满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It's graduation season, and I think of F...

    It's graduation season, and I think of Fran, a student years ago. She worked hard, but she _______. So I tutored Fran during lunches, but then, she stopped _______. I asked why she no longer came. She said, "It's no use. I'm not going to college _______ Mum says I'd go to trade school and work."

"Is that what you want?" I asked. She looked up and the _______ in her eyes shook me.

_______, I didn't know what to say. Platitudes(陈词滥调)about the value of college seemed _______ at the moment. So I turned to _______. "Fran, you must pass my class. So, I am _______ you at lunch time tomorrow. No _______.”

She nodded and walked away.

When Fran ________ turned up, I said, "You can go to ________ if you want to. You're getting much better at writing." But she kept ________. I wasn't getting through to her. After reflection, I changed my ________. Instead of insisting she consider college, I helped her ________ what college would be like.

At graduation, I watched proudly as she marched ________ the stage. After the ceremony, I ________ to congratulate several students. Fran rushed to me “Mr Jackson, I thank you for ________ me. I wanted badly to go to college, but no one told me I could except you. Now I made it."

I was so ________ of Fran at that moment and it often ________ me of why we do what we do. Schools should be places where students discover they have options and ________ their options. That is why we're here.

1.A.improved B.struggled C.withdrew D.conflicted

2.A.showing up B.moving off C.coming up D.dropping by

3.A.anyway B.otherwise C.instead D.yet

4.A.enthusiasm B.pity C.pain D.flames

5.A.Surprisingly B.Generally C.Honestly D.Strangely

6.A.vague B.practical C.natural D.empty

7.A.authority B.argument C.standard D.consensus

8.A.requiring B.instructing C.expecting D.checking

9.A.explanation B.excuse C.escape D.way

10.A.dutifully B.consistently C.cheerfully D.accidentally

11.A.work B.class C.school D.college

12.A.calm B.silent C.clumsy D.still

13.A.approach B.attitude C.decision D.principle

14.A.relate B.experience C.picture D.reflect

15.A.through B.across C.over D.beyond

16.A.turned around B.looked on C.held back D.stuck around

17.A.choosing B.trusting C.comforting D.persuading

18.A.confident B.certain C.thoughtful D.proud

19.A.informs B.warns C.reminds D.convinces

20.A.transform B.simplify C.share D.expand


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者鼓励一个学生坚持学习并上大学的故事。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她努力学习,但是学得很吃力。A. improved提高,改善;B. struggled挣扎;C. withdrew撤退;D. conflicted冲突。根据转折词“but”及下一句“So I tutored Fran during lunches”可知,此处指她学的“吃力”。故选B项。 2. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:所以我在午饭期间也辅导Fran,但后来,她没有出现。A. showing up出现,露面;B. moving off动身离开;C. coming up走进,上来;D. dropping by顺便拜访。根据下一句“I asked why she no longer came.”可知,此处指她没再“出现”。故选A项。 3. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她说:“它没有用。无论如何我也不会去上大学。妈妈说我会上贸易学校然后工作。”A. anyway无论如何,不管怎样;B. otherwise否则;C. instead相反;D. yet还。根据“Mum says I'd go to trade school and work.”并结合上文Fran没再来辅导可知,此处指Fran认为自己“无论如何”也不能上大学。故选A项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她抬起头,眼里的痛苦使我震惊。A. enthusiasm热情;B. pity遗憾,可惜;C. pain痛苦;D. flames火焰。根据下文Fran说的话“I wanted badly to go to college”可知,当作者问她“Is that what you want?”时,她眼睛里应是“痛苦”。故选C项。 5. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:老实说,我不知道说什么。A. Surprisingly令人惊讶地;B. Generally一般地,通常地;C. Honestly诚实地;D. Strangely奇怪地。此处指“老实说”。故选C项。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:关于大学作用的陈词滥调当时显得很空洞。A. vague模糊的;B. practical实用的;C. natural自然的;D. empty空洞的,无意义的。根据前一句“I didn't know what to say”可知,此处指陈词滥调的那些大道理当时显得很“空洞”。故选D项。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,我转向权威。A. authority权威;B. argument争论;C. standard标准;D. consensus舆论。根据下文作者说的话“Fran, you must pass my class.”可知,作者用作为老师的“权威”让Fran继续上课。故选A项。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以明天午饭时间我期待着你。