满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One spring, two friends and I sought per...

    One spring, two friends and I sought permission to plant a garden. Our school was located in the downtown area of a large city. There wasn’t_______of a backyard._______ , it was our garden, a stone-covered dirt parking lot with no extra space. However, we carefully_______taking into account the area that received the best sunshine.

The three of us_______the headmaster with our plan for a small area to plant some squash, tomatoes and cucumbers. The only real _______  involved was to rent a rake(), a pickax(丁字镐), and a hoe(锄头). However,_______ the headmaster’s permission would still be difficult. We will never forget his _______ to our request. With a slightly bored tilting (偏斜) of his head, he _______ replied, “ You are wasting your time. Nothing will ever grow there! But go ahead _______ you still want to.”

We had received permission_______ ! So what if it wasn’t enthusiastic? We rented tools, raked four inches of stones into neat walls _______ the garden, raised the pickax and _______what must have been a former waste area. A gardener dream-dark, rich soil just sitting there_______ to be discovered. We looked at each other, repeating together: “Ah, nothing will grow there.” As you might have_______ by now, things did grow there in our garden.

Have you ever _______ that way about your life-Nothing will grow there… Have you felt  _______ about your life’s progress? Worried about crop failure? Disappointed that nothing good ever seems to  _______ ? Don’t believe that “Nothing will grow there”. It’s never too  _______ to be who you might have been. You may not always see the _______ for growth, but it is there. All the rich soil you need may be left just _______ the surface, but can only be discovered after you begin digging.

