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Reasons why you should learn first aid A...

Reasons why you should learn first aid

A first aid course only takes a matter of hours to complete but supplies you with all of the knowledge you require to handle an emergency. 1.. Actually, there are more benefits if you take crucial (关键的) first aid practices.

2.. Just imagine for a second that somebody was in a life-threatening condition and your quick actions saved their lives. What a great feeling to wake up to, remembering that you have prolonged someone’s life and allowed them to spend many more happy years with their loved ones.

Having the ability to help family and friends in need. When a member of your family or a friend injures himself or herself, there’s nothing worse than feeling helpless. In your first aid training, you can learn how to treat a variety of medical conditions and injuries. This means that when someone is in need, you will know exactly what to do. 3..

Earning the respect of your fellow colleagues. 4.. They will most certainly be grateful for all of your help, because you have provided the correct treatment at an early stage and they can recover quickly. This will reduce the number of days they are absent.

Gaining new responsibilities. Your role as a first-aider is very important especially in high-risk working environments where employees are operating heavy machines or working at a great height. 5.. More importantly, your skills will be highly valued to prevent potential accidents.

A.But that’s not all

B.Getting more confidence

C.You will be the go-to person in times of need

D.Having the pride you will feel if you help save someone

E.We all know that accidents happen

F.Your knowledge of first aid will increase their chance of making a quick recovery

G.Stepping in to help your colleagues will have a greater effect than you might expect


1.A 2.D 3.F 4.G 5.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。作者在文章中说明了几点我们应该学习急救知识的原因。 1. 空格前句子说明当你处理紧急情况时,急救课程能够提供给你所需要的全部知识,这是在说明急救课程的益处。空格后句子说明如果你采取了关键的急救措施,还会给你带来更多益处。分析前后句关系,后句是对前句急救带来益处的补充说明,A项But that’s not all(但那并不是全部)切题,能够起到承上启下的作用。故选A项。 2. 分析文章结构可知,空格处为段落主旨句,根据第二段关键句“What a great feeling to wake up to, remembering that you have prolonged someone’s life and allowed them to spend many more happy years with their loved ones.”可知延长某人的生命是一种非常棒的感觉。D选项Having the pride you will feel if you help save someone.(如果你拯救了某人的生命,你会感觉到自豪。)切题,能够概括本段内容。故选D项。 3. 根据空格前句子可知,如果你参加了急救训练,就意味着当有人需要帮助时,你会准确的知道要做什么。F选项Your knowledge of first aid will increase their chance of making a quick recovery.(你的急救知识会增加他们快速康复的机会。)切题,能够承接上文。故选F项。 4. 本段主旨句为“Earning the respect of your fellow colleagues.”(赢得同事们的尊重。)G选项Stepping in to help your colleagues will have a greater effect than you might expect.(帮助你的同事给你带来的影响比你所能想象的更大。)切题,符合本段主题,选项中的colleagues与主旨句中的colleagues相呼应。故选G项。 5. 空格前句说作为一名急救员,你的角色非常重要。空格后句说你的急救能力在预防潜在事故方面被高度重视。C选项You will be the go-to person in times of need.(在有需要的时候,你将成为不可或缺的人。)切题,能够进一步说明你的急救员角色的重要性。故选C项。

    Writing poetry can seem frightening. However, with the right inspiration and approach, you can write a poem that you can be proud to share with others in class or with your friends.

A poem might start as a piece of a verse, a line or two that seems to come out of nowhere, or an image (景象) you cannot get out of your head. You can find inspiration for your poem by doing writing exercises and using the world around you. Once you have inspiration, you can then shape your thoughts into a poem.

You may also be inspired by going for a walk in your neighborhood or to your favorite spot in the city. You may observe people on a park bench or in a public square as the inspiration for a poem. You could try writing a poem about a person who is important to you in your life, such as your mother or your best friend. You could use the person as inspiration for your poem.