A. requiring需要;B. instructing命令,指导;C. expecting期待;D. checking检查。上文提到作者在午饭时间辅导Fran,所以此处指明天午饭时间作者“期待”着Fran。故选C项。 9. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有借口。A. explanation解释;B. excuse借口,理由;C. escape逃脱;D. way方法。根据上文作者对Fran说的话“you must pass my class”可知,此处作者说不要有“借口”。故选B项。 10. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:当Fran出现时,我对她说:“如果你想,你可以上大学。”A. dutifully忠实地,尽职尽责地;B. consistently一贯地;C. cheerfully欢乐地,愉快地;D. accidentally偶然地。根据上文“She nodded”可知,Fran答应继续接受辅导,此处指Fran“忠实于”自己的话,午饭时间出现了。故选A项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Fran出现时,我对她说:“如果你想,你可以上大学。”A. work工作;B. class课堂;C. school学校;D. college大学。根据下文“You're getting much better at writing.”及“insisting she consider college”可知,作者坚持认为Fran应该上大学,此处是鼓励她如果想就可以“上大学”。故选D项。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是她一直沉默。A. calm冷静的;B. silent沉默的;C. clumsy笨拙的;D. still仍然。根据“I wasn't getting through to her.”可知,面对作者的话,Fran一直保持“沉默”。故选B项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:反思之后,我改变了方法。A. approach方法;B. attitude态度;C. decision决定;D. principle原则。根据下一句“Instead of insisting she consider college”可知,作者不再一味劝她考虑上大学,所以此处指改变了“方法”。故选A项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不再一味坚持让她考虑大学,我帮助她描绘大学生活是什么样的。A. relate使……有联系;B. experience经历,体验;C. picture描绘,想象;D. reflect反映。此处指作者帮助Fran“描绘、想象”大学的生活。故选C项。 15. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:在毕业典礼上,当她走过舞台时我自豪地看着。A. through通过;B. across穿过;C. over翻过,越过;D. beyond超过。此处指Fran“走过”舞台,应使用across,强调在某物表面上的的运动。故选B项。 16. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:典礼之后,我停留了一会儿祝贺几个学生。A. turned around转身;B. looked on旁观;C. held back组织,保留;D. stuck around停留。根据“congratulate several students”可知,典礼结束后作者没有离开,“停留”了一会儿。故选D项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Fran跑向我:“Jackson先生,我感谢你信任我。”A. choosing选择;B. trusting信任;C. comforting安慰;D. persuading说服。根据上文作者的言行及下文“but no one told me I could except you”可知,作者“相信”Fran能上大学。故选B项。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当时我对Fran如此自豪,所以它经常提醒我,我们做事情的意义是什么。A. confident自信的;B. certain肯定的;C. thoughtful体贴的;D. proud自豪地。根据上文“At graduation, I watched proudly as she marched ___15___ the stage.”可知,作者为Fran感到自豪,此处是词汇复现。故选D项。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当时我对Fran如此自豪,所以它经常提醒我,我们做事情的意义是什么。A. informs通知;B. warns警告;C. reminds提醒;D. convinces使信服。此处指“提醒”我们做事情的意义是什么。故选C项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:学校应该是学生发现他们有什么选择并扩大他们的选择的地方。A. transform转变;B. simplify简化;C. share分享;D. expand扩大。根据文章内容,Fran坚持学业后,能够自己选择上大学,所以此处指学校是个“扩大”选择的地方。故选D项。

    Set your clocks for 4:32 pm(eastern time)on May 27th, 2020. If everything goes as planned, a rocket will launch from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

1. So what’s the big deal? The big deal is collection of firsts set to blast off on the 27th of May. The first humans carried aboard a rocket developed by a private company. The first humans aboard a reusable rocket.

Ever since the opening days of the space age, NASA has designed, built, and flown its very own rockets, and capsules. 2. The privately-held company Space X will be providing the big rocket boost(加湿器)needed to get NASA’s astronauts to the space, aboard a Falcon 9 rocket topped with a Dragon crew capsule.

3. It is trying to make access to space cheaper, chiefly through the use of reusable rockets- once the payload is delivered into orbit, bring the rocket back down the Earth and polish it up for another ride.

In the meantime, NASA has spent the past decade in a highly bureaucratic version of hell. After the sad end of the space shuttle program in 2011, the American space agency was forced to rent seats on Russian made and Russian launched Soyuz rockets to get astronauts up to the International Space Station.

4. And now, if everything goes as planned on May 27th, we will make human access to space cheaper, more reliable, and absolutely easier. 5. Space tourism? Moon bases? I would say that the sky is limit, but the sky is just the start.

A.But this time, it’s different.

B.Rockets go off all the time from the Earth.

