you. Buried rubbish uncovered by forest animals can harm them.

Leave your pets at home. They are not allowed in national parks and can chase, scare and kill animals.

If you camp within the park disturb the forest floor as little as possible. Don’t cut trees for tent poles or clear plants around your campsite.

Only use fuel stoves when cooking in rainforests Nutrient recycling is critical in a rainforest so gathering leaf litter and dead branches for fires can cause damage.

Don’t use soap, toothpaste, sunscreen or detergent in waterways. They pollute the water and harm aquatic animals.

1.How can you appreciate the rainforest in Queensland?

A.By building facilities in the national parks.

B.By accumulating experience of walking.

C.By bushwalking in the national parks.

D.By checking with the local people.

2.Which of the following contributes to the conservation if you are in the rainforest?

A.Gathering dead branches for firewood.

B.Cleaning your boots while walking.

C.Burying rubbish in the rainforest.

D.Keeping on the paths.

3.What is forbidden in the rainforest?



C.Walking your dog.

D.Washing your hands.




1.What caused the number of black bears to decrease?

A.The fires. B.The pollution. C.The lack of food.

2.Where will the students have these trips?

A.In a museum. B.In a park. C.In a zoo.

3.When can the students have Trip 2?

A.On July 8. B.On July 15. C.On July 22.

4.What should students take in Trip 2?

A.A backpack. B.A warm coat. C.A bright-colored hat.




1.Where did the man go to college?

A.In England. B.In America. C.In Canada.

2.How old was the man most probably when he began to teach in a school?

A.35 years old. B.30 years old. C.25 years old.

3.What did the man write when he first began writing?

A.Popular books.

B.Poems for magazines.

C.Articles for newspapers.

4.What does the woman do?

A.A reporter. B.A teacher. C.A writer.




1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Friends. B.Couples. C.Neighbors.

2.Why does the woman want to have garden?

A.To fit in with others.

B.To have parties in the garden.

C.To make their house look better.

3.What flowers does the woman choose?

A.Lilies. B.Roses. C.Sunflowers.




1.What does the woman think of herself?

A.She has a weight problem.

B.She will join a fitness center.

C.She has a big income.

2.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Do yoga at home.

B.Watch free movies online.

C.Keep running outside every day.



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