满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: After reading the passage be...

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Voice for the Planet

It's the voice you notice first. In person, David Attenborough speaks in the same awestruck hush he has used in dozens of nature documentaries, a crisp half whisper 1. is often imitated but seldom matched. Sitting in his home in the Richmond neighbourhood of west London for one in a series of conversations, I feel obliged to drink  2. second cup of tea when he offers. It somehow seems wrong to say no.

In his native U. K. Attenborough is held in the kind of respect usually  3. (reserve) for royalty. Over decades - first as a television executive, then as a wildlife filmmaker and recently as a kind of elder statesman for the planet -- he has achieved near saintly(圣人的)status. He was knighted(封为骑士)by the Queen in 1985 and 4. (usually refer) to as Sir David.

Attenborough pioneered a style of wildlife film-making that brought viewers to remote landscapes and gave them a close perspective on the wonders of nature. In the autumn of his life, Attenborough has largely moved away from 5. these films are made but lends his storytelling abilities to wildlife documentaries in collaboration with filmmakers his storytelling abilities to wildlife documentaries in collaboration with filmmakers he has mentored. His most famous work, the 2006 BBC series Planet Earth, set a benchmark in the use of high-definition cameras and had a budget equal to 6. of a Hollywood movie. Among its highlights 7. (be) the first footage of a snow leopard, the impossibly rare Asian wildcat that hunts high in the Himalayas. More than a decade 8. it was first released, Planet Earth remains among the all-time best-selling nonfiction DVDs.

Now Attenborough is putting his voice and the weight of authority he has accumulated to greater moral purpose. In recent months he has stood 9. powerful audiences at the 2018 U. N. climate talks in Katowice, Poland, and the 2019 World Economic Forum at Davos, in Switzerland, to urge them into action on climate change. These kinds of event are not his chosen habitat, Attenborough tells TIME. "I would much prefer not to be a sign- 10. (carry) conservationist. My life is the natural world. But I can't not carry a placard(标语牌)if I see what's happening."


1.that/which 2.a 3.reserved 4.is usually referred 5.where 6.that 7.was 8.after 9.in front of 10.carrying 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者采访了给《行星地球》配音的David Attenborough,介绍了他的成就,并提到他为地球发声,在达沃斯等论坛发言,呼吁各国领导行动起来,保护地球。 1. 考查限定性定语从句。分析可知 is often imitated but seldom matched是限定性定语从句,先行词a crisp half whisper 指物,引导词在从句中做主语,应该用which或that引导这个定语从句。故填which/that。 2. 考查冠词。此处指“第二杯茶”,a cup of“一杯……”符合句意,故填a。 3. 考查过去分词做定语。分析可知本句的谓语动词是is held, reserve在句中做respect的后置定语为非谓语,reserve与逻辑主语respect之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应该用其过去分词形式,故填reserved。 4. 考查语态和时态。分析可知refer在句中做谓语动词,与主语He之间是被动关系,要用被动语态。根据状语usually(通常)可知这里要用一般现在时,故填is usually referred。 5. 考查连接副词。句意:在他生命的秋天,Attenborough已经很大程度上离开了这些电影的拍摄地。分析可知 ____5____ these films are made做介词from的宾语是一个宾语从句。结合句意,空格处在从句中做地点状语应该用连接副词where引导这个宾语从句,故填where。 6. 考查代词。句意:他最著名的作品是2006年英国广播公司(BBC)的《行星地球》(Planet Earth)系列,其在高清摄像机的使用方面树立了一个标杆,并且它的预算相当于一部好莱坞电影(的预算)。根据句意,空格处应该用一个代词来指代前文中的a budget, 此处是同类比较,结合空格处后的of可知这里应该填that。that of搭配在一起可以用来代替前面的某个内容。故填that。 7. 考查时态和主谓一致。分析可知Among its highlights ____7____ (be) the first footage of a snow leopard,是个倒装句,be在句中做谓语,the first footage of a snow leopard是主语,表示单数意义,谓语动词也要用单数。此句是关于the 2006 BBC series Planet Earth(2006年BBC的《行星地球》系列),发生在过去,所以时态为一般过去时。故填was。 8. 考查连词。句意:《行星地球》发行十多年后,它仍是有史以来最畅销的非小说类DVD之一。分析可知 it was first released是个从句,要用一个连词引导这个从句。根据句意,这里指的“《行星地球》发行十多年以后”,连词after意为“在……之后”符合句意,故填after。 9. 考查介词词组。句意:最近几个月,他在波兰卡托维兹举行的2018年联合国气候会谈和瑞士达沃斯举行的2019年世界经济论坛上,站在有影响力的听众面前,敦促他们就气候变化采取行动。根据句意,这里要表达的是“站在听众前”,in front of意为“在……前面”符合句意,故填in front of。 10. 考查现在分词。句意:我非常希望不要成为一个带有标志的环境保护主义者。修饰名词conservationist应该用形容词,所以空格处要和sign组成一个形容词表示“带有标志的”,故用其现在分词形式,故填carrying。

疫情之下,云游博物馆也成了年轻人足不出户领略文化的新潮流。假如你是李华,你的英国网友Lucy 发邮件给你,想知道你们现在的“虚拟博物馆”活动。请你给她写封电子邮件,告知相关内容。内容包括:



3. 推荐一个虚拟博物馆。




Dear Lucy,


Best wishes!