You can start your poem by focusing on a specific theme or idea that you find attractive or interesting. Picking a specific theme or idea to focus on in the poem can give your poem a clear goal or point. This can make it easier for you to limit what images and descriptions you are going to write around the theme of “love and friendship”. You may then think about specific moments in your life when you experienced love and friendship based on your relationships with others.

There are many different poetic forms that you can use, from free verse (自由诗) to sonnet to rhyming couplet. You may go for a poetic form that you find easy to use, such as free verse or a form that you find more challenging, such as sonnet. Choose one poetic form and stick to that structure so your poem feels cohesive (连贯的) to your readers.

1.According to the author, the key point of writing a poem is         .

A.knowledge B.experiences

C.skills D.inspiration

2.Why does author suggest writing poems around the theme of “love and friend”?

A.Such poems will be full of imagination.

B.Such poems will be the most attractive.

C.It makes it easier to start with.

D.It can strengthen the relationships.

3.If you’re a beginner at writing poems, you’d better choose ________.

A.free verse B.nursery rhyme

C.rhyming couplet D.sonnet

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.Some forms of poems.

B.Some tips on how to write poems.

C.The author’s experience of writing poems.

D.Some tips to overcome the fear of writing poems.



    Endurance (耐力) cyclist Mark Beaumont has announced plans to go around the world in 80 days on his bike, which would break the present record. To be successful, Beaumont will have to complete the 18,000 mile route in less than half the time he took when he set the record nine years ago. He will also have to knock about 40 days off the present world record.

Beaumont, 34, will begin his difficult journey on 2 July and will have to travel 240 miles a day to get around the world on time. Beaumont set the world record in 2008, completing his cycle around the globe in 194 days.

As a warm-up to the trip, he will first cycle around the coastline of Britain. The 3,500-mile, 15-day training ride will be at “80 days” pace and will see Beaumont cycle for 16 hours and 240 miles per day.

The cyclist said his average day would see him on the bike at 4:00 and riding for four sets of four hours with half-hour breaks in between. “I’ll get off the bike at 9:30 at night, get some sleep until the alarm goes off at 3:30 and then get back on the bike.”

He said: “I cycled around the world nine years ago but that was unsupported, wild man-style, trying to find clean water and a place to sleep. This time it is Tour De France-style. I have a support team behind me and it is just about performance. That makes a huge difference.”

Beaumont said he thought cycling round the world “sounds like a good idea”. He said he had cycled across Scotland as a 12-year-old boy and had been doing endurance rides for the past 20 years. “I know what I’m taking on,” he said. “It scares me, but I believe this is possible.”

1.What’s the present around-the-world-cycling record?

A.About 40 days. B.80 days.

C.About 120 days. D.194 days.

2.What’s Beaumont’s plan for his coming world tour?

A.He will take part in a 15-day training first.

B.He cycles16 hours and 240 miles per day.

C.He starts cycling at 3:30 am every day.

D.He will have two breaks during the cycling every day.

3.Compared with the 2008 world tour, the advantage of the coming tour is that ________.

A.Beaumont has a support team

B.it will probably cost less money

C.Beaumont needn’t find places to sleep

D.the cycling equipment is more advanced

4.How did Beaumont feel about the coming world tour?

A.Excited. B.Scared.

C.Confident. D.Uncertain.



    Last winter, I visited my sister and brother-in-law’s house and had to park in a nearby parking lot because they didn’t have accessible parking. The snow was extremely heavy and there was lots of ice on the ground — not many people had ventured out that evening!

When I returned to my car around 11pm, I noticed that only my car was left there. Nervously, I quickly got into the car and let it warm up a bit. When I finally tried to drive away, my wheels began to spin. I was stuck! I spun and spun and wondered what to do.