C.This made for great wounded national pride.

D.Most of the astronauts haven’t made it up into space.

E.Space X has spent the past decades working tirelessly.

F.NASA has been developing a new space launch system.

G.It’s impossible to say what kind of revolutions that might lead to.



    Although you can possibly get by as a tourist in weeks, mastering a language is a long-term commitment taking years, not months. The FSI has classified languages in degrees of difficulty for English speakers. Chinese takes approximately 88 weeks or 2,200 hours ranking top 5 along with Arabic, Korean and Japanese.

Each Chinese dialect is effectively another language but Mandarin(Putonghua in Chinese, which means the common language)is considered the official tongue in modern China. They all share roughly one evolving writing system, referred to as written language invented for administering a large, diverse empire.

To complicate(使复杂)the matter further, there are two main types of written Chinese characters under the same writing system: the traditional Chinese used in Hong Kong and Taiwan and the simplified Chinese in mainland China. For example, fly is written as in traditional Chinese and in simplified Chinese. They’re basically the same character written in two different ways but pronounced differently when spoken in different dialects.

Each written word when spoken is mutually incomprehensible between a Mandarin speaker in Beijing and a Cantonese speaker in Hong Kong. If you think that’s odd, consider our number system: the symbol “9” is universally recognized but it’s pronounced “nine” in English and “devet” in Slovenian.

Every word must be memorized separately as you can’t guess its pronunciation from the script-but one could say the same of English if you consider plough, dough and tough.

Meanwhile, dictionaries list words according to stroke(笔画)count. These go from one to over 60 strokes. The archaic character zhé- which appropriately, means “verbose” - has 64 strokes.

And then there are the pronunciation challenges. There are four tones in Mandarin: high pitch (say G in a musical scale), rising pitch(like from C to G), falling(from G to C)and falling low then rising(C to B to G)- and if you think that’s difficult, there are nine tones in Cantonese. In Mandarin, there is a whole poem, “The Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den” with just the syllable “shi” repeated 107 times in various tones. In other words, if you are tone-deaf you might as well give up now.

1.What do all Chinese dialects have in common?

A.They were invented by the emperor.

B.They have the same writing system.

C.They evolve in the same way.

D.They serve the same purpose.

2.Why does the author mention the symbol “9” in Paragraph 4?

A.To prove different pronunciations of Chinese dialects

B.To indicate the similarities in all languages.

C.To show that Chinese is an odd language.

D.To compare English with Slovenian.

3.What challenge does the author think is difficult to overcome?

A.Complicated scripts and strokes.

B.Different types of characters.

C.Various tones.

D.Too many dialects.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Chinese has different dialects.

B.Chinese is very difficult to learn.

C.Chinese is an ever-developing language.

D.Chinese sounds like music and poems.



    Ever since the beginning of human civilization, we are trying to reduce manual efforts by making simple to extremely complex machines. The next step in the same process is robotics and automation. Robotics and automation is a field with abundant potential. It expands its scope from household applications to solving mysteries of the Universe to curing untreatable medical conditions.

Up until the beginning of 2020, robots of any kind are made up of nor-living materials. Recently scientists from the University of Vermont & Tufts University introduced Xenobots, which have opened a whole new Universe for this field. Xenobots are the world’s first living and self-healing microbots. These robots are designed with the help of computer-generated- evolutionary algorithm(算法). The living cells used for its creation are skin, heart and stem cell from the African frog embryos(胚胎).

These microbots are very basic in nature, made up entirely from the organic substance. They can move forward, turn around, spin in circles and flip over. They are smaller than a millimetre and can travel inside the human body. Just imagine the possibilities we will have, once scientist is able to teach Xenobots to do the desired task. One day they even might be able to fight cancer cells. They will be able to clear microplastics in the oceans and lots more.

But if these bots are a life form, why are we calling them robots? This is because scientists are designing them to move or work according to their wills. A certain arrangement for skin and heart cells in an Xenobot will make it move in a straight line, while a different arrangement of the same cells will be required to move them in circular motions.

Xenobots are positively a great step. Scientists are also calling them a brand new life form on the planet. The future is unseen but is undoubtedly full of countless possibilities.

1.Which of the following is the potential of the robotics?

A.Making complex machines. B.Reducing manual efforts.

C.Expanding our scopes. D.Clearing space mysteries.

2.Where do Xenobots differ from the other previous robots?

A.In nature. B.In size. C.In movement. D.In materials.

3.What are Xenobots able to do already now?

A.Travel inside the human body. B.Create new life.