1.A.more B.little C.much D.less

2.A.Suddenly B.Now C.Again D.Actually

3.A.carried out B.laid out C.gave out D.made out

4.A.greeted B.ignored C.approached D.lectured

5.A.cost B.reward C.bargain D.bonus

6.A.allowing B.getting C.granting D.adopting

7.A.promise B.tease C.response D.result

8.A.warmly B.coldly C.readily D.hesitantly

9.A.if B.unless C.even if D.as if

10.A.at most B.at least C.at first D.at last

11.A.separating B.setting C.establishing D.outlining

12.A.carved B.landed C.struck D.smoothed

13.A.waiting B.staring C.glancing D.lying

14.A.wished B.guessed C.liked D.planned

15.A.lost B.made C.followed D.felt

16.A.discouraged B.excited C.puzzled D.awkward

17.A.go up B.bring up C.come up D.pile up

18.A.hard B.easy C.early D.late

19.A.potential B.foundation C.vision D.strategy

20.A.beyond B.beneath C.above D.off


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章讲述了作者在花园里种菜的故事,论述了做回自己永远都不晚的观点。 1. 考查固定搭配。句意:那里算不上有后院。A. more更多的;B. little小的;C. much大量的;D. less次要的。not much of算不上,称不上,是固定搭配,根据上文可知,这里是城市,可以推测算不上有后院。故选C项。 2. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:实际上,这是我们的花园,石头覆盖的泥土停车场,没有多余的空间。A. Suddenly突然;B. Now现在;C. Again再一次;D. Actually事实上。根据前一句话,以及所填空后面都在说其实那个地方很荒芜,因此是顺承关系,应填actually事实上。故选D项。 3. 考查动词词组辨析。句意:然而,我们仔细规划了能接收到最好的阳光的地区。A. carried out实施;B. laid out规划;设计;C. gave out放弃;D. made out辨认出。根据文章内容可知作者想要在花园种菜,所以仔细规划能接收到最好阳光的地区。故选B项。 4. 考查固定搭配。句意:我们三个人带着我们的计划去找校长,打算在一小块地方种些南瓜、西红柿和黄瓜。A. greeted问候;B. ignored忽视;C. approached接近;D. lectured授课。approach sb. about/with sth.表示为某事同某人打交道,是固定搭配。此处是为了在花园种菜去询问校长。故选C项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:唯一真正的成本是租一个耙,一把丁字镐,和一个锄头。A. cost花费; B. reward奖励;C. bargain讨价还价;D. bonus奖金。根据后面给的是租用的各种农具,因此这里是唯一真正的成本。故选A项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,得到校长的许可仍然很困难。A. allowing允许;B. getting得到;C. granting准许;D. adopting收养。根据后面校长说的话可以推测得到校长的允许并不是简单的事。故选B项。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们永远不会忘记他对我们请求的答复。A. promise许诺;B. tease戏弄;C. response回答;D. result结果。根据后文permission许可,以及后面的replied,可以推测,这里是校长的回应。故选C项。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他微微倾斜他的头,冷冷地回答道:“你这是在浪费你的时间。” A. warmly温暖地;B. coldly冷漠地;C. readily准备好地;D. hesitantly怀疑地。根据校长歪着头说这只是浪费时间,可以推断,校长并不看好他们,故是冷漠地说。故选B项。 9. 考查条件状语从句引导词。句意:但如果你们还想,就去吧。A. if如果;B. unless除非;C. even if即使;D. as if好像。由if引导的条件状语从句表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生。这里是条件状语从句“如果你们还是想做的话,就做吧”。故选A项。 10. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们终于得到了许可! A. at most至多;B. at least至少;C. at first最初;D. at last最后。根据前面说得到校长的允许并不是简单的事,校长不认可的态度,以及感叹号,可知,这里是“最终我们得到了允许”。故选D项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们租了一些工具,把四英寸长的石头耙成整齐的围墙,勾勒出花园的轮廓,举起镐,敲击着这块从前可能是荒地的地方。A. separating分离;B. setting放置; C. establishing建立;D. outlining画……的轮廓。所填空的逻辑主语是六英寸的石头做成的墙,以及宾语是花园可知,这里是用墙显现出花园的轮廓。故选D项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们租了一些工具,把四英寸长的石头耙成整齐的围墙,勾勒出花园的轮廓,举起镐,敲击着这块从前可能是荒地的地方。A. carved雕刻;B. landed降落;C. struck撞击;D. smoothed缓和。后面 pickax的是锄头,我们举起了锄头,把锄头重重地锤在了原来是空地或者费地的地方,我们的花园梦等待着我们发现。故选C项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个园丁的梦想,只是坐在那里等待肥沃的黑土壤被发现。A. waiting等待;B. staring盯着;C. glancing瞥一眼;D. lying平躺。根据我们是在实现造花园的梦想可知,这里应该是等待肥沃的黑土壤被发现。故选A项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你现在可能已经猜到了,我们的园子里确实长了些东西。A. wished希望;B. guessed猜测;C. liked喜欢;D. planned计划。by now到目前为止,以及后面说最后有东西长出来了,可知,这里是我想你读到现在应该猜到。故选B项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你是否曾有过这样的感觉——在那里什么也长不出来……你是否对生活的进步感到沮丧? A. lost遗失;B. made制造;C. followed跟随;D. felt感到。根据 that后面是way,特指像前面作者造花园的心境,以及下面的句子再次出现felt,可知,这里是“你在生活中也经历过那种心境吗?” 故选D项。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你是否曾有过这样的感觉——在那里什么也长不出来……你是否对生活的进步感到沮丧? A. discouraged灰心的;B. excited激动的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. awkward尴尬的。根据这里讲的是nothing will grow there此类受挫的经历,可知是对生活的进步感到沮丧。故选A项。 17. 考查动词词组辨析。句意:因为没有什么好东西出现而感到失望? A. go up增长;B. bring up提出;C. come up出现;D. pile up堆放起来。根据句意可知这里是没什么好事发生。come up可以表示发生、出现。故选C项。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:做回自己,永远都不晚。A. hard努力的;B. easy容易的;C. early早的;D. late晚的。根据前面在分享自己被他人否定,心灰意冷的经历,可知,这里是告诉大家做自己永远都不会迟。故选D项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:你可能不总是看到增长的潜力,但它是存在的。A. potential潜能;B. foundation基础;C. vision视力;D. strategy策略。see the potential for…看到……的可能,是固定结构。故选A项。 20. 考查介词辨析。句意:你所需要的肥沃土壤可能就在地表之下,但只有在你开始挖掘之后才能发现。A. beyond超过;B. beneath在……之下;C. above在……之上;D. off偏离。根据后面挖了之后才会出现可知,这里是埋在地下,因此是 beneath。故选B项。

—I lost five pounds just after a week on this new diet. It's definitely worth a try.

—Right, _____. I definitely need to get in shape for my school reunion.

A.You have my words B.I don’t buy it C.You’ve sold it to me D.I just can’t help it



Beijing has abandoned setting a specific GDP target for this year and shifted its policy priority to ensuring employment, people’s livelihoods and the ________ of businesses.

A.survival B.proposal C.approval D.arrival



—Hopefully, China’s economic power is likely to increase in the years to come.

—Well, trust me, more and more foreigners ________ employment here.

A.seek B.are seeking C.will have sought D.will be seeking



Thompson’s business was originally ________ in size, but in recent years he has expanded it by opening scores of chain stores across the country.

A.modest B.grand C.full D.handsome



____ then what I know now, I would have made different decisions.

A.Should I know B.I knew C.I did know D.Had I known



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