All of a sudden, in my rear view mirror (后视镜), I saw four teen-aged boys approaching my car. They were walking side by side in a line and dressed a bit like gang members — at least I thought that’s what they looked like. My car was in a very isolated area and I began to panic. I was certain they were coming to my car to harm me. Terrified, I just froze. One of the young men tapped on my window and said “Excuse me, Ma’am, can we help you? You seem stuck.” Still afraid and fearing the worst, I said “I am stuck.” And the young man said “It’s okay, stay in your car and we’ll push you out of the snow.” And they did!

When they finally got me out of the snow, they smiled and waved. I rolled down my window and thanked them, embarrassed to have judged them so poorly.

1.What happened to the author when she wanted to drive home?

A.Her car wouldn’t start up.

B.Her car was stuck in the icy snow.

C.She was lost in the darkness.

D.She was too cold to drive away.

2.Why did the author just freeze when seeing four boys walking toward her?

A.She was afraid of being harmed.

B.She sat in her car for too long.

C.She was cold on that freezing evening.

D.She knew they would rob her of the car.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the young men?

A.One of the four teenagers was a gang member.

B.They were all from a military school.

C.They wanted to give the author a hand.

D.They enjoyed pushing cars out of the snow.

4.Which of the following words can best describe the author’s feeling at last?

A.Terrified and upset.

B.Worried and hopeless.

C.Happy but sorry.

D.Thankful but ashamed.



    Are you planning for your first ever international trip? No worries! We have a list of places that are perfect for first-time getaways.


Bali, is a most charming place. Photographs cannot describe the beauty of its beaches, coral reefs, temples and forest areas. The temples, especially Tanah Lot, are quite a sight. The Mt. Batur is another amazing experience.

Top attractions: Tanah Lot, Kuta Beach, Nusa Dua and Jimbaran Beach.


Maldives is an amazing beach destination. Here you can spend quality time away from the city life. Its bright blue shoreline, clean air and white sand can make you start feeling as if you had landed in heaven. Then you get on a seaplane to the hotel that you have booked. The seaplane journey is an adventure that helps you see some of the most beautiful islands.

Top attractions: water sports, beach and outdoor activities, local markets and more.


Whether you are into scenic beauty, adventure, or food, this island will not disappoint you. Mark Twain said, “Mauritius was made first and then heaven.” You can spend an evening in Port Louis and have dinner in Namaste Restaurant. Spend all the other days visiting only the beaches. If you are visiting Ile Aux Cerfsensure you reach the island as early as possible as it closes at 4 pm.

Top attractions: Grand Bay, Blue Bay, skydiving and bird watching.


Classical buildings stand all with elegant skyscrapers (摩天大楼) all around the island-city, mixing perfectly with fancy shopping malls. This small country has good enough places for your 5-6 days’ stay.

Top attractions: shopping, street foods, museums and theme parks.

1.If you are interested in waterskiing, which place is the best choice?

A.Bali. B.Singapore

C.Mauritius. D.Maldives.

2.What is special about Mauritius?

A.Its skydiving and birdwatching usually attract many visitors.

B.Mark Twain loved it more than any other places.

C.Its capital Port Louis is not open at daytime.

D.Ile Aux Cerfs is not open until 4pm.

3.They all have beautiful beaches in common except ________.








Suzhou,May 2020:According to a government's plan,all major cities in China are expected to start garbage classification this year, and the system should be completed and functioning by the end of 2025.The city of Suzhou has thus acted and related campaigns have been launched and flourishing throughout the neighborhoods.

In a summer camp,one of the events,a group of adolescents visited several waste treatment plants where they gained a better understanding of methods of sorting and recycling organic waste,sewage(生活污水)and sludge(生活污物)。In another event,a team of residents.and a team of students from a local college had a debate on"Should Practice of Garbage Classification Rely More on Law Enforcement or Moral Consciousness'.Many residents watched the debate and acquired a good knowledge of garbage classification in the process.Still another community offered the local administrative staff working on garbage disposal(处置)and environmental protection and staff from the local property management company a chance to visit a community in Wujiang District,Suzhou to learn experience for more efficient garbage classification.








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