Li hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

There is no doubt whether attending college can not only enlarge our knowledge but also improved our ability. Colleges are considered as the most beautiful places in the world, where we are likely to take the possession of the most wonderful time in our life. However, it's a pity that some students waste the precious time in college. It is not until they look for jobs that they regret not working harder. I hope we will value every minute. Only in this way will we not regret it when look back at the past.



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

While buying things online, many of us rely on customer reviews to understand the usage and 1.performof a product. But many sellers are buying fake reviews to influence purchasing patterns. Review companies have 2.army of testers who post four - and five-star reviews on e-commerce platforms. More than 60,000 specialized testers throughout Europe write reviews quickly and 3.rely. Although Amazon 4.fight against fake reviews and has deleted some of them, the fake reviews won't stop 5. Amazon stops its practice of ranking products.



    How do doctors and hospitals decide who gets potentially lifesaving treatment and who doesn't? Facing this _______ position recently— who gets a ventilator(呼吸机) or a bed in hospital— Italian doctors sought advice on conscience and were told to consider a/an_______ . that draws on utilitarian(功利主义) principles.

In the words which are easy to understand, a utilitarianism approach would maximize(使最大化) overall health by directing _______ toward those most likely to _______ the most from it. If you had only one ventilator, it would go to someone more likely to _______.

In addition, they say pulling the _______ of front-line health care workers first is  _______to maximize the number of lives saved. We may _______ a shortage of such workers, and some have already fallen _______.

In a recent article in The New York Times, a British researcher said, “There are arguments about ________ the young over the old that I am personally very uncomfortable with,” he added. “Is a 20-year-old ________more valuable than a 50-ycar-old, or are 50-year-olds actually more useful for your economy, because they have ________ and skills that 20-ycars-olds don't have?”

Dr. Emanuel ________ with that statement: “The 20-rcar-old has lived fewer years of life; they have been seized of a full life ________. If they nearly have the same prediction of the course of the disease, then the fact that 20-year-old has not had a full life counts in their favor for getting ________ that are rare at this special moment.”

1.A.present B.difficult C.firm D.modern

2.A.approach B.concept C.structure D.order

3.A.money B.medicine C.operation D.care

4.A.suffer B.hear C.benefit D.differ

5.A.disappear B.survive C.breathe D.die

6.A.income B.health C.dream D.promise

7.A.moving B.temporary C.diverse D.necessary

8.A.face B.improve C.solve D.help

9.A.asleep B.silent C.ill D.apart

10.A.proving B.valuing C.promoting D.marking

11.A.really B.usually C.possibly D.casually

12.A.memory B.relatives C.experience D.friends

13.A.disagree B.declared C.struggled D.protested

14.A.with power B.on time C.in use D.by force

15.A.devices B.equipment C.materials D.resources



    Are you a bookworm? Is your head permanently stuck in a book? 1. There are many benefits to reading. Getting into a good novel improves our literacy. Bui who what encourages us to pick up a book and start reading?

Of course, when we are young, our parents and teachers inspire us by introducing us to characters that we love or hate. As a child, I loved books written by RoaldDahl, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Twits. 2. They are popular with children even today, despite competition from contemporary authors.

One modern-day children's author is J. K. Rowling, who's known for her books about the wizard, Harry Potter. 3. The UK's National Literacy Trust awarded her the title for “turning a generation of children into readers”.

4. It can also help people in difficult circumstances. The author Pat Winslow worked as a writer in prisons and found reading and discussing stories helped prisoners reflect on their patterns of behavior. She says, “very often we would have discussions about the moral compass of a character. What was the motivation of somebody? Why did they behave that way?”

Today I like to read factual books such as biographies, where you get an insight into the lives of important and well-known people. I also enjoy looking at travel books and learning about journeys and new destinations. 5.

A.If so, that's a good thing for you.

B.It's a good substitute if you can't visit in person.

C.Good writing can really capture our imagination.

D.Reading books is more than an enjoyable leisure time.

E.These fictional stories were funny, twisted and slightly evil.

F.Who are your favorite authors and which are your favorite books?

G.She was named as a "literacy hero" for improving people's love of reading.



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