C.Fight cancer cells. D.Clear microplastics in the oceans.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the future of Xenobots?

A.Doubtful. B.Positive. C.Ambiguous. D.Disapproving.



    The cub(幼兽)learned quickly. If he met mother hen he would become angry, remembering the pecks on his nose from his first day out of a cave.

Famine came again and for a while, neither mother or cub had anything to eat. Then one day, She-wolf brought home some meat! It was strange stuff, different from anything the cub had smelled or tasted before. And it was for him! Little could he know that his mother had taken the left fork by the stream, by the lair of the lynx(山猫巢穴), and stolen kitten. As he finished his meal, he heard his mother snarling(咆哮)in strange and terrible way. He shivered with fear.

The lynx was mad with anger at the loss of her child and she had tracked She-wolf to her cave.

In the glare of the afternoon light, the lynx crouched at the cave entrance. A coarse scream left no doubt what she meant to do. The cub and his mother were trapped!

The lynx threw herself inside the cave, and She-wolf leaped upon her.

Snarling and howling, the two mothers fought like crazy, the lynx pulling and tearing with her teeth and claws, She-wolf using her teeth alone.

Seeing his mother in such danger, the cub sank his teeth into the wild cat’s leg. Although he didn’t know it, this is probably what saved their lives. The lynx beat at the cub, tearing his shoulder, but he had slowed her down. After a brief, cruel fight, She-wolf put an end to her once and for all.

They had won, but at a price.

The cub licked his mother’s wounds. He knew she was weak and sick. For a week she never left the cave.

Then at last, her strength returned and she was ready to hunt again. This time, the cub went with her. She-wolf noticed a change in her child. He had complete faith in himself from their victory over the lynx. They had fought a wild cat and lived!

The cub now knew another law of the wild-eat or to be eaten: kill or to be killed.

1.What can be inferred about the cub from Paragraph 1 and 2?

A.A mother hen once attacked him.

B.He shared the meat with She-wolf.

C.The cub didn’t like the strange meat.

D.He could obtain meat secretly.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “crouched” in Paragraph 4?

A.Fought. B.Tracked. C.Hid. D.Trapped.

3.What mostly helped She-wolf and the cub win the fight against the lynx?

A.The lynx fighting with her teeth and claws.

B.The cub biting into the leg of the lynx.

C.The three being wounded seriously.

D.She-wolf using her sharp teeth.

4.What did the cub get from the victory?

A.Carefulness. B.Strength. C.Friendship. D.Confidence.



    Rainforest is scattered along Australia’s east coast in western Tasmania, and small pockets across north Australia from Cape York to the Kimberley. Most of Australia’s rainforest-over million hectares -is in Queensland.

Where can see rainforest?

You can see rainforest in many national parks in Queensland. Some parks have facilities for bushwalking; others are suitable only for experienced walkers. If you would like to know more about rainforest, check with your local Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service Office.

Threats to survival

Weeds, fire, wild animals(pigs, dogs and cats), clearing for residential development, and visitor pressures(eg. littering)threaten remaining rainforest biodiversity.

Fragmented rainforest is particularly under threat. Private landholders who have rainforest habitat on their property can help conserve this special ecosystem and the many plant and animal species living within it.

How you can help

Stay on walking tracks. Delicate ground cover plants are easily trampled.

Clean your boots beforehand to avoid introducing soil virus.

Remember, everything is protected. Don’t pick, break or remove any plants.

Don’t feed native animals. Feeding is harmful and may lead to aggressive behavior.

Leave the rainforest as you found it. Take your rubbish home with you. Buried rubbish uncovered by forest animals can harm them.

Leave your pets at home. They are not allowed in national parks and can chase, scare and kill animals.

If you camp within the park disturb the forest floor as little as possible. Don’t cut trees for tent poles or clear plants around your campsite.

Only use fuel stoves when cooking in rainforests Nutrient recycling is critical in a rainforest so gathering leaf litter and dead branches for fires can cause damage.

Don’t use soap, toothpaste, sunscreen or detergent in waterways. They pollute the water and harm aquatic animals.

1.How can you appreciate the rainforest in Queensland?

A.By building facilities in the national parks.

B.By accumulating experience of walking.

C.By bushwalking in the national parks.

D.By checking with the local people.

2.Which of the following contributes to the conservation if you are in the rainforest?

A.Gathering dead branches for firewood.

B.Cleaning your boots while walking.

C.Burying rubbish in the rainforest.

D.Keeping on the paths.

3.What is forbidden in the rainforest?



C.Walking your dog.

D.Washing your hands.



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